Chapter 6 Cellular Respiration

Chapter 6 Cellular Respiration

C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + 36 ATP

glucose + oxygen ( carbon dioxide + water + energy

• Living things need energy to carry on life activities

o making complex compounds from simpler ones.

o moving some materials across membranes

o cells need energy just to stay alive.

• chemical energy is stored in food

• carbohydrates most commonly broken down for energy

• some energy is released as heat

• rest of energy from food stored in chemical form

• cellular respiration is an energy releasing process which takes place in all living things.

o both autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms

• ATP and ADP

• Adenosine triphosphate – high energy

• adenosine diphosphate – low energy

• structure of ATP

• Energy cycle of the cell

• ATP supplies the cell with the energy needed for cell work

• glucose is broken down

• energy is released

• energy used to attach a third phosphate to ADP

• energy is released when the third phosphate is detached from ATP

• ADP is regenerated for reuse.[pic]


• A continuous supply is needed for cells to stay alive

• carbohydrates – glucose- foods most commonly broken down for energy

• energy is released when food(fuel) is burned

• energy is released by chemical changes

• energy is released partially as heat – maintains body temperature

• energy releasing process is called cellular respiration

• energy is used by cells in the form of ATP

• ATP is packaged for slow gradual use

• ATP is adenosine triphosphate

• high energy bonds link phosphates to each other

• energy is transferred to another compound when the last phosphate group is removed and bonds to another compound

• Phosphorylation = transfer of energy from one compound to another – it is how energy is transferred in living cells

• when ATP is hydrolyzed (broken down ) – energy is released

• ADP has less energy than ATP

• Cellular respiration is a biochemical pathway

o a biochemical pathway is a sequence of chemical reactions that leads to a particular result in a living cell.

• Chemical reactions of cellular respiration require specific enzymes

• each enzyme requires the action of a COENZYME.

• the coenzyme acts as a hydrogen acceptor

• the coenzyme gains energy because it is carrying an extra hydrogen and electrons.

• Coenzymes of cellular respiration are:

o NAD+ nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide

o FAD flavin adenine dinucleotide

o each accepts hydrogen atoms

o in cellular respiration glucose is oxidized (loses electrons)

• Stages of cellular respiration

o glycolysis – does not require the presence of oxygen ever!

▪ takes place in the cytoplasm in ALL living things

▪ requires an investment of 2 ATP

▪ glucose is split into 2 three carbon sugars called PGAL (phosphoglyceraldehyde)

▪ through a series of enzyme catalyzed reactions, PGAL is converted to pyruvic acid and generates NADH and ATP during these reactions.

▪ produces as end products

• 2NADH ( hydrogen acceptors – coenzymes – energy carriers to the electron transport chain in the mitochondria)

• 2ATP (net gain)

• 2 pyruvic acid molecules


• Aerobic cellular respiration

o oxygen present

▪ pyruvic acid along with oxygen enter the mitochondria

▪ pyruvic acid molecules are broken down to yield CO2, and acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA)

▪ Acetly Co A enters the Krebs cycle reacting with oxaloacetate in the matrix of the mitochondria.

KREBS CYCLE: takes place in the mitochondrial matrix.

▪ each turn of krebs needs 1 molecule of aceyl Co A and yields 2 molecules of CO2 and 4 pair of H+ atoms

▪ H+ atoms are picked up by NAD+ and another energy carrier (hydrogen acceptor) FAD.



▪ both of these hydrogen acceptors carry energy to the electron transport chain.

▪ Yields: 2 turns (one for each pyruvic acid)

• 2 ATP



• CO2

ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN: takes place in the inner membrane of the mitochondria.

• energy releasing reactions

• organized system of enzymes and coenzymes in the inner mitochondrial membrane are involved

• NADH and FADH2 carry H+ into the ETC

• electrons from H+ are passed from one compound to another

• hydrogens give up electrons along the chain and molecules of ATP are formed from the energy released.

• H+ gradient formed and as they fall through ATP ase , an enzyme complex in the mitochondrial inner membrane, down the concentration gradient – the energy is used to convert ADP to ATP.

• oxygen is the final hydrogen acceptor at the end of the chain forming water. This is the “water of metabolism”.

• net result is a total gain of 32 molecules of ATP

o 32 ATP from electron transport

o 2 from Krebs

o 2 from glycolysis

o total = 36 molecules from aerobic cellular respiration


Pyruvic acid undergoes fermentation.

• Anaeorbic respiration – fermentation

• fermentation is the process where is no further release of energy after glycolysis.

• takes place in the absence of oxygen

• bacteria, yeast and muscle cells depleted of oxygen

o Two Types of anaerobic respiration/ fermentation:

▪ lactic acid fermentation – pyruvic acid in the absence of oxygen is converted to lactic acid.

• bacteria – yogurt

• muscle cells - cramps

▪ ethyl alcohol fermentation – pyruvic acid in the absence of oxygen is converted to ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide.

• yeast – beer and wine

• yeast – bread

• does not involve oxygen

• only ATP produced is the result of glycolysis

Tremendous amount of stored potential energy still locked up in the products of fermentation. Not as efficient as aerobic respiration.



breakdown of glucose



Cell Activities


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