BIO Lab 4: Cellular Respiration

Cellular RespirationAnd the Lord God formed man from the slime of the earth; and breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7Lab Report for: _______________________________Table 1 – CO2 Breathing Experiment Color of Solution Before BreathingColor of Solution After BreathingpHAcidic, Basic, or Neutral?ControlCO2 Breathing Exp.Table 2 – pH SolutionpHNeutral, Acidic or Basic?Lemon juice/vinegarHand/dish soapWindow/kitchen cleanerTable 3 – CO2 Production in SeedsTimeControlDry BeansPre-Soaked BeansColorpHColorpHColorpH0 hr1 hr2 hr3 hr4 hrDAY 1 QUESTIONSThe pH of a solution is a measure of how much acid or base is in that solution. When you tested household materials:Which solution(s) had a low pH?Which solution(s) had a high pH?Which solution(s) was/were acidic?Which solution(s) was/were basic?Which solution(s) was/were close to neutral?What is a pH Indicator and why is it used in experiments?What gas is produced as a waste product of cellular respiration? What gas is exhaled by the lungs as a waste product? CO2 breathing experiment:When CO2 is bubbled into a watery solution, what gas is it converted into?When this new gas is in solution does it make the solution acid, neutral or basic?Did your results in Table 1 confirm or counter your answer in “b”? Explain using your data from Table 1If germinating seeds do undergo cellular respiration, what changes would you expect to see in the pH indicator solution? (Hint: Recall the results of the CO2 breathing experiment.) DAY 2 QUESTIONSIn comparing the solution in the “Control” to the solution in the “Dry Beans” test tube:Was there a color change?What does this change, or lack of change indicate? Explain your answer.Do dry beans undergo cellular respiration? Support your answer using your data.In comparing the solution in the “Control” to the solution in the “Pre-Soaked Beans” test tube:Was there a color change?What does this change, or lack of change indicate? Explain your answer.Do pre-soaked beans undergo cellular respiration? Support your answer using your data.Experimental Design:In this experiment, we tested for the production of a chemical so that we could evaluate cellular respiration. What was this chemical?What solution did we use in order to detect this chemical?How did this solution detect this chemical?In a few sentences, write a conclusion statement regarding cellular respiration in dry beans vs. beans that had been pre-soaked. Make sure to include at least the following words (not necessarily in this order): Control, dry beans, germinating beans, pre-soaked (or soaked) beans, CO2, pH, pH indicator.This experiment was performed at room temperature. What do you expect would the results would be if the same experiment was performed in a greenhouse with tropical temperatures? Explain.A student performs the Cellular Respiration Experiment and obtains the results shown in the figure below. Answer the following: What is the purpose of the Control test tube?Should there be any change in the Control from Time 0 to Four Hours? Explain.Is the experiment valid? Can the results of the Soaked Beans be read and evaluated at Four Hours? Explain.What could account for a color change in the Control?Why is having a Control not only useful, but necessary?12763502794000 ................

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