College Materials

LAB 10. CELLULAR RESPIRATION: UNDERSTANDING CELLULAR RESPIRATIONStudent learning outcomes At the completion of this exercise, the student will be able to:Define cellular respirationRecite the equation for cellular respiration Describe glycolysis, and tell where in the cell it occurs.Define aerobic cellular respiration; include where in the cell the biochemical pathway occurs and the products formed.Define anaerobic cellular respiration.Describe the two common fermentation pathways, and tell what products are formed in each pathway.Explain the function of the electron transport pare the amount of ATP.Describe the interrelationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration.OVERVIEWLife is a conquest of energy that all begins with the sun. The radiant energy of sunlight is converted into chemical energy (primarily glucose) through photosynthesis. In turn, the glucose is used to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of living systems, through the process of cellular respiration. Plants and animals have a unique evolutionary relationship based upon each using the other’s products. As the results of photosynthesis, some bacteria algae, and plants produce oxygen as a waste product. In turn, the oxygen is a vital component in aerobic cellular respiration. The plants then use the CO2 produced in cellular respiration to ultimately build carbohydrate.In nature, two major types of cellular respiration have evolved.Some bacteria and fungi undergo anaerobic cellular respiration, which occurs in the absence of oxygen. The ancestors of anaerobic organisms first appeared on Earth approximately 3.5 billion years ago. Today, many species of anaerobic organisms abound. Anaerobic bacteria can be found in certain soils, sediments in bodies of water and the gut of some animals. Several species of anaerobic bacteria are responsible for disease such gangrene, tetanus, and botulism. Aerobic cellular respiration takes place in the presence of oxygen. The evolution of aerobic cellular respiration began approximately 2.7 billion years ago, and the vast majority of organisms on earth today are aerobic. The overall reaction of aerobic cellular respiration is the reverse of photosynthesis.Anaerobic and aerobic respiration both begin with a molecule of glucose produced through photosynthesis. With a few exceptions, the majority of living things undergo glucose metabolism to release the energy from the sun locked within a molecule of glucose. The first step in unlocking the energy within glucose is glycolysis. This complex pathway occurs anaerobically in the cytoplasm of a cell. Because glycolysis is common to life on earth, it arose early in the evolution of life. The end products of glycolysis are four molecules of ATP (two of which are recycled in further glycolysis), two molecules of NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a coenzyme), and two molecules of pyruvate. If pyruvate is metabolized in the cytoplasm anaerobically, the process is known as fermentation. If the pyruvate is shuttled into the mitochondrion, the process continues aerobically and is known as aerobic cellular respiration.Two significant types of fermentation reactions occur anaerobically: the alcoholic fermentation reaction and lactate fermentation reaction. In both reaction, pyruvate is reduced by NADH to form either ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH) or lactate ( C3H503). Both reaction produce two molecule of water and only two molecules of ATP. Combined with the two ATPs produced from glycolysis, the net yield of ATP during each reaction is only four molecules of ATP. Thus, anaerobic organisms have no “energy to spare”. That explains why anaerobic life forms cannot engage in a game of tennis or even “putt” around like a paramecium. Other types of commercially important microbial fermentation process yield acetone and methanol. AEROBIC CELLULAR RESPIRATIONOne of the most significant events in the history of life was the evolution of aerobic cellular respiration. In aerobic cellular respiration, the two molecules of pyruvate that result from glycolysis are converted further to two molecules of acetyl coenzyme A and two molecules of CO2 in a mitochondrion. This is the CO2 that you exhale. NAD+ facilitates the removal of electrons from pyruvate and forms two molecules of NADH. The acetyl coenzyme (CoA) carries the acetyl group.The acetyl group enters the citric acid cycle, or krebs cycle, named after the biochemist Hans Krebs. The citric acid cycle is a complex series of metabolic reactions occurring in the matrix of the mitochondrion. These reaction are enzymes-driven, and the products in one step of the reaction become the reactants in the next. The end products of the citric acid cycle are two molecules of ATP, four molecules of CO2, six molecules of NADH, and two molecules of FADH2 (flavin adenine dinucleotide).The final step of aerobic respiration occurs in the cristae of the mitochondrion and the plasma membrane of prokaryotes. This process is known as the electron transport chain. At the completion of the electron transport chain, typically 32 ATP molecules and water form. I the electron transport chain, oxygen serve as the final electron acceptor by combining with two hydrogen atoms to form water. The role of oxygen is responsible for the term aerobic cellular respiration (Fig.11 .1)ALCOHOL FERMENTATIONYeasts are unicellular organisms in kingdom Fungi that produce energy (ATP) anaerobically in a two-step pathway called the alcoholic fermentation reaction (Fig. 11.2). In the first step of the reaction, yeast chemically breaks down glucose into pyruvate in a series of metabolic reaction called glycolysis. A molecule of carbon dioxide (CO2) is then removed from the pyruvic acid. This leaves a two-carbon compound.In second step of the reaction, two hydrogen atoms from NADH and H+ are added to the two-carbon compound to form ethyl alcohol. The NADH is oxidized to form NAD+, an essential molecule that allows the glycolysis pathway to continue.Alcoholic fermentation is essential in making wine, beer, and bread. In making bred, the CO2 produced causes the bread dough to rise. The ethyl alcohol evaporates during baking. Have you ever eaten a slice of pizza or a piece of bread that smells a little of beer? The beer odor is a bit of residual alcohol that has not completely evaporated!A Tidbit from BiohistoryIn the mid 1800’s, a French winery that produced alcohol from the fermentation of sugar beets ran into a big problem: Its prized wine tasted like vinegar. The owner, Monsieur Bigo, contacted the renowned Louis Pasteur to come up with a solution to the problem. At that time no one, including Pasteur, really understood how sugar ferments into alcohol.Pasteur sampled a healthy vat of fermenting sugar beets and, to his surprise, noted health yeasts under the microscope. Next he examined a vat that contained poor-tasting wine. In this vat, instead of finding yeasts, he observed rod-shaped bacteria. These bacteria were collected and grown in a nutritive media. Pasteur determined that instead of producing alcohol as a byproduct, the bacteria produced lactic acid. Thus, with this discovery, Pasteur was able to save the French wine industry by ensuring that yeasts and not bacteria are introduced to wine-making vat.STUDENT ACTIVITY ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATIONDemonstrating alcoholic fermentation in yeastsThis activity has been designed to demonstrate alcoholic fermentation in yeasts (Fig. 11.3).Materials:Half package of yeast25 mL 10% glucoseWater250 mL beakerEmpty glass bottle (Flask)Stirring rodGlass dropperMicroscopeMicroscope slidesCoverslipsBalloonsHot plateThermometerRubber bandProcedure 11.1 Demonstrating FermentationObtain the materials to be used in this activity, and bring them to your lab station.Add 200 mL of tap water to the beaker, and heat the water, using a hot plate, to approximately 35 0C to 37 0C.Carefully add the half package of yeast and the 25 mL of 10 % glucose to the water, and stir. Wash your hands after handling the yeast.Carefully pour the mixture into the glass bottle to approximately the halfway mark.Cover the lip of the bottle with a balloon, and secure the base of the balloon to the bottle with a rubber band.Observe and record what happens to the balloon over the next 30 minutes.Using a glass dropper, take a drop of the mixture from the beakerMake a wet mount of the mixture.Observe the mixture using a microscope on low and high power.At the end of 30 minutes, remove the balloon from the glass bottle, waft you hand over the bottle, smell the contentsClean your laboratory station, glassware, and hands.Return your materials to the designed area.Sketch your observations in the space below.1. What happened to the balloon? Why????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????____________????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????____________?2. Describe the odor of the mixture.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????____________????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????____________?Cellular RespirationThe first law of thermodynamics state that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it only changes from one form to another. Because living organisms have a constant energy requirement, they have mechanisms to gather, store and use energy. Collectively these mechanisms are called metabolism. A single, specific reaction that starts with one compound and ends up with another compound is a reaction, and a sequence of such reactions is a metabolic pathway.In the last lab, you investigated the metabolic pathway by which green plants capture light energy and use it to make carbohydrates such as glucose. Carbohydrates are temporary energy stores. The process by which energy stored in carbohydrates is released to the cell is respiration.Both autotrophs and heterotrophs undergo respiration. Photoautotrophs such as plants utilize the carbohydrates they have produced by photosynthesis to build new cells and maintain cellular machinery. Heterotrophic organisms may obtain materials for respiration in two ways: by digesting planting material of b digesting the tissue of animals that have previously digested plants.For aerobic respiration, the general equation is:EnzymesC6 H12 O6 + 6 O6 6 CO2 + 6 H2 O + 36/38 ATP'SIf glucose is completely broken down to CO2 and H2O, about 686,000 calories of energy are released. Each ATP molecule produced represents about 7,500 calories of usable energy. The 36 ATP represents 270,000 calories of energy (36 x 7,500 calories). Thus, aerobic respiration is about 39% efficient [(270,000/686,000) x 100% =39.4%)Aerobic RespirationDuring the process of aerobic respiration, relatively high-energy carbohydrates are broken down in stepwise fashion, ultimately producing the low-energy products of carbon dioxide and water and transferring released energy into ATP. But what is the role of oxygen?During aerobic respiration, the carbohydrates undergo a series of oxidation-reduction reactions. Whenever one substance is oxidized (loses electrons), another must be reduced (accept or gain, those electrons). The final electron acceptor in aerobic respiration is oxygen. Tagging along with the electrons as they pass through the electron transport process are protons (H+). When the electrons and protons are captured by oxygen, water (H2O) is formed:2H+ + 2e- + 1/2 O2 → H2OIn the following experiment, you will examine aerobic respiration in three sets of seeds.Seeds contain stored food material, usually in the form of some type of carbohydrates. When a seed germinates, the carbohydrate is broken down by aerobic respiration, liberating the energy (ATP) required for each embryo to grow into a seedling. Two days ago, one set of dry pea seeds were soaked in water to start the germination process. Another set was not soaked and another was boiled. In this experiment, you will compare carbon dioxide production between germinating pea seeds, germinating pea seeds that have been boiled and un-germinated (dry) pea seeds.This experiment investigates the hypothesis that germinating seed produce carbon dioxide (CO2) from aerobic respiration.MaterialsPer group3 Flasks (labeled germinating un-boiled, germinating-boiled, and un-germinated)3 Large Test tube (fill with water)3 Large Test tube(fill with phenol red)Test tube rack2 L plastic beaker or container (fill with tap water)Procedure Instructor will provide each group with germinating un-boiled, germinating-boiled, and un-germinating seeds into the right flasks)As soon as the instructors provide you with the seeds insert the large rubber stopper into the flask. (Be sure that both the small and the large rubber stopper are placed correctly, so no air can enter the flasks)Insert the glass tubing inside the large test tube that is filled with water as shown in the figure below. (This keeps gases from escaping from the flask). Set the three respiratory flask apparatus aside for 1 ? hours (90 minutes).Make a prediction about carbon dioxide production in each respiratory flask apparatus on Table 11.1.Table 11. Prediction of Pea seedsGerminating- unboiledGerminating-boiledUngerminatedAfter 1 ? hours (90 minutes), replace the test tube that are filled with water, with the test tubes filled with phenol red.Phenol red solution, which should appear pinkish in the stock in the stock bottle, will be used to test for the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2) within the respiration bottle. If CO2 is bubbled through water, carbonic acid (H2CO3) forms:CO2 + H2O → H2CO3Phenol red solution is mostly water. When the phenol red solution is basic (pH>7), it is pink; when it is acidic (pH<7) the solution is yellow. The phenol red solution in the stock bottle is_______________ (color); therefore, the stock solution is_______________ (acidic/basic)Remove the small rubber stopper on the top of the thistle tube and slowly pour water from the bucket into each thistle tube. (The water will force out gases present in the bottles. If CO2 is present, the phenol red will turn yellow.Record your observation on Table 11.2.Table 11.2 Pea seeds resultsPea seedsPhenols red color (pink or yellow)Conclusion (CO2 present or absent)Germinating- unboiledGerminating-boiledUngerminatedWhich set(s) of seeds underwent respiration? Why? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What happened during boiling that caused the germinating boiled seeds to get the results you found? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write a conclusion, accepting or rejecting the hypothesis. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________Last Name, First Name [lab partner N0. 1] Last Name, First Name [lab partner N0. 2]_______________________________ _______________________________Last Name, First Name [lab partner N0. 3] Last Name, First Name [lab partner N0. 4]___________________________ _______________ ____________________Section group #DateReview Questions Lab 10: Cellular Respiration: Understanding Cellular RespirationWhat is the overall equation for aerobic respiration?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What are the origins of the reactants and the destiny of products?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Compare and contrast anaerobic respiration. Include an account of the number of ATP molecules Produced in each reaction.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. What is the interrelationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Why do many scientists consider one of the most important events in the evolution of life to be the origin of aerobic respiration?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. Compare and contrast alcoholic fermentation and lactate fermentation?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. What are three products of alcoholic fermentation and lactate fermentation? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the significance of glycolysis? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. Outline the series of events that occur once pyruvate is committed to the aerobic pathway?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10. How many ATP molecules are produced in the citric acid cycles?______________________________________________________________________________11. What is the significance of the electron transport chain?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________12. What are the end products of the electron transport chain? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________13. What is the role of oxygen in the electron transport chain?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________14. Why are more life forms on the earth intimately linked to a star that is 150 million Km away?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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