|CLASS41-1.5 |Print size, Review Alphabet |Directions, |Life & Education Objective, What |

|COORDINATION | |Numbers |makes sense, Sensing |

|CLASS42-2.5 |Alphabet with words |Counting in Representation |Types of Thinking |

|THINKING | | | |

|CLASS43-3.5 |3 Poems to Read Together |Match Topics |Light Aspect Chart |

|EXISTENCE | | |Subconscious Info |

|CLASS44-4.5 |Alphabet Bingo |Alphabet Bingo |Frameworks of Thinking |


|THINKING | | | |

|CLASS45-5.5 |Drawing Dexterity, Tracing Designs |Quantities, Order, Balance, |Boundaries, Creation, Dynamic, Dyads,|

|DRAWING | |Evolution |Cyclical, Forward |

|CLASS(6-6.5 |Trace and write large Alphabet | |Alpha Paragraphs |

|PRINT LARGE | | | |

|CLASS(7-7.5 |Trace and write large Words |Counting Objects in Variety |Rules |

|PRINTING MEDIUM |Nyms, Sayings & Advice | | |

|CLASS(8-8.5 |Letter Chart |Learn Proportions |Questions & Answers |


|PRINTING | | | |

|LETTERS & WORDS | | | |

|CLASS49-9.5 |Alphabet and words from Memory |Math of Planning & Resources|Remember Advice |

|THINK WRITE | | | |

|CLASS(10-10.5 |Reading On Your Own - Various |Acknowledge-ment Math |Life goals, accomplishments |


|CLASS411-11.5 |Read, Speak, Write Vocabulary |Object addition |Telling time |


|CLASS412-12.5 |Learn & List Parts of Speech |Subtraction |Schedules, calendar |



|CLASS413-13.5 |Sentence Diagramming |Number math |Time questions |

| |Create & Share Sentences | | |

|CLASS414-14.5 |List Vocabulary |Measurement |Questions |

| |Create & Share Sentences | | |

|CLASS415-15.5 |Variety of Writing Formats |Measurement |Story Problems |

|CLASS416-16.5 |Reading & Writing a Paragraph |Geometry |Past-Present-Future |


|CLASS417-17.5 |Who, What, Where, Which, Why, When |Multiplication |S/P P-P-F Questions |

|CLASS418-18.5 |Writing Complex Paragraphs Read to Others |Multiplication |Think/Feel Exercises |

|CLASS419-19.5 |Reading Types of Literature |Division |Budgeting Questions |

|CLASS420-20.5 |Writing paragraphs S/P, P-P-F |Math Glut |Organizing Your Past-Present-Future |


|CLASS421-21.5 |Purpose of Writing |Discussion on Right & Wrong |Objectivity and Subjectivity |

|CLASS422-22.5 |Objective & Subjective Writing |Evolution Math |Evolution |

|CLASS423-23.5 |How the U.S. Government is Organized. |Draw a Chart of Government |Learn How to Use Various Charts. |

|CLASS424-24.5 |Read U.S. & IL Bill of Rights |Chart Rights, Freedoms, Laws|Questions Regarding Importance |


|CLASS425-25.5 |Writing for Speech & Evaluation |Testing Facts |Understanding Testing and Test |

| | | |Behavior |

|CLASS426-26.5 |Speech/Evaluation |Fractions, Percentages, |Currency Math |

| |Comprehension Testing |Decimals | |

|CLASS427-27.5 |Importance of Journals, To-Do Lists & Calendars |Field Trip |Directions to other Chicago landmarks|

| |Field Trip to the Library | | |

|CLASS428-28.5 |Outlines-Preamble & Articles I,II,III of VII of the |Life Time-Line |Life Outline |

| |Constitution | | |


|PRESENT | | | |

|CLASS429-29.5 |Article Types |Team Building Exercises |Objectivity/Subjectivity Discussion |

|CLASS430-30.5 |Chart articles in the Chicago Reader |Team Article Planning |Business Rules |

|CLASS431-31.5 |Business Competition Rules |Team Article Writing |Group Newspaper Planning |

| |Write articles for group effort | | |

|CLASS432-32.5 |Group Sharing |Evaluation |Look up Personal Goals |

| |Thank You | | |


|TEAMWORK | | | |

| | | | |


|Objective: Discuss Life and Education Insight and Outlook. Activate Senses for Learning. Set a Thinking and Communication Practice. |

| |

|Life Insight and Outlook: Pursue what makes you healthy and happy that is no harm or imposition to anyone else. Take care of yourself, and others |

|when relevant. |

| |

|Reason for Education |

|Education bridges the gap of Communication: to share history, logic, culture, business, profits, stories, and ideas for the future in a cohesive, but|

|adaptable, language. |

| |

|Practical Senses and What Makes Sense |

|Senses are Sight-Clarity, Smell-Sense, Hearing-Sound, Talk-Communicate, Touch-Feel. You will need: |

|1) Clear eyesight, focus and wisdom |

|2) Logical and analytical nose sense, as well as honesty and original ideas |

|3) Hearing that can tell the difference |

|4) Clear speaking voice that others can hear |

|5) Hand( arm dexterity, and concentration for writing |

|6) Posture, place, attentiveness |

| |

|Practical Sensing |


|Adjust, Perceive environment, Gain Clarity, Notice |

| |

| |


|Straight Think: Friction, Like or Conflict, Express or Bluster, Cohesive Conversation |

|Analytical: Identify, Classify, Learn, Take Notes and Store them, Study, Set up Reminders, Figure out answers, Evaluate, Compute, Calculate, Assess, |

|Check |

|Ask - What, How, Why. Don’t ask – Who - because it networks. |

|What is ___?, What is possible? What is not possible? What to do. What to say, How things work, Why they work. Why they are. |

| |

| |


|Push the Boundaries, Get outside of Yourself safely, Say, Tell, Express yourself, Tell the Truth, Show your Thoughts, Recount an Experience, Tell an |

|Idea, Chat, Tell News, Say what you mean, Narrate, Create Drama, Settle, Delineation. |

| |

| |


|Coordination, Initiate Command, Document, Record, Correspondence, Dexterity, Legal document, Paper Trail, Stored Data. |

| |

| |


|Flexibility, Mobility, Set, Instructions, Get up, Navigation, Walk, Run, Hurry, Stay, Wait, Patience, Practical, Pragmatic, Pitch in, Do your share, |

|Work, Take a Break, Rest, Leave, Go Out, Play. |

| |

|Thinking and Communication Practice |

|Get or Receive Information(Think Process Assess(Communicate(Get or Receive Info |

|List your own: |



|ARIAL 24pt |Directions: |

|TIMES NEW ROMAN 24pt |For Traveling and Mapping: |

|ARIAL 20pt |( North ( South ( West ( East |

|TIMES NEW ROMAN 20pt |For Reading-Writing English: |

|ARIAL 18pt |(Down to Up ( ( Left to Right ( |

|TIMES NEW ROMAN 18pt |For Reference: |

|ARIAL 16pt |( Backward Forward ( |


|ARIAL 14pt |Math Symbols and Related Terms |

|TIMES NEW ROMAN 14pt |+ Add Addition |

|ARIAL 12pt |– Subtract Subtraction |

|TIMES NEW ROMAN 12pt |( Multiply Multiplication |

|ARIAL 11PT |( Divide Division |

|TIMES NEW ROMAN 11PT |( Equals Equations |

|ARIAL 10pt | |

|TIMES NEW ROMAN 10pt |( Not Equal to Negative/Negate |

|ARIAL 9pt |( Equivalent to Equilibrium |

|TIMES NEW ROMAN 9pt |( Less than or equal to |

|ARIAL 8pt |( Greater than or equal to |

|TIMES NEW ROMAN 8pt |( Less than |

|ARIAL 7pt |( Greater than |


|ARIAL 6pt |Advanced Math |

|TIMES NEW ROMAN 6pt |Variable: a character that represents an unknown or changing |

| |quantity. Ex: x=8 |

|The range of print for class is 14 point to 10 point with 12 point being the most |Formula: a mathematical equation that tells proportions for a |

|common. |set of variables |

| |Equation: an equality of two formulas or one formula and an |

|++16-24 point is used for headers and large print. |answer. X+2 = y-10 |

|+ 6-9 point is used for newspapers and small print. |Exponent indicates how many times a number multiplies itself. |

| |Ex: 32 = 9 |

|Miscellaneous |Square Root: base number multiplied times itself that equals |

|( Infinity ( Copyright ( Trademark |that number Ex: 3 |

| |( Pi or 3.1416… variable used in circle geometry |


| | |

|Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh |1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, |

|Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, |11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,|

|Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, |27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, |

|Xx, Yy, Zz |42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 |


|ORGANIZATION Objective: Review types of thinking. |

Types of Thinking

|Original Ideas |Experience |Historical |Ethical |Moral |

|New concept or idea. |Information based on |Events are in date and time |Right and Legal thinking. |Non-killing or non-harming |

| |experience. |order. | |behavior. |

|Sequential |Linear |Intuitive |Analytical |Computational |

|Things are in a Sequence |Things are in order, one at a|Experience infor-mation based |Logical, sensible answers to |Able to compute mathematical |

|order. |time. |on personal & trans-cendent |existing problems. |or information data to an |

| | |networks | |answer. |

|Important |Relevant |Priorities |Networked |Cause & Effect |

|Important things considered|Only things rela-ting to a |Order of what is important to |Information from or bounced |What actions create what |

|with supporting facts |matter will be considered |you, in order of import |from business network. |results. |

Thinking Terms & Definitions


|TERMS: 1) MEMORY is a Place to put information and retrieve it back again. |

|2) Remembering is the action of getting or retrieving of information from Memory. 3) To Remember is to find information from your past. 3) Recall is to|

|remember a situation or result. |

| |

|MIND YOU: 4) Remember to Copy, Store and Save important information and events. 5) File information and events by topic and relevant information to |

|recall or find in memory. 6) Note that multiple copies of information or events can be made by the corresponding attentive sections of yourself. Check |

|to see what you can record and recall. |

| |

|FUNCTIONALITY: 7) Make a Copy of what is said externally and internally and Store. 8) Use Memory to Access important and recent things. 9) Use memory |

|to Pack away memorabilia, pictures and experiences. 10) Use Memory to Compile experiences: Sort the experiences in corresponding sections; keep the |

|important information and get rid of stupid things that take up space. (Result: Business, Romance and Family things are stored Separately. Each topic |

|and situation is kept together to be pulled up on recall. |

| |

|PERSPECTIVE is specific knowledge built with time and experience. |

|1) Individual Perspective is the knowledge and experience of each person: This is characterized as My Perspective and Your Perspective for each person.|

|2) Social Perspective is why and how most of society perceives and experiences: Their Perspective. 3) Business Perspective is why / how businesses |

|generally expect people to act: That Perspective. 4) Wholistic Perspective is why and how we each experience all things. Our Perspective. |

|PERSPECTIVES are the responses related to Perspective. |

|5) A New person would answer “Maybe” or “I don’t know.” 6) An Experienced person would answer “That makes sense” or “That happens normally.” 7) A |

|wise old person would answer “Some things never change; some things always change.” |

| |

|VANTAGE POINT is the point of reference from which to see other things. |

|1) Internal Out has the vantage point in the body directed outward. It uses the nature of psyche, mind, body, soul, awareness to evaluate what is going|

|on. This has many different options. *2) Outside references the external space where your ideas meet other people’s ideas. 3) You can travel to a Place|

|to see a particular perspective or assess information with a group. *4) You can know things from a Different Perspective by seating yourself opposite |

|and asking ‘What would someone else think?’ |


|Objective: Review Alphabet. |Objective: Visualize Perspective and Vantage Points. Review Numbers. |

| | |

|Aa is for Adult to Authority |PERSPECTIVE (((((((( |

|Bb is for Being to Best |PAST |

|Cc is for Child to Chronological |PRESENT |

|Dd is for Do to Dumbfounded |FUTURE |

|Ee is for Effort to Excellence | |

|Ff is Face to Fantastic | |

|Gg is for Gone to Gap | |

|Hh is for House to Habitat | |

|Ii is for Image to Initiative |VANTAGE POINTS |

|Jj is for Jump to Jaded |[pic] |

|Kk is for Kale to Keg | |

|Ll is for Leap to Lore |YOUR TYPE OF THINKING (DIAGRAM) |

|Mm is for Manage to Minstrel | |

|Nn is for Near to Nonetheless | |

|Oo is for Offer to Odious | |

|Pp is for Pick to Pagination | |

|Qq is Quick to Quiet | |

|Rr is for Rate to Righteous |NUMBER REVIEW |

|Ss is for Sit to Sinister |1 ( |

|Tt is for Time to Talkative |2 (( |

|Uu is for Used to Uglier |3 ((( |

|Vv is for Vent to Veneer |4 (((( |

|Ww is for When to Waist |5 ((ρρρ |

|Xx is X-ray to Xmas |6 ρρρρρρ |

|Yy is for Yield to Yonder |7 ρρρρρρρ |

|Zz is for Zoo to Zealot |8 ρρρρρρρρ |

| |9 ρρρρρρ(ρ( |

| |10 (((((((((( |

| |11 ((((((((((( |

| |12 (((((((((((( |

| |13 ((((((((((((( |

| |14 ((((((ρ((((((( |

| |15 ((((((((((((((( |

| |16 (((((((((((((((( |

| |17 ((((((((((((((((( |

| |18 ((((((((((((((ρρρρ |

| |19 ρρρρρρρρρρρρρρρρρρρ |

| |20 ((ρρρρρρρρρρρρρρρρρρ |



Objective: Read and discuss a light framework for inner and outer qualities that exist.


|( POTENTIAL |Nothing to Spark |Excitement, Anticipation |Open space to a fully Filled in space |

|( IDEAL GOD |Extreme White Light |Perfection |True Heaven, Infinity, Life & Death |

| | | |Balance |

|( IDEAL GODSELF |Transcendent White |Godlike or Christlike |Magnanimity, Benevolence, Grace |

| |Light | | |

|( EPIC SELF | |Large godself |Impressive Environments |

| |Ivory | | |

|( CROWN |Purple |Power, |Government, Alliances, Kingdoms |

| |Light to Dark |All-Centered Self |Diplomacy |

|( UPPER MIND |Navy |Thought & Wisdom- |Information Networks, |

| |Light to Dark |Practical & Divine |Sight, Exhibits |

|( JAW |Med. Blue |Sense, Sensing, Logic, |Sounds, Music, Smells, Talk, |

| |Light to Dark |Thinking, Communication |Telecommunication |

|( THROAT |Teal |Preference, Talent, Heart Sense, |Décor, Professions Households, Fitness |

| |Light to Dark |Appetite for Living | |

|( HEART-LUNG |Green |Instincts, Care, Love, |Earth, Green land, Blue-green Water, |

| |Light to Dark |Truth, Caretaking |Marriage |

|( MIDDLE SELF |Yellow |Self-Esteem, Strength, Self-Mastery |Community, Mammals, Amphibians, Humans |

| |Light to Dark | | |

|( CREATION |Orange |Fertility, Composure, Presence, |What Exists and could Exist |

| |Light to Dark |Investments | |

|( BUTT TO LEGS |Red |Comfort, Navigation, Staying Power, |Harmony, Tribe, Family, Heredity, |

| |Light to Dark |Mobility |Evolution |

|( FLOOR-STRUCTURE |Gray |Upholds Outer, Objective Durability |Structural Integrity Itself, |

| |Light to Dark | |Buildings, Roads, Cities |

|( DEATH |Flat Black |Flat Void |Gone, Extinction, Graveyards |

|( HELL |Infinite Black |Drugged Death Life |De-Evolution, Evil Places |

| | | | |

Listen to the next 3 poems; list their numbers in the corresponding sections of the table above.

|1) Reference: Oscar Wilde. Autobiography by H. Montgomery Hyde. Da Capo Press, |Then turning to my love, I said, |

|Sub. Of Plenum Publishing Corp., New York, NY 10013. © 1975, Page 85. |“The dead are dancing with the Dead, |

| |The dust is whirling with the dust” |

|We caught the tread of dancing feet, |But she-she heard the violin, |

|We loitered down the moonlit street, |And left my side and entered in: |

|And stopped beneath the Harlot’s house |Love passed into the house of lust. |

|Inside, above the din and fray, |Then suddenly the tune went false, |

|We heard the loud musician’s play |The dancers wearied of the waltz, |

|The “Treues Liebe Herz” of Strauss. |The shadows ceased to wheel and whirl. |

|We watched the ghostly dancers spin |And down the long and silent street, |

|To sound of horn and violin, |The dawn, with silver-sandalled feet, |

|Like black leaves wheeling in the wind… |Crept like a frightened girl. |


|2) Reference: The Collected Poems of |I PASSED ALONG THE WATER’S EDGE BELOW THE HUMID TREES, |




















|3) Reference: Excerpted from The Collected Poems of Edith Sitwell. by Dame |Making some ghostly imputation; |

|Edith Sitwell. The Vanguard Press, Inc., New York, NY ©1968, Pages 65-66. |Or if she frightened the maids till they wince |

| |By stealing a withered gold-crowned quince |

|The princess was young as the innocent flowers |Wherewith they make preserves; in the gloom |

|That bloom and love through the bright spring hours: |She seems; as she glimmers round the room, |

|Sometimes she crept through locked doors to annoy |Like a lovely milk-white unicorn |

|The palace housekeeper, cross Mrs. Troy, |In a forestall thicket of thorn. |

|Who kept all the whimpering sad ghosts locked |Life was so still, so clear, that to wake |

|In a cupboard, was greived and faintly shocked |Under a kingfisher’s limpid lake |

|If the princess Jehanne, long since dead, |In the lovely afternoon of a dream |

|Whose hair was of costly long gold thread, |Would not remote or stranger seem. |

|Would slip her flat body, like a gleaming, |Everything seemed so clear for a while – |

|Quivering fish in a clear pool dreaming, |The turn of a head or a deep-seen smile; |

|Through the deep mesh of conversation, |Then a smile seen through wide leaves or deep water,… |

|ORGANIZATION |3) If ideas and chemistry still get you stuck, decide you need to keep and |

|Objective: Ways to dealing with Subconscious. |resolve them long term, or not. (Occasionally take time to resolve.) |

| |4) If information is not of interest to you, throw out. |

|DEFINITIONS: |5) If there is information someone needs to get, determine if you can or |

|Subconscious: 1) The mind space where unre-solved things are set to be |want to connect it, then plan, or take it out of, your schedule |

|resolved; 2) the pre-occupation with other things; 3) the capability to |accordingly. |

|resolve things in time and space. | |

|Stuck: The capability to get blocked or preoccu-pied from action or |Signs you need Subconscious space or activities: |

|thinking by ideas and situations that are too overwhelming or complex. |1) You have a lot of static or feel fragmented; |

|How to not get stuck: |2) You have a panic attack and don’t know why; |

|1) Keep functionality and set aside a space to put ideas you can get to |3) Unresolved ideas or situations; |

|later. |4) Communication from other people that things aren’t working between you. |

|2) Plan time every day to visit your Subconscious to determine what to do |5) List 5 Subconscious Activities: CLASS43 |

|with stuck ideas & chem. | |


|Objective: Play ALPHABET BINGO to coordinate finding letters and numbers. |


|A |B |



|Objective: Greeting, dexterity, free-form thinking, corresponding assignment |

1) Say “Hi” to your neighbor. Say “It’s a nice day today.”

|2) Draw a design with long straight lines below. |3) Draw a design with curves. |4) Draw faces of various sizes. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|5) Draw rows of short lines facing different |6) Draw rows of curves facing different |7) Draw a map of a city block. |

|directions. |directions. | |

8) Trace 2 or 3 of the following Celtic designs.

| |

| |



|Objective: Learn quantities, proportions, balance and equivalents.|Objective: Learn Boundaries & Freedom |

| | |

|Quantities |Threshold for Living in the United States: |

|100 squares 10x10 |We hold these truths to be self-evident, that All people are Entitled to Life, |

|(((((((((( |Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. |

|(((((((((( |Do you promote this threshold of Living? |

|(((((((((( |Why? Why not? |

|(((((((((( |What is your threshold for Living? |

|(((((((((( | |

|(((((((((( |Setting Boundaries & Limits |

|(((((((((( |Do you have boundaries and limits? |

|(((((((((( | |

|(((((((((( |Should your boundaries and limits apply to your whole life forward, not just |

|(((((((((( |certain situations? |

|Add a column, total it and list: | |

|Total: ______ _____ x ______ |Charting your place in Creation Dynamic or Dynamic Creation: (Circle the term you |

|Select a group, circle it, and count: |use) |

|Total: ______. _____ x ______ |Write term: |

| | |

|1 square 1x1 |Chart location |

|( | |

|Create your own single object | |

| | |

|Order | |

|Number the following in sequential order: __ Drove to work | |

|__ Drove home | |

|__ Woke up | |

|__ Ate breakfast | |

|__ Worked a full day | |

| | |

|Number the following in date and time order: __ 6AM, 3/2/2015 | |

|__ Midnight 3/1/2015 | |

|__ 6PM, 3/8/2015. |Peace •Love •Passion •Dynamic •Surf •Overwhelm |

|__ 9:35AM, 7/5/2020 |•Focus •Directed •Concentration •Vast Varied •Variable |

|__ 8:55PM, 4/2/2016 |•Adaptable •Maniacal •Professor •Expert •CEO •God |

| |•Ideal •Not-Ideal List your term: |

|Balance (( means equivalent) | |

|(((((((((. ___(( ___ |Balance & Counter Balance |

|((((((((((((((( __ ( __ | |

| | |

|Evolution (progress, growth, transfor-mation, metamorphosis, | |

|transmutation) | |

|((((((((((( | |

|(((((((. | |

|( ( ( ( ( ( ( (( ( ( ( ( | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Purple= Power |

| |Blue= Mind |

| |Teal= Preference |

| |Green= Heart |

| |Yellow= Self |

| |Orange=Creation |

| |Red = Legs/Feet |

| |Power |

| |balances |

| |Self |

| | |

| |Mind/Preference balances Creation/ |

| |Investment |

| | |

| |Caring-Heart/Lung balances |

| |Reliable-Legs/Feet |

| | |

| | |

| |Be aware of your Cyclical Nature. |

| |List: |

| |Be aware or your Forward Nature. |

| |List: |



|Objective & Instructions: Practice tracing Alphabet and copy. |

|Aa |Bb |Cc |Dd |Ee |Ff |

|Gg |Hh |Ii |Jj |Kk |Ll |

|Mm |Nn |Oo |Pp |Qq |Rr |

|Ss |Tt |Uu |Vv |Ww |Xx |

|Yy |Zz | | | | |

Try a second variation. Practice helps you with hand dexterity and discipline.

|Aa |Bb |Cc |Dd |Ee |Ff |

|Gg |Hh |Ii |Jj |Kk |Ll |

|Mm |Nn |Oo |Pp |Qq |Rr |

|Ss |Tt |Uu |Vv |Ww |Xx |

|Yy |Zz | | | | |

Practice on your own.

|Aa |Bb |Cc |Dd |Ee |Ff |

|Gg |Hh |Ii |Jj |Kk |Ll |

|Mm |Nn |Oo |Pp |Qq |Rr |

|Ss |Tt |Uu |Vv |Ww |Xx |

|Yy |Zz | | | | |



|Objective: Expand verbal and reading vocabulary. Read Alpha paragraphs out loud. |

| |

|Afterthought, able, any, affluent, art, artistic, autistic, autumn, aim, age, ancient, America, American, Africa, African, Asia, Asian, Auto, |

|Autobiography, Automobile |

| |

|Bin, been, benefit, beneficiary, bard, boy, boyish, beard, bead, bed, bedroom, bog, burden, bastard, boast, bore, bored, boredom, buffer, buff, biology |

|books |

| |

|Coordination, cooperation, completions, connections, competition, compete, competitive, compare, contrast, comparable, computer, compute, concept, |

|Christian, Christianity, carriage, car, cart, carrot |

| |

|Different, differ, dispute, door, doormat, dig, Dungeness, debt, day, daytime, dart, dare, dime, dimension, dimensions, duplicate, duplex |

| |

|Ethereal, ethical, embryo, empire, Etymology, effort, enumerate, element, etcetera, effort, evaluate, even, err, error, ego, ergonomics, economics, |

|elections, electors, elect, enter, exit, Europe, European |

| |

|Forever, forest, focus, Future, Fortuitous, fortune, fodder, fool, fold, fun, floor, fast, fastidious, four |

| |

|God, gracious, gratitude, grateful, grace, give, gave, gain, get, generous, generation, genuine, gorgeous, gone, guru, graph, gaze, gage, gaiety, |

|gripping, gripe, ghostly, grieve, greatness, growth |

| |

|Happy, happiness, happen, has, have, had, here, how, homogenous, habit, homework, home, haven, host, heaven, hammer, halt, hurry, hasten |

| |

|Innocent, innovate, integrate, intro, introduction, insert, idea, ideal, ideology, inquire, inquiry, inspire, inspiration, inspect, inspection, inundate,|

|inundation, ignorant, I.Q., Information, Informant, Inform |

| |

|Jump, Juniper, jade, joust, joint, jog, Jaguar, jot, just, Jewish, Judaism, journal, jury |

|Keep, keepsake, kept, know, knowledge, knowledgeable, karat, kite |

| |

|Lead, leadership, lad, laid, list, listen, loud, lid, love, loveable, loving, lore, lyre, liar, lift, lifted, late, latent, last, lament, lame, light, |

|lighten, lazy, laziness |

| |

|Most, marriage, marriages, marriageable, manhood, mainly, main, maintain, met, meet, meeting, manage, management, manager, meant, mean, means, money, |

|more, made, maid, mad, Maude |

| |

|Nice, name, namesake, none, nonetheless, near, nearer, neat, neatness, no-man’s-land, negate, negative, nation, nationality, native, normality, normal, |

|norm, need, neediness, needless, necessary, necessity, never, newer, new, nude, node, nose, noxious, nauseous, North, northern |

| |

|Order, odd, odder, often, off, old, older, orphan, organ, organic, organization, ogre, open, opera, object, objective, objectives, ornery, oat, out, |

|outage, own |

| |

|Princess, Prince, priceless, price, priced, plant, plants, pot, pots, , pans, page, pages, process, progress, possible, possibility, probable, |

|probability |

| |

|Question, quickly, quick, quietly, quiet ( Rare, rarified, roses, rear, right, rights, riots, raids, rate, rant |

| |

|Sight, simple, sordid, sample, sale, salesperson, safe, safety, security, style, staid, stammer, stale, school, scare, scold, steep, stiff, speech, |

|speed, south, signal, South, Southern |

|Time, Timely, Time out, Timed, Test, Tally, Total, Top, Temper, taught, tempt, temptation, torrent, tough, toughen, tighten, tight, thread, tread, tense,|

|tension, tolerable, tolerate, tell, telling, told, town, |

| |

|Unless, useless, useful, use, understand, understated, under, undertaker, utter, urn, up, ugly |

|Value, Valuable, Verify, Validate, Vegetate, vogue, vested, vest, vast, V.I.P., very, vary, voice, vote. |

|Worth, whole, went, wig, walk, wake up, way, wait, West, Western ( Xylophone |

|Yellow, yell, yowl, yodel, yak, yes, yet, yesterday, yesteryear, years ( Zoology, Zephyr, zenith, zipper |



|Objective: Write small words and numbers. Trace and copy. |

|A-add-a |B-Box-b |C-can-c |D-Do-d |E-Ewe-e |F-Foe-f |

|G-Get-g |H-Has-h |I-is-i |J-jot-j |K-keg-k |L-lax-l |

|M-Me-m |N-Now-n |O-Odd-o |P-Pun-p |Q-Quit-q |R-rock-r |

|S-shut-s |T-Top-t |U-Up-u |V-Vase-v |W-Was-w |X-ray-x |

|Y-You-y |Z-Zig-z | | | | |

|0 | |I |

| ( | ( | - |

Sayings & Advice

Sayings are popular to state basic truths. Example: There is nothing to fear, but fear itself

List 2 sayings you know:

| |

| |

Advice is knowledge on our behalf from someone we think is important. Example: Think big

List 2 pieces of advice you have received:

| |

| |



|Objective: Learn quantity variations and open counting. |Objective: Learn variations of Rules. |

| | |

|Quantities |RULES |

|((( |Definitions: |

|(((( Total:____ |Rules: 1) Set of laws or limits to live or organize by |

| |2) Personality and backdrops of rulers or leaders. |

|(((((((( |Rulers: Those who lead. |

|(((((((((((( |Ruling: The act of leading or dictating law and leadership. |

|( ( (( ( | |

|((( |Of Note: |

|(((( Total:____ |> If you don’t rule you, someone else will. Those who don’t rule themselves are ruled|

| |by someone else. |

|(((((((((( |> Pick the Ruler and set of Rules you are compatible with. |

|((((((((((((((( |> Be compatible/ Follow the predominate Ruler and Rules. |

|((((((((((((((( | |

|( ( ( ( (. (. ((( |Individual Rules |

|Total:____ |Solidarity Power: Negotiate collaborative agreements inner and outer. |

| |Dominion of Self: Presiding and predominate leader over self - inner/outer/of/for/as |

|Counting |you - to keep owner-ship, rights and control. |

|Count 1 to 310. Write the numbers below. |Do Not dominate others, or you will not have your own dominion by preoccupation. |

|___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___|Self-Centered Self: The individual is pre-occupied with its own interests. Negative |

|,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,__|version mitigates its competition, which is immoral and unethical. |

|_,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,_|All-Centered Self: Individual or mass conglomerate that is preoccupied with the |

|__,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,|development of all things. It/They network(s) to rule. |

|___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___| |

|,___,___,___,___,___,___, |Social Rules |

| |Republic: Representative government with elected officials |

|___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___|Democracy: Government by the people for the people: All U.S. law-abiding adults (over|

|,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,__|18) can vote for their representative government. |

|_,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,_|Socialism: All work for the governing caretaker. |

|__,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,|Kingdom: The royal aristocratic family rules with or without a secondary government |

|___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___|for the people. |

|,___,___,___,___,___,___, |Despot: A maniacal ruler leads. |

| |Dictatorship: One powerful person dictates everything |

|___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___|Oligarchy: Group of royal families that rule by agreement |

|,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,__|CLASS47.5 |

|_,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,_| |

|__,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,| |

|___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___| |

|,___,___,___,___,___,___, | |

| | |

|___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___,___ | |


|Objective & Instructions: Practice writing high quality dependable letters in class. Practice writing high quality dependable letters on your own. |


| | |


|Objective & Instructions: |

|(Write alphabet – upper and lower case - from scratch. |

|(Write corresponding words from scratch. |

|(Pick 5 in a column that are fine, and speak them to your neighbor. |

|(Swap and listen to your neighbor’s 5 words flat. |

Alphabet First Write Words Second

| | |

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| | |

| | |

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| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

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| | |

| | |



|Objective: Learn the math of planning and resources. |Objectives: Remember Life Advice |

| | |

|What skills would you have to create a fully functional company? |“If I had to collect my experiences, what would I do |

| |different?” |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |What advice have you gotten or want to get on Life, Living & |

| |Work? |

| |> |

| |> |

| |> |

| | |

| |What advice did you learn? |

|How many employees would you hire to be economical? | |

| | |

|If one employee disrupts another employee from working and the others did their work, |What advice would like to share, or put into your work to |

|what portion of work lags? |share with others? |

|% | |

|% | |

| | |

|% |What advice did you most admire? |

|% | |

| | |

|% | |

|% |Why? |

| |Who gave it? |

|% | |

|% |What advice helped you on your way? |

| | |

| | |

|What is needed to get all company slots fully functional, productive and profitable? | |

| |Who gave that advice? |

| | |

|In order to replace an employee, an employer has to: |What do you think should be taught that isn’t? |

|( Run an ad (1 hour to write ad, 5 days @ $20/day) | |

|( Sort through 10-20 responses (20-30 min. each) | |

|( Interview all qualified prospects (10 min. prep, 45 min. each) |Can you, or a group you know, teach what that is? |

|( Spend time to make a decision (2 Manager’s time & meeting 3.5 hours) | |

|( Acquaint new employee with company policies (2 hour session) | |

|( Set a probationary period during which either both employer and employee decide if | |

|job is a fit. (5 min.) | |

|( Train (5-20 hours with various middle managers) | |

| | |

|Total the time spent per employee: _______ | |

| | |

|How would an employer get employees that are the right fit the first time around? | |

| | |

| | |

| | |



|Objective & Instructions: Today is On Your Own. From now into your future you get, and will get, the value of what you invest time into. Read the |

|various topics. Take a break in between. Answer questions. |

| |

|Reference: Make: 21st Century Robot |

|by Brian David Johnson, Maker Media, Inc., Sebastopol, CA, © 2015, pages vii-viii. |

| |

|(Excerpted from) The Making of a Manifesto |

|…For most or their history, robots have only lived in science fiction. Long before the technology to build them was ready, robots could only be seen |

|or experienced in science fiction stories, movies, comic books, and often times only in toys. But that didn’t stop people from imagining robots and |

|exploring their implications. In fact, cultures all over the world have imagined and explored the implications of robots, long before the word was |

|coined by Czechoslovakian writer Karel Capek in 1920. |

| |

|In the last half of the twentieth century, robots began their journey from our imaginations to the real world. Industrial robots started to help us |

|build our cars and work in our factories. Research robots of all shapes and sizes were developed and built in university research labs. But even with|

|all these new robots making their way into the world, for most people, robots were still exotic and foreign, still the product of science fiction and|

|our imaginations. But then something happened… |

| |

|Around the turn of this century, robots became something very different. No longer were they creations locked away in large universities and |

|corporations. In the twenty-first century, robots became something anyone could build; a part of our daily lives—right where they belong. |

| |

|Reference: Exploring Science Through Art |

|by Phyllis Katz, Franklin Watts, New York, London, Toronto, Sydney. © 1990. |

| |


|We see well because our eyes are very good at taking in information about shape, distance, movement, and color. We also see well because many nerves |

|send pictures from our eyes to our brains where they make sense to us. Our brains are “tuned“ to quickly make sense of what our eyes see. We are |

|taught to pay attention to some things more than others. We also learn to expect to see some things in a certain way. How is that? |

|For example, take a paper plate of any size and cut two sections of the rim (arcs) to exactly the same size. Place one on top of the other and trim |

|them so that you are certain that they are duplicate shapes. Now lay them flat on the table with one above the other. Does one look smaller? Your |

|eye/brain compares the inner curve of the upper plate rim to the outer curve of the lower plate rim and “tells“ you that the upper plate rim is |

|smaller because you have been trained to “believe” that a line that fits inside another one indicates a smaller item. Often you will see what you |

|expect to see or even what you want to see. |

| |


|Artists understand how trained eyes work. They can make you think, for example, that you can see miles into the distance on a flat piece of paper. |

|Try this: Take a plain piece of paper and draw a horizontal line across it about a third of the way down the page. This will be your horizon. Now |

|pick a point on your horizon. This will be the “vanishing point.” Start from that point and draw two lines toward the bottom of the page. What do you|

|have? It could be a road leading off into the desert. Maybe it’s a river leading out of the mountains. What happens when you start the “vanishing |

|point” at the bottom of the page? What happens if you change the space between the lines? When you go outside, see if this is the way a road looks to|

|you. |

|Although this seems quite simple, people did not know how to draw with perspective, as you just did, until the period of history we call the |

|Renaissance (about A.D. 1400-1600). Those who studied art and geometry uncovered the mathematics of how to show distance. They were so excited about |

|the “trick“ that many of the paintings during that time show it. |


|Reference: 19th Century Realist Art, |ORGANIZATION |

|by Gerald Needham. Harper & Row, Publishers, New York, ©1988. |Objective: Defining skills. |

| | |

|Acknowledgements |What do you want out of Life? |

|This book is the result of a number of years looking at and | |

|thinking about nineteenth-century art, and is indebted to a | |

|great many people; teachers, colleagues, and students. |What qualities and skills do you have to offer to make Life better? Or what could you|

|Particularly I would like to thank for their exchange of ideas|do with your skills to better Life? Or what skills do you want? |

|and/or practical help, Dennis Cates, Anne Coffin Hanson, | |

|Ronald Nasgaard, Linda Nochlin, Theodore Reff, Robert | |

|Rosenbaum, Kirk Varnedoe, Gabriel Weisberg, Carol Zemel, Henri| |

|Zerner, and Dario Darewych in North America. In Norway, Oscar |What have you invented? Is there a market for it? Are you in sync, ahead, or behind |

|Thue and Jan Askelund went out their way to increase my |the times? |

|knowledge of Christian Krogh’s art. In France, I benefitted | |

|from conversations with Robert Cluster and Marie-France | |

|Pauline, and the latter’s practical help. In England, I am | |

|indebted to John House, John Murdoch, and Richard Thomson. The|What expertise, knowledge and skill-sets have you added to? Or what would you like to |

|Bibliography is a guide to the many scholars whose writings |add to? |

|have vastly expanded my own researches and ideas. | |

|The seminar students whom I have asked-without first | |

|inflicting my own ideas on them-to analyze paintings and | |

|prints, in order not only to sharpen their abilities but to |What is an easy natural for you, but different skill to society? What would you like |

|provide a correction to my own assumptions, have been a |to do every day? |

|valuable resource. Brenda Hicks has been an intelligent and | |

|able typist in the face of my demands. | |

|The Faculty of Fine Arts of York University, Toronto, has |What was a difficult, but hard won skill for you? |

|provided fellowships that have enabled me to do research in | |

|Europe, and I have also benefitted from travel grants from the| |

|Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. |Who were your teachers, and what did they teach you? |

|Finally, I would like to thank my editor Cases Candied, Jr., |> |

|for his patience, and my wife Peggy for her encouragement, and|> |

|her unflagging enthusiasm in visiting so many museums and |> |

|collections. |Write a really great Acknowledgement of them: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

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| |CLASS410.5 |

|READING, WRITING & SPEECH |Instructions: Speak then write words |

|Objective: Learn words and vocabulary. | |

| | |

|A- apple, art, after, a, and, an, aardvark | B- be, bear, but, blue, beet, before |

| | |

|C- care, cougar, cat, Chicago, can |D- do, don't, did, dog, day, dusk |

| | |

|E- ever, east, enter, end, error, even |F- Fall, from, fair, find, first, front, fan |

| | |

|G- go, gone, gain, gift, green, gopher |H- here, how, happy, he, him, have |

| | |

|I- I, in, is, isn't, image, imagine, intern |J- June, July, joke, just, jar, jaw, jolly |

| | |

|K- key, kept, keep, kite, kin, kid, kneel |L- low, level, let, left, lemur, leg, leaf |

| | |

|M- May, meeting, matter, my, mine |N- no, now, near, north, never, new |

| | |

|O- over, of, old, oven, or, orange, often |P- pay, paid, pot, pair, post, put, page |

| | |

|Q- quit, quite, quiet, quote, quota, quip |R- right, ride, rear, real, reality, rip, ripe |

| | |

|S- sight, simple, so, she, south, set |T- the, then, they, to, them, turn, tough |

| | |

|U- under, use, useful, until, utility, undo |V- vote, very, vary, van, vent, venue |

| | |

|W- why, when, where, what, who, was |X- x-ray, xeroxes, Xmas |

| | |

|Y- yellow, yarn, you, yell, yet, yes |Z- zoo, zygote, zen, zero, |

| | |


|MATH |♦1+6 ♦♦♦♦♦♦= | |

|Objective: To study and retain Addition. |♦♦2+6 ♦♦♦♦♦♦= |4) Write the following times on the clocks: 7:18, |

|Instructions: Add the following and total. |♦♦♦3+6 ♦♦♦♦♦♦= |1:45, 8:52. |

| |♦♦♦♦4+6 ♦♦♦♦♦♦= |5) How many hours are in a week? |

|♦1+1 ♦= | |24 hours=1 day 7 days=1 week |

|♦♦2+1 ♦= |♦1+7 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦= | |

|♦♦♦3+1 ♦= |♦♦2+7 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦= | |

|♦♦♦♦4+1 ♦= |♦♦♦3+7 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦= | |

|♦♦♦♦♦♦5+1 ♦= | | |

|♦♦♦♦♦♦♦6+1 ♦= |♦1+8 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦= | |

|♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦7+1 ♦= |♦♦2+8 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦= | |

|♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦8+1 ♦= | | |

| |♦1+9 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦= | |

|♦1+2 ♦♦= | | |

|♦♦2+2 ♦♦= |ORGANIZATION | |

|♦♦♦3+2 ♦♦= |Objective: Learn about time. Instructions: | |

|♦♦♦♦4+2 ♦♦= |Read. | |

|♦♦♦♦♦5+2 ♦♦= | | |

| |60 seconds equal 1 minute. | |

|♦♦♦♦♦♦6+2 ♦♦= |60 minutes equal 1 hour. | |

|♦♦♦♦♦♦♦7+2 ♦♦= |24 hours equal 1 day. | |

|♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦8+2 ♦♦= |7 days equal one week. |6) Time Terms: To Tell time, What time is it?, Timely,|

| | |Late, Timeless, Punctual, Running late, Tardy, Out of |

|♦1+3 ♦♦♦= |1) Write the minutes of the hour around the |time, Early, Over-time, Hourly, Day-by-day, Daily, |

|♦♦2+3 ♦♦♦= |clock: |Every other day, Evening, After-noon, Morning, Time |

|♦♦♦3+3 ♦♦♦= | |heals all wounds, Just in time. |

|♦♦♦♦4+3 ♦♦♦= | |Time-Related Terms: Behind, Ahead, Skill, Alarm, |

|♦♦♦♦♦5+3 ♦♦♦= |2) Write the 7 days of the week: |Wake-up, Necessary, Practical, Relevant Experience, |

| | |History, Historic, Now, Present, Future, Futuristic. |

|♦♦♦♦♦♦6+3 ♦♦♦= | | |

|♦♦♦♦♦♦♦7+3 ♦♦♦= |3) Write the times represented: | |

| |÷_________ | |

|♦1+4 ♦♦♦♦= ||_________ | |

|♦♦2+4 ♦♦♦♦= |≡_________ | |

|♦♦♦3+4 ♦♦♦♦= | | |

|♦♦♦♦4+4 ♦♦♦♦= | | |

|♦♦♦♦♦5+4 ♦♦♦♦= | | |

| | | |

|♦♦♦♦♦♦6+4 ♦♦♦♦= | | |

| | | |

|♦1+5 ♦♦♦♦♦= | | |

|♦♦2+5 ♦♦♦♦♦= | | |

|♦♦♦3+5 ♦♦♦♦♦= | | |

|♦♦♦♦4+5 ♦♦♦♦♦= | | |

|♦♦♦♦♦5+5 ♦♦♦♦♦= | | |



|Objective: Learn parts of speech. Instructions: List parts of speech for each letter. |

Parts of Speech

|Article-A |Adjective-ADJ |Noun-N |


|Objective: Sentence building. Instructions: Use yesterday's words to build sentences. |

Review parts of speech by speaking out loud.

|Article-A |Adjective-ADJ |

|SN-AV-ON. |He went home. |

|A-SN-BV-ADV. |The store was open. |

|SN-ADV-AV-ON. |He grudgingly went home. |

|A-SN-BV-AV-P-A-ON. |A dog was walked to the park. |

|A-ADJ-SN-BV-ADV. |A nice woman was thinking quietly. |

|A-ADJ-SN-AV-P-A-ON. |The nice woman walked to the store. |

Commands Questions

|AV! |Go! |Q? |Why? |

|AV-ON! |Go Home! |Q-BV-A-ON? |Where is the store? |

|AV! and/or ON! |Help! |Q-SN-AV-BV-P-A-ON? |Do you want to go to the party? |

Build your own sentences and share.

|SN-AV. | |

|SN-AV-ON. | |

|A-SN-BV-ADV. | |

|SN-ADV-AV-ON. | |

|A-SN-BV-AV-P-A-ON. | |


|A-ADJ-SN-AV-P-A-ON. | |

Build your own commands, questions and share.

|AV! | |Q? | |

|AV-ON! | |Q-BV-A-ON? | |

|AV! and/or ON! | |Q-SN-AV-BV-P-A-ON? | |


|MATH |Complex Addition |Subtraction |Complex Subtraction |ORGANIZATION |

|Objective: | | | |Objective: Time logic. |

|Addition and |22 |9 – 4 = |1000 |Instructions: Answer questions. |

|subtraction. |+33 |4 – 3 = |-522 | |

|Addition | |1 – 1 = | |4List the months of the year: |

|1 + 2 = |18 |3 – 2 = |29 |1) ____________________ |

|3 + 3 = |+92 |4 – 4 = |-18 |2) ____________________ |

|4 + 2 = | |4 – 2 = | |3) ____________________ |

|1 + 5 = |111 |5 – 3 = |875 |4) ____________________ |

|6 + 2 = |+849 |8 – 3 = |-781 |5) ____________________ |

|4 + 4 = | |3 – 1 = | |6) ____________________ |

|2 + 6 = |242 |2 – 1 = |423 |7) ____________________ |

|7 + 3 = |+62 |2 – 2 = |-64 |8) ____________________ |

|9 + 1 = | |4 – 3 = | |9) ____________________ |

|5 + 2 = |8001 |5 – 5 = | |10) ___________________ |

|5 + 4 = |+208 |5 – 4 = |8,000 |11) ___________________ |

|3 + 6 = | |6 – 2 = |- 1 |12) ___________________ |

|6 + 3 = |744 |10 – 2 = | | |

|3 + 2 = |+47 |10 – 4 = |4321 |4If you were early for a 9 AM appointment what time |

|2 + 4 = | |9 – 3 = |-4003 |would you be there? ______________ |

|1 + 8 = |55 |3 – 3 = | |4If you were late, what time would you be there? |

|3 + 6 = |+44 |8 – 7 = |258 |_________________________ |

|3 + 4 = | |8 – 8 = |-126 |4If you were punctual, what time would you be there? |

|7 + 3 = |348 |8 – 3 = | |_________ |

|9 + 1= |+63 |10 – 1 = |794 | |

|8 + 1 = | |6 – 5 = |-658 |4List an 8-hour work shift starting from: |

|5 + 5 = |91 |5 – 2 = | | |

|7 + 2 = |+86 |5 – 1 = | |8AM to ________ |

|6 + 1 = | |6 – 3 = |6112 |9AM to ________ |

|5 + 3 = |235 |6 – 1 = |-612 |10 AM to ________ |

|2 + 8 = |+602 |9 – 7 = | |3PM to _________ |

|2 + 1 = | |9 – 6 = | |4PM to _________ |

|2 + 5 = |72 |9 – 5 = |18 |5PM to _________ |

|3 + 1 = |+89 |10 – 3 = |-10 | |

|7 + 1 = | |8 – 6 = | |4How much time would you need to prepare for a 10AM |

|4 + 6 = |1010 |8 – 5 = |49 |interview? |

|10 + 1 = |+313 |8 – 4 = |-38 |_________________________ |

|10 + 2 = | |10 – 4 = | |4How much time would you need, to get to a job |

|10 + 3 = |412 |4 – 2 = |99 |downtown? |

|10 + 4 = |+412 |6 – 4 = |-44 |_________________________ |

|10 + 5 = | |7 – 5 = | | |

|10 + 6 = |681 |7 – 3 = |52 |CLASS 413.5 |

|10 + 7 = |+923 |7 – 7 = |-39 | |

|10 + 8 = | |7 – 2 = | | |

|10 + 9 = | |9 – 8 = | | |

|10 + 10 = | | | | |


|Objective & Instructions: Study sentence building. |

1) List 'Parts of Speech' Vocabulary.

|Articles-A |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

List Commands & Questions:

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

3) Pick a partner and read 3 of your sentences and 2 of your commands and questions. Switch and listen to the other person's sentences, commands and questions.



|Objective & Instructions: |Time ≠: Duration of wait or action |Objective: Select the right measurement.|

|Learn systems of measure. || Duration: length of time | |

| |≈ Wait: time before action |4What do you use to calculate a work |

|Standard Measurement || Appointment: designated meeting time Hours Minutes |day? ________________ |

|DISTANCE |Seconds | |

|1 Mile = 1760 yards | |4You need to figure out the contents |

|1 Yard = 3 feet, 36 inches |Distance→: 1-dimensional linear space between points or |that can fit in a box. ___________ |

|1 Foot = 12 inches, 1/3 yard |places | |

|1 Inch = 2 half inches or 4 quarter inches |→ Length & Width: distance across |4What do you use to figure out your |

| |→ Height: distance tall |motion in a car? ____________ |

|VOLUME |→ Depth: distance from back to front | |

|1 Gallon = 2 half gallons, |→ Radius: half distance of a circle |4You need to know how far it is from |

|4 quarts |→ Diameter: full width of a circle |Chicago to Minneapolis. _______________ |

|1 Quart = 2 pints |Miles Yards Feet Inches | |

|1 Pint = 2 cups |Kilometers Meters Centimeters |4You need to mix lemonade in the correct|

|1 Cup = 2 half cups, 3 -1/3 cups, 4 quarter | |proportions. _______________ |

|cups |Area ♦: 2-dimensional surface between lines and borders | |

| |♦ Area: cumulative linear distances |4You need to know the measurement of |

|1 Tablespoon = 3 teaspoons |♦ Surface Area: the top or outer dimensions Miles |ocean between land masses. |

|1 Teaspoon=2-½ teaspoons |squared-mi.2 Feet squared-ft.2 Inches squared-in.2 |__________________ |

|3 -1/3 teaspoons, 4 - |Kilo-meters Squared-km2 Meters Squared -m2 Centimeters | |

|¼ teaspoons |Squared-cm2 |4You need to use 3lbs. Of potatoes for |

| | |the recipe. __________________ |

|WEIGHT |Volume ρ : 3-dimensional proper-ties or measurement of an | |

|1 Ton = 200 pounds |object |4You need to know all the dimensions of |

|1 Pound = 16 ounces, 2 - |ρ Cube: square with depth |a project.______________ |

|½ pounds |μ Sphere: circle with depth | |

| |° Contents: quantity that fits inside |4You need to know how large your dog is.|

|Metric Measurement |° HxWxD: formula to compute volume of a rectangular object |__________________ |

|DISTANCE |Liter Milliliter Inches cubed-in3 | |

|1 Kilometer = 1000 Meters |Meters cubed-m3 Yards cubed-yd3 |4You need to know when your friend is |

|1 Meter = 100 Centimeters, | |showing up. _________ |

|10 Decimeters |Weight ∇: measure of heaviness | |

|1 Centimeter=10 Millimeters |Tons Pounds Ounces | |

| |Kilograms Grams | |

|VOLUME | |CLASS414.5 |

|1 Liter = 2 half Liters, 1000 milliliters |Speed⎝: distance traveled in a specific amount of time; | |

| |Velocity | |

|WEIGHT |MPH – Miles per Hour | |

|1 Kilogram= 1000 grams |V=d/t – velocity = distance / time | |

|1 Gram = 1000 milligrams | | |

| | | |

| |Reference: | |

|Reference: | | |


|To: NissanInfo@ |The Gallup Poll |1-800 |

|Re: Warranty on car |Public Opinion 2002, January 4 | |

| | |Let us arrange a |

|Dear Warranty Maintenance: |DRAFTING WOMEN FOR THE MILITARY |smile for you |

|I received the recall on the muffler on my Nissan|Interview Date: 12/14-16/01 |Healing Tears - Lavender and White  |

|GT-R, Vin#20137789000534448. I would like to |CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll |$49.99-$69.99 |

|make an appoint-ment to run repairs on June 10. |Survey # GO 135256 |Same-Day Local Florist Deliver |

| | |____________________________________ |

|Regards, |Next, I will read you a list of jobs in the | |

|Jast Jarl____________________ |military that are considered combat jobs. Do you |WANT ADS |

| |favor or oppose having women do each of the |FOR SALE: L-Shape sectional, grey blue. $50. |

|RECIPE |following? |Call 000-000-0000. |

|Spinach & Mushroom Omelet |FAVOR OPPOSE | |

|Ingredients: |Flying combat aircraft |FICTION & PROSE |

|3 Eggs |77.00% |A good, deep sleep in the morning and afterwards |

|1/3 lb. of spinach |21.00% |visits, drinking... He remembered Olya, too, of |

|½ lb. of mushrooms | |course, with her kittenish, cry-baby, pretty |

|2 T. of cooking oil |Serving on submarines |little face. She must be sleeping now and she |

|Directions: Chop spinach and mushrooms. Mix with |73.00% |isn't dreaming of him. These women are soon |

|eggs. Heat oil in skillet. Pour in egg mixture |24.00% |comforted. If it weren't for Olya he wouldn't be |

|and sauté until firm. Serve.____ | |here. She had tricked him, fool that he was. She |

| |Serving on Special Forces that conduct operations|had needed the money!..He had stolen, been caught|

|MEMO |behind enemy lines |and gone to Siberia, but Olya had copped out and |

|Attention all Office Personnel: |63.00% |hadn't gone of course. Now here silly little head|

|We will be leaving at 2pm for the New Year's Eve |35.00% |was sunk in a soft lacy pillow and here feet were|

|holiday. | |a long way's off from the dirty snow! (Oskolki, |

|Happy New Year! |Serving as ground combat troops |1883, No. 16) |

|_________________________________________________|52.00% |Reference: Checkhov's Poetics, translated by |

|_______________________ |46.00% |Edwina Jannie Cruise & Donald Dragt. Ardis |

| | |Publishers, 1983. |

|PLAY | | |

|(Stage directions) She sweeps out, closing the |NEWS - , 1/29/15 | |

|door behind her. Roger hands the menu back to |Senate Passes Keystone XL Measure | |

|Ferris, abruptly, and clings on to him, | |CLASS415 |

|desperately. |Washington (CNN) | |

| |The Senate passed a bipartisan bill on Thursday | |

|ROGER Ferris? My wife’s down there! |to clear construction of the Keystone XL | |

|FERRIS I Know! |pipeline, a controversial project that would | |

|ROGER You’ll have to do something. |transport oil from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. | |

|FERRIS Me? | | |

|ROGER Yes! |The vote was 62 to 39. Nine mostly centrist | |

|FERRIS Why me? |Democrats joined with Republicans to support the | |

|ROGER That’s what hotel manage-ment’s all about.|bill despite President Barack Obama's promise to | |

|Looking after the customers._ |veto it. The President has said the decision | |

|Reference: Bedside Manners, A Comedy by Derek |should remain within the executive branch. | |

|Benfield. Samuel French Ltd, London, UK ©1990. | | |

|MATH & ORGANIZATION |2b) How many minutes does it take to travel a mile on this |

|Objective & Instructions: Get proficient at measurement questions. |trip? |

| |(TOTAL MILES/100 minutes) |

|1a) The duration of time for a 2PM appointment that ended at 3:30 _______. 1b) The | |

|wait time between 2PM and 5PM appointments: _______ . |3) There is a park scheduled to be built with 4 borders. The |

| |borders are 5 miles, 4 miles, 5 miles, 4 miles. |

|2) You will travel from Chicago, IL and South Bend, IN. (Driving time: 1 hr. 40 |3a) What is the area of the park to be built? |

|min.) 2a) Total the miles. |_____________________ |


|Start out going north on N LaSalle St toward W Randolph St. |3b) There is a recreational building to be put in the park. It |

| |is 3 floors tall, 3 floors wide and 2 floors deep. What is the |

|00.1 |building's volume? _____________________________ |

| | |

|Take the 1st left onto W Randolph St. |4) One package sent equaled 8 pounds. Twenty of the same |

|0.4 |package would equal ____________ pounds. |

| | |

|Keep right at the fork to continue on W Randolph St. |5) What is the speed of the driving trip from Chicago, IL to |

| |South Bend, IN? |

|00.3 | |

| |Measurement Equivalents |

|Merge onto I-90 E/I-94 E via the ramp on the left. |Standard |

| |3 Feet = ____ Inches = ______Yards |

|03.0 |18 Yards = ____ Feet |

| |18 Inches = _____ Feet |

|Keep left to take I-90 (EXPRESS) E/I-94 E/Dan Ryan Expy S toward 55th St. |17.6 Yards = _____ Miles |

| | |

|03.9 |24 Pounds = _____ Ounces |

| |8 Tons = _______ Pounds |

|Take the I-90 E exit, EXIT 59A, toward Skyway/Indiana Toll Rd. | |

| |8 Cups = _____ Pints = _____Quarts |

|00.3 |15 Quarts= ______ Gallons |

| | |

|Merge onto I-90 (LOCAL) E/I-94 E/Dan Ryan Expy S. |Metric |

| |1.8 Kilometers = ______ Meters |

|00.6 |50 Centimeters = ______ Meter |

| |7 Meters = ______ Centimeters |

|Merge onto I-90 E via EXIT 59A on the left toward Indiana Toll Rd (Portions toll) | |

|(Crossing into Indiana). |840 Grams= ______ Kilograms |

| |4000 Milligrams = _______ Grams |

|84.0 |1 Kilogram = ________ Milligrams |

| | |

|Take the IN-933/US-31 Bus exit, EXIT 77, toward South Bend/Notre Dame. |10 Liters = ________ Milliliters |

| | |

|01.2 | |

| | |

|Turn right onto Indiana State Route 933/US-31 Bus S/IN-933. Continue to follow | |

|US-31 Bus S/IN-933. | |

| | |

|02.5 | |

| | |

|Welcome to SOUTH BEND, IN. | |

| | |

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|Objective & Instructions: Reading and writing paragraphs. |

| |

|Note: A Paragraph is a series of complete sentences on a topic. A Paper is an ordered series of paragraphs on a topic. A Report is a cohesive |

|series of paragraphs with a conclusion, and analytical support. An Outline is a list of the important sections and points. |


|A Day at the Office |

|Everyone arrived punctually today, except the president who arrived late with presentation materials and bagels for the weekly meeting. He set up |

|the dry-erase board and announced through the phone intercom that the meeting would start in five minutes. Seven people showed up and sat down. |

|Quietly, each ate a pre-meeting bagel. The president proceeded with the meeting, announcing that sales had been great this month and the top |

|salesperson would get a bonus. The latest promotion had been sent in the mail and there would be a deluge of responses in the next week. Finally |

|there was congratulations for the second salesman because his wife had just had a baby. The child was named Nate after his grandfather. The |

|salesman apologized for any inconvenience that his month absence had caused. He looked tired, but happy. The president closed the meeting with his|

|talk about how the business had progressed in five years and would expand over the next five years. |


|4Who arrived to work on time? |

|4What is the nature of the office environment? A)Energetic B)Humorous C)Polite D)Solemn |

|4What is this paragraph trying to convey about Workplaces and Working? |

| |

| |


|Write about the kind of job you would like work, the people you would like to work with, and why and how you would be a great employee. Don't |

|answer the question, but write in complete stand-alone sentences. This could be used to help build your resume, so be honest and keep quality. |

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|MATH |List Square dimensions: |ORGANIZATION |

|Objective & Instructions: Learn basic geometry. Fill |? Side: _______ units |Objective: Study Past, Present, |

|in the blanks. |? Area: _______ units2 |Future. |

|With a string figure out the dimensions that are not |? Perimeter _______units | |

|listed. |Advanced: Area=S2 ___ Perimeter=4S ___ |The PAST equates to things that have |

|List Circle dimensions: | |happened. Those things may be |

|? Radius: _______ units |TRIANGLES |avail-able to be re-visited, such as |

|? Diameter: _______ units |Isosceles: 2 sides the same |remakes of past lives, memories, |

|? Area: __________ units2 |Equilateral: 3 sides the same |chemistry. |

|(Use string to compute) |Right: 1 corner is a right angle |OR |

|? Circumference: ____ units |List Triangle dimensions: |The PAST may be destroyed, closed out|

| |Height: _______ units |to be locked away, stored in memory |

|Advanced: ∏ or π ’ 3.1416 |Width: ________ units |and awareness, retold in another |

|Circumference=π d __ Area=∏ r2_ |Hypotenuse: _______ units |format. |

| |Area: _________ units2 |Terms: History, Time, |

|List Rectangle dimensions: |(Use string to compute) |Time Travel, Set, Boundaries, Death |

|? Length: _______ units |Side: _________ units | |

|? Width: _______ units |Perimeter: _________ units |The PRESENT equates to things |

|? Height: _______ units |Advanced: Area=HW/2 ___ |happening now at this time. Most |

|? Area: _________ units2 |List Triangle dimensions: |often it is a dynamic time where the |

|? Perimeter: _________ units |Height: _______ units |PAST influences the FUTURE. |

|Advanced: Area=LH ______ |Width: ________ units |Terms: Now, Moment, |

|Perimeter= 2L+ 2H _____ |Area: ________units2 |Action, The time is now |

|Reference: ( |(Use string to compute) | |

| |Hypotenuse: _______ units |The FUTURE is the next moment of what|

| |Perimeter: ________ units |is going to happen and reaction to it|

| |Advanced: Sides a2 + b2 = c2 |– with full range of plans, results, |

| |c=__ Pythagorean Theorem |and living – for all living things |

| | |individually and in conglomerate. |

| | |Terms: Plans, The Light, Ideal, |

| | |Destiny, Will Power, Infinite, |

| | |Patience |

| | | |

| | |CLASS416.5 |


|Objective: Study First, Second, Third Person Singular & Plural nouns and verb tenses. |

|Instructions: Fill in requested information. |


First Person Subject Sing. ♣ Second Person Subject Sing. ♣ Third Person Subject Sing.


First Person Subject Plur. ♣ Second Person Subject Plur. ♣ Third Person Subject Plur.


First Person Object Sing. ♣ Second Person Object Sing. ♣ Third Person Object Sing.


First Person Object Plur. ♣ Second Person Object Plur. ♣ Third Person Object Plural



One Thing-Singular Many Things-Plural Prepositional Phrase

| | | |

| | | |


|Because ⇒ reason. | |This one. |

|Because ⇒ justification. | |That one. |


Time is only changed in the verbs of the English language.

|∫ TIME |To-Be Verb-BV – Being |Action Verb-AV – Action |Adverb-ADV – Describes |

| |Verb: To Be |Use Verb: Work |Verb |

|PAST |I __________ We _________ |I __________ We _________ |THEN |

| |You ________ You(p)_______ |You ________ You(p)_______ | |

| |He/She/It ____ They ________ |He/She/It ____ They ________ | |

|PRESENT |I __________ We _________ |I __________ We _________ |NOW, UNTIL |

| |You ________ You(p)_______ |You ________ You(p)_______ | |

| |He/She/It ____ They ________ |He/She/It ____ They ________ | |

|FUTURE |I __________ We _________ |I __________ We _________ |UNTIL, WHEN |

| |You ________ You(p)_______ |You ________ You(p)_______ | |

| |He/She/It ____ They ________ |He/She/It ____ They ________ | |



|Objective: Multiplication |′′′′′′ |Objective: Identify the following. Circle what applies. |

|Instructions: |′′′′′′ 3 x 6= | |

|′ 1 x 1= |′′′′′′′ |The men went to the hardware store. FPSS SPSS |

|′′ 1 x 2= |′′′′′′′ |TPSS |

|′′′ 1 x 3= |′′′′′′′ 3 x 7= |FPSP SPSP TPSP |

|′′′′ 1 x 4= |′′′′′′′′ |FPOS SPOS TPOS |

|′′′′′ 1 x 5= |′′′′′′′′ |FPOP SPOP TPOP |

|′′′′′′ 1 x 6= |′′′′′′′′ 3 x 8= | |

|′′′′′′′ 1 x 7= |′′′′′′′′′ |One man went to many hard-ware stores. FPSS SPSS |

|′′′′′′′′ 1 x 8= |′′′′′′′′′ |TPSS |

|′′′′′′′′′ 1 x 9= |′′′′′′′′′ |FPSP SPSP TPSP |

|′′′′′′′′′′ 1 x10= |′′′′′′′′′ 3 x 9= |FPOS SPOS TPOS |

|′ |′′′′′′′′′′ |FPOP SPOP TPOP |

|′ 2 x 1= |′′′′′′′′′′ | |

|′′ |′′′′′′′′′′ 3 x 10= |We had enough supplies for us. |

|′′ 2 x 2= |′ |FPSS SPSS TPSS |

|′′′ |′ |FPSP SPSP TPSP |

|′′′ 2 x 3= |′ |FPOS SPOS TPOS |

|′′′′ |′ 4 x 1= |FPOP SPOP TPOP |

|′′′′ 2 x 4= |′′ | |

|′′′′′ |′′ |Every day something happens. |

|′′′′′ 2 x 5= |′′ |SINGULAR PLURAL |

|′′′′′′ |′′ 4 x 2= | |

|′′′′′′ 2 x 6= |′′′ |Many months are temperate. |

|′′′′′′′ |′′′ |SINGULAR PLURAL |

|′′′′′′′ 2 x 7= |′′′ | |

|′′′′′′′′ |′′′ 4 x 3= |Historically the place was haunted. |

|′′′′′′′′ 2 x 8= |′′′′ |PAST PRESENT FUTURE |

|′′′′′′′′′ |′′′′ | |

|′′′′′′′′′ 2 x 9= |′′′′ |Her flowers are beautiful. |

|′′′′′′′′′′ |′′′′ 4 x 4= |PAST PRESENT FUTURE |

|′′′′′′′′′′ 2 x 10= |′′′′′ | |

|′ |′′′′′ |Some day we will live on other planets. PAST PRESENT |

|′ |′′′′′ |FUTURE |

|′′ 3 x 1= |′′′′′ 4 x 5= | |

|′′ |′′′′′′ |Cars make up the main means of transportation. |

|′′ |′′′′′′ |PAST PRESENT FUTURE |

|′′ 3 x 2= |′′′′′′ | |

|′′′ |′′′′′′ 4 x 6= |Her father always met his financial obligations. |

|′′′ |′′′′′′′ |PAST PRESENT FUTURE |

|′′′ 3 x 3= |′′′′′′′ | |

|′′′′ |′′′′′′′ |He will meet you at 5PM promptly. |

|′′′′ |′′′′′′′ 4 x 7= |PAST PRESENT FUTURE |

|′′′′ 3 x 4= |′′′′′′′′ | |

|′′′′′ |′′′′′′′′ |Things are great. |

|′′′′′ |′′′′′′′′ |PAST PRESENT FUTURE |

|′′′′′ 3 x 5= |′′′′′′′′ 4 x 8= | |

| |′′′′′′′′′ | |

| |′′′′′′′′′ |CLASS417.5 |

| |′′′′′′′′′ | |

| |′′′′′′′′′ 4 x 9= | |


|Objective & Instructions: Write 2-3 paragraphs, and pick the best one to read to others. |

Past: Write the History of a What or Who. Include related Who’s or What’s. Tell When and Why.

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Present: Write a marketing slogan for a company. List quotes from president, middle managers, and employees that make the company look great.

| |

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Future: Use and continue the sentence “In the future we will…”

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|Objective: Multiplication |⇔ ⇔ 6 x 2= |Objective: Exercises on Thinking and |

|Instructions: Multiply the following. |⇔ ⇔ ⇔ 6 x 3= |Feeling. |

| |⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ 6 x 4= |Instructions: Fill in. |

|′′′′′′′′′ |⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ 6 x 5= | |

|′′′′′′′′′ |⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ 6 x 6= |1) I think… |

|′′′′′′′′′ |⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ 6 x 7= | |

|′′′′′′′′′4 x 9= |⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ 6 x 8= | |

|′′′′′′′′′′ |⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ 6 x 9= | |

|′′′′′′′′′′ |⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ 6 x 10= | |

|′′′′′′′′′′ |? 7 x 1= | |

|′′′′′′′′′′4 x 10= |?? 7 x 2= | |

| |??? 7 x 3= | |

|′′′′′ 5 x 1= |???? 7 x 4= | |

|′′′′′ |????? 7 x 5= |, and that makes sense. Everyone would |

|′′′′′ 5 x 2= |?????? 7 x 6= |think so. |

|′′′′′ |??????? 7 x 7= | |

|′′′′′ |???????? 7 x 8= |2) I think… |

|′′′′′ 5 x 3= |??????????7 x 9= | |

|′′′′′ |??????????? 7 x 10= | |

|′′′′′ |° 8 x 1= | |

|′′′′′ |°° 8 x 2= | |

|′′′′′ 5 x 4= |°°° 8 x 3= | |

|′′′′′ |°°°° 8 x 4= | |

|′′′′′ |°°°°° 8 x 5= | |

|′′′′′ |°°°°°° 8 x 6= | |

|′′′′′ |°°°°°°° 8 x 7= |, but that is just me. My experience is |

|′′′′′ 5 x 5= |°°°°°°°° 8 x 8= |different. |

|′′′′′′′ |°°°°°°°°° 8 x 9= | |

|′′′′′′′ |°°°°°°°°°° 8 x 10= |3) I feel… |

|′′′′′′′ |? 9 x 1= | |

|′′′′′′′ 5 x 6= |?? 9 x 2= | |

|′′′′′′′ |??? 9 x 3= | |

|′′′′′′′ |???? 9 x 4= | |

|′′′′′′′ |????? 9 x 5= |today, but usually I feel… |

|′′′′′′′ |?????? 9 x 6= | |

|′′′′′′′ 5 x 7= |??????? 9 x 7= | |

|′′′′′′′′ |???????? 9 x 8= ????????? 9 x 9= | |

|′′′′′′′′ |????????? ?9 x 10= | |

|′′′′′′′′ | | |

|′′′′′′′′ | | |

|′′′′′′′′ 5 x 8= | | |

|′′′′′′′′′ | |4) I want to change and need to… |

|′′′′′′′′′ | | |

|′′′′′′′′′ | | |

|′′′′′′′′′ | | |

|′′′′′′′′′ 5 x 9= ↔↔↔↔↔↔↔↔↔↔ 5x10= | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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| | |CLASS418.5 |


|Objective & Instructions: Read different types of literature. |


|The TIMES Comprehensive ATLAS of the WORLD Times Books, London, |(8/6-7/1863 Letters) |

|1967-2007. |The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln VI 1862-1863 |

| |Abraham Lincoln Association, Springfield, IL, Editor: Roy P. Basler, AE: |

|IMAGES OF THE EARTH: OCEANIA |M.D. Pratt and L.A. Dunlap. |

|The continent of Oceania comprises Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand and| |

|the islands of the Pacific Ocean. The main Pacific island groups of the |To Horatio Seymour |

|Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia sit amongst the complex of ridges and|His Excellency Horatio Seymour Executive |

|troughs which make up the Pacific seafloor. Notable among these, and |Mansion, Aug. 7, 1963. |

|visible extending northwards from New Zealand, are the Kermadec and Tonga|Your communications of the 3r. Inst. has been received, and attentively |

|trenches - |considered I can not consent to suspend the draft in New York, as you |

| |request, because, among other reasons, time is too important. By the |

|IMAGES OF THE EARTH: ASIA |figures you send, which I presume are correct, the twelve Districts |

|This vast continent – the world's largest – covers an enormous area and |represented fall into two classes of eight, and four respectively. The |

|contains a great variety of landscapes, evident on this image. It |disparity of the quotas for the draft, in these two classes is certainly |

|stretches from Mediterranean Sea in the west to the far east of the |very striking, being the difference between and an average of 2200 in one|

|Russian Federation and Japan, and from arctic Siberia in the north to the|class, and 4864 in the other. ... |

|tropical islands of Indonesia. - |To Mary Todd Lincoln |

| |Executive Mansion, Washington, August, 8 1863 – My dear Wife. All is well|

| |as usual, and no particular trouble any way. I put the money into the |

| |Treasury at five percent, with the privilege of withdrawing it any time |

| |upon thirty days' notice. ... |


|Out of The Silent Planet (Ch. 15, Pg. 91) |The NATION |

| |Monday December 20, 1965. 201, No. 21, Pg.86. |

|“Come in, Small One,” boomed the sorn. “Come in and let me look at you.” | |

|Now that he stood face to face with the spectre that haunted him ever |Economics of the Long War |

|since he set foot on Malacandra Ransom felt a surprising indifference. He|The news media, electronic and printed alike, live the drama: |

|had no idea what might be coming next, but he was determined to carry out|consequently nothing makes them happier than a confrontation, a clash of |

|his programme; and in the meantime the warmth and more breathable air |wills among titans. So the disagreement between the President of the |

|were a heaven in themselves. He came in, well in past the fire, and |United States and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board was pictured |

|answered the sorn. His own voice sounded to him a shrill treble. “The |in gladiatorial terms, with William McChesney Martin fighting for tight |

|hrossa have sent me to look for Oyarsa,” he said. The sorn peered at him.|money against the old Populist from the Southwest, beating his breast for|

|“You are not from this world,” it said suddenly. “No,” replied Ransom, |easy credit, full employment and the Great Society. There may be some |

|and sat down. He was too tired to explain. “I think you are from |truth in this interpretation of the Federal Reserve's hiking of the |

|Thulcandra, Small One,” said the sorn. “Why?” said Ransom. |discount rate by half a point, but it is not the whole truth, nor even a |

| |major part. Mr. Johnson might well wish that Mr. Martin were his |

| |subordinate, to be fired at will, but Woodrow Wilson and Carter Grass did|

| |not plan it that way, and in the end Mr. Johnson may be glad that fiscal |

| |policy is not entirely in his hands. |

| | |

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| |CLASS419 |

|MATH |6 ÷ 4 = |10 ÷ 7 = |ORGANIZATION |

|Objective: Division |6 ÷ 3 = |10 ÷ 6 = |Objective & Instructions: Answer budget |

|Instructions: Divide the following; list |6 ÷ 2 = |10 ÷ 5 = |questions. |

|answer and remainder as ____R___ |6÷ 1 = |10 ÷ 4 = | |

| |6 ÷ 0 =_____ |10 ÷ 3 = |1) You have to write bills for the beginning |

|ϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒ | |10 ÷ 2 = |of the month. |

|ϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒ |Instructions: Divide the following; |10 ÷ 1 = |You have paid: |

|ϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒ |list answer and remainder as a |10 ÷ 0 =___ |Rent check: $650 |

|ϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒ |fraction: Ex: 3÷2= 11/3 | |Online Service Debit: $10 |

|ϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒ | |11 ÷ 11 = | |

|ϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒ |7 ÷ 7 = |11 ÷ 10 = |You have less than antici-pated and can only |

|ϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒ |7 ÷ 6 = |11 ÷ 9 = |pay partial on the electric bill, and you need|

|ϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒ |7 ÷ 5 = |11 ÷ 8 = |to take less personal money. |

|ϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒ |7 ÷ 4 = |11 ÷ 7 = |Electric bill: $32 - Paid: $25 |

|ϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒϒ |7 ÷ 3 = |11 ÷ 6 = |Cash budgeted: $120 – Kept $100 |

|1 ÷ 1 = |7 ÷ 2 = |11 ÷ 5 = | |

|1 ÷ 0 =_____ |7 ÷ 1 = |11 ÷ 4 = |2) You are out for a walk and want to get an |

| |7 ÷ 0 =_____ |11 ÷ 3 = |ice cream. You lost $.50 from $4 and don't |

|2 ÷ 2 = | |11 ÷ 2 = |have enough for the most expensive brand. The |

|2 ÷ 1 = |8 ÷ 8 = |11 ÷ 1 = |other 2 brands are: |

|2 ÷ 0 =_____ |8 ÷ 7 = |11 ÷ 0 =___ |♦ $2.75 Nature's Brand |

| |8 ÷ 6 = | |♦ $3.00 Ice Milk |

|3 ÷ 3 = |8 ÷ 5 = |12 ÷ 12 = |Select your choice. |

|3 ÷ 2 = |8 ÷ 4 = |12 ÷ 11 = | |

|3 ÷ 1 = |8 ÷ 3 = |12 ÷ 10 = |3) You went to the art museum for a show you |

|3 ÷ 0 =_____ |8 ÷ 2 = |12 ÷ 9 = |really love. You have $20. You paid the $10 |

| |8 ÷ 1 = |12 ÷ 8 = |entrance fee, donated $1 to future shows. How|

|4 ÷ 4 = |8 ÷ 0 =_____ |12 ÷ 7 = |much do you have left? ______ You spent $2.50 |

|4 ÷ 3 = | |12 ÷ 6 = |on a juice. How much do you have left? |

|4 ÷ 2 = |9 ÷ 9 = |12 ÷ 5 = |________ |

|4 ÷ 1 = |9 ÷ 8 = |12 ÷ 4 = | |

|4 ÷ 0 =_____ |9 ÷ 7 = |12 ÷ 3 = |4) How much would you need from an ATM to |

| |9 ÷ 6 = |12 ÷ 2 = |cover an $8.50 ticket to a movie theater? |

|5 ÷ 5 = |9 ÷ 5 = |12 ÷ 1 = |__________ |

|5 ÷ 4 = |9 ÷ 4 = |12 ÷ 0 =___ | |

|5 ÷ 3 = |9 ÷ 3 = | |CLASS 419.5 |

|5 ÷ 2 = |9 ÷ 2 = | | |

|5 ÷ 1 = |9 ÷ 1 = | | |

|5 ÷ 0 =_____ |9 ÷ 0 =______ | | |

| | | | |

|6 ÷ 6 = |10 ÷ 10 = | | |

|6 ÷ 5 = |10 ÷ 9 = | | |

|6 ÷ 4 = |10 ÷ 8 =_____ | | |

|6 ÷ 3 =_____ | | | |


|Objective: Writing Past-Present-Future and First, Second, Third Person paragraphs.. |

|Instructions: Write 3 out of 4 paragraphs, your choice. |

|1) Write a personal letter inviting someone to a museum exhibit at a |2) Write a critique of an art exhibit that is currently going on. Tell |

|future date. Tell them what you will do there. Use first and second |what one or two attendees have said. Use third person singular. |

|person. | |

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|3) Write a paragraph from a married couple telling the details of their |4) What do you want to study or learn about in Life? Use first person |

|move from one location to another. Include quotes. Use third person |singular and third person singular or plural. |

|singular and plural. | |

| | |

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|MATH |1 – 0 = |Complex Math | |ORGANIZATION |

|Objective: Math Glut |6 ÷ 2= | |4√84084 |Objective & Instructions: Constructively, organize your |

|Instructions: |6 ÷ 3= |80√3200 | |past-present-future. |

|Complete. |6 ÷ 6= | |968 | |

|8 + 2= |1 + 4= |524 |-49 |It is said that a part of you dies for a part of you to |

|8 x 8= |4 ÷ 2= |-234 | |rebirth. |

|2 x 8= |11 – 1= | |90009 |What habits, memories, collaborations need to die for you |

|7 - 0= |11 – 4= | |X 909 |to get and/or make new things? |

|9 ÷ 3= |10 ÷ 2= |7√49 | | |

|1 ÷ 1= |22 ÷ 11= | | | |

|9 x 4= |30 ÷ 10= |61 |22227 | |

|4 + 7= |9 x 9= |x 80 |- 555 |What past things do you want to bring to the future? |

|5 x 5= |9 x 3= | | | |

|4 x 5= |9 x 8= | | | |

|3 ÷ 3= |7 x 5= |11√121 |50186 |What is in your way in the present? |

|8 ÷ 4= |5 x 8= | |+50189 |> |

|3 + 9= |4 x 8= |1999 | |> |

|7 – 6= |9 – 3= |+ 1 | |> |

|7 x 3= |7 x 3= | |1280 |> |

|8 x 7= |7 x 2= | |x 128 | |

|9 x 1= |90 ÷ 10= |4√8888888 | |How, Why, When, Where will you journey to the future? |

|6 + 4= |99 ÷ 9= | | | |

|2 + 6= |8 x10= |333 |27223 | |

|2 x 10= |30 ÷ 10= |x333 |- 17 |What is its nature? |

|6 ÷ 3= |30 ÷ 6= | | | |

|6 ÷ 2= |2 x 2= | |897 | |

|10 ÷ 5= |2 x 2 x 2= |3√693 |x 0 |Who will be with you? |

|8 – 3= |3 x 3= | | | |

|8 – 4= |3 x 3 x 3= |6712 | | |

|4 x 4= |1 x 1= |+460 |As A Class |What will be your means? |

|4 x 3= |1 x 1 x 1= | | | |

|4 ÷ 2= |8 – 6= |154890 |1√52749 | |

|12 ÷ 4= |4 + 4 + 4= |x 22 | |If God were to meet you half way with help, what would |

|12 ÷ 3= |4 x 4 x 4= | | |both halves look like? |

|12 x 3= |12 – 6= | |0√4289 | |

|5 + 2= |12 – 3= |18199917 | | |

|5 +7= |5 – 3= |-8211 | | |

|7 + 3= |5 x 2= | |55554 | |

|3 – 1= |5 x 3= | |-66668 | |

|3 x 9= |22 ÷ 11= |2√724427 | | |

|0 + 0= |3 x 6= | |0 0 | |

|1 + 1= |3 x 8= |32468 |-15 -.25 | |

|8 + 3 = |5 – 1= |- 7214 | | |

|3 + 12= |5 ÷ 5= | |250 351 | |

|7 - 1 = |5 + 10= | |x 0 x 1 | |

| |4 x 2= | | | |

CLASS 420.5

|READING, WRITING & SPEECH |Why do we write: |

|Objective & Instructions: Purpose of Writing. |τ Notify |

| |τ Communicate |

|What is writing for? ____________________ |τ Connect |

|____________________________________ |τ Convey a message |

|What do people use writing for? __________ |τ Share something interesting |

|____________________________________ |τ Tell a story |

|____________________________________ |τ Remember and store the details |

|____________________________________ |τ Entertain ourselves and others |

|Why is writing important for the writer? |τ Research an answer |

|____________________________________ |τ To be Literary |

|Why is writing important to the reader(s)? |τ To be Poetic and create Poetry |

|____________________________________ |τ To record our Ideas |

|____________________________________ |τ To record History |

|Who should read? |τ To record the Times we live in |

|____________________________________ |τ To design the Times we want in society |

|Why do you read? |τ To provide instructions |

|____________________________________ |τ To update outdated instructions |

|Who should write? |τ To journal |

|____________________________________ |τ To maintain correspondence |

|Why do you write? |τ To draft an opinion |

|_________________________________ |τ |

|With what import do you write? |τ |

|_________________________________ |τ |

|With what import do you treat the reader? |τ |

|_________________________________ |τ |

|With what import should you treat the reader?___________________________ | |

|OBJECTIVE: Content that is factual, or verifiable from all directions as |List Objective writing formats: |

|true and factual. It is told from a flat, but interesting standpoint. It |_______________ _______________ |

|ranges from telling about something – to recounting exact details – to |_______________ _______________ |

|tallying up important decisions as they are happening. |_______________ _______________ |

| |_______________ _______________ |

| |_______________ _______________ |

|SUBJECTIVE: Content is personal. It ranges from expressing an opinion – |List Subjective writing formats: |

|to creative expression – to altered states of experience – to personal |_______________ _______________ |

|assessment. Its quality is expressive, individual, different and |_______________ _______________ |

|definitive. |_______________ _______________ |

| |_______________ _______________ |

| |_______________ _______________ |

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|MATH & ORGANIZATION |Right and Wrong in the Objective is what is agreed upon by almost All to |

|Objective: Go over Range of Subjectivity and Objectivity, and Right & |be Right and Wrong. It is True from all or most directions. |

|Wrong. | |

| |It is represented as: |

|Objectivity & Subjectivity | |

|Objectivity is the capability to see the truth from the outside. |1) Laws passed and upheld by United States Federal government, and State |

|Subjectivity is the capability to be dynamic from the inside out |governments separately. |

| | |

|Are you predominately Objective or Subjective? Out of 100% list your |2) Sacred Teachings such as the 10 Commandments, Beatitudes, Sacraments. |

|percentages | |

|Subjectivity: |3) Legal Contracts in Business Start-Ups, Job Contracts, Marriage, |

|Objectivity: |Executor Trust, Wills, Property Ownership. |

| | |

| |4) Social Mores of the time, which equate to the habits that everyone |

|Right and Wrong in the Subjective is your specific Life & Death framework,|agrees are socially acceptable. |

|build, direction and goals. | |

| |Things considered Objectively Wrong: |

|It equates to what you think, what you feel, what you know, what motivates|Killing |

|you, what you push for, what you adopt, what you pursue as Right and |Raping |

|Wrong. It is your own Balance and Imbalance. Pick 3 out of 4 of the |Stealing |

|following: |Attacking |

| |Demeaning |

|Write what is Right and Wrong from a Subjective standpoint – Yours. |Prejudice |

| | |

| |Things considered Objectively Right: |

| |Right to Life |

| |Right to Privacy |

| |Incorporation |

| |Equal Rights Amendment |

| |Equal Opportunity Laws (Jobs) |

| |Marriage |

| |Baptism |

| | |

| |Things considered Socially Right Objectively: |

|Write Why and How we are all Created Equal or Not: |Clothes |

| |Wait your turn |

| |Behave |

| |Be Decent to Others |

| |Communicate |

| |Personal Cleanliness |

| |Environmental Cleanliness |

| |Live and let Live |

| |Be Sociable |

| |CLASS 421.5 |

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| | |

|Write about something that you know or want to know: | |

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|Objective & Instructions: Learn and speak Subjective and Objective writing styles. |

Objective writing samples Subjective writing samples

|REFERENCE (excerpted) |REVIEW (excerpted) |

|The Declaration of Independence is the usual name of a statement adopted|Woman overboard by J.R. Jones |

|by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, which announced that the |In Two Days, One Night, the latest drama from Belgian social realists Luc |

|thirteen American colonies, then at war with Great Britain, regarded |and Jean-Pierre Dardenne, a young wife and mother who works at a small |

|themselves as thirteen newly independent sovereign states, and no longer|factory making solar panels learns that her co-workers have voted 14-2 to |

|a part of the British Empire. Instead they formed a new nation—the |lay her off rather than forfeit their annual bonus of 1,000 euros. – |

|United States of America. – Reference: | |


|CAUTION: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN AND PETS. DO NOT PUT IN MOUTH OR |The question can be put in these terms: Is negation as the structure of the|

|INGEST. MAY IRRITATE EYES. Do not get in eyes. ALWAYS CLOSE CONTAINER |judicative proposition at the origin of nothingness? – |

|AFTER USE. |Reference: Being and Nothingness by Jean- Pierre Sartre. Philosophical |

| |Library, New York, 1981. |




|Field Organizer Field Manager |SALE! |

|- $12.25 / Hour $17.00 / Hour |(PROBABLY THE ONLY SALE |

|- $15 / Hour |IN TOWN RIGHT NOW) |

| | |



Write an Objective paragraph

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Write a Subjective paragraph

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|Objective: Think about Evolution. |ONE – Subjective: alone, quiet, loud, reverb, | |

|∞ In the beginning there was nothing at all. And nothing went on. |tenta-tive, audacious, aware |NONE: |

|° Nothing went right and nothing went wrong. There was nothing. |Objective: (, Single |0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = |

| | |1 x 0 = |

|∞ Near the beginning they were learning to be an All. Later someone |PART – Subjective: Grow-ing, confusion, advice, | |

|stole part of the first ALL. They would then have to learn to |pat down, allies, weave. Objective: β, Part Of |PART: |

|defend, be decent, and get through the difficult times – or they | |½ + ½ = |

|would lose their Godship and their humanity. They had to build back |TWO – Subjective: contrasting interests & | |

|their quality. |personalities, different generations, different |ONE |

|° Many things were challenging. |experiences, different values, compromise, no |0 + 1 = |

| |compromise, friends, enemies, change, long-term |1 – 0 = |

|∞ Later there was Life and Death and some beings lived and some |acceptance. |0 x 1 = |

|beings died. They learned how to bring the dead beings back to life |Objective: ⊆ ζ, |1 – 1 = |

|by calling to them. They learned to kill the life beings if they |There are two. |1 x 1 = |

|were really wrong. Life allied with all Life. Death was a place to | | |

|rest and prepare for the next life. |ONE TO MANY –Subjective: dominion & democracy; |TWO |

|° Most things went right. Some things went wrong and were corrected.|individual dynamic to many dynamics; |2 x 0 = |

|Every-thing was natural and in tune with its limitations and |collaboration & solidarity; initiative & |0 + 2 = |

|options. |interest; diplomacy, planning, coordination. |2 ÷ 2 = |

| |Objective: ± ? ? ? ? ?, |2 + 0 = |

|∞ Finally the quantities of beings were so big that they needed to |One across from many. |2 + 1 = |

|organize, and select an organizer. They sought out governance, and | |2 x 2 = |

|they learned to govern. This was the forerunner of a Republic and |MANY TO MANY – Subjective: even, odds, balance, | |

|Democracy. |mobilize, organize, choreograph, play the odds, |ONE TO MANY |

|° Things went right when they were systematized, and they went wrong|every life is either priceless or expendable, |500,000 + 5 = |

|for individual exceptions to the needed rules. Finally all were |war, compete, influence, update, stay current. |500,000 ÷ 5 = |

|considered the same to guarantee ease of rule and rules. |Objective: |5 + 500,000 = |

| |α α α ° ° ° |500,000 – 5 = |

|∞ In the future (Now) these beings chose to be civilized and |α α α ° ° ° |5 x 500,000 = |

|gentrified. They wan-ted to 1) enjoy city, farm and universal |° ° ° α α α | |

|living, 2) attend -movies, musical, cultural, intellectual and all |Many with or across Many. |MANY TO MANY |

|important - events; 3) participate in commerce and innovation; and | |3,000+3,000 = |

|4) know what was going on via media, networks, and healthy living. | |3,000+4,000 = |

| | |4,000–3,000 = |

| | |4,000÷4,000 = |

| | |4,000x4,000 = |

| | |3,000x3,000 = |

| | |3,000÷3,000 = |

| | |4,000–4,000 = |

| | |4,000x3,000 = |

| | |3,000x4,000 = |

|READING, WRITING, SPEECH |This branch includes Congress (the Senate and |Vice President - The Vice President supports the |

|Objective: Learn about Government |House of Representatives) and several agencies |president. If the President is unable to serve, |

|How the U.S. Government Is Organized |that provide support services to Congress. |the Vice President becomes President. He/she can |

|The Constitution of the United States divides the|American citizens have the right to vote for |serve an unlimited number of four-year terms. |

|federal government into three branches to ensure |senators and representatives through free, |The Cabinet - Cabinet members serve as advisors |

|a central government in which no individual or |confidential ballots. |to the president. They include the vice president|

|group gains too much control: |Senate - There are two elected senators per |and the heads of executive departments. Cabinet |

|Legislative – Makes laws (Congress consisting of |state, totaling 100 senators. A senate term is |members are nominated by the president and must |

|the Senate & House of Representatives |six years and there's no limit to the number of |be approved by the Senate (with at least 51 |

|Executive – Carries out laws (President, Vice |terms an individual can serve. |votes). |

|President, Cabinet) |House of Representatives - There are 435 elected |Judicial Branch |

|Judicial – Evaluates laws (Supreme Court and |representa-tives, which are divided among the 50 |The judicial branch interprets the meaning of |

|Other Federal Courts) |states in proportion to their total population. |laws, applies laws to individual cases, and |

|Each branch of government can change acts of the |There are addi-tional non-voting delegates who |decides if laws violate the Constitution. |

|other branches as follows: |represent the District of Columbia and the |The judicial branch is comprised of the Supreme |

|The president can veto laws passed by Congress. |territories. A representa-tive serves a two-year |Court and other federal courts. |

|Congress confirms or rejects the president's |term, and there's no limit to the number of terms|Supreme Court - The Supreme Court is the highest |

|appointments and can remove the president from |an individual can serve. |court in the United States. The justices of the |

|office in exceptional circumstances. |Executive Branch |Supreme Court are nominated by the president and |

|The justices of the Supreme Court, who can |The executive branch carries out and enforces |must be approved by the Senate (with at least 51 |

|overturn unconstitutional laws, are appointed by |laws. It includes the president, vice president, |votes). Congress decides the number of justices. |

|the president and confirmed by the Senate. |the Cabinet, executive departments, independent |Currently, there are 9. There is no fixed term |

|The U.S. federal government seeks to act in the |agencies, and other boards, commissions, and |for justices. They serve until their death, |

|best interests of its citizens through this |committees. |retirement, or removal in exceptional |

|system of checks and balances. |American citizens have the right to vote for the |circumstances. |

|Legislative Branch |president and vice president through free, |Other Federal Courts - The Constitution grants |

|The legislative branch enacts legislation, |confiden-tial ballots. Key roles of the |Congress the authority to establish other federal|

|confirms or rejects |executive branch include: |courts. |

|presidential appointments, and has the authority |President - The president leads the country. |Reference: |

|to declare war. |He/she is the head of state, leader of the | |

| |federal government, and commander-in-chief of the| |

| |United States Armed Forces. The president serves | |

| |a four-year term and can be elected no more than | |

| |two times. | |

| | | |

| | |CLASS 423 |


|Objectives & Instructions: Diagram the U.S. Government showing the various sections. |

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Objective: Learn how to use Charts - Degree chart, Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Chart

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|READING, WRITING, SPEECH |Constitution of the State of Illinois |

|Objective: Read the Bill of Rights. |BILL OF RIGHTS |


|United States Bill of Rights |SECTION 2. DUE PROCESS AND EQUAL |

|ratified December 15, 1791 |PROTECTION |

|Amendment I - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of |SECTION 3. RELIGIOUS FREEDOM |

|religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the |SECTION 4. FREEDOM OF SPEECH |

|freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably |SECTION 5. RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE AND PETITION |

|to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. |SECTION 6. SEARCHES, SEIZURES, PRIVACY |

|Amendment II - A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security |AND INTERCEPTIONS The people shall have the right to secure (themselves, their |

|of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not |possessions and communications against searches, seizures and invasions of |

|be infringed. |privacy) |

|Amendment III - No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any |SECTION 7. INDICTMENT AND PRELIMINARY |

|house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a |HEARING No person shall be held to answer for a criminal offense unless on |

|manner to be prescribed by law. |indictment |

|Amendment IV - The right of the people to be secure in their persons, |SECTION 8. RIGHTS AFTER INDICTMENT |

|houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, |SECTION 8.1. CRIME VICTIMS' RIGHTS |

|shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable |SECTION 9. BAIL AND HABEAS CORPUS |

|cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the |(All persons are bailable… except extreme offenders) |

|place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. |SECTION 10. SELF-INCRIMINATION AND |

|Amendment V - No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or |DOUBLE JEOPARDY |

|otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand|SECTION 11. LIMITATION OF PENALTIES |

|Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the |AFTER CONVICTION |

|Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall|SECTION 12. RIGHT TO REMEDY AND JUSTICE |

|any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of|SECTION 13. TRIAL BY JURY |

|life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness |SECTION 14. IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBT |

|against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without |SECTION 15. RIGHT OF EMINENT DOMAIN |

|due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, |Private property shall not be taken or damaged for public use without just |

|without just compensation. |compensation…by law |

|Amendment VI - In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the |SECTION 16. EX POST FACTO LAWS AND |

|right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and |IMPAIRING CONTRACTS |

|district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall|(No laws shall be made granting of special privileges) |

|have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature |SECTION 17. NO DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOY- |

|and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against |MENT AND THE SALE OR RENTAL OF PROPERTY |

|him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and |SECTION 18. NO DISCRIMINATION ON THE |

|to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense. |BASIS OF SEX |

|Amendment VII - In Suits at common law, where the |SECTION 19. NO DISCRIMINATION AGAINST |

|value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by |THE HANDICAPPED |

|jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise |SECTION 20. INDIVIDUAL DIGNITY |

|re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules|SECTION 21. QUARTERING OF SOLDIERS |

|of the common law. |SECTION 22. RIGHT TO ARMS |

|Amendment VIII -Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines |SECTION 23. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES |

|imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. |(reference to fundamental principles of civil gov’t.) |

|Amendment IX - The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, |SECTION 24. RIGHTS RETAINED |

|shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.|REFERENCE; REFER TO FOR MORE DETAILS: |

|Amendment X - The powers not delegated to the United States by the | LawsAndConstitution.aspx |

|Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the |CLASS 424 |

|States |What does a Freedom mean? |

|Reference: 1) charters/ |___________________________________________ |

|bill_of_rights_transcript.html |___________________________________________ |

| |What does a Right mean? |

|Amendment 11 …The Judicial power of the United States shall not be |___________________________________________ |

|construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted |___________________________________________ |

|against one of the United States by Citizens… |What does a Law mean? |

|Amendment 12 ELECTORAL COLLEGE |___________________________________________ |

|Amendment 13 ANTI-SLAVERY AMENDMENT |___________________________________________ |

|Amendment 14 All persons born or naturalized in the United States…are |When do you need to know your Freedoms, Rights & Laws? |

|citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. |___________________________________________ |

|Amendment 15 EQUAL RIGHT TO VOTE |___________________________________________ |

|Amendment 16 The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on |___________________________________________ |

|incomes | |

|Amendment 17 The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two |List the Freedoms, Rights, and Laws in the U.S.? |

|Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; |FREEDOMS: ___________________________________________ |

|and each Senator shall have one vote. |___________________________________________ |

|Amendment 18 ABOLITION OF LIQUOR |___________________________________________ |

|Amendment 19 WOMEN’S RIGHT TO VOTE |___________________________________________ |

|Amendment 20 WHEN PRES & VP TERMS END |RIGHTS: ___________________________________________ |

|Amendment 21 REPEAL 18TH AMENDMENT |___________________________________________ |

|Amendment 22 PRESIDENT AND VP CAN ONLY SERVE 2 TERMS |___________________________________________ |

|Amendment 23 THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HAS THE VOTING RIGHTS OF ONE STATE |___________________________________________ |

|Amendment 24 THE RIGHT OF U.S. CITIZENS TO VOTE IN A PRESIDENTIAL |___________________________________________ |

|ELLECTION SHALL NOT BE DENIED FROM NOT PAYING TAXES Amendment 25 The |LAWS: ____________________________________ |

|vice president will take the President's place if the current President |___________________________________________ |

|dies, or commits a terrible crime |___________________________________________ |

|Amendment 26 VOTING AGE SET AT 18 Amendment 27 SALARIES OF CONGRESS WILL |___________________________________________ |


|Reference:2) the Freedoms, Rights, and Laws in Illinois? |

|nts_11-27.html |FREEDOMS: ___________________________________________ |

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| |RIGHTS: ___________________________________________ |

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| |LAWS: ____________________________________ |

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| |CLASS 424.5 |


|Objective & Instructions: Write near-to-best writing for |?Technical Report, How-To Instructions, Research, |

|evaluated report/ speech. Prepare in class and over-night. |Analysis |

|Speech and Evaluation will be early tomorrow. |?Inspiration, Practical Advice, Therapeutic Talk |

| |?Inquiry, News, Factual Information |

| |?Creative, Story, Poetry, Biography or Auto-Biography |

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|EVALUATION: (Judge both Subjectively and Objectively. Use an S and O in the boxes.) |

|INNOVATIVE TOPIC: χ Very Innovative χ Medium Innovation χ Poor Innovation |

|TOPIC INFORMATION: χ Organized χ Not Organized Enough χ Poorly Organized |

|PRESENTATION: χ Talk w/ Presence & Composure χ Talk is Clear χ Talk is not Clear |

|ATTITUDE: χ Sincere & Vibrant χ Present & Attentive χ Self-conscious χ Distracted |


|MATH & ORGANIZATION |Why are people tested at important checkpoints? |

|Objective & Instructions: Evaluation and Testing. |A) To get it right |

| |B) To assure they meet the requirements |

|QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: |C) To assure public safety |

|Why are Objective tests used? |D) All of the Above |

|4To see how you fit in with the mainstream of the population | |

|⊂ Applications for Social Services |What does it mean if you are violent to testing procedures? |

|⊂ Applications for Employment |A) You are not orderly, and therefore not likely to follow rules or laws. |

| |B) You are dangerous to authority, and must be checked. |

|4To get a fair comparison of skills, knowledge and integrity. |C) You believe you should live by your own rules, and not those agreed by |

|⊂ I.Q. Test |government. |

|⊂ Basic Skills Tests |D) All of the Above |

|⊂ SAT & ACT College Tests | |

| |If you had to pick to work with an interest-ing, orderly person or a |

|4To make sure you reach the competency level required by law. |belligerent person who does not know what to do, who would you pick? |

|⊂ Driver's License Test |A) Orderly person B) Belligerent one |

|⊂ Certification for Food Preparation | |

| |Who would help you if you had a question? |

|When are Subjective tests used? |A) Orderly person B) Belligerent one |

|4To test your individual skills, genius, creativity. | |

|⊂ Specialty Assignments related to work |Who would get the job done right? |

| |A) Orderly person B) Belligerent one |

|4To test how far your perspective is out-of-sync with others'. | |

|⊂ Individual assignment or testing related |To the Employer, what is the most convenient and economical? |

|to work |A) 2 Orderly people B) 2 Belligerent ones |

| | |

|Objective test results account for up to 80% of most work evaluations. |If you are someone who thinks another person's performance reflects your |

|4Be and Act Lawfully, without exception. |own, you are wrong. Each person is evaluated on their own performance. |

|4Behave and act Decently within yourself and to others. |Their work requirement is to get along with other productive employees, and|

| |not to socialize with unproductive employees. Positive reflects positive. |

|Subjective test results account for a maximum of 1/3 of employment |Negative reflects negative. But the predominate demand is: be the most |

|decisions. |productive, in-sync worker that you can be. Ask what the requirements are, |

|4Be yourself, lawfully. |and the employer will notify, specifically. |

|4Be innovative, but sensible, moral and ethical. | |

CLASS 425.5


|Objective: Presentation, Evaluation, Diplomacy as Speaker, Diplomacy as Evaluator |

| |


|1) Pick partners, someone you don’t know. |

|2) With quality, read your speech |

|3) Evaluator, consider, write, then tell your friendly, but honest evaluation |

|4) Speaker consider if evaluation is true on each point made, and agree or disagree based on truth. This is also to be a friendly exchange. |

|5) Switch and re-run instructions. |

|EVALUATION: (Judge both Subjectively and Objectively. Use an S and O in the boxes.) |

|INNOVATIVE TOPIC: χ Very Innovative χ Medium Innovation χ Poor Innovation |

|TOPIC INFORMATION: χ Organized χ Not Organized Enough χ Poorly Organized |

|PRESENTATION: χ Talk w/ Presence & Composure χ Talk is Clear χ Talk is not Clear |

|ATTITUDE: χ Sincere & Vibrant χ Present & Attentive χ Self-conscious χ Distracted |

|Comprehension Testing |16) What would you use to write a story about a man in the |

|1) The U.S. Government is bases on a series of |future? |

|'Checks and Balances.' True or False |A) Third person, present |

|2) The U.S. legislature approves the bills to laws. |B) First person, future |

|True or False |C) Third person, future |

|3) The Executive Branch decides court cases. |D) First person, past |

|True or False | |

|4) The Judicial Branch heads the army. True or False |17) What would you use to tell the news that happened yesterday?|

|5) In the U.S. we have the right to freedom of Press |A) First person, subjective, present |

|and Speech. True or False |B) Third person, objective, past |

|6) They is a subject-noun that is singular. True or False |C) Second person, objective, past |

|7) Him/Her/It are singular object-nouns. True or False |D) None of the Above |

|8) The Present is Now. True or False | |

|9) The Future will be the time after now. True or False |18) Your friend called you on the phone and invited you out for |

|10) The Past is not supposed to be interactive. |a walk. What did he/she use to talk to you? |

|True or False |A) 1st & 2nd person subjective |

| |B) 1st & 2nd person objective |

|11) The plural of the present 'To Be' is: |C) 3rd & 2nd person subjective |

|A) We were B) I am C) We are D) He was | |

| |19) The word Loom is: |

|12) The past plural of 'To Be' is: |A) an adjective |

|A) She was B) We will be C) They were D) I was |B) an adverb |

| |C) a noun and a verb |

|13) The present second person of 'To Go' is: |D) None of the Above |

|A) You go B) I go C) We will go D) He went | |

| |20) The word Vividly is: |

|14) The first person singular future of 'to meet': |A) an object |

|A) We will meet B) We met C) I met D) I will meet |B) a preposition |

| |C) an adjective and an adverb |

|15) The present first person plural of 'to have': |D) All of the Above CLASS426 |

|A) I had B) We will have C) We have D) He has | |


|Objective: Study Fractions, Percentages, & Decimals |Decimals are 1 divided in sections of 10, 100, |Decimals are used in most fractional math |

| |1000, etc. |for accuracy. They are also used in |

|FRACTIONS |.1 = 1/10 |Currency. |

|Fractions are portions of 1. |.01 = 1/100 | |

|1 ÷ 2= 1/2 1=1/2 + 1/2 |.001= 1/1000 |U.S. Currency is based on a 1/100 or .01 |

|1 ÷ 3= 1/3 1=1/3 + 2/3 | |scale. |

|1 ÷ 4= 1/4 1=1/4 + 3/4 |Decimals are added like regular numbers that | |

|1 ÷ 5= 1/5 1=1/5 + 4/5 |continue. |One Hundred Dollar Bill |

|1 ÷ 6= 1/6 1=1/6 + 5/6 | | |

|1 ÷ 7= 1/7 1=1/7 + 6/7 |9.148 24.24 |= $100.00 |

|1 ÷ 8= 1/8 1=1/8 + 7/8 |+ 1.061 - 18.31 |Fifty Dollar Bill = $50.00 |

|1 ÷ 9= 1/9 1=1/9 + 8/9 | |Twenty Dollar Bill |

|1 ÷ 10= 1/10 1=1/10 + 9/10 | |= $20.00 |

| |.782 3√4.54 |Ten Dollar Bill = $10.00 |

|Reduced Fractions are the lowest common denominator. |x 2.1__ |Five Dollar Bill = $5.00 |

|Fill In. | |One Dollar Bill = $1.00 |

|½ = /4 = /6 = /8 = /10 | |Quarter = $.25 |

|1/3 = /6 = /9 |.42052 532.79 |Dime = $.10 |

|1/4= /8 |x .0035_ - 9.23 |Nickel = $.05 |

|1/5= /10 | |Penny = $.01 |

| | | |

|PERCENTAGES |7√5.0005 2.3333333 |An item costs $7.50. You have $20.00. How |

|Percentages are based on a 100 scale with 100 being |x .8 |much will you have left? |

|all. | | |

|50% = ½ of 100% | | |

|25% = ¼ of 100% |2.4444444 87.537 | |

|20% = 1/5 of 100% |+4.6666666 - .871 |___________________ |

|10% = 1/10 of 100% | | |

|125% = 1 1/4 of 100% | |An item costs $.85. What combination of |

|150% = 1 ½ of 100% |69√200861 Square Root 9.9 |change do you need? |

| | | |

|He is liked by 1/3 the population ____% | | |

| |22.223 = 1260.06 | |

|He doubled his earnings |+2520.12 | |

|______% | |___________________ |

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|The company’s return on invest-ment was: | | |

| | | |

|-1/8 on Operations due to money was exchanged into | | |

|machinery. _____% | | |

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|1½ times on Production to Retail Sales. _____% | | |

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| | |CLASS 426.5 |


|Objective: Discuss advantages of keeping a Journal, To-Do List, or Calendar.| |


|Get a lined or unlined note-pad to keep a Journal. Advantages: |Read on your own. Get a Library Card or just go to the Library to read. |

|♣ Can track thoughts on a particular topic, innovation or invention | |

|♣ Document thoughts, feelings, poetry regarding a relationship |BUILD A MAP FOR DIRECTIONS |

|♣ Design and art idea record |Go to |

|Journal |to print your own map, or use the list of streets below. (You can run |

| |this before or after you go to the Library – Your Choice. |

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|Get a lined note-pad To-Do List. Advantages: | |

|♣ Keep track of list and progress | |

|♣ Stay sharp with time, and time available | |

|To-Do List | |

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|Get a monthly, weekly or daily Calendar. Advantages: | |

|♣ Stay on schedule | |

|♣ Records of what was accomplished | |

|♣ Use for correspondence, obligations, reminders and scheduled endeavors | |

|Today | |

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| |Address of Harold Washington Public Library |

| |400 South State Street, Chicago, IL 60605 |

| |(312) 747-4300 |

| |Streets of Chicago around Library |

| |East/West Streets |

| |Randolph |

| |Washington |

| |Madison |

| |Jackson |

| |Adams |

| |Van Buren |

| |Congress Pkwy. |

| |Harrison |

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| |W. Polk St. |

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| |Halsted St. |

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| |Jefferson St. Clinton St. |

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| |S. Wells St. |

| |S. Clark St. |

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| |S. Plymouth Ct. |

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| |Wabash Ave. |

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| |Columbus Drive |

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| |CLASS 427 |


|Objectives: Work on stacked Math Glut. |Objective: Map & plan trips to Chicago landmarks. |

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|+ 29 |Look up other Chicago Landmarks or places to visit in your locale. Plan a |

| |trip and map it. |

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| | CLASS 427.5 |

|READING, WRITING, SPEECH |Section 9: Limits on Congress |

|Objective: Read-Evaluation. View Outlines. |Section 10: Limits on the States |

| |Clause 1: Contracts Clause |


|PREAMBLE - We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more |Clause 3: Compact Clause |

|perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for |ARTICLE II |

|the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of |Section 1: President and Vice President |

|Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this |Clause 1: Executive Power |

|Constitution for the United States of America. |Clause 2: Method of choosing electors |

| |Clause 3: Electors |

|ARTICLE I |Clause 4: Election day |

|Section 1: Legislative power vested in Congress |Clause 5: Qualifications for office |

|Section 2: House of Representatives |Clause 6: Vacancy and disability |

|Clause 1: Composition, election of Members |Clause 7: Salary |

|Clause 2: Qualifications of Members |Clause 8: Oath or affirmation |

|Clause 3: Apportionment of |Section 2: Presidential powers |

|Representatives and taxes |Clause 1: Command of military; |

|Clause 4: Vacancies |Opinions of cabinet secretaries; |

|Clause 5: Speaker and other officers; |Pardons |

|Impeachment |Clause 2: Advice and Consent Clause |

|Section 3: Senate |Treaties |

|Clause 1: Composition; Election of Senators |Appointments |

|Clause 2: Classification of Senators; |Clause 3: Recess appointments |

|Vacancies |Section 3: Presidential responsibilities |

|Clause 3: Qualifications of Senators |Clause 1: State of the Union |

|Clause 4: V.P. as President of Senate |Clause 2: Making recommendations to |

|Clause 5: President pro tempore and |Congress |

|other officers |Clause 3: Calling Congress into extra- |

|Clause 6: Trial of Impeachment |ordinary session; adjourning Congress |

|Clause 7: Judgment in cases of impeach |Clause 4: Receiving foreign represent- |

|ment; Punishment on conviction |atives |

|Section 4: Congressional elections |Clause 5: Caring for the faithful execu- |

|Clause 1: Time, place, manner of holding |tion of the law |

|Clause 2: Sessions of Congress |Clause 6: Officers' commissions |

|Section 5: Procedure |Section 4: Impeachment |

|Clause 1: Qualifications of Members | |

|Clause 2: Rules |ARTICLE III |

|Clause 3: Record of proceedings |Section 1: Federal courts |

|Clause 4: Adjournment |Number of courts |

|Section 6: Compensation, privileges, and restrictions |Tenure |

|on holding civil office |Salaries |

|Clause 1: Compensation, legal protection |Section 2: Judicial power, jurisdiction, trial by jury |

|Clause 2: Independence from the executive |Clause 1: Cases and controversies |

|Section 7: Bills |Eleventh Amendment, state |

|Clause 1: Bills of revenue |sovereign immunity |

|Clause 2: From bills to law |Clause 2: Original, appellate jurisdiction |

|Clause 3: Presidential veto |Judicial review |

|Section 8: Powers of Congress |Clause 3: Federal trials |

| |Section 3: Treason |

| | |

| |Reference: |

| |rters/constitution_transcript.html |

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| |CLASS428 |

|ORGANIZATION & MATH |Write a time-line to |Write the Table of Contents for the Book you are reading. |

|Objective: Write Outlines. |match. | |

|Instructions: Write a Life Outline. |′ DATE |Chapter 1 Page # |

| | | |

|BORN _____________ |′ |Chapter 2 Page # |

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|EARLY YEARS |′ - |Chapter 3 Page # |

|⋄ |⋄′ | |

|⋄ |⋄′ |Chapter 4 Page # |

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|⋄ |⋄′ |Chapter 5 Page # |

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|CULTIVATED INTERESTS |′ |Chapter 6 Page # |

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|⋄ |⋄′ |Chapter 7 Page # |

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|⋄ |⋄′ |Chapter 8 Page # |

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|⋄ |⋄ |Write a To-Do List based on what you want to accomplish and |

|Started: Ended: |′ |need to do for its completion. |

|⋄ |⋄ | |

|Started: Ended: |′ |TO-DO LIST |

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|Plan: |⋄′ | |

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|Start: Complete: | | |



|Objective: Study article types. |? 'Based on my expertise this...' |

| |? 'In the past they...' |

|Publisher's Message |? 'Presently they...' |

|? What 'we' or 'the paper' is here for |? Approval or Disapproval for media product |

|? Interesting topics, news, thoughts |Conversational, Third Person S or P Subjective |

|? Positive message and shove into the paper | |

|? List of preferred events for the week |Column |

|First Person S or P Subjective & Objective |? Special Interest topic from a widely-known personality. (Photo included)|

| |? Writing resembles 25-year expertise & charisma without exception. |

|Contents |? Topics range from Local, National or International News Correspondent, |

|? List of Articles |Sports, Household & Workshop, Job Placement. |

|? Descriptions or witty lead-ins |〉 Conversational, Third Person S or P, First Person S, Second Person S, |

|? Page numbers |Subjective/Objective. |

|? Publishing Information |Syndicated. |

|Third Person (IT) Objective |? News or Features for distribution to 5 main papers. Appeals to the |

| |markets of Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago, New York, Indianapolis. |

|Editorials - various |〉 Objective flat Authority, Third Person Plural |

|? Response, Opinion | |

|? Justification |Sports Summations |

|? What should be done |? 'Compared to his/her/their recent or past history...' |

|First & Third Person Subjective, Past & Future |? What was great, what was not |

|? Separately, Corrections |? Tips to improve personal performance or the team's game |

|First Plural Subjective Past, Present |? Summation of this game's season so far and 'we'll see' attitude or what |

|? Announcements |is needed for improvement |

|First or Third Person Plural Objective Future |〉 Third person S or P, Subjective |

| | |

|News |Advertising – Pays for at least half the costs of the paper – required. |

|? Current Important Events, | |

|? Details |Advertising - Paid Per Page Advertising |

|? Eye-witness accounts |? Advertising for Company and Brand Recognition |

|? Ramifications |? Announcements of Sales Events |

|? What is likely to happen |Who, what and when S or P, Objective/Subjective |

|Third Person S or P Objective, Recent Present |Advertising - Weekly Posting |

| |?Announcements |

|Reporting |?Schedule: Dates, Events, Specials |

|? Event |What and when S or P, Objective |

|? What happened |Advertising – Classifieds |

|? Quotes and accounts |? For Sale |

|? Results |? Wanted |

|? Synopsis |? For Rent? Job Ads |

|Third person (IT) Objective, Recent Past |? Personals |

| |What, How much, When S or P Objective, Present |

|Features & Special Features | |

|? Elaborate Topic | |

|? Sections of Detail | |

|Third person (IT) Subjective, Present | |

| |CLASS429 |

|Promotional Feature | |

|? Connecting Products with Details | |

|? List resources for products | |

|Third person (IT) Subjective, Present | |

|MATH & ORGANIZATION |6) Each person in the group mention a great Subjective thing you have done |

|Objective & Instructions: Team Building. |and a not great Subjective thing you have done. |

| |Subjective Great Thing- |

|1) What you all need to know beforehand: | |

|⇒ You can do this with a little effort |Subjective Not Great Thing- |

|⇒ You are responsible for you and your actions. . | |

|⇒ No Back-lashing. |7) Mention an Objective great thing you have done and an Objective not |

|⇒ This is a test of getting along with others, not of if you can get the |great thing you have done. |

|answer right |Objective Great Thing- |

| | |

|2) List everyone’s name: |Objective Not Great Thing- |

| | |

| |8) What do each of you think of people who do great things? |

| |Objective Example: They are leaders. |

| |Subjective Example: I think they are fine. |

| | |

| |List your Objective and Subjective answers: |

| |Objective: |

| | |

| |Why? |

| | |

| |Subjective: |

| | |

| |Why? |

| | |

| |9) What do each of you think of people who do awful things? |

|3) List the skill each person brings to the team: |Objective Example: They are a society challenge |

| |Subjective Example: I think I wouldn't associate |

| |with them. |

| | |

| |List your Objective and Subjective answers: |

| |Objective: |

| | |

| |Why? |

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| |Subjective: |

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| |Why? |

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| |CLASS429.5 |

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|4) Circle the 22 Biology words in the puzzle. | |

|P | |

|P | |

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|A | |

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|5) List a constructive attribute you all can agree on: | |

|READING, WRITING, SPEECH |List Chicago Reader articles with page numbers. |

|Objective: Chart the articles in the Chicago Reader as a group. | |

| |Article Title Page # Type |

|Instructions: As a class read and label Chicago Reader articles | |

|with the corresponding type. List the article titles on the right | |

|with their page numbers for reference. | |

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|Article Types | |

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|4Publisher's Message=PM | |

|4Contents=C | |

|4Editorials=E | |

|4News=N | |

|4Reporting=R | |

|4Features & Special Features=F or SF | |

|4Promotional Feature=PF | |

|4Review=R | |

|4Column=C | |

|4Syndicated=S | |

|4Sports Summations=SP | |

|4Advertising=AP Paid Per Page | |

|4Advertising=AW - Weekly Posting | |

|4Advertising=AC – Classifieds | |

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| |CLASS430 |


|Objective: Keep Business Rules. Write 6 articles as a team that would fit in one newspaper. |


|Non-Invasion of Privacy: Stay out of the Psyche, Mind, Body, Soul, Awareness, Transcendence|?Kept out of industry as an employee |

|of ALL Individuals, ALL Related Individuals, ALL Businesses and ALL Business Plans and |?Iced out of Industry as a business |

|Deals. |?Repeat offenders will pay with jail time and no industry |

|Ie: NO SABOTAGE OF COMPETITION. |IN to work again. |

|Business Competition means that each business makes the best plans it can make, and stays |?Violators are subject to arrest. |

|out of other industries. |?Executives & Employees are subject to arrest for |

|Each business and business-oriented individual is preoccupied with being pro-actively the |violations. |

|Best. | |



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|How did your group do? Circle Answer. | |REVIEW INDIVIDUAL PERSPECTIVES & PLANS |

| |We have 32 slots with 10 minutes each to present | |

|Group was Serious or Not Serious about |something from your group. |C1 What is and will be Your Life Insight and |

|Assignment. |Each group will be on a timer, and will have to |Outlook? |

| |walk away when the timer goes off. | |

|How many Individuals were Serious about | |C1 What is and will be Your Reason for Education?|

|Assignment? |32 PRESENTATIONS | |

| | |C5.5 Boundaries & Freedom |

|How many Individuals were Not Serious about | |C9.5 Remembering Advice |

|Assignment? | |Who are your Teachers and References? |

| | |C10.5 Defining Skills |

|Rate your Group Working as a Team: | |C18.5 Thinking & Feeling |

|Excellent, Workable, | |C20.5 Organizing Past-Present-Future |

|Not Focused, Not Workable | |C26.5 Interests |

| | |28.5 Life Outline, To-Do List |

|How many people pitched in their share of the | |29.5 Objectivity & Subjectivity |

|work? | |Exercises |

| | |What kind of Personal Check-In Regimen would you |

|How many people did not pitch in their share of | |want to Commit to for the Future? |

|the work? | | |

| | | |

|Rate your own Working Method: Excellent, | |Note: These exercises help with figuring out what|

|Workable, | |is going on internally or externally. |

|Not Focused, Not Workable | | |

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|What did you learn? | |CLASS(32 & 32.5 |

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|What would you like to Improve about your Working| | |

|Method? (Don’t include if you don’t want to.) | | |

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|Thank you for this opportunity to work with you all. It has been enriching and educational. We will be teaching Practical Literacy to Workplace in |

|a couple months. Keep Reading, Writing and Speaking for better proficiency. Keep up with practicing Math problems. Keep an Organization regimen –|

|it is really used on the outside. |

| |

|Finally: Bring your Qualities and Dynamic from the PAST, |

|Be Present and Composed, Dynamic and Relaxed in the PRESENT, |

|Plan and Live for/ in/ as the Threshold and Way of the FUTURE. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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