Lublin Studies in Celtic Languages, volume 5

Lublin Studies in Celtic Languages, volume 5

Call for papers

We are happy to announce that we are planning to publish the fifth volume in the series of Lublin Studies in Celtic Languages which aims at presenting current research on a variety of issues related to Celtic languages. Therefore, we wish to invite authors to submit papers discussing different aspects of the structure and functioning of Irish, Welsh, Scottish, and Bretton from both a synchronic and diachronic perspective. This publication is meant as a contribution to Celtic Studies through a presentation of in-depth accounts of language-specific phenomena and their capacity to appraise the descriptive and explanatory potential of the existing theoretical models. Consequently, analyses may explore problems from all the branches of formal linguistics that pertain to Celtic languages.

Below we present a list of books that have appeared in the LSCL series so far (see ):


Volume 1

Covert and Overt Pronominals in Irish

Aidan Doyle


Volume 2

A Reverse Dictionary of Modern Irish

Aidan Doyle and Edmund Gussmann


Volume 3

Polyfunctionality in Morphology.

A Study of Verbal Nouns in Modern Irish

Maria Bloch - Trojnar


Volume 4

Ancient Sound Changes and Old Irish Phonology

Krzysztof Jaskuła



Papers are invited in English. Enclosed please find the sample text illustrating the speciifc formatting details. The deadline for the submission of your proposals is January, 1st, 2007. Papers submitted for publication should not exceed the limit of 6000 words. However, negotiations with the editors concerning the size are possible. All submissions will be reviewed by the editorial board and external reviewers.


General Guidelines for Authors


1. All papers must be submitted in an electronic format. We accept Microsoft Word, txt or rtf files, as well as files created using the OpenOffice suite. If your article contains symbols or any other elements that you predict might present technical problems, please enclose a PDF file for the convenience of the editors. 

2. All pages must be numbered consecutively. All sections must be numbered consecutively up to the third level (e.g. 2.1.1). Wherever possible, use the section numbers for cross-referencing within the article. Use footnotes, rather than endnotes.

3. The font must be Times New Roman. Authors are urged to avoid use of unusual symbolizations. For phonetic transcription, please use the IPA symbols (or any consistent system).

4. For referencing within the text, see the enclosed example.

5. All figures must be numbered consecutively and supplied with captions.

6. All linguistic examples must be numbered consecutively throughout the paper, using parenthesised Arabic numerals (e.g. (3)). Please do not use automatic numbering.

7. Reference format examples:


Adams, V. 2001. Complex Words in English. London: Longman.

Anderson, S. R. 1982. Where is Morphology? Linguistic Inquiry 13, 571-612.

Aronoff, M. 2000. Morphology between Lexicon and Grammar. In G. Booij et al., 344-348.

Bauer, L. 1992. Scalar Productivity and -lily Adverbs. In G. Booij and J. van Marle eds., 185-191.

Biber, D., S. Johansson, G. Leech, S. Conard and E. Finegan. 1999. Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English. London: Pearson Education Ltd.

Booij, G. and J. van Marle. eds. 1988. Yearbook of Morphology 1988. Dordrecht: Foris.

Booij, G., Ch. Lehmann, J. Mugdan, W. Kesselheim, and S. Skopeteas.eds. 2000. Morphology. an International Handbook on Inflection and Word-Formation. New York: Walter de Gruyter.


Submissions should be sent to the editors of the issue:

Eugeniusz Cyran


Anna Bloch - Rozmej


Department of Celtic

Catholic University of Lublin

Aleje Racławickie 14

20 - 950 Lublin



Also, please visit our webpage for further information and publication details:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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