Junior Infants Grow in Love - Dublin Diocese

| Third Class Grow in Love Term 2 |

Theme |Lesson |Learning Objective

Third Class Grow in Love Term 2 |Faith Formation Goals |Story/Poem |Scripture |Song/Chant |Prayer | |5. God’s Covenant and Our Response

|1: God Called Moses and God Calls Me

|That the children would be enabled to:


• Identify how to discern God’s personal call in their lives.


• Role-play the encounter between Moses’ sister, the king’s daughter and Moses’ mother on the bank of the River Nile.

• Recall and share the stories they have heard about Moses.


• Sing ‘Take Off Your Shoes’ together.

• Participate in opportunities for prayer. |That the children would also:

• Become more aware of God’s call, and desire

to respond to that call.

• Recognise times when they ignored God’s call. |Story:

‘Darragh and CJ are Called’

The Story of Moses – Part I

The Story of Moses – Part II |The Israelites are Treated Cruelly in Egypt

(Ex 1:8-22)

The Birth of Moses

(Ex 2:1-10)

God Calls Moses

(Ex 3:1-16) |‘Take Off Your Shoes’ | Confiteor

Response: Lord have mercy.

| |5. God’s Covenant and Our Response

|2: The Commandments Teach Us to Love and Share |That the children would be enabled to:


• Explain the first three Commandments and what they need to do in order to live by them.

• Reflect on the way in which the Sabbath is observed by the Jewish community.


• Discuss the ways in which they can keep Sunday (the Sabbath) holy.


• Memorise the first three Commandments.

• Participate in opportunities for prayer. |That the children would also:

• Desire to live their faith through prayer and action.

• Respond to the first three Commandments in

their own lives. |Rhyme:

‘My Word!’ |The Covenant at Sinai

(Ex 19:3-8)

‘The Ten


(Ex 20:1-11) | |Our Father

Response: Here I am, Lord. | |5. God’s Covenant and Our Response

|3: Together We Can Take Care of the Earth |That the children would be enabled to:


• Recognise and respect the wonders of creation that God has given us.

• Explain how the Green/Eco-Schools programme encourages us to respect and care for the environment.

• Have some grasp of what climate change is, its causes, and how it is affecting our planet.

• Discern how to use their own gifts of creativity to care for the earth.


• Give examples of the wonders God has created.

• Discuss the ways they can take good care of the earth, especially by partaking in the Green/Eco-School’s programme.

• Articulate how their participation in the Green/Eco-Schools programme helps them to be good stewards of God’s creation.

• Recite the poem ‘Care for the Earth’.


• Pray a selection of verses from Psalm 148 and from the Canticle of the Creatures.

• Take part in a nature walk (or watch a nature video) and reflect on what they have observed.

• Participate in opportunities for prayer. | That the children would also:

• Develop a heightened awareness of the need to care for the earth and all God’s creatures.

• Praise God for the gifts of creation. |Story:

‘Hope for Mahlet and her


Poem: ‘Care for the Earth’ |Psalm 148:

A Call for the Universe to

Praise God

Psalm 104:

In Praise of the Creator | |Response:

Give us joy.

A Prayer for Our Earth

Canticle of the Creatures

Sanctus | |Theme |Lesson |Learning Objective

Third Class Grow in Love Term 2 |Faith Formation Goals |Story/Poem |Scripture |Song/Chant |Prayer | |Seasonal Lesson (2) |Lent p.352 |That the children would be enabled to:


• Reflect on their need for forgiveness.

• Identify the Sacrament of Reconciliation as one of the seven sacraments and one of the Sacraments of Healing.

• Explain that when they confess their sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, they receive God’s love and mercy.

• Appreciate why reconciliation is important.


• Identify the five stages in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

• Identify words and phrases people use to show forgiveness and seek forgiveness.

• Discuss how the priest represents Jesus in the confessional.


• Sing together the Gospel Acclamation for Lent and the song ‘Zacchaeus’.

• Participate in opportunities for prayer. |That the children would also:

• Appreciate the cross as a symbol of salvation.

• Desire to forgive others, as Jesus taught. |Story: The Forgiveness of the King

Jesus and Zacchaeus

Jesus Heals the Man Who Was Paralysed

Jesus, the Good Shepherd

|Jesus and Zacchaeus

(Lk 19:1-10)

Healing of the Paralysed Man

(Mt 9:1-8)

Parable of the Lost Sheep

(Lk 15:1-7)

|Gospel Acclamation

Zacchaeus |Response:

Repent and believe in the Gospel.

Prayer Ritual

Prayer for Forgiveness

Prayer after Forgiveness

Act of Sorrow

Prayer Service | |5. God’s Covenant and Our Response

|4: Responding to God’s Call |That the children would be enabled to:


• Explore how people, by sharing their skills and talents for the benefit of others, contribute to making the world a better place.

• Explain what it means to have a mission.

• Identify how St Vincent de Paul, Frédérick Ozanam, Jean Donovan and Ruby Bridges responded to God’s call to build a just and caring society.

• Identify ways in which they, too, can experience God’s love, and hear and respond to God’s call in their own lives.


• Discuss the work of the Society of St Vincent de Paul today.

• Describe how the actions of Ruby Bridges might inspire them to speak out and take action against racial and other forms of



• Research the work of a local or international charity and share their findings.

• Pray the Mission Prayer of the Society of Missionary Children.

• Identify the logo of the Society of St Vincent de Paul.

• Participate in opportunities for prayer. |That the children would also:

• Realise and accept that they are called to

cooperate with God in the building of his kingdom.

• Desire to live their faith in God through prayer

and action.

• Recognise and value the part they can play in the Church’s mission. |Story:

‘St Vincent de Paul Responded to God’s Call’

‘Jean Donovan Responded to God’s Call’

‘Ruby Bridges Responded to God’s Call’


|Take Off Your Shoes |Mission Prayer

Journey Prayer

Prayer Service

| |Theme |Lesson |Learning Objective

Third Class Grow in Love Term 2 |Faith Formation Goals |Story/Poem |Scripture |Song/Chant |Prayer | |Seasonal Lesson (3) | Remembering St Patrick p.365 |That the children would be enabled to:


• Recall the story of St Patrick’s life.

• Explain how St Patrick used the shamrock to teach about God and the Mystery of the Trinity.

• Explore and explain other symbols used by St Patrick.


• Summarise, in their own words, the stories of St Patrick that they have already learned.

• Write their own prayers.

• Make a model of a Celtic cross.

• Respond creatively to symbols and stories.


• Sing together ‘Hail Glorious Saint Patrick’ and ‘Christ Be Beside Me’.

• Pray St Patrick’s Breastplate.

• Participate in opportunities for prayer. |That the children would also:

• Be inspired by the faith of their Christian ancestors. |Story:

‘St Patrick and the First Celtic Cross’ |Peace be with you (Jn 20:21) |Hail Glorious St Patrick

Christ Be Beside Me |St Patrick’s Breastplate

Mass responses

Prayer Service | |6. The Great Commandment |1: Love God. Love your Neighbour |That the children would be enabled to:


• Explain what God’s call to love means.

• Articulate what the Great Commandment demands of all Christians.

• Identify their ‘neighbour’ as everyone in the world.

• Explain what it means to love themselves.


• Give examples of how they can love God.

• Give examples of how they can love their neighbour as themselves.

• Discuss what is being communicated in the Portrait of An Old Man and His Grandson.

• Discuss how the image of Pope Francis embracing a man who was severely disfigured reflects the teaching of Jesus.


• Memorise the Great Commandment.

• Sing ‘The Neighbour Song’ together.

• Participate in opportunities for prayer.

|That the children would also:

• Be more aware of the faithful, strong and ever-present love of God in their lives. |Story: ‘Sometimes We Need to

Take Another Look’ |The Great Commandment

(Lk 10:27)

|The Neighbour Song |Response: O, Lord, my God, how great you are!

Response: Love the Lord your God…

| |Theme |Lesson |Learning Objective

Third Class Grow in Love Term 2 |Faith Formation Goals |Story/Poem |Scripture |Song/Chant |Prayer | |6. The Great Commandment |2: Living the Great Commandment |That the children would be enabled to:


• Recognise that it is God who has given them and others their gifts and talents.

• Know that their gifts and talents are signs of God’s love in their lives.

• Appreciate that the more they use their gifts and talents, the more like God they will become.

• Understand that our gifts and talents can be nurtured and developed.


• Name their own gifts and talents and those of others.

• Share suggestions for how they can use their gifts and talents to help others.


• Use their gifts and talents at home and at school for the wellbeing of others.

• Participate in activities that will help them identify their gifts and talents.

• Join with others in thanking and praising God for their gifts and talents.

• Participate in opportunities for prayer. |That the children would also:

• Grow in their appreciation of God’s generosity.

• Give thanks and praise to God always and pray to grow in his image and likeness.

• See the link between using their gifts and talents and living the Great Commandment. |The Story of Vincent Barry |


The Neighbour Song

Grow in Love |Response: I know that your goodness and love will be

with me all my life.


Prayer Service

| |7. Holy Week and Easter |1: Holy Week |That the children would be enabled to:


• Sequence the events of Holy Week.

• Imagine what it was like to be a member of the crowd on Palm Sunday.

• Describe the encounter between Caiaphas and Jesus.

• Recognise the images associated with the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary.


• Talk about the key events in the story of Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and Good Friday.

• Talk about how Mary and John must have felt at the foot of the Cross.

• Role-play a conversation with Mary at the foot of the Cross.

• Recite the poem ‘Easter Dawn’.


• Sing together ‘Jesus, Remember Me’ (Taizé chant).

• Pray the Fifth Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary – the Crucifixion.

• Participate in opportunities for prayer. |That the children would also:

• Celebrate God sending Jesus to be our Saviour.

• Journey with Jesus in their hearts through Holy Week. |Poem:

‘Easter Dawn’ |The Triumphant Entry into


(Mt 21:1-11)

Jesus before the Council

(Mt 26:57-66)

Jesus is Crucified

(Jn 19:26-27) |‘Jesus, Remember Me’

(Taizé Chant) |The Sorrowful Mysteries

of the Rosary

• The Agony in the Garden

• The Scourging at the Pillar

• The Crowning with Thorns

• The Carrying of the Cross

• The Crucifixion

Response: We thank you, Lord Jesus, and praise you. | |Theme |Lesson |Learning Objective

Third Class Grow in Love Term 2 |Faith Formation Goals |Story/Poem |Scripture |Song/Chant |Prayer | |7. Holy Week and Easter |2: Easter | That the children would be enabled to:


• Identify that out of death comes new life, as symbolised by the Easter garden.

• Explain that Jesus died and rose again and we call this the Resurrection.

• Recognise that Jesus, who is now Lord, offers us the gift of peace at Easter time.

• Recall the words that Jesus spoke when he appeared to his disciples after the Resurrection, ‘Peace be with you’, ‘Do not be

afraid’, ‘Happy are those who believe without seeing me’, ‘Go to Galilee’.


• Talk about the story of Jesus’ appearance to Mary Magdalene from St Matthew’s account of the Resurrection.

• Talk about the story of Jesus’ appearance to Thomas.

• Share their thoughts on Thomas’ and Mary Magdalene’s reaction to seeing Jesus, and how they imagine they themselves would have reacted.

• Recite the poem ‘The Butterfly’.


• Sing ‘This Is the Day’ together.

• Participate in opportunities for prayer.

• Offer the gesture of the sign of peace and witness | That the children would also:

• Value peace and see it as a gift from Jesus.

• Experience the joy of the Easter season.

• Become more aware of how they can witness to their faith.


‘The Butterfly’ |The Women at the Tomb (Mt 28:1-10)

Jesus’ Appearance to Thomas

(Jn 20:24-29) |This is the Day

Alleluia |Response:

Glory to you, O Christ, you are the Word of God

Alleluia, Alleluia, give thanks to the Risen

Lord. Alleluia, Alleluia, give praise to his name. | |


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