
Critical thinking. Love?

Do you think Davinder really loves her husband? Why or why not?

What do you think of arranged marriages? Are they a good idea? Would it work in your home country? In the United States?

Write. Fill in the missing words without looking at the story.

1. My story is very ________ _________ the typical American couple.

2. My parents and my husband’s parents ___________ our partners ______ us.

3. Many countries of the world ______________ have arranged marriages.

4. The idea _______ love in my culture is different.

5. Before my marriage, I met my husband __________ one time.

6. His parents _____________ my parents.

7. When they thought it was time _______ him to get married, they sent him _______ India to find a wife.

8. His parents set up interviews _________ me and three other girls.

9. We waited ___________ three days.

10. Now we have two beautiful children, and I feel very good _______ my life.

Best answer. Bubble the correct answer.

1. David __________her that he loved her.

a) said b) tell c) told

2. Will they __________ married in a church?

a) get b) got c) were

3. David used to _____________ to restaurants a lot.

a) went b) go c) going

4. Did you ____________ to live in Mexico?

a) used b) wanted c) use

5. Do you _____________ live in Florida?

a) yet b) anymore c) still

6) The groom’s brother was the ________________

a) maid of honour b) best man c) bride


Arranged Marriage

My name is Davinder and my husband is Steven. The story of our marriage is very different from the typical American couple. Our marriage was an arranged marriage. When I was 21 years old, my parents and my husband’s parents found our marriage partners for us. May countries of the world used to have arranged marriages like mine, but don’t anymore. In India we still do. The idea of love in my culture is different from the American idea of love. In my culture we believe that love is something that grows after the marriage with respect for and commitment to each other. Love is not something you need to have before the marriage. Does that sound crazy to you?

I never had boyfriends in high school or college like most American girls do. Before my marriage, I met my husband only one time. He lived in the US, and I lived in India. His parents knew my parents. When they thought it was time for him to get married, they sent him to India to find a wife. His parents set up interviews with three other girls and me. He came to my house ad we sat and talked for about 30 minutes. After he left, my parents asked me if I wanted to marry him. If h chose me, it was my choice to say “Yes” or “No”. We waited for three days while Steven met the other three women and made his decision. I was very nervous. When he finally called, he spoke to my parents, not to me. He told them that he wanted to marry me. I was very happy to hear it.

Now we have two beautiful children, and I feel very good about my life. And, yes, I think that I feel “love”, too.



David and Erika

One of our new students, Erika Gonzales, is a newlywed. She and her husband, David, were married one month ago – on January 13. Since, according to Ms. Know it All, it is the man, not the woman, who should receive congratulations, we offer ours to David. We think you are a very lucky guy.

Valentine’s Day

On February 14 we celebrate Valentine’s day – a day to celebrate love. On Valentine’s Day, people often give their loved ones flowers or chocolate and a card that says “Be my Valentine” or “I love you”. The day is named for a priest who lived in Rome and was killed about 269 A.D. We don’t know much about him, but one story says that the emperor Claudius II would not allow his young soldiers to get married because he thought that single men were better fighters. But Valentine secretly married them anyway. When Claudius found out it, he had the young priest killed. Another story says that we celebrate February 14, as the day of love, because it is the day when birds in England choose their mates.

Lucia, honey,

You are my better half. I’m thinking of you with love on Valentine’s Day.


Tomas, my sweetheart. You are the air that I breathe. I couldn’t live without you.

Happy Valentine’s Day,


Pet Names

People often have cute pet names they call their mates. Some of the most common are honey, sweetheart, dear, darling and baby. What pet names do people use in your country?

What do you think?

1. In ancient Celtic (Irish) culture there was a day like Valentine’s Day when married people had to declare their love for each other in order to stay married for another year. If they chose not to declare their love, they would be automatically divorced. So it was a day to get married again, or to get divorced, each year. Do you think they had a good system? Should we have a custom like that today?

2. Each state in the U.S. makes its own laws about marriage and divorce. It is very easy to get married in Nevada. It takes only a day, and no blood test is required. In some states you can get legally married at age 16. A 14 year old can be married in some states if he or she has parental permission. What is the minimum age for marriage in you country? What should the minimum age be?


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