Happy Holiday by Howard Ratcliffe

Holiday by Howard Ratcliffe

“Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it...”Deut 4:2

“Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain” Gal 4:10-11

The 7 Feasts of the LORD are listed in Lev 23: Passover (14 Nisan), Unleavened Bread (15 Nisan), First Fruits (17 Nisan), Feast of Weeks (Pentecost), Trumpets (1 Tishri), Atonement (10 Tishri), Tabernacles (15 Tishri). All other Holy Days whether Jewish (eg Purim, Hanukkah), Christian (eg Christmas, Lent, Easter), Islamic (eg Ramadan), Hindu (eg Huli) are Satanic.

God ordained 7 Feasts described in Lev 23. 4 Spring Feasts: Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits and Pentecost "Weeks". Purim, Lent and Easter are man-made Satanic Holy Days. Purim represents victory of Esau over Jacob through impersonation; Lent is 40 days lamenting/wailing for Tammuz/Dumuzi/Adonis aka Buddha. Easter is the annual conception of Ishtar/Astarte on "Solis Dies" at first light. Whitsuntide is the Satanic version of Pentecost celebrating the ascension to heaven of the Buddha as Divine sun-god. 3 fall feasts: Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles.. Rosh Hashanah “Head of the Year” replaced Trumpets; Yom Kippur replaced Atonement, Booths “Sukkot” is Tabernacles, however the Babylonian version Succoth-benoth  “Booth of Daughters” in 2 Kings 17:30 replaced the holiest day on the calendar, the birth of Jesus Christ. Hanukkah “House of Enoch” and Christmas (Sacrifice of Christ and distribution of the Host ie Body) are man-made Satanic Holy Days. Of these 7 Holy Days, the only 1 given to man for eternity is Tabernacles “Booths”, the actual birth of Jesus Christ. Time to Wake Up! The Easter Rabbit is the Idol of Anammelech aka Moon Hare “Here” “Selene”, or “Luna”; Santa Claus in the Red Edomite Suit delivering presents to the Solstice Grove? Seriously? 

Passover (14 Nisan 6 BC) is the birth of John the Baptist; the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ occurred 33 ½ years later on the same date. Feast of Tabernacles (15 Tishri) 6 BC was the birth of Jesus Christ; the 8th day of the 7th and last God ordained Holy Day in the 7th month (September means 7th Month; 15 Tishri 6 BC was 29 Sept). Passover 1492 BC was the Red Sea Crossing and 28 AD was Resurrection of First Fruits. AD “Anno Domini” has nothing to do with Jesus Christ and everything to do with the Alternative Christ; Dom means “Mask”, “Sun” and “Dominion” of the 3rd Beast in Dan 7:6. Dominion means “Sovereign authority to rule”; Jesus gives Edomites and their “Confederacy” (ref Obadiah) this authority fulfilling Gen 27:40; the Age of Grace will end with a “Covenant with Many” (Dan 9:26-27) and “Heaven will depart as a scroll when it is rolled together” (Rev 6:14). There are compelling reasons this day will be Christ-Mass of 2012. The “Holy Days” most of the world celebrates today are corrupted Witchcraft days . Christ-Mass is not Jesus’ birthday; during the Millennium, Feast of Tabernacles will again be a Holy Day (ref Zech 14:16).

The Witchcraft Calendar (British Flag as well) is a circle divided into 8 cross-quarter Sabats. The Red Cross representing the Quartered Earth which began with Amraphel aka King Hammurabi in Abram’s day 20th century BC. His laws “code of Hammurabi” were a derivation of 2 previous sets of laws “Lipit Ishtar” and “Naram-Sin”, the latter written in the says of Sargon “Legitimate King” the Great of Akkad in the 2300’s BC. The Red X represents “Sol Invictus”; Persian “Mithra”, Egyptian “Horus”, Babylonian “Tammuz”, Phrygian “Attis”, Greek “Adonis”; all versions of the Knights Templar “Black Virgin and Divine Child” (Black is not a Race division; rather a reference to Dark Light, the opposite of God). Calendar means Circle; it is a fertility cycle beginning Feb 2nd “Imbolg” aka “Candlemass” or “Groundhog Day”; Mar 21st Spring Equinox “Co-thad-trath” or “” or “Lady Day”; May 1st “Bel-tuinn” or “Beltane”; Jun 21st Summer Solstice “Grian-stad” (Feast Day of St John the Baptist 3 days later on June 24th); Aug 2nd “Lugnasadh” or “Lugnash” or “Lammas” or “Harvest of Souls”; Sept 21st Vernal Equinox “Co-thad-trath” or “Mabon”or “Michaelmass” (Archangel Michael); Oct 31st “Samhein”. Martin Luther called this “All Hallows Eve” aka “Halloween” and proclaimed Nov 1st “All Saints Day” (He was a “Black Cloister” and Rosicrucian “Order of Rose and Cross”); Dec 21st Winter Solstice “An-Fheill-Shlinnein”. Celtic “Yule”, “Geole” or “Christ-Mass” is celebrated 3 days later on the 25th. Mass: “Sacrificial killing and distribution of the host”.

The X depicts the Hermetic Axiom “As Above, So Below” the opening lines of the Emerald Tablet of Toth-Hermes; Heaven made on Earth if you will. Rotated clockwise 450 the Swastika “Broken Sun Wheel” is the oldest symbol on earth symbolizing replacement of God with Satan. Ex. Sol Invictus Dec 25 and the 8 day Hanukkah “Festival of Lights” has effectively replaced the 8 day “Feast of Tabernacles” in the Fall. Of the 7 God ordained “Feasts” given in Lev 23, only Tabernacles is given forever to the generations of Israel; since the Crucifixion, only Born Again followers of Jesus Christ (God in Flesh) are considered Israel (Covenant name of Jacob with God) in God’s eyes; Amos 5:2, 21, 26; 7:2,5 KJV “Authorized Bible” makes this perfectly clear; the modern nation calling itself Israel is an Edomite/Ishmaelite/Assyrian/Babylonian/Medean/Chaldean fraud (Ref 2 Kings 17:30-31) created by Bauer “Farmer” turned Rothschild “Red Shield” and the British=B’Rith=Birthright Empire. Zech 14:6 has Feast of Tabernacles remaining as the only approved and required Feast during the Millennium; my best guess is the 2nd Coming will occur on that date, perhaps during the Lunar eclipse on Tabernacles 2015; one has to admit 4 consecutive Lunar eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles 2014 and 2015 is pretty unlikely and coupled with Solar eclipses on 1 Nisan and 1 Tishrei “Rosh Hashanah” 2015 one should at least sit up and take notice. God ordained these occurrences using the Flood and axis precession caused by the wobbling axis against the Fixed backdrop of Stars “Zodiac” for a reason. Relate the 2012 Solstice “Sol Invictus” to these dates and the law written in Deut 21:23 and times may get interesting in a hurry. The X forms the basis of the 6 pointed Star of Molech and Chiun (Amos 5:26) called the Hexagram or Seal of Solomon (David never used this Phoenician symbol), the Beehive enclosure and the Masonic Square (Earth) and Compass (Heaven). Viewed 3 dimensionally and tilted away from the Sun 230 as Earth is, the symbol becomes “Ezekiel’s Wheel” aka “Merkaba” used in Kaballah.

The Buddhist 8-fold path to enlightenment “Mandela Wheel”; 8 pointed Egyptian “Star of Isis”; 8 pointed “Star of Baptism”; Red 8 pointed “Knight Templar Cross”; Black 8 pointed “Hospitaller Cross”; the Cross surmounted by an X and the British Flag “Union Jack” are examples of the “Wheel of the Year” aka “Circle of Life”. Ultimately it is the use of Magick “Witchcraft” to avoid the Wrath of God; a copy of the salvation Noah, his wife, 3 sons and their wives had during the Flood. Pharisees Crucified the 7 Branched Candlestick (Jesus in the midst of 2 thieves) and replaced it with the Maccabean invention, the 9 branched Chanukah Menorah. Chanukah is not Jewish nor is Kaballah “Work upon the Sacred Tree”; Rabbis (Arabic “Rab” for My Great One”), the Babylonian Talmud, the Six Pointed Star of Molech and Chiun or physical Jerusalem “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” (Rev 11:8). 8 arms surrounding the Goat Idol “Shamash” on the Chanukah Menorah represent 8 contracts between God and Man and Sin absolved by Shamash aka Azazel the occult version of the “Scapegoat” sent into the wilderness by Aaron. If “Scapegoat” is replaced by “Azazel” in Lev 16:8 change your bible to the KJV. The 8 day Festival of Lights is called Booths or Tabernacles; the Gnostic replacement is the 8 day Chanukah and “Christ-Mass”; Booth “Succoth” became “Succoth=benoth” (Booths of Daughters) and the “Grove” became the Christ-Mass Tree. Pure and simple rank blasphemy. Pirates are Thieves; “Pieces of 8” hid under the X. Initiations into Mithraic and Druid Orders had 7 levels and Ziggurats 7 floors for similar reasons.

Egyptian Obelisks represent the sun god. Paris, London, NY Central Park and Vatican City have Obelisks; NYC calls this Vanderbilt financed “Baal’s Shaft” “Cleopatra’s Needle”. Cleopatra had nothing to do with these Obelisks; Queen Hathsepsut, likely Moses’ adoptive mother and Pharaoh after the Exodus had them built; they are Exodus Era Obelisks of Amalekite (Hyksos) origin. Originally in Heliopolis “City of the Sun” (Priests of On=Osiris=Sun), the Obelisk at the Vatican (Vatis=Divine Can=Serpent Priest), sits inside this same 8 station Sun Wheel in the form of a Lotus Flower. Catholic means “Universal”; Jesus needs no Vicar, Peter had no physical Keys to Heaven, and Jesus said never call any man upon the earth “Father”; Pope=Father. Papal authority rests solely on Peter (Small Stone) and not the true Foundation Stone, the Divinity of Jesus; like all Churches on earth, Catholicism is built on Sand.

Akkadian Priests were called “Konn-Torrs” meaning “Priests of the Revolver or Enclosure”. The Enclosure is the Magnetic Field created by Solar Radiation. Earth does not Revolve or Orbit anything, and people 4300 years ago knew it. Newton made up “Gravity”, an endless force with no source of energy, designed by occultists to make the Sun the center of attention and the Earth merely one of billions like it. Baal means “Lord”. Phoenician Priests called “Kahn-Baals” (Priests of Baal) taught Cannibalism, the origination of the English word. Vatican derives from “Vatis” and “Can” Divining Serpent or Priest; same meaning as Inaugurate “Divine by Augury or Omen” and ABOMINATION where Ab=Away and Omen. Priests claiming “Transubstantiation” of the Sacrament are merely soft pedaling this very old practice. Christmas is Christ-Mass” a sacrificial killing and the distribution of the host (Eucharist wafer and blood). Human blood sacrifices fertilize the earth for the annual birth of the sun god as a Satanic counterfeit of Hebrew law “And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.” Heb 9:22. The Unforgivable Sin “Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost” is however not able to be forgiven because Jesus is the blood. Daniel 8 records the last 2300 days before the sanctuary is cleansed begins with “Daily Sacrifice”. For this reason, Jesus said no flesh would remain except those days be shortened (ref Mat 24:22).

Deciphering when and making false predictions of the 2nd Coming has been a major pre-occupation of rebels who reject the Holy Ghost eg Joseph Smith, Edgar Cayce, William Miller, Hal Lindsay; all their predictions have come and gone. Masoretic texts yield a roughly 6000 year earth whereas Gnostic scripture written in the Inter-testament “Silent Period” such as the Septuagint “LXX” yield a roughly 7300 year old Earth; the Septuagint then became the basis for the 5th century Syriac Peshitta and new bible versions based on BF Westcott and FJA Hort’s rendering of Aramaic Alexandrian manuscripts into Greek, the basis of all new bible versions.

Adding the ages of Patriarchs, date of the Flood and birth of Jesus we can reliably conclude the earth is approaching 6000 years of age. Peter said be not ignorant that “One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day” 2 Pet 3:8. Man was created on Day 6; by my count 12/21/2012 is at or near 6000 years for Creation; God set up this astronomical event with the Flood using axial precession; the date is at or near progression from Pisces to Aquarius “Water Pourer”. There are 1656 years from Creation to the Flood. There are 2 cycles of 2160 years (Astrological House) from Aries to Pisces to Aquarius; the equinox was in Taurus until Sargon the Great assumed the title “Legitimate King” (2334-2279 BC). 1656 + 2334 + 2010 is 6000 years. Another calculation: 1656 + 2160 (Aries-Pisces) + 2160 (Pisces-Aquarius;)=5976 years; adding the years the equinox sunrise was in Taurus and compare this to Sargon the Great’s reign and again we get to 6000 years. The Aries-Pisces conjunction also coincides with the Maccabean “Hanukkah” (House of Enoch) rebellion, cleansing and re-dedication of the 2nd Temple on 25 Kislev 164 BC; this was not by accident. Maccabean “Hammer of God”, Hasmoneans (mixed Edomite/Jacob Priests “Samaritans” who became the Sadducees), Nabattaeans (Pagan Arabs: Pagan means “To Fix”; Arab means “Merchant, Vagabond or Trader”) have nothing to do with God

Jesus was not born 1BC-1AD; he was born 6 BC on “Tabernacles”; Herod killed 1st born sons 2 and under and died in Spring of 4 BC. Now compare this with Dan 8:14 “2300 Days”; by my count 2010 is the start of these final days. 12/21/2012 is the Solstice “Stand Still”; Christmas 3½ days later would be mid-week of Dan 9:27; Man’s final Grove Ritual if you will. Friday Dec 28 is a Full Moon rising in Aries (Ram=Rahm=Supreme); Jesus pronounced Woe (Grievous affliction) to those who reverse Good and Evil; reversing the Sun (physical Light is not the Light God created on Day) and Moon (reflected or mirror image light has usually represented Sin or the Mother Goddess). With the Sun between the Scorpion’s Tail (Scorpio) and Archer’s Arrow (Sagittarius) passing through the X formed by the Milky Way (Sacred Tree) and the Ecliptic during the day (ref Deut 21:23), on the Solstice and a Full Moon rising in Aries at an earth age of 5997 years; I wouldn’t wait to make your Covenant with Jesus Christ. Willing to bet Eternal Salvation? I’m not; I suggest heading for your Prayer Closet and establish a Covenant with Jesus Christ.

Mayan is a Vedic/Sanskrit word meaning “Illusion”. The Mayan Calendar is an illusion and not Mayan; rather it is an Olmec era calendar likely created by Greek/Phoenician/Chaldean astronomers “Magi”. It calculates the “Sun will hang upon the Sacred Tree” on Dec 21st 2012; at the “Ball Court” between the Pyramid of the Sun and Moon in Teotihuacan, the event will happen entirely during the day (a 1 time only event) fulfilling the Law stated in Deut 21:23 concerning the rebellious son and the precise way in which the Crucifixion was accomplished when Jesus declared Himself God in flesh. Dan 9:24-27 is interpreted by many (not me; I say it means exactly what it says, 490 days) to be the herald of the Messiah after 10 Jubilee Cycles of 50 years. Whether one calculates this time interval from the decree of Cyrus the Great in 539 BC or the 20th year of Artaxerxes in 445 BC and figures the end date at the birth of Jesus (between 6 BC and BC-AD or Crucifixion of Jesus (33½ years later); the years simply do not add up to solid proof. Martin Luther (a Rosicrucian Black Cloistered Monk) nailed his 95 Thesis to the Wittenburg Church in 1517 AD on Samhein (Oct 31st). Jubilee Cycles last 49 years with the 50th being a reversal of roles where debts are forgiven, land returned to the original owner and slaves made free. Taking out the first partial year and adding this period to 1517 AD and we arrive at 2015 after 10 Jubilees. The year when slaves are made free “Liberty to the Captives” (Is 61:1) then would be 2014-2015. For the “Society of Red Men” (Esau and his Confederacy) this could be the date Jacob’s “Yoke” is thrown off (Gen 27:40). 4 consecutive Lunar Eclipses on Feast of Tabernacles and Passover will occur in this period. Solar Eclipses will also occur on 1 Nisan “New Year” and Rosh Hashanah will feature Solar eclipses as well; the astronomical odds of being simply random are nil.

Dec 21st 2012 symbolically forms the “X” with the Zodiac and Ecliptic and Earth passing through the center. The Emerald tablet of Toth begins with the phrase “As Above, So Below”; this will symbolically complete this Axiom. The Calendar in the Round computes this as; Gen 13:13 describes “Sodom and Gomorrah”; Revelation 13 describes the Beast. Seems pretty obvious eh? Gen “70 Weeks” (Dan 9:24) and 2300 days (Dan 8:14) mean exactly what they say. I point this out simply as reasons to watch, be sober and pray the last days do not catch us off guard. The Prophecy of St Malachy says 112 Roman Catholic Popes were prophesied from Celestine II in 1130 AD to end the Age of Grace; Pope Benedict XVI is number 111. Benedict recently nominated 24 Italian cardinals making it likley #112 will be Italian. The last Italian Pope was Pope John Paul I, murdered after 33 days in office for threatening to expose the Vatican Bank (Knights Templar) and the P-2 (Propaganda) Masonic Lodge.

Nothing happens by accident, the last time Lunar Eclipses happened as they are scheduled in 2014-2015 was in 1493, the year after Columbus set sail; in 1949, the year after Israel became a nation and in 1967, the year of the 6 day Arab-Israeli war for the Golan Heights. Solar Priests have measured “Geomancy” and “Astrology/Astronomy” the timing of Solar and Lunar Eclipses and Equinox precession through the Zodiac. Here are the Gnostic, Arab, Ishmaelite and Edomite “Holidays” Christians and Jews have unwisely come to accept as their own.

Mithreum are caves where ritual sun-god initiation occurs. Mithra was the Persian (Aryan) sun-god brought to Rome from Persia through Ostia, spreading north with Roman Legions it began in the East under the guise of Zoroastrianism (Zero-Ashta means “Seed of the Woman”). Mithra is depicted riding a lion and wearing a Phrygian Cap aka Freedom Cap or Sleeping Cap. Mithra can also be depicted as a Lion carrying a bee in its lips. Mithra is thus a being a fake Lion King, and “Bee” means “Word” in Chaldee. Jesus is the Word (ref 1 John 5:7 KJV and John 1:1); Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and King David’s “Beth-el” is the Witness of the Covenant. Esau chose Laban’s Witness and called it “Jeger-sahadutha”; Chaldean for “Witness”. Amos was sent to “Beth-el” to warn Israel not to worship the Golden Calf and prophecy the death of Jeroboam, since that day 2800 years ago, there has been nobody to raise Israel up. (ref Amos 7:3, 6).


X-Mass is the Sacrifice and Resurrection of the sun-god going by various names such as the Egyptian Horus; Babylonian Tammuz aka Dumuzi or Dumuzi Apsu; Persian Mithras, Phrygian Attis, Greek Adonis or Hercules, Hindu/Gond Krishna, Phoenician Melqart. MLK means Lord; Moloch, Melek, Melek Taus and Marduk all means the same thing.

Santa is the Hittite (mixed blood Canaanites/Ishmaelites/Edomites) “God of the West”. Once a ½ goat, ½ human figure in Bohemia called “Sinterklass”; he was originally introduced to the Christian Church by the Gnostic Nicolaitanes (Nico=Conquer; Laitane=Laity); this is why most “Christian” Churches have some form of Santa, Tree, Lights, Presents and Advent celebration; they are Anti-Christian. Sinterklass was then tied to the figure of St Nicholas of Myra, perhaps an influential priest for Emperor Constantine in the early 4th century. Galatians of Turkey came to be called “Boii”; Boihaemum “Home of the Boii” became Bohemia (France-Germany), Boii in Italy became Umbrians, Sabines, Etruscans, Boii in Spain were Celtiberians (Celts on Iberia) and in Brittany (Amorica) they were Druids (Bards, Ovates also). Galli were similarly eunuch priests of Attis in Galatia (Turkey); France=Gaul. Celt means “Warrior”; Bohemiam refers to persons who do not live under laws or moral customs of the land they occupy eg Gypsies or Bohemians eg Bohemian Grove in Santa Rosa “Red Saint”. God’s throne is in Heaven in the north; Satan’s throne was north of Jerusalem in Pergamos and now resides in the Berlin Museum as the “Throne of Zeus”. Santa is married, wears Red, has hordes of demon helpers, knows everyone’s thoughts, is everywhere in the world at the same time on the Solstice, is guided by a flying reindeer with a Red “Edomite” nose and he has a white beard just like the Norse god Odin or the Mayan god Quetzalcoatl. Nordic Shaman collected Hallucinogenic Red and White “Amanita Muscaria” mushrooms, using Reindeer who became intoxicated eating them, from under Evergreen Trees; they stuffed them into sacks, they descended through Smoke Holes in Village Yurts, and dried them on the Hearth; villagers consumed them as the Flesh of Adonis. Christmas and Santa have nothing whatsoever to do with Jesus.

Christmas is Yule “Geole” and the 7th day of Saturnalia is called “Yule Tide”. “Brumalia” (Brum means shortest day) began on Nov 24th and lasted 30 days in honor of Bacchus aka Dionysus. Yule Logs are femurs of sacrifice victims, often burned in wicker effigies “Wicker Men” or sacrificed on altars at ritual sites such as Stonehenge. Their ashes and screams read to foretell the future by Druid Priests; their bones made into Celtic “Runes”. The Christmas Tree is a modern soft pedaled “Grove Ritual”. First born “Birthright” or “First Fruits” children were often the required sacrifice. The Cross of Tammuz and Egyptian “Ankh” (Cross with handle) replaced the “Tree”. 6 places where “Tree” is used in the KJV, new versions make the change to “Cross”. It’s “Tree” because Deut 21:23 specifies “Tree” not “Cross”. This “Trojan Horse” allowed an Idol to be called “Christian Cross” and the Dedication of the Temple of Saturn to become Christmas. Tammuz “Unconquered Son” became “Thor” in Bohemia; Thor’s Oaks were merely modern Oaks of Bashan (Eze 27:6) for Grove Rituals. The oaks were believed to be incarnations of Og, the giant king of the Canaanite kingdom “Bashan”. Yule essentially fertilizes the earth “Geole” with the blood of the host giving new life to the “Sol Invictus” the “Alternative or Anti-Christ”.

Prior to the Gregorian calendar reforms, St Lucia Day “Christingle” was the solstice celebration on Dec 13th. Lucia “Queen of Light” was selected, dressed in white and red sash and attended by young boys wearing red beards. This refers back to Jacob and Laban’s Red and White Stripes “Strakes” used to breed stronger cattle (ref Gen 30:32-43). Esau chose Laban’s way to be made white; the red beards representing Esau being born Red. Some Swedes observe this today as “Little Yule”. The Red Sash, Red Beard was like the Red Rose was said to have been washed by the blood of Adonis, contained in Holly Berries and Mistletoe grown on oaks. On “Little Yule” an orange pierced by a candle represents the Light of Lucifer liberated by the Sun.

On 25 Kislev 164 BC, Judas Maccabeas “Hammer of God” cleansed and re-dedicated the 2nd Temple in response to Antiochus Epiphanes sacrificing a pig on the altar. No random date, this being the 2160 years after the equinox sunrise precessed from from Taurus to Aries at the birth of Sargon I “Legitimate King”, now to Pisces. 2160 years later the birth of Sargon III with an possible revealing on the 2012 Christmas week. How does one cleanse (atone) Sins against God? The same incident will be repeated when Antichrist sets up the Abomination and the result will be the same. Man cannot cleanse the Temple of the LORD; once defiled, it will be destroyed. 25 Kislev is celebrated by Talmudic Rabbis (actually Gnostics in Priest Robes) as the day 41 years after creation when Cain killed Abel and the “Chanukah Miracle” (also a lie). 1 day of oil burned 8 days beginning on 25 Kislev gave rise to Chanukah and the 9 Branched Menorah; 8 candles for 8 days surrounding the center candle “Shamash”. Had Jews recognized the 7 branched candlestick (The Law) was being Crucified (Jesus in the midst of 2 Thieves is 6 uplifted arms surrounding the Saviour) and heeded Jesus’ warning that the Pharisees were anything but Jewish, the Age of Grace would have been unnecessary. Had the world wondered why the center candle was called “Shamash”, the Assyrian sun god and Goat Idol “Ashima” of the Amorites and “men of Hamath” (Canaanites descended of incest in 2 Kings 17:30), things would be quite different. Today, if Jews would read the Words of Amos 5:26 rather than the Talmud, they would know why “Shamash” usually has a Six Pointed Star on it; it’s the Star of Moloch and Chiun (Saturn). The Chanukah Menorah is in fact the Tabernacle of Satan (Santa), serving the same purpose as the “Grove” (Christ-Mass Tree) does for undiscerning Christians. If we looked at this time of year from God’s perspective, we would toss the Tree (Grove) and Mistletoe (Branch of Adonis), toss the Menorah (8 Contracts or Saved surrounding Shamash), toss the Santa (Nordic Shaman) story, and stop lighting our homes as if the date were Feast of Tabernacles (aka Festival of Lights), the real birthday of God in flesh. The Christmas ham is a present from the Aramaean (Syrian) Antiochus; it may be wise to toss that too. Swine Flu means “Occult Pig Infestation” Christmas is much like Swine Flu in that regard.  

    Ham slept with his mother while Noah was drunk (Nakedness is explained in Lev 20); Canaan is born "Cursed" from this Sin, as are his Phoenician (Sidon), Hittite (Heth), Amorite (Amraphel aka Hammurabi), Hamathite and "Giant" offspring who brought this Sin to Ishmaelites, Edomites and via Solomon's 1000 Phoenician wives/concubines to Israel. The sin here being defilement of Noah’s marriage as well as physical incest; earthly “Marriage” is symbolic of the “Marriage of the Lamb” via the Holy Ghost. For this reason, Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the Unforgivable Sin.

     Zacharias completed the 8th 8 day "Abia" Temple service (Luke 1) in Tammuz (June-July); John the Baptist was conceived and born on Passover 14 Nisan. Mary conceived during "Feast of Dedication/Lights" aka Hannukah 25 Kislev (Dec), 6 months after Elizabeth; Mary became the New Covenant Temple and Jesus the New Covenant "Tabernacle", born at Feast of Tabernacles "Sukkoth" 15 Tishrei (Sept-Oct). Sukkoth was replaced by Babylonian "Sukkoth-Benoth" meaning Booth of daughters or Brothel. Aaron's "Scapegoat" was replaced by "Azazel" (a name of Satan) in new bible versions (Lev 16), Azazel is the Goat Idol "Ashima" (2 Kings 17:30) of the Hamathites. Ashima means "Fate" or "Lot"; Ashima is cognate with Manat, a daughter of Allah (Allah is the Assyrian moon god "Sin") and chief goddess of Mecca meaning "Adultery". Manat is the wife of Hubal a Red Agate Idol and chief god of Quraysh bedouins, the false Levitical Priesthood of Muhammad. Hubal: "Hu" the Celtic god and "Baal" the Phoenician "Lord" is the Hittite Red Saint "Santa". Ashima, Manat, Greco-Roman "Nemesis", Knights Templar "Baphomet" and Uncle Sam are all Satanic "Scapegoats".   

     December "Tenth" means "Tithe", the sacrifice of the sun-god 3 ½ days after "Solstice" (Stand Still) in the "Grove" is an annual Celtic "Warrior" First Fruits Tithing to Satan. Scapegoats have red painted legs the Lambs can't see, trained to lead sheep to the slaughter. Santa a Hittite god entered the early "Church" by Gnostic Nicolaitanes to "Conquer the Laity", made "Drunk" as Noah was by Red and White, Hallucinogenic, "Amanita Muscaria" Mushrooms gathered by Norse "Aryan" Shaman under Evergreen Trees, stuffed in sacks, brought to the village tent "Succoth-Benoth" through the "Smoke Hole", dried on the hearth and consumed as the "Sacrament". Hezekiah broke the images and cut down the groves; time for us to do the same.


“If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean. And in the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised. And she shall then continue in the blood of her purifying three and thirty days; she shall touch no hallowed thing…” Lev 12:2-4

40 days after Sol Invictus is February “Month of Purification” of the virgin bride “Brigid” as Mother of Light. The “Divine Child” is born roughly 260 days after Easter, on 12/24. God’s law: 33 + 7 is 40 days of being unclean which takes us to Feb 2nd “Imbolg” the day called “Purification of the Virgin”. St Brigid’s day is for brides and the origination of the term Brigand (robber) or Brig (jail); I don’t mean to be unclean myself, but the phrase used on this day is “The serpent will come from the hole”. She is considered the goddess of poetry, healing, smithcraft, sacred flames and holy wells. Burial mounds the world over have their entrance tunnels aligned with the rising sun on Feb 02. 2008 is a leap/US election year to correct the Gregorian Calendar so that “Ostara” remains on the spring equinox. On Feb 02, 2008, 333 days will remain in the year. “333” is the call to arm Mars (Greek Aries) the god of war and an OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis are Eastern or Oriental Templars) ritual. In 2 Kings 17:31 the Avites (Ava is a region of Assyria) are listed worshipping the Idol “Tartak” a Donkey. Is it mere coincidence Obama is a Democrat whose symbol is the Donkey and he reportedly carries a Vedic Idol of “Hanuman” their god of war? To finish this perhaps coincidence, Tartak originated as a Hittite god; King Tarkasnawa of Mira (Myra) used the Donkey Idol on his royal seals; Nicholas of Myra eventually became Santa Claus the symbol of Esau (Red) and Canaanite religion. Obama’s father lists his genealogy as being Arab and his birth records are sealed. Druze (Arab Templars) Bedouins are claiming Obama is an Arab related to Esau through the Hittites, Ishmael, Egyptians through Hagar and Abraham; thus for whatever it’s worth, he is a claimant to the Abrahamic Covenant. Note: The Covenant God made with Abram was not offered to Ishmael and Esau sold his right to it.

The Rite of Mars is primarily an OTO (Oriental Templar) Witchcraft Ritual. Orient has come to mean “East”, but East in the Word of God does not refer to a physical direction; rather to worship of the Rising Sun in the East. The ritual hails the scorpion, eagle and serpent while reciting the 91st Psalm of David “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High…” The Holy of Holies is this secret place entered only once each year by the chief Levite priest during the age of Mosaic law; today entering is free by asking Jesus Christ. The “Eagle” is the symbol of Esau and his secret place is not entered through obedience to God or prayer; it refers to the Edomite caves of Petra, Jordan and Mt Seir “Eagle’s Nest”. The “Serpent” represents Satan’s spirit hiding in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The “Scorpion” is an Akkadian and later Assyrian symbol of their “Scorpion Kings”. Jacob was born holding on to Esau’s heel; the Scorpion is the “Heel Bruiser” and represents Esau’s “Revenge” of Jacob. In case it’s not obvious, every single holiday has been usurped by Esau.

The change of Solar Solstice to birth of Jesus has taken 4300 years. During the 400 year Inter-testament period, Idumean (Idumea is Edom), Hasmonean, Maccabean (Priests), Nabattean (Arab worshippers of “Hubal” an Edomite Idol), Parthian (Persian) influence originated Hanukah as a re-dedication of the Temple defiled by Antiochus Epiphanes. I won’t speak for God here, but the Spirit of God left the 1st Temple and to my knowledge never came back to the 2nd Temple in Spirit. God came to the 2nd Temple in Flesh and was Crucified largely for turning the money changer tables over. Sacrificing a pig on the altar, although terribly offensive was not as blasphemous as turning one’s back to the LORD, women weeping for Tammuz (Templars refer to Tammuz as St John the Divine) and worshipping the Rising Sun in the East (ref Eze 8) in the presence of the LORD. This Feast of Dedication was placed on Dec 25th on the same date as the Feast of Dedication of the Temple of Saturn not by coincidence but by patient astrological methodology. Jesus was conceived in winter, and born when lambs were spending nights in the field. There was no room at the inn for Mary and Joseph because it was the annual census and Feast of Tabernacles. Census “accounting” is much like today’s “Fiscal Year” which generally ends Sept/Oct the end of the agriculture and husbandry season. Corporation stems from “Corpus”; since Skull & Bones Supreme Court Chief Justice Morrison Waite applied the 14th Amendment to Corporations, America has been the primary International Corporation of Death. Mary and Joseph came to Jerusalem for Feast of Dedication; Jesus replaced the Rabbinical “Feast of Dedication” with His mother’s body and replaced Tabernacles with His own body 9 months later. Pretty simple eh? Jesus was born exactly 6 months after John the Baptist. John’s conception was after his father’s Temple service of “Abijah” in June and his birth was to signal a New Covenant with God at Passover. Jesus’ conception was on Chanukah “Feast of Dedication” (Mary became the first human Temple) and His birth was on Feast of Tabernacles exactly 6 months after John (14 Nisan-15 Tishri). Festival of Lights (Tabernacles) was named for the lighting of the Temple. Feast of Dedication (Chanukah) then became known as Feast of Lights and today perhaps 2 billion people light their homes and set up a Tree as a complete reversal of the 2 holy days. Jesus did not institute worship of His birth but enough information is in the Word of God to figure out it wasn’t on Saturnalia. It wasn’t until 361 AD that the Roman Church proclaimed Dec 25th to be the official birth of Jesus. This was identical to building Christian Cathedrals and Monasteries over pagan worship sites and enough time had passed that nobody seemed to notice. Satan’s goal is to become as the most high; and he is just about there.

February 2008 like all US election “Leap” years had 5 Fridays. Thor’s wife was Frig aka Freya, the frigid nagging wife of Norse lore and 13th un-invited guest at Valhalla. Imbolg is ½ way between Yule and Ostara; the date when the goddess achieves parity with her god.


Mars Day is Mardi Gras Roman “Carnivale”. It may begin between Feb 3rd and Mar 9th based on the lunar cycle. “Domini” is a Masquerade Mask and Cloak worn on this date. Esau will achieve Dominion with absolute certainty; it’s done in plain sight and achieved in absolute secrecy; Francis Dashwood’s “Hellfire Society” being but one example of high profile government leaders involved in secret buffoonery eg Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. Its end begins the 40 days of Lent, a period of lamenting Tammuz in Babylon and later copied by the Roman Church.


Lenten begins on Ash Wednesday; the ash “T” on our foreheads like the “Cross” is has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. Tammuz is the “Divine Child” in Babylon and Horus the same in Egypt. The Glory of the LORD departed the Solomon’s Temple (Eze 8) because women wept on the porch for Tammuz. In Gen 6 “Sons of God saw daughters of men...” Women were weeping for Tammuz on the porch as the men were committing unspeakable acts inside; the Glory of the LORD left by the same route Jesus did 700 years later. In Amos 7:3, 6 we read God repented, but He will not raise Israel up; the Glory of the LORD departed, came in flesh and was rejected and now the only path to salvation is by becoming Born Again of the Holy Ghost. Harsh, perhaps but Messianic Judaism is the same weeping for Tammuz Ezekiel witnessed.

Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day "Lupercalia" (Day of the Wolf "Lupercus") is Feb 14 "Ides of Februa". Julius Caesar borrowed a day for July; Augustus Caesar a day for August from Rome's 11th month February "Month of Purification". Feb 15 was the Roman “Parentilia” referring to illegitimate offspring conceived during Februa/February after St Brigit’s Day on Feb 1. Witches refer to this say as Imbolg “In the Belly”.

Feb 13th Eve became sacred to the Sabine and Etruscan goddess Lucina aka Lucetia "Goddess of Celestial Light" who became the Roman "Juno", sister and consort of Jupiter (Zeus) equivalent to Artemis or Diana "Goddess of the Hunt" and "Goddess of witchcraft" . Juno brought the Bride (Celtic St Brigid) across the threshold to the husband, unknotted the girdle, perfumed the doorposts, opened the womb to the "Seed of Light" and presided over labor, delivery and lactation. Gnostic Priests bloodied a knife sacrificing He-goats and Dogs; naked save for Goat Skin Thongs "Februas" they slapped women in fertility rituals with blood and milk soaked Goat Fur in the College of Luperci or "Lupercal", considered the Cave of Remus and Romulus (Cretan Zeus myth is identical). Sex partners were chosen by "Billets"; heart shaped love notes for the "Sacrament of Copulation", representing the Divine Union of Sophia "Wisdom" and the Redeemer "Lucifer"; 3rd Century Valentinian Gnostics called Lupercalia "Angels in the Nuptial Chamber"; suppressed in 494 AD, the day then became the Celtic St Brigid's Day. Valentine's Day originated before the founding of Rome; brought in by Umbrian (Sabine) women to Tuscany (Etruscany=Ombrike=Umbria); Rape of the Sabines refers to their abduction and subsequent assimilation into Roman society.

Witches and Augurs “To take Omens” Magic peaks mid month. The 13th was designed so that 13, the number of rebellion as described in Gen 13:13 “Sodom and Gomorrah” and Gen 13 “Beast” (Beast means animal instinct). The Catholic Church invented St Valentine much like they invented St Patrick; Valentine was borrowed from the 3rd century Gnostic Valentinians whose Priests were called “Angels of the Nupital Chamber”. The ritual was a Sacrament of Copulation commemorating the Sacred Marriage of the Goddess of wisdom Sophia (Haggia Sophia Cathedral and DaVinci Code “Holy Grail”) to the Redeemer. In nearly identical fashion to the way Christmas was made to overlap Hanukkah and Saturnalia as a replacement for Jesus’ true birthday on Feast of Tabernacles. Valentine’s Day’s Heart Symbol is not a heart at all, but the Vagina and the shape of an apple split top to bottom. The 5pt the shape of Venus’ 8 year cycle with the Sun as viewed from Earth is similarly derived by cutting an apple crosswise. The Apple itself has nothing to do with the Serpent or Garden of Eden; rather it refers to the Garden of Hesperides and the Golden Apple guarded by the Ladon Dragon. The heart symbol made with the hands is a open signal the age old ritual “Divine Union” or “Sacred Marriage” (Ritual Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost) has been completed; similar to the “Hidden Hand” in Masonry attained at the 13th “Royal Arch” Degree. Eve was said to have taken a bite of the apple even though no mention is ever made the Tree of Knowledge was a fruit tree; it simply refers to Gnosticm. Lupercalia “Day of the Wolf” was ministered by naked Priests; myth has it Lupercus mistook sleeping women for the priests of Lupercal and to prevent the mistake again they were required to revere him naked except for a Goat Skin Thong; the Goat Skin “Februa” they wore was in celebration of Esau; Rebekah and his brother Jacob had used blood stained goat fur to fool Isaac into reversing his blessings for the twin brothers; Isaac was fooled, but the blessings came from God who was not. The Scapegoat Jesus Christ in Lev 16:8 was then replaced by Satan in the guise of the Goat Idol Azazel (new bibles universally change Scapegoat to Azazel); the Goat Idol also was used to represent the Akkadian and Amorite Sun-god “Shamash” which wound up as the center candle on the Hanukkah Menorah. The Laws that will be enforced worldwide stem from the Amorite King Hammurabi whose Scapegoat was Azazel/Shamash “Code of Hammurabi”; today they are divided into Arab Sharia Law and 7 Noahide Laws. Priests ran around Palatine Hill spanking women with Goat’s Blood in order to make them fertile. Love Notes called “Billets” with these women’s names were then drawn at random by willing men who became unwed sex partners for the year. Rebellion knows no boundaries.


Purim means “Cast lots for Marduk” the Akkadian sun-god. It is a celebration of victory for Esau over Jacob therefore it is referred to as the Red Race victorious over the sons of the Almond Tree; almond referring to the 7 branched candlestick God instructed Moses to construct and Aaron’s Rod of authority that defeated Pharaohs’ magicians. Purim is an Arab Holy Day not an Israelite one; a reversal of Esau and Jacob as revenge for Jacob’s impersonation of Esau to obtain his blessing; if Isaac was fooled, God was not! Purim, Hindu Huli associated with Krishna, Lent, Mardi Gras and Carnivale are all reversals of God and Satan; Jacob and Esau.

An example of Purim celebrations were the 1991 slaughter of 150,000 Iraqis on the Highway of Death in Gulf War I, the Shock and Awe (Shekina means Flaming Sword in Kaballah which is derived from Ka’aba the sacred enclosure in Mecca for the Black Stone; Mecca is derived from Adultery and Quyrash the tribe of Mecca Muhammad descended from, stems from Korah and the rebel priests in Moses’ Day) start to Gulf War II and the start of the Libyan War.

St Patrick’s Day

St Patrick is the Egyptian "Ptah Rekh" of Memphis, Egypt; the patron of Blacksmiths, Fire, Volcanoes, he is considered the Divine Blacksmith "Tubal-Cain" by Freemasons (Masonic quiz book "Who is Tubal-cain" Ans: Vulcan of the Canaanites), the Canaanite god "Vulcan", Greek “Hephaestos” and the Demiurge (Evil Creator) in Kaballah. Leonard Nimoy aka Mr Spock on Star Trek is an avid Kabbalist, he used the Talmudic “Sign of Shin” meaning Nail used to Crucify Jesus; the Tree of Life Fixed to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil with 3 Nails forged by Tubal-Cain. Pretty sick eh?

Tubal-cain was the instructor of artificers in Brass in Gen 4:22 (Copper, Zinc, Arsenic) and Iron, the Kingdoms currently being finished are described in Dan 2:39-40  "...third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth...the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron...subdueth all things...break in pieces and bruise" Dan 7:6 describes this Brass Kingdom as the “Dominion” of the 3rd Beast; St Ptah-Rekh’s Day is day #76 on the Gregorian Calendar, and not coincidentally the logo used by the Oil Company “Union 76” is the Sun. Better decide now if you want to be a clay or iron toe! Jesus smashes the entire “Beast” in an instant.

Ptah is depicted as a tightly wrapped mummy wearing a Skull Cap aka Cap of Cybele or Yarmulke (replaces the Veil of the Holy of Holies Jesus tore at the Crucifixion) with arms protruding, he is holding the Divine Scepter, a combination of the Ankh "Solar Cross" aka "Cross of Life", WAS Scepter "Authority of Set; Dominion and Surveying" and Djed Pillar a Human Spine topped by 4 levels; Earth, Air, Fire, Water (33 Vertebre topped by the Skull=330 Scottish Rite Masonry); the Age of the 5th arrives 12/21/2012 according to Gnostics at and it’s 11 sister sites. Ptah aka Hephaestos fashioned Helios' Chariot aka Chariot of Adonis. Ptah fashioned Achilles' Armor; Ptah and Patrick derive from the mythical Patroclus, Achilles’ life long lover killed by the Trojan Hector while wearing Achilles’ armor. Spartan, Theban, Teutonic Knights, Knights Templar and Samurai were among other groups trained by Pedarastic Mentorship; both were raised by the mythical Centaur Chiron. Alexander the Great and his life long lover Hephaestion (named after Hephaestos) lived similar lives, Alexander having been mentored by Socrates in the Greek tradition. Ptah fashioned Aphrodite's Girdle and Hermes' Helmet as well.

Ptah was brought to Ireland by Scotti and Picts both originally Scythians. The myth took a Jewish veneer at the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC with Jeremiah taking Judah's last king Zedekiah's daughter Tea-Tephi to Ireland at Tara. The Stone of Scone being Jacob’s Pillow is a ridiculous lie that originated here, Zedekiah did evil in sight of the LORD and Nebuchadnezzar killed him and his sons in front of his eyes, put in writing in Jer 52:2 and Kings 25:7, so don't believe it. Mormons have a similar myth concerning Zedekiah's un-scriptural, dead son Mulek (Mulekites) as well; Time to cut the crap! God did not found the Celtic or Mormon Church on a female line of Kings descended from a King of Judah who desecrated Solomon’s Temple. The Declaration of Arbroath signed in 1320 AD confirms the Scotti were Scythians; now that I can believe. Knights of Malta aka Hospitallers are modern day inheritors of Templar wealth.

Celtic Priests "Druids" attached the oldest symbol in the world "Celtic Cross" to Ptah Rekh and in the 5th century to the semi-mythical St Patrick, mentored by Palladius (Masonry’s Palladium Rite comes from this) an emissary of Pope Celestine I who built Cathedrals over the Pagan Stone Circles, Groves and Wells. The Order of St Patrick in Ireland, Order of the Thistle in Scotland, Order of the Garter in England (Prince Charles heads the order) and Order of Cincinnati, founded by George Washington are all Masonic Orders based on Ptah/Tubal-cain/Vulcan. Side note: Benedict XVI is Pope #111 out of #112 set down in the Prophecy of St Malachy since Pope Celestine. How many St Patty's Day drinkers know the Stone of Scone is a "Sham" Rock or Emerald Isle means Isle of Lightning, the end of the Yellow Brick Road? Think it’s coincidence Barack means Lightning? Or that he is presiding over Congress #111 and #112? Arab myth records a White Horse called “Buraq” surveyed the Earth for Abraham and his son Ishmael and later came back to survey the world for Muhammad at the exact spot where Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac (changed to Ishmael in the Quran), King David purchased the Jebusite “Threshing Floor” and Tabernacle, Solomon built the 1st Temple, Zorobabbel built the 2nd Temple, Jesus was Crucified and the current spot where the Golden Dome of the Rock sits. All coincidence? Don’t bet eternity on it. Satan’s color is Green! Why? Antichrist will Ride the Pale Horse; Pale means Green; Ptah can be researched further in Mummies for Dummies.

All Fool’s Day

Hilaria March 25 + 8 days is the celebration of the resurrection of Attis as the Sun leaves Pisces and enters Aries. Easter is Ishtar known as Cybele the consort of Attis as Satan was known in Galatia (Turkey) where Jesus gave all 7 Church Warnings in Revelation 2-3. The Yarmulke, worn by a variety of religions, notably at Herod’s Wailing Wall is in fact merely the Cap of Cybele. Hindoos have been making “Huli Fools” for over 3000 years to mark the defeat of evil by throwing colored powder in honor of the female demon “Holika” and the Avatar “Krishna” meaning “Black or Night”; it’s called the “Feast of Colours”. Druid Priests were called “Old Fools”, giving sermons mocking the Divinity of Jesus dressed as Old Testament Prophets and riding Hobby Horses into the Congregation. French “Poisson d’ Avil” mocked the Passion Week by sending Fools on ridiculous errands to mock Jesus being sent from Chief Priest Annas to Chief Priest Caiaphas, to the Roman Pontius Pilate, to the Edomite Herod and back to Pilate before being made the “Fool” and Crucified. Pretty funny eh? Scotland called it “Hunting the Cuckoo” (European Crow), a mockery of the Crow (Raven) Noah sent from the Ark. The Edomite “Purim” (God is not mentioned in the book of Esther; God did not ordain Purim, and Purim is not Jewish in any sense) and the Zoroastrian (Zoro=Seed; Ashta=Star, Venus or Woman) “Nowruz”, and “Huli” are similar to April Fool’s Day; Obama’s practical joke was sending Depleted Uranium munitions to “Protect Civilians” in Libya while on vacation. Hilaria (Hillary) celebrated the Zoroastrian version of “Poisson d’ Avril” in France and Hindoos in Krishna Temples the world over tossed colored water and powdered chalk at each other (Black is a mix of all colors).

April 1 and Jan 1 “Feast of Circumcision” are 3 months apart as are Tabernacles (actual birth of Jesus Christ) and Christmas, (birth of Sol Invictus). The Roman Saturnalia began on St Lucia Day “Bride of Light” lasting a week; the Pope (Father here refers to God the FATHER as well as the Roman Pontiff) was mocked as “Lord of Misrule”. When Jesuits took over Rome in the mid 1500’s New Year became Jan 1 named after the 2 faced god of beginnings “Janus”; the original Feast of Sub-Deacons became “Guild of Fools”, the original “All Fool’s Day”; pretty hilarious eh? George Bush Sr “Magog” hilariously allowed 150,000 Iraqi conscripts to accept a Truce on Purim in 1991 before burning them with fuel-air bombs and burying them along the Highway of Death; his son George “Gog” Bush hilariously launched the Shock and Awe (Shekinah) campaign using Depleted Uranium Core Tomahawk Cruise Missiles at Baghdad by accusing his business partner Saddam Hussein of involvement with Al Qaeda; if that’s not funny enough, 20 years after the first and 8 years after the 2nd, Obama hilariously sent Depleted Uranium bombs and missiles to “Protect Libyan Civilians”. J Robert Oppenheimer quoted the book attributed to Krishna “Bhagavad Gita” after witnessing the Trinity Atomic explosion of the bomb named “Gadget”; “I have become Death, the destroyer of world’s”. It was a Plutonium Bomb first used on people at Nagasaki called “Fat Man” and later used in Reactor #3 at Fukushima in Sendei Japan. Hilarious eh?

Jack O Lent

Palm Sunday aka Yew or Branch Sunday is Jack O Lent. Mat 21, Mark 11, Luke 19, John 12 describe Jesus starting out on the Mt of Olives where Glory of the LORD had departed in Eze 8 because of abominable acts being done on the altar and women on the porch weeping for Tammuz. Tammuz is Dumuzi Apsu "Lord of the Sweet Water" aka Atmosphere/Lakes/Rivers/Aquifers. Tammuz is the Babylonian "Divine Child" equivalent with Horus or Adonis. Riding an ass (Horse+Mule=Ass/Donkey; Donkeys are Sterile meaning Gnostics reject Jesus’ ability to create a family using the Holy Ghost) portrays Peace; riding a horse portrays War. For this reason, the next time Jesus comes will be on a White Horse wearing a sign nobody recognizes called “The Word of God”. Jack O' Lent is a Straw Man Effigy brought out on Ash Wednesday (The “T” over the Pineal Gland represents Gnostic Illumination of Tammuz) and pelted with muck and stones 40 days before being burned on Palm Sunday. Jack O' Lent is portrayed as a Gaunt, Nobody, Simpleton, Puppet, Dwarf, Dressed in Rags, misused 40 days and burned on a Bonfire (Pyramid means Amid the Pyre or Bonfire); in contrast, the Lord of Misrule is richly attired. Why do Gnostics represent Jesus Christ as Jack O'Lent? His public ministry ended on this day when He rode into Jerusalem from the Mt of Olives through the East Gate and overthrew the tables of the money changers at the Temple who were selling Doves and Sacrificial Animals. Gnostics had made the Temple a Den of Thieves; it's time for us to choose our King; it's a no-brainer if you want to escape the "...wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS." Rev 19:16  So, do you want to be on Jesus' Left side or Right side? If the latter is your goal, celebrating Carnivale, Lent, Jack O Lent and Easter may not be wise; Easter and Passover have nothing in common.


Mar 21st “Ostara” (actually 19th-22nd) equalizes night and day; the Temple of the Serpent “Chichen-Itza” tracks the Vernal and Autumnal Equinox as well as the vertical position of the Pleiades “7 Sisters” with a Rattlesnake Idol at the top Temple. I believe the rattle “Plumbline” symbolically represents 2 Thess 2:11 “Strong Delusion”; Dan 9:27 “Covenant with Many” and Rev 6:14 “Heaven departs as a scroll when rolled together”; Gnosticism’s Day of Freedom and Liberty from God, Christmas 2012. Easter will occur on the Sunday “Dies Solis” after the full moon nearest Ostara. Passover “Pascha” is calculated 14 days after the ecclesiastical New Year on 1 Nisan; the first new moon after Ostara plus 14 days to the full moon. Passover has no reference to Easter, Sunday or first light. Easter is a moving Morning Solar Holiday; Passover is a fixed Evening Lunar Holiday. The 28 day lunar cycle corresponds to a woman’s fertility cycle; the goddess becomes a mother, impregnated at first light by the rays of the Sun on Easter (Oestre, Ishtar or Astarte). This is an Gnostic holiday adopted by the Edomites impersonating Israel (Chabad=I Chabod associated with Gnostic Kabbalah for example means “The Glory has departed”; Amos 5 says the virgin of Israel has fallen with none to raise her up and Amos and 7 removes the name Israel from Jacob and repeats this admonition. Israel is the covenant name of Jacob with God; the covenant was broken by 700 BC. Passover has nothing to do with Easter. Israel fell, God did not raise Jacob up so people born again of the Holy Ghost have assumed the mantle. Modern day Israel is not the “Sealing” of tribes in Rev 7, god put Israel and Judah in Diaspora and that’s where the real Jews are. Easter and Passover have nothing common; in Acts 12:4 we find Herod Agrippa celebrating Easter; new bible versions change this to Pascha to hide the fact Edom’s holidays have become Jacob’s. Ishtar is Anammelech, the Assyrian consort of Marduk (Adrammelech, Molech etc) whose idol is the Rabbit. Ishtar’s Eggs have permeated astronomy with such nonsense as Black Holes at the center of Galaxies (this is no yoke), the colored eggs signifying levels if initiation in Druidism, the Orphic Egg “Omphalos” of Delphi and the Primeval Egg of the Nile in Egypt. Jesuit misfit Adam Weishaupt “Oh, mortal man is there nothing you cannot be made to believe”. I’m guessing your priest or pastor knows some of this why not ask him or her.

April 15th “Tax Day” is the Assyrian New Year. April 19 “Fordicidia” or “Cerealia” (grain goddess Ceres) begins a 13 day period of sacrifice leading up to “Beltane” on May 1st Baal’s birthday. April 21st Parilia (shepherd god Pales=Palestine) marks 11 days. Phoenicians made Idols of “Bel” and lit fires in his honor, Bel is Baal which means “Lord” and “Master”; the same definitions as “Shamash” (Sun) or Azazel (Scapegoat), both Goat Idols. Bel “The Confounder”; Baal “Lord of Earth” is identical to the Greek “Kronos” or “Chaos”, the Amorite “Shamash” who is the center candle on the Chanukah Menorah as Jesus Christ was and is on the 7 branched candlestick and the Akkadian “Mar.tu”. Arabs are Semitic, descendants of Joktan, Hagar, Ishmael and Esau married into Canaanite bloodlines; Arab the word means “Merchant or Trader”. Islam “One who submits” took hold in Mecca (Mechus=Adultery) from Koreish (Korah=Rebellious rival Priesthood to Aaron) Bedouins; Bel “Confounder” and Baal “Lord” are both Al-Allah, a moon god once known to the Akkadians as “Sin”, symbolized by the “Crescent”. Satanism is thus the worship of Sin; killing, lying, money, witchcraft etc. Druids and their successors “Bards” were Priest leaders of the Celts; today Druid’s lead the Anglican and Episcopal Church. Likewise Masons dominate Southern Baptist leadership; Jacobins/Jacobites/Masons dominate the Presbyterian leadership (John Knox was a follower of John Calvin, whose real name was derived from the Samaritan Cohen meaning Priest). “Kahn Baals” were the same Solar Priests in Phoenicia; the word “Cannibal” stems from Priest of Baal as does the Latin word “Mass”; killing and distribution of the host and “Carni-Veil”. Greek and Roman Rituals were more Orgy than formal ritual, but honored the same god under different names, Attis, Adonis, Dionysus and Bacchus for example. The earliest iteration were Akkadian “Kon Torrs” “Priests of the Revolver or Enclosure”; the revolver referring to the Sun and enclosure being the Electro (Sun) Magnetic (Earth) field. Kaan-Baal’s wore actual fish as capes and mitres as did Chaldean “Magi”. Roman Popes/Cardinals/Bishops and Greek and Russian Orthodox Arch-bishops/Bishops wear the fish mitre of “Dagan” the fish god of the Philistines in a less obvious form. Red and purple robes worn by Egyptian Priests of On at Heliopolis “City of the Sun” or red and purple feathered head gear worn by Priests of Quetzalcoatl in Tenochtitlan are all symbols of the Red Sun/Son Rising; Solar Priests of one form or another. Red the color of Esau and Purple the color of Royalty in whatever form, represent the Canaanite/Hittite/Phoenician religion married to Esau’s “Birth Right” to obtain Abraham’s Covenant. Just one small problem; God witnessed Esau selling it to Jacob. Buddhists may seem different, but Indo-Aryans originated that religion as well; their celebration is called “Wesak”. Perhaps worth noting is Wall St and Wall Mart receive their names from the Wall of Jericho. Street derives from “Pavement”, the place of Pilate’s Judgment of Jesus Christ and Mart derives from the Akkadian “Martu”. Priests have always held the power for everyone outside of the right worship of God. Establish a Born Again relationship with Jesus Christ, the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, Melchisedek “Priest of the Most High”; “King of Salem” and tell your wide hemmed Priest to take a hike.

John the Baptist is the “Greatest of the New Covenant” ie 7th Contract between man and God; The Feast day of John the Baptist is June 24th 3 days after Summer solstice; the Feast Day of his beheading on Aug 29th. His true birthday however, is 6 months before Jesus’ on Passover, the day the Crucifixion ended the 7th Contract.. Katrina landed on New Orleans on the Feast Day commemorating the (Edomite) beheading of John at sunrise; God did not guide Katrina; Solar Flares and Global Climate Change had nothing to do with it either; it was a very well planned event. To Gnostics, John represents the Adept or Master, and Jesus the Initiate. This is why his birth was placed opposite Saturnalia/ Sol Invictus at the solar maximum solstice. The angel Gabriel informed Zechariah, he was to be a father; this being after the 8th, 8 day service in what would be June. Being of old age, this news would have been much like the news given to Abram at 99 years of age; he likely didn’t put off telling Elizabeth the news. John was born 9 months later at Passover; Jesus 6 months after that at the 7th and final Feast and on the only 8 day Feast “Tabernacles”. Symbolically, John ended the Old Covenant, the 7th Contract between God and Man, and the Crucifixion on John’s birth “Passover” began the 8th Covenant “Age of Grace”. Water Baptism represents “Remission of Sin”; John used water to illustrate this but Pharisees “Synagogue of Satan” were Edomite (go ahead, look for the Word of God describing them as Jewish) and couldn’t understand water had nothing to do with Baptism. Jesus illustrated remission of sins with water baptism, but the actual baptism came in the form of a Dove “Holy Ghost”. Priests use water to forgive sins to this day either because they are knowledgeable Pharisees or ignorant that Jesus is the Living Water; He does the Baptizing, they do the pretending. Prayer of repentance directly to Jesus results in Baptism of the Holy Ghost. John told the Pharisees someone greater than he would baptize humanity with fire and the spirit of the Holy Ghost, but they didn’t want to believe him because they would be exposed as the frauds they were. Paul said in Eph 4:4, there is only 1 baptism; it is not done with water, but rather the Holy Ghost. Burning Man festivals occur around this time to literally burn your cares away; to the ignorant it’s a party but serious occultists know its a fire sacrifice. Bohemian Grove will attract 2000 of the world’s most powerful leaders in July; effigies will burn to the owl “Molech”; the same false god Israelites were forbidden to sacrifice their children to.

Lughnasadh occurs on or about Aug 02. This “Harvest of Souls” matches the date of both Temple destructions and the date Columbus set sail to murder natives in the America’s in his Red Templar Cross Trinity of ships. Lug is Ireland’s patron deity for pagans. St Patrick may or may not have been a saint, but his Celtic Cross the oldest Pagan symbol in the world. There were no snakes in Ireland, and the Shamrock is just what it sounds like; a Sham representing the False Trinity.

Michaelmas “All Angel’s Day” is Sept 21st. Pagans on the British Isles sing songs dedicated to the wolf, fox, and eagle to spare their sheep, lambs and goats. Wolves wait for Lambs dressed in robes on Sunday in brick “Churches”; Jesus called the Edomite King Herod an “Old Fox”; the Eagle is the symbol of Esau. Michael is the only Archangel, his prophetic role occurs at the 5th Trumpet Warning 18 months and 1 day before the 2nd Coming when he casts Satan to the Earth in preparation for Armageddon. British is “B’Rith-ish”; men of the covenant by birth. Originated by the so called Virgin Queen Elizabeth and her Rosicrucian mystic adviser John Dee “007”; in all likelihood, the biblical Antichrist will come from British or Scottish stock. “Scotti” were the first pagans in the British Isles having a claimed genealogy from Egyptians, Hittites, Trojans, and Scythians; all part of Edomite genealogy through Hagar, Ishmael and Esau’s Hittite wives. The Queen of England has nothing whatsoever to do with Jerusalem or Jacob. Claims they are the house of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) and or descended from the tribe of Dan are also lies used to connect them to the Saviour; sorry wrong Saviour. Just a guess, but the Druid Pendragon, currently Prince Michael Stuart may play a role as a false Archangel Michael in the upcoming WW3 against Muslim nations.


Martin Luther was a Rosicrucian; Celtic New Year is “All Saints Day”, the Eve of “Samhein” Oct 31st is the day when the veil between living and dead is thinnest. Druid Priests chose sacrifice victims; those who complied sent out their virgin daughters and received a “Jack O Lantern” made with a candle inside a hollowed out turnip. The pumpkin is a recent adaptation brought to America by the Irish Potato famine. Priests use Bees Wax Candles because Bee is Chaldean for Word; the “Treat” was a candle of human fat reminding them of the last sacrifice. Those un-compliant with requests of the priests had a red six pointed star placed on their door. The Hexagram is a “Demon Magnet”; Mayer Rothschild “Red Child” attached the symbol of Moloch to modern Israel, but the symbol has nothing to do with King David. Children dressing in demon costumes are the “Trick” representing demons called in by the “Hex”. There is nothing “Hallowed” about Halloween; Martin Luther was a Rosicrucian and Black Cloister Monk who successfully got Christians to venerate the darkest day on the occult calendar. Luther encouraged bold sins, paving the way to Calvin’s doctrine of fixed “Pre-destination”. Luther said “Sin and sin boldly; Nothing can separate you from Christ”. He was glad to know the Pope was Antichrist and that Jews were to blame for the Crucifixion. He said “The best way to baptize a Jew was to tie a rock around his neck and throw him in the Jordan River”. Jesus blamed Pharisees and Scribes, maybe you should too!


June 29, 1676, the 1st "Thanksgiving" was celebrated for war victories against heathen natives. "Thanksgiving" was Massachusetts Bay Colony Governor John Winthrop's celebration of the May 1637 pre-dawn murder of 700 Pequot Indians in what is today Groton CT where the US has a nuclear submarine base. The Pequot were gathered for the annual "Green Corn Festival"; victims were awakened, shot, clubbed, burned alive in the Longhouse, sold into English slavery via Bermuda and Liverpool or dispersed from their land. Wampanoag Chief Metacomet (his father signed the first Peace Treaty with British Colonists) was impaled on a spike (Turkomen called this the "Palo") and put on display 24 years as a warning of the event in Plymouth. Colonists referred to Metacomet as "King Phillip" after King Phillip of France who arrested the Knights Templar in 1307, not King Phillip II who prosecuted the French and Indian Wars. In 1614 Patuxet Indians were loaded onto slave ships bound for England; those left behind were intentionally infected with smallpox; by 1620, it is claimed that only the ex-slave who developed immunity to the disease named Squanto remained alive. Freemason, Order of Cincinnatti George Washington cut Thanksgiving festivities of selling scalps and using severed heads as soccer balls down to 1 day, and Rosicrucian Grand Master Abraham Lincoln made the last Thor's Day in November an American (America means Amurru-Can; Priests of the Canaanite Serpent god Amurru and the Amaru, his staff of authority) National Holiday "Holy Day" during the Civil War; on the same day, he ordered soldiers against starving Sioux Indians in Minnesota. Turkey was Rosicrucian, Freemason, Hell Fire Club Initiate Ben Franklin's choice for the National Bird; its name is Turkish from "Turkomen" (Arab means "Merchant"; Turkomen were Arabs living in Turkey whose religion was Kaballah) the Turkey merchants of Madascar. The Guinea Fowl called "Turkey" is the domesticated bird of the Aztecs (Aztec, Aztlan and Laban all mean "To make white ie sinless"). Aztec corn was called "Turkey Corn". Turkey is derived from "Hindi", the Turkish name for Indian and "Dinde" which means "Chicken from India". Columbus was also a Rosicrucian who like colonists, used disease as a weapon and did not discover anything in his life let alone believe Hispaniola was India. Turkey is slang for "Stupid, ineffectual person". Happy Thanksgiving seems a lot like Merry Christmas; setting up a Grove and celebrating the death and distribution of Jesus' body is also pretty stupid. A Turkey Shoot refers to setting Turkeys up behind a log and shooting at their heads; George Bush Sr called the slaughter of Iraqis in 1991 on the Highway of Death a "Turkey Shoot"; soon it will be our turn.


Sunday is not the Sabbath; it’s a day named after the Sun “Dies Solis”. Light was created on the 1st day; Satan assumed the title “Light” then Lucifer and took credit for life giving rays of the Sun. Jesus came to fulfill the law, not change it, so keeping the Sabbath holy is certainly a requirement, but entering into covenant with Jesus Christ makes all 7 days “Sabbaths”. Born Again Christians are “Separate” and “Assemble” as equals; they do not “Congregate” or listen to sermons from Priests; the Holy Ghost is their Priest. The 7th day was the Sabbath until the crucifixion, now it too is named after Saturn. Monday “Lunes” is named after the moon, which was known as “Sin” to Akkadians and as Al-Allah to apostate Arabs long before Muhammad (Muhammad was an Arab Beduin of the “Koreish” tribe related to Abraham through Ishmael and Esau and to the Hittites through (marriage). Tuesday is named after the god of war, Mars aka “Tiw” to Anglos (Aryans) throughout Germany. Known variously as Tiwaz for Greeks, Tiuz for Scandinavians; Ziu for those in south; Tiw for Anglo-Saxon tribes or the Cretian Zeus for Hellenes. Wednesday is Wotan’s Day, named after the Norse god Woden aka Odin. Thursday is named after Odin’s son Thor the god of storms and Friday after his nagging wife Freya aka Frig from whom we get “Frigid”. I suppose being Frigid gave him the right to have all those Valkyries.

Jesus never instructed anyone to celebrate His birthday and for 367 (361 AD to 6 BC) years after the Crucifixion, nobody did; people puffed up with pride do this sort of thing. Jesus was born, lived 30 years and received the Holy Ghost to illustrate Man is first born and then Born Again of the Holy Spirit (Ghost); that’s Passover “Deliverance”. Under the law, Passover “Pascha” is 14 Nisan, the day of Israel’s deliverance; it has nothing to with Easter. Easter is mentioned only once in scripture; Acts 12:4 records Herod killing James and John and after Easter (new bible versions change Easter to Passover), he intended to kill Peter as well. Arrayed in royal apparel (Purple), sitting on his throne, he spoke to people who viewed him as God incarnate. The angel of the Lord smote him and his body was eaten of worms for not giving God the glory. The Herodian Dynasty was an Edomite Dynasty; Easter is veneration of the Eastern Star. Satan hides behind female persona such as Venus, but Edomites know well that the Eastern Star is the Rising Sun who will incarnate the Rising Son. Edomite religion is Antichrist religion and it’s all around us in plain sight. Herod tried to kill Jesus and Antichrist will do the same after Esau and his “Confederates” (ref Obadiah) achieve “Dominion” (Gen 27:40). Herod proclaimed himself God and so will Antichrist. Herod was eaten of worms and Antichrist will be the first Man cast into the Lake of Fire. Herod will join Antichrist and False Prophet 1000 years later. This is why all false religion boils down to Amillennialism; Denying Jesus Christ the 1000 year reign on earth. If you don’t want to join Esau and Herod, abide by the law; Love God and Love your Neighbor. Revenge and War are not part of the deal folks, nor is observing a holiday you know to be based on a lie. Zechariah 14:16 says that when the LORD is king over all the earth, annual observance of Feast of Tabernacles will become mandatory. If you have to celebrate a birthday, why not let it be Feast of Tabernacles; that’s Jesus’ birthday.


On 25 Kislev (Dec) 164 BC, Judas Maccabeaus cleansed and re-dedicated the 2nd Temple. The 9 branched Hanukah Menorah came to replace the 7 branched candlestick God instructed Moses to build because Jesus in the midst of 2 thieves represented it as the symbol of the Law. The almond shaped bowls represent the staff of Aaron and the Levitical Priesthood passing to Melchisedek (Jesus Christ) and the tribe of Judah. In 361 AD, Christmas became accepted as Jesus’ birthday in a complete reversal of God and Satan. I am not able to offer proof these actually happened or will happen and I certainly don’t put any faith in JR Church and his claims, but astronomy programs say that in 6 BC on Passover (John the Baptist’s birthday) and Feast of Tabernacles there were Lunar Eclipses. On Passover and Feast of Tabernacles 2014 and 2015, there will be 4 Lunar Eclipses. In addition, Solar Eclipses will occur in 2015 on Nisan 1 (Mar 20) the historic date of the 1st Tabernacle and on Rosh Hashanah “Feast of Trumpets” (Sept 13).

Rapture is a term not found in scripture; despite this, many Theologians teach that it will happen anyway on Feast of Trumpets because 1 Cor 15:52 uses the term “last trump” to describe the 1st resurrection. Those “Left Behind” (LaHaye uses the Templar symbol of the Cross and Crown) will, it is hoped feel disillusioned with Christianity and seek to render adoration to a Messiah figure. Read Albert Pike’s letter in my article World War 3, the Banker’s Manifesto, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion or the Prophecies of St Malachy to gain perspective on what world leaders of the Edomite Confederacy have planned.

Millions of people are expecting Dec 21st 2012 to be a very big deal; physically I wouldn’t worry about what happens or doesn’t happen, but spiritually I would sit up and take notice; Dan 9:27 “70th Week” and 2 Thess 2:11 “Strong Delusion”, Rev 6:14 “heaven departs as a scroll” may very well coincide with Christmas Eve 2012. The 8 day Feast of Lights “Tabernacles” was shifted to 8 day Festival of Lights “Chanukah”, the Tabernacle of God (now bodies of Jesus’ followers) became a Temple; “Templarism” aka “Zionism” is in fact Satanism. There is no 7 year Tribulation described in scripture and Amos makes perfectly clear in 5:2; 7:3& 6 that God does not intend to raise Israel up until His promise to Abraham is fulfilled in the Millennium (Eze 48). Daniel fainted when Jesus Christ and Gabriel told him about the last 2300 days; I’m certainly not a prophet but it looks like the last 2300 days may have started with the Haitian earthquake and cholera epidemic; both intentionally planned by SOUTHCOM and NATO and now managed by 330 Mason, Bilderberger, CFR, Satanist Bill Clinton. WWIII could begin in Korea (Gainsaying of Core=Korah) and Iran (Aryan) at anytime; Wiccan adept Hillary Clinton was in Kazakhstan (Russian Kant and US Manas airbases are primary supply bases and yes Russia and the US work together) and Kyrgyzstan (Astana is a primary New World City representing Genghis Kahn and the “Golden Horde” of Khazaria; yes Elena Kagen knows this) for Chanukah 2010. Chanukah means “House of Enoch”; Cain’s Enoch. Phoenix (Pa-Hanok) means “House of Enoch”; Cain’s Enoch. The Phoenix is on Mexican and US currency. There is a strong delusion coming and only one way to avoid it; Repent of Sin and ask Jesus Christ for the Holy Ghost. Things for me became clearer when I stopped listening to lies in Church and stopped celebrating pagan holidays hiding under their thin Christian veneer. I only hope my experience helps you do the same. The reason Catholic and Protestant Priests act like Celtic Druids and Turkish Galatians is because they are one in the same. Jesus said to be Holy which means Separate; the Ekklesia Church is made of Separate individuals preparing for the interview that will determine eternity. Don’t Fornicate Under Consent of the King this up because the KING OF KINGS did not give you His consent. Ever wonder where this word originated? It’s the 1st Commandment “Thou shalt have no other gods before me”


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