5. PROJECT NO.CODE7. ADMINISTERED BY2. AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION NO.CODE6. ISSUED BY8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR4. REQUISITION/PURCHASE REQ. NO.3. EFFECTIVE DATE9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO.9B. DATEDPAGE OF PAGES10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT/ORDER NO.10B. DATEDBPA NO.1. CONTRACT ID CODEFACILITY CODECODE Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods:The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of OffersE. IMPORTANT:is extended, (a) By completing Items 8 and 15, and returning __________ copies of the amendment; (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted; or (c) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR AC- KNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAYis not extended.12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA(REV. 10-83)is required to sign this document and return ___________ copies to the issuing office.is not,A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A.15C. DATE SIGNEDB. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT/ORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGESSET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103(b). RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date specified.C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF:D. OTHERBYContractor16C. DATE SIGNED14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION16B. UNITED STATES OF AMERICAExcept as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect.15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER16A. NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER15B. CONTRACTOR/OFFERORSTANDARD FORM 30NSN 7540-01-152-8070PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLEPrescribed by GSA - FAR (48 CFR) 53.243(Type or print)(Type or print)(Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible.)(No., street, county, State and ZIP Code)(If other than Item 6)(Specify type of modification and authority)(such as changes in paying office, appropriation date, etc.)(If required)(If applicable)(SEE ITEM 11)(SEE ITEM 13)(X)(X)13. THIS ITEM APPLIES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTS/ORDERS,IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT/ORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14.11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONSAMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION/MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT(Signature of person authorized to sign)(Signature of Contracting Officer) 1 11A0000202-05*-201443C1Department of Veterans AffairsNational Cemeteries Administration (NCA)CSD Contracting Services MSN II ATL1700 Clairmont Road, 4th FloorDecatur GA 3003343C1Department of Veterans AffairsNational Cemeteries Administration (NCA)CSD Contracting Services MSN II ATL1700 Clairmont Road, 4th FloorDecatur GA 30033To all Offerors/BiddersVA786-14-R-004301-06-2014XXX1 N/AThis amendment is written to respond to inquiries received against subject requirement. Please note the date forreceipt of offers is not extended.XXXXXXXX LAST ITEM ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS REMAIN UNCHANGED.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAmendment No. A00002VA786-14-R-0043 Marietta National Cemetery 6 February 2014Question 1.?Must we supply the flags?? Government Response: No.Question 2. Water lines along the perimeter of the cemetery: Will the winning contractor have access to them in order to perform this contract? Government Response: Yes, the perimeter hoses are the property of Marietta National Cemetery.Question 3. Wage determination: 11000 --- General Services & Support Occupations, 11210 --- Laborer, Grounds Maintenance---11.22. Is this the correct category for this contract? Government Response: Yes.Question 4. The grass in cemetery is Zoysia, not Bermuda. Do we still use Bermuda on sunken graves? Government Response: Zoysia is used throughout the cemetery, NO Bermuda grass.Question 5. On average, how many trees have been removed per year from the Marietta Cemetery?? Government Response: Removals/replaced are an additional cost paid for by the cemetery if the arborist deems the tree to be removed and negotiated on a case-by-case basis. Typically 10 per year.Question 6. Flags Placement & Removal: ?How much assistance does the contractor receive from the volunteers? ?Does the contractor just provide supervision?? Government Response: The gravesite flags are placed by Scouts and volunteers on the Saturday before Memorial Day. ?The contractors may need to assist if flags are not placed securely in the ground.? Removal of flags:? contractor is responsible for removal/pickup and adequate drying of flags.? The flags are then bundled and placed in bins provided.? The contractor is responsible for dry storage of flags to ensure that the flags are in good condition for future years. Question 7. CLIN 0002 Request the contractor provide material and labor as well as water for the irrigation system. ?There is nothing in the RFP to include this CLIN, could you clarify?? Government Response: Question 8. Under line item 0003 Tree maintenance as required for removal of unhealthy trees and deadwood per Forester/and Arborist recommendations. If trees are to be removed and replaced??would??the Contractor be responsiblefor the cost? There is no line item for the cost?to ?replace trees and the number of trees over five (5) years would be unknown. Government Response: Same response to question number five. Question 9: Is the scope on this solicitation the same as the previous scope, if not, can you please explain the differences? Government Response: Yes.Question 10. In the past, what percentage of the cemetery has required lime treatments annually?Government Response: *Lime treatments are based on annual soil test reportsQuestion 11. Are the PA system, chairs, cones and other items needed for all services for Memorial Day supplied by the government? Government Response: Yes. Question 12. There are numerous mentions of janitorial work and cleaning.? Currently the lodge and public restrooms are kept locked and unused.? Will this be changing?? Government Response: Whereas the government has any areas in the statement of work for janitorial work or cleaning, it is hereby deleted in its entirety.Question 13. Attachment 10 refers to standards for pruning shade trees but does not give a limit for what is considered general maintenance vs additional services.? Can specified wording be added to differentiate the two? Government Response: Refer to 3. Description of Services (page 13) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: The contractor shall provide all personnel, equipment, vehicles, tools, supervision, and other items and services necessary to ensure that grounds Amendment No. A00002VA786-14-R-0043 Marietta National Cemetery 6 February 2014maintenance is performed at Marietta National Cemetery in a manner that shall maintain healthy grass, maintain trees up to 15 feet in height, shrubs, and plants and present a clean, neat, and professional appearance.? Services include, but are not limited to maintenance of grounds, regular mowing all area inside and outside of wall up to the road, use of push mower when necessary, weed eating/trimming inside and outside of wall, removal of leaves and debris, as well as, sweeping or blowing off roads and sidewalks, maintenance of gravesites and headstones, and the alignment and? cleaning of headstones/markers, headstone/marker installation and maintenance, turf maintenance, plant and tree maintenance, sunken grave repair, grave excavation and backfilling, trash removal, placement and removal of flags for Memorial Day. In the event of an emergency situations due to weather, storms, etc. contractor will be called for emergency assistance. The drainage ditches are kept clean and free from trash, debris, plant growth, and any matter of moss or algae formation. Care and maintenance of the Rostrum area.? Providing top soil & quarter down for graves as well as removal of spoils & debris.? Floral decorations are to be removed from gravesites when unsightly. Contractor to assist and work as needed during Memorial Day/Weekend events. All work shall be done during normal Federal workdays in daylight hours.? The exceptions are Memorial Day weekend and other special days as requested by the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR).Question 14. The SOW calls for two fertilizations and two weed control applications to be done annually.? Government Response: Turf needs to be maintained at the current level.? Soil tests performed by the University of Georgia will be submitted ?and paid by the cemetery.? These results will be used for chemical applications and analysis.Question 15. Page 52 refers to leaf collection but does not mention the removal of acorns.? Each year at Marietta, we remove? numerous dumpster full of acorns.? This is a highly labor intensive process but is needed for the health of the turf.? Government Response: Reference Page 52 of 88, Attachment 8, Paragraph 2, change to read: Work consists of collecting and removing from the cemetery grounds and the immediate area outside the cemetery wall, all fallen leaves, twigs and acorns as frequently as necessary to keep a debris free appearance. Random inspections shall be conducted by the COTR on a daily basis. Question 16. Page 15 of the Solicitation states that the Government will provide electricity.? We wanted you to be aware that we have been responsible for all utilities at Marietta National since we took over the grounds maintenance responsibilities.? This may well be changing in the new requirement but we wanted to make you aware. Government Response: Reference Page 15 of 88, Paragraph 5, D (2) is added to read: Electricity, water and gas to be paid by the Contractor. Trash Dumpsters to be supplied by the Contractor as well as a Porta-Potty for Contractor employees.Question 17. Page 44 states that “Daybreak” can be used, along with other approved cleaning products for cleaning headstones.? We were informed last year that “Daybreak” is no longer allowed to be used on NCA properties and we are wanting to know if another change had been made. Government Response: Reference M40-2 9.07 CLEANING HEADSTONES AND MARKERS - a. The natural surfaces of' headstone, and markers will be retained. They will not be painted. whitewashed, calcimined, or polished. b. Headstones and markers will he cleaned to remove objectionable accumulations, such as bird droppings, mud, tire or hose markings, grass stains, residue from trees, fungus, and so forth. The toning or patina of the stone will not he removed unless as a result of cleaning accomplished to remove the accumulations previously noted. In this instance the stone or bronze marker should be cleaned in its entirety so as to present a uniform appearance. c. Headstones and markers are to be cleaned using high pressure water at 800 psi. No detergents, solvents or other chemicals are to be used.Question 18. Page 47 under the heading “equipment and Supplies” states that there is no water at the Cemetery.? There is water but the contractor has traditionally paid for the use.? Government Response: Reference Page 47, Paragraph 3, B is hereby deleted in its entirety.Amendment No. A00002VA786-14-R-0043 Marietta National Cemetery 6 February 2014Question 19. Page 49-50 refers to the turf type as Bermuda/Fescue.? After the 2009 turf renovation done at Marietta, the only turf type there is Zoysia.? It is usually not advisable to overseed warm season turf.?? Now that the entire property is one turf type, the entire cemetery enters and exits dormancy at the same time which provides a uniform look year ernment Response: Reference to any areas stating Bermuda, is hereby change to Zoysia, Also, Page 49, Paragraph 2, is revised to read: Work consists of sod bed preparation and sodding/seeding of areas of the cemetery where the turf has been disturbed or has died. In particular, all newly dug or refilled graves shall need resodding/seeding. Approximately 200 graves shall require resodding/seeding annually. The Contractor shall be responsible for the removal and disposition of dead ground and shall refill the site with quality topsoil and perform the sodding/seeding to include the bare areas to insure a quality turf. Delivery tickets, indicating date, weight, analysis, purity, and vendor’s name are to be submitted to the COTR. Paragraph 3. Kind of Sod/Seed is changed to read: Zoysia.Question 20. Number 12 on page 14 of 88 of the solicitation states that the contractor is responsible for cleaning and sanitizing public restrooms. Attachment 15 – Janitorial Services shown on page 61 of 88 further describes the janitorial requirements. It is our understanding that because there is no water at the cemetery, there are no permanent public restrooms at this cemetery. Are there permanent public restrooms located at the cemetery that require janitorial services? If there are indeed permanent public restrooms located at the cemetery that require janitorial service under what CLIN should this service be priced? Government Response: Whereas the government has any areas in the statement of work for janitorial work or cleaning, it is hereby deleted at this time in its entirety.Question 21. Since there is no water at this cemetery and if there are no permanent public restrooms at the cemetery, is the contractor responsible for providing a portable toilet for cemetery visitors/guests? Government Response: Same response to question sixteen.Question 22. Since there is no water at this cemetery, is the contractor responsible for providing its own employees with a portable toilet? Government Response: Yes.Question 23. Number 18 on page 14 of 88 of the solicitation states that the contractor is responsible for “maintaining the support structures on the outer wall and any fallen rocks from the wall”. The Statement of Work does not provide any direction to the contractor on how often, what methods to use, and the extent of the scope of work for this service. Can the Government please elaborate on the requirements for this service? In addition, under what CLIN should this service be priced? Government Response: Reference Page 14 of 88, paragraphs 12, 18, and 20 are hereby deleted in its entirety.Question 24. Number 19 on page 14 of 88 of the solicitation states that the contractor is responsible for maintaining all metal wrought iron and all signage in fresh paint as needed. Under what CLIN should this service be priced? Government Response: Same response as to question twenty-three.Question 25. Attachment 3 – Headstone/Marker Maintenance & Cleaning under Section 3. General Provisions shown on page 44 of 88 states, “The contractor shall pressure wash sidewalks, curbs, and entrance gate of the cemetery”. Under what CLIN should this service be priced? Government Response: Reference Line Items 0004, 1004, 2004, 3004, and 4004 and the government’s discretion as to cleaning date(s) agreed too.Question 26. Will the cemetery provide the casket lowering device to perform casketed internments? Government Response: Yes.Amendment No. A00002VA786-14-R-0043 Marietta National Cemetery 6 February 2014Question 27. CLIN’s 0007, 0008, 1007, 1008, 2007, 2008, 3007, 3008, 4007, and 4008 on the price sheets provide 8 casketed interments and 15 cremated internments per year. However, Attachment 2 – Grave Excavation, Backfill, and Internments/Dis-Internments under Section 2. Scope shown on page 41 of 88 states that there are approximately 30 casketed internments and 20 cremated internments per year. Which quantity should the contractor use to develop its price? Government Response: See revised price schedule attached and bid as stated, this is an estimated requirements.Question 28. Attachment 12 – Trash and Debris Removal under Section F. Storm Clean Up shown on page 58 of 88 of the solicitation states, “Storm Clean Up (wind, rain, hail, snow, ice, etc) Cemetery should be checked and cleaned up the next working day to include weekends following the storm unless the extent of the storm prompts civil defense authorities to declare emergency movement only. Should this occur, clean-up should be done as soon as emergency restrictions are lifted”. In order to accurately include storm clean-up in its trash and debris removal price the contractor needs to know the scope of storm clean-up they are responsible for. For example, if a large tree (> 12”- 24” in diameter) falls is the contractor responsible for cutting up and removing this tree? Or will a separate Modification be issued for large scale storm clean up such as this? Or is the contractor only responsible for picking up small scale limbs and other debris resulting from the storm? Government Response: Fallen trees will be addressed as a change conditions to contract an cost negotiated on a case-by-case basis, for removal, contractor is responsible for small limb and debris.Question 29. CLIN 0002 states that the contractor is to provide irrigation and water services to include labor, materials and the water. In order to accurately price this CLIN the contractor needs to know some history on the actual water usage by the cemetery in an average year. In an average growing season year how many gallons of city water does the cemetery use for irrigation? Government Response: Noted, the government doesn’t have history in this area. Question 30. CLIN 0003 states that the contractor is required to perform “Tree maintenance as required for the removal of unhealthy trees and deadwood per Forester and/or Arborist recommendations.” Without knowing the quantity of trees or limbs that will require removal from year to year this becomes impossible for the contractor to price. For example, the contractor is asked to give a price to perform one tree removal job per year. Depending on the arborist’s recommendations and unforeseen natural occurrences the scope of this CLIN can change dramatically from year to year. If a contractor bids low on this CLIN he stands a better chance to win the bid but he may not have sufficient funds included in his price to cover the tree maintenance for that year. If a contractor bids high on this CLIN he stands a lesser chance in winning this bid but he may have sufficient funds included in this price to cover the tree maintenance for that year. Would the Government consider issuing funds under this CLIN as a separate Modification or Task Order based on the scope of work in a particular year to the contractor awarded this solicitation? Government Response: *Removals/replaced are an additional cost paid for by the cemetery if the arborist deems the tree to be removed.Question 31. Attachment 14 – Placement of Flags under section 2(B) and 3 shown on page 60 of 88 states that, “The Avenue of Flags (if flown) shall be in place by 8:00a.m. on ...” Will the Avenue of Flags be flown on Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day at the Marietta National Cemetery? Government Response: Yes.The following are additional government administrative changes as follows: Reference Page 17 of 88, Paragraph 13, b is change to read: If Contactor occupies the Maintenance Building, the contractor must clean and maintain the building in an orderly manner at all times. Electricity, water and gas if used to be paid by the Contractor.Amendment No. A00002VA786-14-R-0043 Marietta National Cemetery 6 February 2014 2. Reference Page 17 of 88, Paragraph 14, b is changed to read: Work Hours: Work shall be performed between the hours of 8:00 and 4:30 PM., Monday through Friday unless otherwise directed by the COTR. At the Contractor’s request, and with the written permission of the COTR, work may be scheduled for weekends and / or Holidays. In emergency situations caused by the Contractor, or when severe adverse weather prohibits work during the week, the Contractor shall arrange with the COTR to work on weekends and/or holidays in order to meet performance time frames. The Government will not compensate the Contractor for any alternate work schedules needed for the Contractor to complete all contract work within the specified project duration. No work shall be permitted during Memorial Day or Veteran’s Day weekend activities. Notwithstanding, if any work under this contract shall be required outside of the VA's normal working hours (8:00 – 4:30 PM Monday through Friday), the Contractor shall request for a deviation in writing to the COTR at least 24 hours in advance. The COTR will notify the appropriate individuals regarding Contractor's anticipated schedule and will provide written approval or disapproval to the Contractor. Weekend/Holiday work must be pre-approved by the COTR/Director/Contracting Officer/MSN prior to the date requested to work. The following terms have the following meaning:Normal Work Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 – 4:30 PM, excluding Holidays. Reference Page 19 of 88, Paragraph 18, b is changed to read: The Contractor shall clean, when applicable, the maintenance building, as needed, but not less than weekly. Cleaning shall include, disposing of trash and emptying trash cans. All items stored in service building shall be in a neat orderly fashion. The grave locator should be clean, and supplied with gravesite locator books and maps. Floral cone box should be free of debris, and clean, supplied with floral cone containers. Committal shelter should be clean and free of debris.Reference Price Schedule Pages 8-12 of 88 are hereby replaced: See Attached.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXLAST ITEM ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS REMAIN UNCHANED.XXXXX.B.1 SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND SCHEDULE OF PRICES (Amendment No. A00002)Contractor shall provide all labor, material, equipment, tools and supplies to complete grave excavations and grounds and facility maintenance services to maintain Marietta National Cemetery, 500 Washington Avenue, Marietta GA 30060, following National Cemetery Administration standards. Contract period shall consist of a base period from Date of award through September 30, 2014, with up to four (4) one-year options to extend the term of the contract through September 30, 2018. Units and services shall be in accordance with Performance Work Statement, Technical Specifications, term and conditions.BASE PERIOD (Date of award – September 30, 2014)CLINDescriptionEst. QtyUnitUnit PriceTotal Price0001Grounds Maintenance Services(Includes: mowing, weed eating, removal of leaves and debris, sweeping or blowing off of roads and walkways, flower and trash removal; fertilizing, pre-emerge and post weeding, fungicide, rodentcide, pesticide, herbicide and insecticide applications, sodding, seeding 7MO?0002Irrigation/water services to cemetery grounds to include labor and materials, inclusive of water.6MO0003Tree maintenance as required for removal of unhealthy trees and deadwood per Forester/and or Arborist recommendations1Job0004Headstone Cleaning and Maintenance(17,380) headstones cleaned twice a year34,760EA*0005Snow and Ice Removal1Job0006Sunken Grave Repair 300EA0007Grave Excavation and Backfilling (Casket)8EA*0008Grave Excavation and Backfilling (Cremains)12EA0009Headstone Raise, Lower, Realign, Reset, Backfill 300EA0010Placement and Removal of Flags (grave flags) (17,380 once yearly)17,380Job?Base Period Total Cost:OPTION YEAR 1 (October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015)CLINDescriptionEst. QtyUnitUnit PriceTotal Price1001Grounds Maintenance Services(Includes: mowing, weed eating, removal of leaves and debris, sweeping or blowing off of roads and walkways, flower and trash removal; fertilizing, pre-emerge and post weeding, fungicide, rodentcide, pesticide, herbicide and insecticide applications, sodding, seeding 12MO?1002Irrigation/water services to cemetery grounds to include labor and materials, inclusive of water.6MO1003Tree maintenance as required for removal of unhealthy trees and deadwood per Forester/and or Arborist recommendations1Job1004Headstone Cleaning and Maintenance(17,380) headstones cleaned twice a year34,760EA1005Snow and Ice Removal2Job1006Sunken Grave Repair 300EA*1007Grave Excavation and Backfilling (Casket)10EA*1008Grave Excavation and Backfilling (Cremains)17EA1009Headstone Raise, Lower, Realign, Reset, Backfill 400EA1010Placement and Removal of Flags (grave flags) (17,380 once yearly)17,380Job?Option Year 1 Estimated Total Cost:OPTION YEAR 2 (October 1, 2015 – September 30, 2016)CLINDescriptionEst. QtyUnitUnit PriceTotal Price2001Grounds Maintenance Services(Includes: mowing, weed eating, removal of leaves and debris, sweeping or blowing off of roads and walkways, flower and trash removal; fertilizing, pre-emerge and post weeding, fungicide, rodentcide, pesticide, herbicide and insecticide applications, sodding, seeding 12MO?2002Irrigation/water services to cemetery grounds to include labor and materials, inclusive of water.6MO2003Tree maintenance as required for removal of unhealthy trees and deadwood per Forester/and or Arborist recommendations1Job2004Headstone Cleaning and Maintenance(17,380) headstones cleaned twice a year34,760EA2005Snow and Ice Removal2Job2006Sunken Grave Repair 300EA2007Grave Excavation and Backfilling (Casket)10EA2008Grave Excavation and Backfilling (Cremains)15EA2009Headstone Raise, Lower, Realign, Reset, Backfill 400EA2010Placement and Removal of Flags (grave flags) (17,380 once yearly)17,380Job?Option Year 2 Estimated Total Cost:OPTION YEAR 3 (October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2017)CLINDescriptionEst. QtyUnitUnit PriceTotal Price3001Grounds Maintenance Services(Includes: mowing, weed eating, removal of leaves and debris, sweeping or blowing off of roads and walkways, flower and trash removal; fertilizing, pre-emerge and post weeding, fungicide, rodentcide, pesticide, herbicide and insecticide applications, sodding, seeding 12MO?3002Irrigation/water services to cemetery grounds to include labor and materials, inclusive of water.6MO3003Tree maintenance as required for removal of unhealthy trees and deadwood per Forester/and or Arborist recommendations1Job3004Headstone Cleaning and Maintenance(17,380) headstones cleaned twice a year34,760EA3005Snow and Ice Removal2Job3006Sunken Grave Repair 300EA3007Grave Excavation and Backfilling (Casket)10EA3008Grave Excavation and Backfilling (Cremains)15EA3009Headstone Raise, Lower, Realign, Reset, Backfill 500EA3010Placement and Removal of Flags (grave flags) (17,380 once yearly)17,380Job?Option Year 3 Estimated Total Cost:OPTION YEAR 4 (October 1, 2017 – September 30, 2018)CLINDescriptionEst. QtyUnitUnit PriceTotal Price4001Grounds Maintenance Services(Includes: mowing, weed eating, removal of leaves and debris, sweeping or blowing off of roads and walkways, flower and trash removal; fertilizing, pre-emerge and post weeding, fungicide, rodentcide, pesticide, herbicide and insecticide applications, sodding, seeding 12MO?4002Irrigation/water services to cemetery grounds to include labor and materials, inclusive of water.6MO4003Tree maintenance as required for removal of unhealthy trees and deadwood per Forester/and or Arborist recommendations1Job4004Headstone Cleaning and Maintenance(17,380) headstones cleaned twice a year34,760EA4005Snow and Ice Removal2Job4006Sunken Grave Repair 300EA4007Grave Excavation and Backfilling (Casket)10EA4008Grave Excavation and Backfilling (Cremains)15EA4009Headstone Raise, Lower, Realign, Reset, Backfill 500EA4010Placement and Removal of Flags (grave flags) (17,380 once yearly)17,380Job?Option Year 4 Estimated Total Cost:Total Prices:Base PeriodOption Year 1Option Year 2Option Year 3Option Year 4Grand Total Estimated Price: CONTINUATION PAGE ................

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