Meeting held at 7.30pm on Thursday, 8th November 2007, the Methodist Church, Forest Road, Huncote.

Present: A. Knight (Chairman)

B. Kilby

J. Battell

J. Melville

In Attendance: District Councillor M Murphy, F. Burgess, A. Watson

Members of the Public: None

4954 Apologies

County Councillor E.F. White, S. Taylor, R. Taylor, J. Grundy, K. Davies

4955 Opening Remarks

The Chairman welcomed all present and introduced Alison Watson, the newly appointed Clerk to Councillors.

4956 Declaration by Members of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests

None were declared.

4957 Parishioners’ Time

There were no parishioners present.

4958 Confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting (HunPCNov07/02)

It was unanimously resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 4th October 2007 be confirmed as a true and accurate record. Proposed: Councillor A Knight Seconded Councillor B. Kilby These minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.

4958 Matters arising from the Minutes

4958.1. Gun club (4932.1 & 4907/4). A report was received that the Community Police Officer, Zahid Malik had been consulted on the concerns of the Parish council regarding the recent advertisements for a Gun Club and that he had stated that air guns were being used on the site and that shot guns were being used for personal use only.

A business card was tabled advertising the Gun Club with “professional shooting instruction” which appeared to vary from the information received by Councillors. It was agreed that further discussions were needed and that this is a future agenda item.

4958.2. Administrative Matters (4947) The Chairman reported that there was to be a meeting of the Southern Area of Blaby D.C., which included Huncote, on 22nd November between 6pm and 8pm at The Pavilion. It was a meeting open to Parish Councillors and members of the public to attend and would cover issues such as S106 Development monies, youth projects across the different ages, Village Community Centre hire rates, transport between the villages, etc. As there would be representatives of the Leicestershire County Council (LCC) and Blaby District Council (BDC) present, he urged Councillors to attend if they were available.

4959 Reports from District and County Councillors

4959.1 County Councillor E. F. White . Apologies had been submitted.

4959.2 District Councillor M.A. Murphy. A report was given of a meeting held with Mr Rushton, Housing Strategy Officer, BDC when she had been informed that a decision had been taken at BDC to chose an approved contractor for the regeneration of the Duncan Avenue site. The name of the contractor had not been released at this time. In addition, she reported that it was the intention of BDC to hold a meeting between residents and Parish Councillors with the Contractors prior to Christmas.

Council was reminded that they had been told BDC’s plan had been to shortlist the Contractors to four or five and that after this local people would be involved in the selection process for the successful bidder. Disquiet was expressed by Councillors who felt that the views of the local residents had been bypassed. Following discussion it was agreed that District Councillor Murphy would follow the matter up with BDC and that Mr Rushton is invited to update residents via the forthcoming Huncote News and The Journal. The Clerk was requested to send an immediate letter to BDC expressing the incredulity of council with copies to the County Councillor and District Councillor.

District Councillor Murphy reported also that there was to be a meeting held on 13th November at 5.30pm at Blaby & Whetstone Boys Club regarding under age drinking problems which Councillors may wish to attend or send a representative.

District Councillor Murphy reminded Councillors of the Open Day of the Community Centre, Huncote to be held on 24th November. There would representatives there from many local organisations. In response, the Chairman stated that there would be a table for the Parish Council to display literature appertaining to the history of the village and the work of the Parish Council.

4960 Policing Issues

Councillor Battell reported on the monthly crime statistics he had received from Police Community Officer Zahid Malik. Burglary of dwelling 2, damage to motor vehicle 1, theft 4, damage 1, assault & harassment 1 and non recordable 2; a total of 14.

The date and time of the forthcoming Leicestershire Police Authority Consultation evening was announced. Councillor Battell confirmed his intention to attend on behalf of council.

4961 Publicity and Public Relations Issues

4961.1 Huncote Village News Mr Burgess reported that the draft was completed and the plan was to produce and circulate the newsletter within a week. The Chairman requested the inclusion of the latest news appertaining to Duncan Avenue to be included.

4961.2 Directory It was recorded that Councillor Melville was working on the new format. Mr Burgess is to provide the latest changes too in hard copy and soft format to Councillor Melville.

4961.3 Web site The chairman requested that Councillors have photos taken immediately prior to the next meeting for inclusion on the web site. The Clerk agreed to notify Councillors accordingly and prepare the photographs for future publicity regarding the work of Council.

4962 Planning Issues

4962.1 Applications For Consideration

103, Denman Lane - Huncote PC does not object to this application.

1, Cheney End – Huncote PC does not object to this application.

13, Main Street – Huncote PC does not object to this application.

29, Forest Road – Huncote PC does not object to this application. It was noted that this application was delayed by a postal strike.

A new planning request had been received by Mr Burgess today appertaining to 4, Fritchley Close. The decision of Council was that of no objection to this application.

Councillor Battell reported that all the current planning documents were with Councillor Grundy.

4962.2 Comments Already Submitted


4962. 3 Results of earlier comments

51 Forest Road – permission.

4963 Financial Issues

4963.1 Accounts for Payment & confirmation of payments made. HunPCNov07/3

The following accounts have been paid. The council are asked to approve them retrospectively.

|Payee |Purpose |Means of Payment | £ |

|BT |Phone | PC | £5.24 |

Permission is requested to pay the following:

|Payee |For |Cheque Number | £ |

|PHS |Graf spray |401594 |45.50 |

|C Payne |Planters Upkeep |401595 |50.00 |

|Infotec |Photocopier |401596 |115.27 |

|CSB Timber |Material |401597 |6.16 |

|BDC |Orderly J -S |401598 |551.73 |

|4 Counties |Grass Sept |401599 |634.50 |

|Severn Trent |Water cemetery |401600 |12.28 |

|F Burgess |Clerk Salary Oct |401601p |525.54 |

|Inland Revenue |Oct Tax/NI |401602 |267.05 |

|BA Smith |Oct Salary |401603 |342.71 |

|F Burgess |Clerk Exp Oct |401601p |73.00 |

|Huncote Partnership Library |Grant 2/2 |401604 |1875.00 |

Proposed: Councillor Knight Seconded Councillor Battell. Approved by all present

4963.2 Summary of Income & Expenditure and Budget Analysis (HunPC Nov07/4)

This was received and noted.

4963.3 Precept 2008/9 Mr Burgess introduced the main issues on the paper provided indicating that it would be beneficial if Councillors will have read it and be prepared to discuss it at the December meeting so any amendments can be made and the precepts agreed in the January meeting for submission in early February. Mrs Watson alerted Councillors to the probable raise in insurance costs for the forthcoming year which, to date, most insurers were reluctant to discuss but had mooted that a ten per cent rise could not be excluded.

4963.4 Huncote 2000 Group

The Chairman reported that the group had raised the sum of £1.6k and, as no immediately obvious need for the use of the money had been found, it was proposed to arrange for the transfer of the funds to the parish council on the understanding that these sums were ring fenced for a future fitting capital purchase. Letters of thanks for the monies were to be made by Mr Burgess to the Chairman and Treasurer of the Huncote 2000 Group.

Councillor Melville recommended the inclusion of this news in the Huncote Village News.

4964 Housing Issues

The Chairman felt the issue of the Duncan Avenue flats redevelopment had been discussed in full earlier.

4965 Highways and footpaths

4965.1 Hedges growing over footpaths. The chairman reported that the area opposite St James Church had been cleared and looked better. Mr Burgess reported that BDC had scheduled work to the overgrown vegetation on Narborough Road.

4965.2 Road closures conflicting with public events. Mr Burgess drew Councillors attention to the enclosure HunPCNov 07/06 from BDC

4965.3 Weight Restrictions. In response to a question regarding the weight restrictions appertaining to the area, Mrs Watson was requested to clarify the position with LCC and report to the next meeting.

4966 Environmental Issues

4966.1 Dog mess. There was no follow up to report.

4966.2 Graffiti. Graffiti cleaner had been purchased and was in regular use at the new youth shelter. Damage by burning was also reported as was the lifting of turfs from the site.

4966.3 Litter. District Councillor Murphy raised the issue of litter on the BMX track. The Chairman responded that he had investigated and found the area to be clear and that there was evidence of the bins being used which were adjacent to the Youth Shelter.

4967 Recreation and Amenities Sub-committee and Related Issues

4967.1 Pinfold. The upgrade of the Pinfold is in progress. A slight delay has been experience in obtaining sufficient quantities of suitable stones which are being donated by Aggregates. The base was the greatest delay as some stones had to come from outside Croft Quarry. The tethering stone had been finished and was awaiting placement. Vigilance was urged as Croft had experienced damage to their area with a crowbar being used to prise stones from a wall. A decision would be need to be taken regarding a replacement notice board when the works were complete. The Clerk agreed to obtain brochures for consideration at a future meeting.

4967.2 Youth Shelter. There was evidence of the shelter being used however there remained the issue of the installation of a light on the wall of the Pavilion. If the Parish Council were to install the light there would be minimal cost whereas this cost would be more if installed by BDC. It was agreed that the Clerk would take the issue forward with BDC.

4967.3 Play Equipment. Work was noted to be ongoing regarding the refurbishment of the zip wire.

4968 Quarries Issues

4968.1 Acresford Quarry. Councillor Kilby confirmed she had spoken to Mr Watts regarding the use of the area by bikers; he had been unaware of it and had agreed to raise security on the site.

4968.2 S.I.T.A. It was reported that a new generator had been installed on the site.

4968.3 Croft Quarry. A tour of the site had been arranged for 13th November for all Councillors who were able to attend. The Chairman reported that there had been one or two large blasts this week but these were within the permitted works.

4969 Cemetery Issues

Councillor Kilby stated that there were no issues to report. Mr Burgess confirmed that work to cut back the trees would commence shortly. In response to questions Mr Burgess confirmed that there was one headstone laid down and that a repeat topple test of the headstones would need to be undertaken in eighteen months time.

4970 Education Matters

It was reported that the Community Association had provided funds for a school trip.

4971 Library Matters

Councillor Melville reported that there had been discussions held between the school and the library regarding opening times.

4972 Administrative Matters

There were no issues reported.

4973 Staffing Issues

Mr Burgess reported that the results of the pay review were now known and the parish council’s financial plans allowed for the sums to be paid.

4974 Organisational/Policy Issues

The Chairman proposed that the Parish Council should be affiliated to the Community Association, which was free of charge. This proposal was seconded by Councillor Battell and agreed by all present.

4975 Huncote Parish Council Internet Website

It was noted that Councillor S. Taylor had started on this task.

4976 Miscellaneous Matters

The correspondence received by the Clerk was noted to include EMDA News October 2007 and LCR November 2007. Both documents are filed with the Clerk.

4977 Any other business

4977.1 Community Centre Charges. Councillor Battell raised the issue of Community Centre charges and the legal case being pursued by Breedon- on - the – Hill Parish Council against Leicestershire County Council. Following discussions it was agreed to be vigilant regarding the outcome of the case as there could be ramifications for Huncote Parish Council and local groups.

4977.2 The retiring Clerk. The Chairman thanked Mr Burgess for his considerable contribution to the Parish over the previous five years. Council noted that Mr Burgess would, as agreed at the previous meeting work alongside Mrs Watson during the next month to ensure a smooth transition.

4978 Date of next meeting

The next meeting is on Thursday 6th December 2007 at 7.30 p,m. The venue will be the Methodist Hall, Forest Road.

The meeting closed at 8.55 p.m.




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