Race Exam Reading ListSpring 2018CONCEPTS, HISTORY, AND EVOLUTION OF RACE AND RACISM Benjamin, Ruha. 2015. “The Emperor’s New Genes: Science, Public Policy, and the Allure of Objectivity.” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 661(1):130-142.Bliss, Catherine. 2012. Race decoded: The genomic fight for social justice. Stanford University Press.DuBois, W.E.B. [1903] 1993. The Souls of Black Folk. Reprint. New York: Knopf. Dyer, Richard. 2005. “The Matter of Whiteness.” Pp. 9-14 in White Privilege: Essential Readings on the Other side of Racism, edited by Paula Rothenberg. 2nd ed. Worth Publishers.Gomez, Laura E. 2008. Manifest Destinies: The Making of the Mexican American Race. New York University Press. Gossett, Thomas F. 1965. Race: The History of an Idea in America. New York: Shocken. Gould, Stephen Jay. 1996. The Mismeasure of Man. WW Norton & Company.Gross, Ariela J. 2010. What Blood Won't Tell: A History of Race on Trial in America. Harvard University Press. Haney-Lopez, Ian F. 2006. White by Law: The Legal Construction of Race. New York University Press. Hsu, Madeline Y. 2015. The good immigrants: How the yellow peril became the model minority. Princeton University Press.Ignatiev, Noel. 1995. How the Irish Became White. Routledge. New York. Maghbouleh, Neda. 2017. The Limits of Whiteness: Iranian Americans and the Everyday Politics of Race. Stanford University Press.Marable, Manning. 1986. W.E.B. DuBois, Black Radical Democrat. Boston: Twayne. Montagu, Ashley. 1997. Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race. 6th ed. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. Mora, G. C. 2014. Making Hispanics: How activists, bureaucrats, and media constructed a new American. University of Chicago Press.Morning, Ann. 2014. “Does genomics challenge the social construction of race?” Sociological Theory 32(3):189-207.Morris, Aldon. 2015. The scholar denied: WEB Du Bois and the birth of modern sociology. Univ of California Press.Roediger, David. 1999. The Wages of Whiteness. New York: Verso. Rodríguez, Clara. 2000. Changing Race: Latinos, the Census, and the History of Ethnicity in the United States. New York: New York University Press. Smedley, Audrey, and Brian D. Smedley. 2011. Race in North America: Origin and Evolution of a Worldview. 4th ed. Westview Press. Takaki, R. (2012). A different mirror: A history of multicultural America (Revised edition). Wilson, Carter. 1996. From Slavery to Advanced Capitalism. California: Sage Publications. Zinn, Howard. [1980] 2005. “Drawing the Color Line.” Pp. in A People’s History of the United States: 1942 – Present. Harper Perennial Modern Classics.THEORIES AND METHODOLOGY OF RACE AND RACISMAmerican Sociological Association. 2003. The Importance of Collecting Data and Doing Social Scientific Research on Race. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association.Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo. 1996. “Rethinking Racism: Toward a Structural Interpretation.” American Sociological Review 62:465-80. Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo. 2009. Racism Without Racists: Color-Blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in America. 3rd ed. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo and Forman, Tyrone. 2000. “‘I’m not a Racist but…’ Mapping White College Students’ Racial Ideology in the United States.” Discourse and Society 11:50-85. Delgado, Richard, and Jean Stefancic. 2001. Critical Race Theory: An Introduction. New York: New York University Press. Feagin, Joe. R. 2014. Racist America: Roots, current realities, and future reparations. Routledge.Fischer, Claude, Michael Hout, Martin Sanchez Jankowski, Samuel Lucas, Ann Swidler and Kim Voss. 1996. Inequality by Design: Cracking the Bell Curve Myth. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Glazer, Nathan and Daniel Moynihan. 1975. “Toward a General Theory”. In: Ethnicity: Theory and Experience. (ed). Nathan Glazer and Daniel P. Moynihan. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA. Glenn, Evelyn Nakano. 2015. “Settler colonialism as structure: A framework for comparative studies of US race and gender formation.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 1(1):52-72.Golash-Boza, Tanya., 2016. “A critical and comprehensive sociological theory of race and racism.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 2(2):129-141.Hernstein, Richard and Charles Murray. 1994. The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life. New York: The Free Press. HoSang, Daniel, Oneka LaBennett, and Laura Pulido, eds. 2012. Racial formation in the twenty-first century. Univ of California Press.Hughey, Matthew W. 2010. “The (dis) similarities of white racial identities: The conceptual framework of ‘hegemonic whiteness’” Ethnic and Racial Studies 33(8):1289-1309.Kim, Claire Jean. 1999. “The racial triangulation of Asian Americans.” Politics & Society 27(1):105-138.Lewis, Amanda E. 2004. “What Group? Studying Whites and Whiteness in the Era of Color‐Blindness.” Sociological theory 22(4):623-646.Love, Erik. Islamophobia and Racism in America. NYU Press, 2017.McKee, James B. 1993. Sociology and the Race Problem: The Failure of a Perspective. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.Morning, Ann. 2009. “Toward a sociology of racial conceptualization for the 21st century.” Social Forces 87(3):1167-1192.Omi, Michael, and Howard Winant. 1994. Racial Formation in the United States from the 1960s to the 1990s. 2nd ed.. New York: Routledge. Twine, France Winddance and Jonathan W. Warren. (eds). 2000. Racing Research, Researching Race: Methodological Dilemmas in Critical Race Studies. (Chapters 1, 3, 4) New York: New York University Press.Valdez, Z., & Golash-Boza, T. 2017. “US racial and ethnic relations in the twenty-first century.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40(13): 2181-2209.Wilson, William Julius. 2012. The Declining Significance of Race: Blacks and Changing American Institutions. 3rd ed. University of Chicago Press. Winant, Howard. 2000. “Race and Race Theory.” Annual Review of Sociology 26:169-85. Zuberi, Tukufu, and Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, eds. 2008. White logic, white methods: Racism and methodology. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. INTERSECTIONALITYAcker, Joan. 2006. “Inequality Regimes: Gender, Class, and Race in Organizations” Gender & Society 20(4): 441-464.Anderson, Elijah. 1990. Streetwise: Race, Class and Change in an Urban Community. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Baca Zinn, Maxine, and Bonnie Thornton-Dill. 1996. “Theorizing Difference from Multiracial Feminism.” Feminist Studies 22:321-31.Balibar, Etienne, and Immanuel Wallerstein. 2011. Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities. 2nd ed. London: Verso. Browne, I., & Misra, J. 2003. The intersection of gender and race in the labor market. Annual review of sociology 29(1):487-513.Calavita, Kitty. 2006. “Collisions at the Intersection of Gender, Race, and Class: Enforcing the Chinese Exclusion Laws.” Law & Society Review 40:249-281. Charles, Camille Zubrinsky. 2003. “The Dynamics of Racial Residential Segregation.” Annual Review of Sociology 29:167-207. Choo, Hae Yeon, and Myra Marx Ferree. 2010. “Practicing Intersectionality in Sociological Research: A Critical Analysis of Inclusions, Interactions, and Institutions in the Study of Inequalities.” Sociological Theory 28(2):129–149.Collins, Patricia Hill. 2000. Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge. Collins, Patricia Hill. 2015. “Intersectionality's definitional dilemmas.” Annual Review of Sociology 41: 1-20.Crenshaw, Kimberle.1991. “Mapping the margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color”.?Stanford Law Review: 1241-1299.Eriksen, Thomas. 1993. “Ethnicity, Race, Class, and Nation”. In Ethnicity (1996) edited by Hutchinson, John and Anthony Smith. New York: Oxford University Press. Davis, Kathy. 2008. “Intersectionality as buzzword: A sociology of science perspective on what makes a feminist theory successful.” Feminist theory 9(1):67-85.Frankenburg, Ruth. 1993. White Women, Race Matters: The Social Construction of Whiteness. University of Minnesota Press. McCall, Leslie. 2005. “The Complexity of Intersectionality.” Signs 30:1771-1800.Massey, Douglas S. 1990. “American Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the Underclass.” American Journal of Sociology 96(2):329-257. Oliver, Melvin, and Thomas M. Shapiro. 2006. Black Wealth/White Wealth: A New Perspective on Racial Inequality. 2nd ed. Routledge. Pattillo, Mary. 2013. “The Black Middle Class: Who, What, and Where?” Pp. 1-? in Black Picket Fences: Privilege and Peril Among the Black Middle Class. 2nd ed. University of Chicago Press. Romero, Mary. 2008. “The inclusion of citizenship status in intersectionality: What immigration raids tells us about mixed-status families, the state and assimilation.” International Journal of Sociology of the Family, 131-152.Solomos, John, and Les Black. 1995. “Marxism, Racism, and Ethnicity.” American Behavioral Scientist 38(3):407-420.Vallejo, Jody Agius. 2012. From Barrios to Burbs: The Making of the Mexican American Middle Class. Stanford University Press. Weber, Lynn. 1998. “A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality.” Psychology of Women Quarterly 22: 13-32. Wingfield, A. H. 2013. No more invisible man: Race and gender in men's work. Temple University Press.Valdez, Zulema. 2011. The New Entrepreneurs: How Race, Class, and Gender Shape American Enterprise. Stanford University Press: Stanford, CA. Valdez, Zulema. 2016. Intersectionality, the household economy, and ethnic entrepreneurship. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39(9), 1618-1636.EMPIRICAL ANALYSES OF RACE AND ETHNICITY: PREJUDICE AND DISCRIMINATION IN THE LABOR MARKET, EDUCATION AND SCHOOLING, RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION, POLITICAL INCORPORATIONAcker, Joan. 2006. “Inequality regimes: Gender, class, and race in organizations.”?Gender & Society?20(4):441-464.Alexander, Michelle. 2012. The new Jim Crow: Mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness. The New Press.Blauner, Bob. 2001. Still the Big News: Racial Oppression in America. Philadelphia: Temple University. Bobo, Lawrence. 1999. Prejudice as Group Position: Microfoundations of a Sociological Approach to Racism and Race Relations.” Journal of Social Issues 55:445-472. Bonacich, Edna. 1972. “A Theory of Ethnic Antagonism: The Split Labor Market.” American Sociological Review 37:547-59.Browne, I., & Misra, J. (2003). The intersection of gender and race in the labor market.?Annual review of sociology,?29(1), 487-513.Lewis, Amanda E., and John B. Diamond. Despite the best intentions: How racial inequality thrives in good schools. Oxford University Press, 2015.Massey, Douglas S. and Nancy A. Denton. 1993. American Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the Underclass. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.Mayorga-Gallo. 2014.?Behind the White Picket Fence: Power and Privilege in a MultiethnicNeighborhood.?The University of North Carolina Press. Myers, Kristen. 2003. “White Fright: Reproducing White Supremacy through Casual Discourse.” Pp. 129-144 in White Out: The Continuing Significance of Racism, edited by Ashley W. Doane and Eduardo Bonilla-Silva. New York: Routledge. Noble, Safiya. U. (2018).?Algorithms of Oppression: How search engines reinforce racism. NYU Press.Ochoa, Gilda. L. (2013).?Academic profiling: Latinos, Asian Americans, and the achievement gap. University of Minnesota Press.Oliver, Melvin, and Thomas M. Shapiro. 2006. Black Wealth/White Wealth: A New Perspective on Racial Inequality. 2nd ed. Routledge. Pager, Devah and Hana Shepherd. 2008. "The Sociology of Discrimination: Racial Discrimination in Employment, Housing, Credit, and Consumer Markets." Annual Review of Sociology 34:181-209.Rios, Victor. M. (2011).?Punished: Policing the lives of Black and Latino boys. NYU Press. Sellers, Robert, Cleopatra Caldwell, Karen Scheelk-Cone, and Marc Zimmerman. 2003. “Racial Identity, Racial Discrimination, Perceived Stress, and Psychological Distress among African American Young Adults.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior?44(3):302-317.Sidanius, Jim and Felicia Pratto. 1999. Pp. 1-58 in Social Dominance: An Intergroup Theory of Social Hierarchy and Oppression. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Western, Bruce. (2006).?Punishment and inequality in America. Russell Sage Foundation.Williams, David R., and Chiquita Collins. "Racial residential segregation: a fundamental cause of racial disparities in health." Public health reports 116.5 (2001): 404-416.Wilson, William J. 1990. The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public Policy. University of Chicago Press. RACE, ETHNICITY, PANETHNICITY Alcoff, Linda Martín. 2000. “Is Latina/o Identity a Racial Identity?” in: Hispanics/Latinos in the United States: Ethnicity, Race, and Rights, edited by Gracia and Greiff. New York: Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo. 1999. “The Essential Social Fact of Race.” American Sociological Review 64:899-906. Brubaker, Rogers and Frederick Cooper. 2000. “Beyond Identity.” Theory and Society. 29:1-47. Cornell, Stephen, and Douglas Hartmann. 2006. Ethnicity and Race: Making Identities in a Changing World. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press. O'Brien, Eileen. ?2008. The Racial Middle:?Latinos and Asian Americans Living Beyond the Racial Divide. New York: New York University Press. Dowling, Julie A. 2014. Mexican Americans and the Question of Race. University of Texas Press. Espiritu, Yen L. 1992. Asian American Pan-Ethnicity: Bridging Institutions and Identities. (Chapters 1-3, Pp. 1-81) Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.Espiritu, Yen L. 1992. Asian American Panethnicity: Bridging Institutions and Identities.Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. Gans, Herbert. 1979. “Symbolic Ethnicity: The Future of Ethnic Groups and Culture in America,” Ethnic and Racial Studies 2(1):1-21.Garner, Steve, and Saher Selod. "The racialization of Muslims: Empirical studies of Islamophobia." Critical Sociology 41.1 (2015): 9-19.Golash-Boza, Tanya. 2006. “Dropping the Hyphen? Becoming Latino(a)-American through?Racialized Assimilation.”?Social Forces?85(1):27-55.Harris, David R, 1995. “Exploring the Determinants of Adult Black Identity: Context and Process.” Social Forces 74: 225-239. Harris David R. and Jeremiah Joseph Sim. 2002. “Who is Multiracial? Assessing the Complexity of Lived Race.” Annual Sociological Review 67(4):614-627. Jenkins, R. 1994. “Rethinking Ethnicity: Identity, Categorization, and Power.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 17:197-223. Jiménez, Tomás R. 2008. “Mexican Immigrant Replenishment and the Continuing Significance of Ethnicity and Race.” American Journal of Sociology 113(6):1527-1567.Lee, Jennifer, and Frank D. Bean. 2004. “America’s Changing Color Lines: Immigration, Race/Ethnicity, and Multiracial Identification.” Annual Review of Sociology 30:221-242. Lee, Sharon M. 1993. “Racial Classifications in the US Census: 1890-1990.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 16:75-94. Markstrom, Carol A. 2010. Identity Formation of American Indian Adolescents: Local, National, and Global Considerations. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21(2), 519 – 535.McDermott, Monica, and Samson, Frank L. 2005. “White Racial and Ethnic Identity in the United States.” Annual Review of Sociology 31:245-261. Melville, Margarita. 1988. “Hispanics: Race, Class, or Ethnicity?” The Journal of Ethnic Studies 16:67-83. Mora, G. Cristina. “Cross-Field Effects and Ethnic Classification: The Institutionalization of Hispanic Panethnicity, 1965-1990.”?American Sociological Review?79(2):183-210.? Nagel, Joane. 1994. “Constructing Ethnicity: Creating and Recreating Ethnic Identity and Culture.” Social Problems 41(1):152-176. Ocampo, Anthony. C. 2016. The Latinos of Asia: How Filipino Americans break the rules of race. Stanford University Press.Okamoto, Dina, and G. Cristina Mora. 2014. “Panethnicity.”?Annual Review of Sociology?40:219-239.?Portes, Alejandro, and Dag MacLeod. 1996. “What Shall I Call Myself? Hispanic Identity Formation in the Second Generation.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 19:523-547. Roth, Wendy D. 2016. "The multiple dimensions of race." Ethnic and Racial Studies 39(8): 1310-1338.Smith, Robert Courtney. 2014. “Black Mexicans, Conjunctural Ethnicity, and Operating Identities: Long-Term Ethnographic Analysis.”?American Sociological Review?79(3):517-548.?Telles, Edward E., and Vilma Ortiz. 2008. Generations of Exclusion: Mexican Americans, Assimilation, and Race. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.Torres-Saillant, Silvio. 2000. “The Tribulations of Blackness: Stages in Dominican Racial Identity.” Callaloo. 23:1086-1111. Tuan, Mia. 1998. Forever Foreigners or Honorary Whites? The Asian Ethnic Experience Today. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. Valdez, Zulema. 2011. Political participation among Latinos in the United States: The effect of group identity and consciousness. Social Science Quarterly 92(2):466-482.Valdez, Zulema, and Tanya Golash-Boza. "US racial and ethnic relations in the twenty-first century." Ethnic and Racial Studies (2017): 1-29.Vasquez, Jessica M. 2010. “Blurred Borders for Some but Not ‘Others’: Racialization, ‘Flexible Ethnicity,’ Gender, and Third-Generation Mexican American Identity.” Sociological Perspectives 53(1):45-72.Waters, Mary C. 1999. Black Identities: West Indian Dreams and American Realities. Cambridge: Harvard University PressXu, Jun, and Jennifer C. Lee. 2013. “The Marginalized Minority: An Empirical Examination of the Racial Triangulation of Asian Americans.”?Social Forces?91(4):1363-1397.? ................

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