National Council on Independent Living

NCIL: National Council on Independent Living

Our Unified Voice at the National Level

Benefits at a Glance

Membership Activities

-NCIL Annual Conference: Conference workshops focus on the latest disability policy issues and topics valuable to NCIL members.

-NCIL Rally and March to the US Capitol: For this annual tradition, participants carrying signs march to the front of the Capitol Building for an empowering rally featuring speakers from the disability rights movement and members of Congress.

-Voting Rights: Members elect the Board of Directors and control the policies that govern our day-to-day and long-term objectives, ensuring our focus remains on the priorities of the advocates we serve. 

-Committee Membership: Individual members have the exclusive opportunity to join our legislative committees, which focus and take direct action on Civil Rights, Education, Employment, Healthcare, Housing, Transportation, Veterans and other important issues.

"NCIL has established itself as the most formidable national membership organization that advances the rights of people with disabilities through consumer-driven advocacy. Dedication, steadfast commitment, and unceasing belief in the mission by grassroots advocates have produced profound changes at the international, national, state, and local levels. As a member of NCIL, we continually have access to indispensable information and resources that help us collectively play a part in major systemic change, ensuring the rights of all people with disabilities."

- Stanley Holbrook, President and CEO of Three Rivers Center for Independent Living; Pittsburgh, PA

Membership Services

-Action Alerts: Members receive the timely information they need to act quickly on critical issues.

-Weekly Advocacy Monitor: Straight from DC, the WhAM! is your source for up-to-date news on legislative and policy priorities, with specific information on how to make the most of your advocacy efforts.

-Flexible Spending Accounts: tax-deferred plans that allow employees to redirect a portion of their income to cover out-of-pocket medical care.

-Technical Assistance by NCIL members to CILs and SILCs.

-Website with news, trainings and conferences, position papers on disability issues, and more!

-CHER (Comprehensive Home Evaluation Report): New in 2012, this web-based tool can be used as a reporting instrument for home modifications or as a resource book on universal and accessible home design.

Member Discounts

-Reduced registration fees to the NCIL Annual Conference.

-With our exclusive insurance plans, members can access affordable comprehensive coverage.  Through Babb, Inc., NCIL offers Directors and Officers Liability, Property and Casualty, and Group Life and Long-Term Disability insurance plans.  

-Wilderness Inquiry: Special rates on Wilderness trips for NCIL members.

About The National Council on Independent Living

-NCIL is the longest-running national cross-disability, grassroots organization run by and for people with disabilities. As a membership organization, NCIL advances independent living and the rights of people with disabilities through consumer-driven advocacy.

-NCIL envisions a world in which people with disabilities are valued equally and participate fully.

"We believe all people should have choice and control in every aspect of their lives, NCIL strengthens our advocacy efforts to not only make things better for people with disabilities, but for everyone."

- Nayana Shah, Silicon Valley Independent Living Center; San Jose, CA

"NCIL is the national voice for those of us with disabilities to have our civil and human rights achieved fully. Thank you NCIL!"

-Mary Margaret Moore, Independent Living Center of the

North Shore and Cape Ann Inc.; Salem, MA

Recent Accomplishments

-NCIL built the foundation for an expanded IL Program by focusing on reauthorization of the Rehabilitation Act and creation of an Independent Living Administration.

-NCIL serves as a regular consultant to the White House and Congressional leaders on disability policy.

-NCIL led the charge to more than double Part C funding since the Drive for 75 began in 1999.

-NCIL achieved a substantive role for CILs in the Aging and Disability Resource Center initiative.

-NCIL helped pass Section 811 legislation to help integrate people with disabilities into their communities.

-NCIL testified to the DOJ on ADA and Olmstead Enforcement to ensure community opportunities.

-NCIL holds a yearly Policy Briefing on Capitol Hill to educate members of Congress on Independent Living.


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