The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) plans a ...

Final Agenda

The State of Science in Wound Care Management

Multimedia Broadcast

April 23, 2004

On April 23, 2004, 1:00-3:30 p.m. EDT, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will broadcast a live two and ½ hour presentation via satellite and Internet web cast on the Science of Wound Care Management. The goal of this broadcast is to provide the viewer with a better understanding on the current state of science in wound care, Accurate Coding for OASIS wound items (M0440-M0488), and Required Assessments between Day 55-60.

The presenters for this broadcast will include Dorothy Doughty, MSN, RN, FNP, CWOCN, FAAN, a renowned leader in wound care management from Emory University; as well as, staff from CMS; and the Center for Health Services Research, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. The broadcast will consist of pre-recorded and live presentations followed by a live question and answer session, via fax and phone.

This program will be mandatory for Regional Office and State Agency HHA survey staff and their supervisors, and State and RO OASIS Educational Coordinators.

|Time |Topic |Presenter |

|1:00-1:05 |Welcome and Overview | |

| | |Moderator |

| | | |

| | |Thomas Hamilton, Director |

| | |Survey and Certification Group, CMSO |

|1:05-2:25 |The State of Science in Wound Management |Dorothy Doughty, MSN, RN, FNP, CWOCN, FAAN |

| |Background |Emory University |

| | |Atlanta, GA |

|2:25-3:05 |Accurate Coding for OASIS wound items |Kathryn Crisler, MS, RN |

| |(M0440-M0488) |Assistant Director |

| | |Center for Health Services and Policy Research |

| | |University of Colorado Health Sciences Center |

| | | |

| | |Mary Weakland, MS, RN |

| | |Nurse Consultant |

| | |Division of Continuing Care Services, Center for Medicare & State Operations |

|3:05-3:30 |Required Assessments between Day 55-60 |Carol Blackford |

| | |Deputy Director |

| | |Division of Community Post Acute Care, Center for Medicare Management |

|3:25-3:30 |Closing |Moderator |

To access the live question and answer sessions only, please use the following numbers:

Fax 1-866-254-8030 Phone (800) 953-2233


The handouts include the following in order of presentation, click on the file to download them.

• State of the Science: Wound Care 2004. doc

• M0440-M0488-handout.ppt

• S&C Memorandum 21 – WOCN and OASIS Guidance Document (080601_WOCN.pdf)

• Clinical Fact Sheet- Quick Assessment of Leg Ulcers (C-Quick1.pdf)*

• Wound Q&As from the OEC/OAC Training, April 2003.doc

• OASIS Considerations for Medicare PPS Patients, revised April 2004.doc

• Translation Chart- hipps40rev_2004.xls

*Permission granted by Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society.

Registration and Viewing Instructions

Individuals and Sites outside of the CMS satellite network that wish to set up a site for this program or view this broadcast via web cast should go to . There are two ways to register: 1) as an individual, or 2) as a site. Each individual must login to view the web cast, access course options, and receive CEUs for viewing this broadcast. Only those who are hosting the program should register as a site. Coordinates are located in the Facilitator information box at the registration website. Participants who are going to a site to view the program or watching it via the Internet web cast need to register only as an “Individual.” Individuals do not need the coordinates. There is a pre-test. To obtain CEUs for viewing the training program, you must register at the above website and complete evaluation form.

Web cast Information

This program will have a live Web cast and will be archived at the aforementioned website up to one year following the original transmission date of the broadcast.

Satellite Technical Specifications

This broadcast will be available on C and Ku Digicipher bands. Specific satellite technical specifications are available at or call 800-401-9387.

Biography of Presenters

Carol Blackford

Carol Blackford is the Deputy Director of the Division of Community Post Acute Care within the Center for Medicare Management. This Division is responsible for payment policy for Medicare hospice, home health, and durable medical equipment, as well as the HCPCS coding process. Carol has worked with the Medicare and Medicaid hospice programs within CMS for 81/2 years. She has a Bachelor’s degree from Western Maryland College and a Master of Public Policy from the College of William and Mary.

Kathryn Crisler, R.N., M.S.

Kathy Crisler is Assistant Director of the Center for Health Services and Policy Research, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. At the Research Center, she co-directs the implementation of Outcome-Based Quality Improvement in three demonstration projects -one with 50 agencies nationally, another with 22 agencies in New York State, and the third a pilot project with 3 Colorado agencies. She is co-principal investigator for three home health care projects (Medicare Quality Assurance Demonstration, Colorado Home Health Quality Assurance Demonstration, Rural-Urban Outcome Comparison), all of which incorporate outcome measurement and process-of-care investigation for quality improvement. Ms. Crisler has held administrative positions in a freestanding home health agency and clinical nursing positions in a variety of settings. She has also been an Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado School of Nursing.

Dorothy Doughty, MSN, RN, FNP, CWOCN, FAAN

Emory University

Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses Society (WOCN)

1365 Clifton Road NE, Room AT732

Atlanta, Georgia 30322

404- 778-3541

Mary Weakland, M.S., R.N.

Mary is a Nurse Consultant in the Center for Medicaid and State Operations and is co-project officer for the OASIS Web-based Training contract and project manager for the national implementation of the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) for home health agencies. At CMS for 9 years, Mary develops OASIS policy, oversees the CMS OASIS web page and the OASIS Web-based Training Internet site, and develops a variety of training materials for the States and home health agencies.

Mary has held clinical and administrative positions in home health agencies, health maintenance organizations, nursing education, and clinical nursing positions in a variety of settings. Mary holds a master’s degree from the University of Maryland and a bachelor’s degree from the Pennsylvania State University.


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