Transparent Service Migration to the Cloud

Transparent Service Migration to the Cloud

Clone existing VMs to CloudStack/OpenStack templates without user downtime

CloudOpen ? Dublin 2015


Name: Tim Mackey

Current roles: XenServer Community Manager and Evangelist; occasional coder

Cool things I've done

? Designed laser communication systems ? Early designer of retail self-checkout machines ? Embedded special relativity algorithms into industrial control system

Find me

? Twitter: @XenServerArmy ? SlideShare: TimMackey ? LinkedIn: ? GitHub:

Define "VM Migration"

What people think

? VM moves from source host to destination

Why it doesn't work "to the cloud"

? Incompatible host micro-architecture ? Lack of control over networking ? Do we really want a VM_HALT? ? Long distance ARP

Really want "template migration"

Template Template Template

CloudStack view of Templates

Template Management in CloudStack

My first template

? Existing VM or appliance in VHD format ? compression optional ? Need to have HTTP server

? Set secstorage.allowed.internal.sites if private cloud

Creation options

? Register template in UI

? Templates Register Template

? Upload using registerTemplate API


? Clone from CloudStack instance

? Stop instance View Volumes Create Template


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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