The Geography of Africa - Map Assignment

CGG30 – de Boer

The Geography of Africa - Map Assignment

Assignment: You will receive a sheet with two maps of Africa. On one side, you will be asked to label political features on that map and physical geography on the other. The required elements for each map are listed below. You may use whatever writing materials, etc. that you believe would be useful. You will turn in the maps for credit, but you will receive them back to use as a reference throughout the unit.

Political Geography

Nations: Label the following 48 countries on the appropriate side of your map.

Algeria Egypt Madagascar Sierra Leone

Angola Equatorial Guinea Malawi Somalia

Benin Eritrea Mali South Africa

Botswana Ethiopia Mauritania Sudan

Burkina Faso Gabon Morocco Swaziland

Burundi Ghana Mozambique Tanzania

Cameroon Guinea Namibia The Gambia

Central African Republic Guinea-Bissau Niger Togo

Chad Kenya Nigeria Tunisia

Cote d'Ivoire Lesotho Republic of Congo Uganda

Dem. Rep. of Congo (Zaire) Liberia Rwanda Zambia

Djibouti Libya Senegal Zimbabwe

Note: These five additional nations (most of which are groups of islands) do not need to be located on your map: Cape Verde, The Comoros, Seychelles, San Tome and Principe, and Mauritius.

Several African territories are in dispute. Morocco claims ownership of Western Sahara. Label that on your map..

Cities: Label the following 20 cities on the appropriate (political) side of the map. You might indicate them with a small star or other symbol.

Accra Brazzaville Harare Kinshasa Pretoria

Addis Abbaba Cairo Johannesburg Lagos Rabat

Alexandria Cape Town Kampala Luanda Timbuktu

Algiers Dar es Salaam Khartoum Mogadishu Tripoli

Physical Geography

Label the following physical geography features on the appropriate side of the map.

Identify these rivers on your map: Benue, Congo, Limpopo, Niger, Nile, Orange, Senegal, and Zambezi. Also, label the Blue Nile and the White Nile.

Label the following deserts: Sahara and Kalahari. Indicate the region known as the Sahel.

Identify these bodies of water: Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, and Red Sea.

Locate the following lakes: Chad, Nyasa (Malawi), Nasser, Tanganyika, and Victoria.

Find and label Victoria Falls, Mount Kilmanjaro, the Cape of Good Hope, and the Horn of Africa.


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