Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa RCP for …

For IOM webpage:

Migration Dialogue for Central African States (MIDCAS)

Established in 2012, endorsed formally in 2014 and adopted by the ECCAS in 2015


The Migration Dialogue for Central African States (MIDCAS) RCP was formed by the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), itself a part of the African Economic Community, with the objective of promoting the common interests of ECCAS member states to facilitate consultations and intra-regional cooperation on migration issues within the region as well as with other regional economic communities. MIDCAS also aims to develop a common position on migration among ECCAS Member States; promote experience and information sharing; identify priority issues on technical cooperation, capacity building and data collection.

Current Focus

Specific areas of discussion include:

← migration and development;

← labour migration;

← social integration of migrants;

← protection of migrants' rights;

← combatting migrant smuggling and human trafficking;

← migration data and research;

← migration health;

← migration and trade;

← migration and environment;

← migration and security;

← assisted voluntary return and reintegration;

← mixed migration flows;

← brain drain and unethical recruitment practices.

10 Members

| |Angola |

|[pic] |Burundi |

| |Cameroon |

| |Chad |

| |Central African Republic |

| |Congo |

| |Democratic Republic of the Congo |

| |Gabon |

| |Equatorial Guinea |

| |São Tomé and Príncipe |

Current Presidency: Republic of the Congo

Observer States

Under discussion

Observer Institutions

Under discussion


The Secretariat is under discussion. The Secretariat of the Economic Community of Central African States acts also as a secretariat for the MIDCAS RCP until the issue of the RCP Secretariat is discussed and decided on.


Haut de Guégué

BP 2112, Libreville, Gabon

Tel.: + (241) 01 44 47 31; (241) 01 44 47 32

Email: contact@ceeac-

Website: No specific website for the MIDCAS RCP, but see the website of ECCAS:

Recent Meetings

16th Ordinary Session of the Head of States and Governments of ECCAS, 25 May 2015, Chad

Previous Meetings


Related Meetings

Meeting of the ECCAS Executive Council, November 2014

Meeting on inter-state and intra-regional cooperation on migration in central Africa to suggest establishing MIDCAS, 2012

Contact Information

IOM Mission in the Republic of the Congo

Cité de l'OMS AFRO

Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo

Telephone: +242 05 551 48 88; +242 06 665 15 42

Related Links

Principal Documents

Recommendations for Establishing a Migration Dialogue for Central African States (MIDCAS)

Final Communiqué of the 16th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of ECCAS Heads of States and Governments

Decision No. 44/CEEAC/CCEG/XVI/15 Portant creation du Dialogue Inter-Etats sur la Migration (DIMAC) en Afrique Centrale

Decision No. 45/CEEAC/CCEG/XVI/15 Portant approbation des Statuts, du Règlement Intérieur et de L'Organigramme du Dialogue Inter-Etats sur la Migration en Afrique centrale (DIMAC)


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