We hold this event each year to celebrate our volunteers, past and present. This year's theme is Servant Leadership. Banquet begins at 6:30 p.m. Doors open at 6 p.m. Hosted by Parkview High School at Parkview High School. $16 per person.

Deadline to reserve your spot is Tuesday, February 13!

Contact name:




# Attending

@ $16 each $

Check #

Make checks payable to SCPTA. Founders Day on memo line.

An email confirmation will be sent to you in lieu of paper ticket. Schools are seated according to date of purchase, so purchase early for best seating! Mail above order form and check to SCPTA, Founders Day Banquet, 1458 E.Chestnut Expressway, Springfield, MO 65802.

Tickets may also be purchased at the February Council meeting!


Volume 1, Issue 5

January 2018

Website: ? Facebook: Springfield Council of PTAs Email: council@ ? Twitter: @SCPTAMO ? Hashtags: #ptaproud #scptamo Phone: 417-319-0675 ? Remind 101 Text Alerts: Text @scptag to 81010 to sign up Mailing Address: 1458 E. Chestnut Expressway, Springfield, MO 65802


PTA would not exist without its wonderful volunteers. This is the time to put them in the spotlight! We would like each school to submit the name of an outstanding PTA volunteer for their school. Please only one volunteer per unit! Submit the Volunteer's Name, Digital Photo (in jpg format), PTA/PTSA Unit and Unit President to Carrie Windes at newsletter@ NO LATER THAN FEBRUARY 13TH! Also, please include a simple, short statement (no more than 2 sentences) from volunteer about what "Servant Leadership" means to him/her. If you have questions, please contact Carrie by cell or text at 417-343-0893.


page 2


President Becky Volz president@

VP Organization & Development Julia Stalder orgdev@ Units in Good Standing, Bylaws, Resolutions & Legislation, Resource Development, Scholarships, Handbook, Major Saver Fundraiser

VP Promotions promotions@ Officer Orientation, Hospitality, Membership, Founders' Day Banquet, Sergeant at Arms

Heather Buckner, Hospitality & Sergeant at Arms ? hospitality@

Marketing ? OPEN

Membership ? OPEN

VP Health & Public Services Allison Lawson publicservices@ Clothing Bank, Safety, Student Wellness

Patty Dunn & Jennifer Penny, Clothing Bank ? clothingbank@

Mary Christiano, Safety ? mary@christiano.us

VP Programs Laura Erwin programs@ Reflections, 4th Grade Play, RIF, Parent/Student Involvement, All Pro Dads, Watch D.O.G.S., School of Information

Peggy Stepp, RIF ? rifspringfieldmo@

Aaron Mrad, Reflections ? aaronmrad@

Flo Graham, 4th Grade Play ? fgraham@

Secretary Toi Allen ? secretary@

Treasurer Beka Hughes treasurer @

Newsletter Editor Carrie Windes ? newsletter@

Website & Social Media Christie Browne websocialmedia@

Legislation & Parliamentarian Donna Petiford, petiford@

State & National PTA Tori Sallee, MOPTA Representative ? toris@

MOPTA Office: 800-328-7330

National PTA Office: 800-307-4782

Above: Walt Disney Elementary students are enjoying the August 21, 2017 solar eclipse?the first total solar eclipse visible on U.S. soil in a generation! What a memory that will be.

The beautiful sidewalk, pictured above, was funded with the help of Disney's Major Saver earnings. Fundraisers can provide a variety of needs around your school. This sidewalk created safer places for the children to walk. How can your PTA help your school? Get on board and gear up for a great fundraiser this year! Springfield is a generous community. Don't hesitate to ask. This money goes to your PTA, your school, and the SCPTA programs, scholarships and clothing bank. To sign up or for more information, please contact Julia Stalder at 417-379-1109 or orgdev@.


3 President's Letter 4 Treasurer's Tip & Report,

and Social Media

5 PTA Clothing Bank and

Teacher of the Year Nominations

6 Important Events and


7-9 Membership Challenge

and Programs: City Reflections Results, RIF, Contact Magazine, Take Your Family to School Week

10 Talent Bank


? The powerful voice for all children ? A relevant resource for families and communities, and ? A strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child

page 3


Welcome to 2018 (just 7 years from completing the first quarter of this century)! Not to rush things, Father Time doesn't need help with that; everything seems to be moving faster than ever. So, as a PTA organization in our school district, let us be proactive with the changes coming to our schools. Our PTA units can adjust, evolve, level-up as needed to keep up with the advances in our society and our children's educational experiences.

Thank you for being the PTA/PTSA entrepreneurs that you are. We are creating new ways to increase our memberships and engage our parents and our students. Building your volunteer base is critical to your success. Remember to ASK. Someone is waiting to be invited to help at your meetings or events. There is a multitude of ideas on YouTube and via google that other PTA units are doing around the country. Check some of them out. You will be inspired. And, please share what you do that works for your unit.

Please look at the Social Media article on page 4 from National PTA. Let's talk about the "Smart Talk". Have you tried this at home? Ready or not, we have to deal with living in the digital world. Make it a safe one for your kids.

Do you need some membership incentives? Look at the ? Attend School of Information training for unit officers

article on page7 from MO PTA.

(date TBD).

Here are some things for your `gotta-do-this' list:

? Attend your local PTA unit meetings.

? Reflections Showcase is at the Battlefield Mall January ? Attend monthly SCPTA meetings (100% attendance $$

21st at 2:00 p.m.

awards in May).

? Volunteer at the Clothing Bank (see dates on page 5) or do a clothing drive.

? Attend a SPS School Board meeting on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 5:30 at KAC.

? Attend the Founders Day Banquet February 27th.

? Join SCPTA Executive Board as a committee or program Chair.

? Make a day trip to Jefferson City on April 3rd for Child Advocacy Day.

? Choose delegates from your unit to attend state convention April 27-29.

? Submit stories and successes from your unit to SCPTA and MOPTA.

Let's all have a productive and successful new PTA year!

? Sell (or purchase) Major Saver discount cards March 23-April 3.

Happy New Year! Becky Volz

page 4



After your December Teacher Appreciation projects and first semester fund raisers, now is a good time to check your spending with your budget. If it looks like you may be over budget in certain areas, be sure to get member approval at a Unit meeting and prepare for increases to next year's budget as your membership approves. Also, if your Unit hasn't paid annual dues yet to SCPTA, it's still only $35. No late fees assessed this year. *Don't forget about Founder's Day! Questions? Email Beka Hughes at treasurer@.


Council uses MoneyMinder to track and report financial information.

Detailed financial records are available on-line at . Use SCPTA as the username and SCPTA as the password.


ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Dec. 4, 2017)--National PTA released today the results of a national poll exploring the use of social media and messaging apps among young children. The poll, which surveyed 1,200 parents of children under the age of 13, was conducted in collaboration with Facebook earlier this year through Lincoln Park Strategies. The findings show that the majority of parents allow their children to use messaging apps and social media to stay in touch with friends and family.

"Helping children navigate the digital world has become a crucial element of parenting," said Jim Accomando, president of National PTA. "Through the poll, we explored the prevalence of young children using social media and messaging apps and gauged how they are using these tools. The results make our efforts to empower parents to help their children be safe and responsible online that much

more important."

As part of National PTA's ongoing digital safety efforts, the association encourages families to have open, ongoing conversations about devices and echnology use and establish ground rules together using The Smart Talk. National PTA remains committed to helping parents empower their children to become smart digital citizens in an increasingly connected world.

(complete article at PTA-Newsroom) Heidi May Wilson, Senior Manager, Media Relations 703-518-1242 hmay@

( Have a look at this initiative, and let SCPTA know what you think. Does it work for your family?)

page 5


Central Bulldogs helpers carrying the Bulldog Nation Clothing Drive donations out to be transported to The PTA Clothing Bank.

CHS families shared new socks, undies, scarves, gloves, and gentlyused coats, boots, and clothing with our SPS students.

Thank you for all the hard work and love that has filled The PTA Clothing Bank. So many SPS students have been helped. We appreciate all our wonderful donors and volunteers.

A special thank you to Central High School for its Clothing Drive organized by CHS student, Angela Perez, who serves as Community Service Commissioner at CHS.

The clothing bank was open 23 days from August 3 to December 14, 2017. There were 1,595 visits by SPS students during that time to "shop" for clothing, coats, socks and underwear.

Distributions to date: Tops 6,599 Bottoms 4,007 Jackets 992 Coats 466

New Shoes from Kiwanis 932 Socks 5,785 pairs/1,157 pkgs of 5 pr. Underwear 5,646/1,130 pkgs. of 5 pr.

We look forward to our official reopening on Thursday, January 11, 2018. We will need volunteers that day beginning at 9 a.m. to sort our many, many generous donations.

We need coats in all sized for teen students! All men's or women's sizes of warm winter coasts in gently-used or like-new condition.

Clothing Bank Schedule for 2018 (Check for school assignments or come on any of these dates.)

January: 11, 13*, 18, 25 February: 1, 8, 15, 22 March: 1, 3*, 22, 29 April: 5, 7*, 12, 19, 26


2018-2019 Teacher of the Year nominations are now open. Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2018-2019 Teacher of the Year. To nominate a teacher for this honor, simply access the nomination form here.

The nomination form is easy to complete and can be submitted by a student, parent, co-worker or supervisor. Teachers can even nomi-

nate themselves. Just fill out the pertinent information and explain in 100 words or less why you are nominating the individual. All nominations will be kept confidential.

Nominations must be submitted by Tuesday, Janaury 30. Contact Jeff Rogers in Human Resources at jarogers@ or 523-1635 with questions. Nominees will be notified by Monday, February 2.

The 2018-2019 Teacher of the Year will be named Monday, April 16, at the annual Teacher Appreciation Banquet, hosted by Foundation for Springfield Public Schools. The winner may also be considered for Missouri Regional Teacher of the Year. Regional winners will advance and compete in the Missouri State Teacher of the Year Program.


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