University Conference Call Minutes

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|Date |August 13, 2009 |

|Time |10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. |

|Location |Tallahassee, Florida |

|Facilitator |Verla Lawson |

|Note Taker |Verla Lawson |

|Attendees |Florida Atlantic University, Florida State University, Florida A& M University, University of|

| |Florida, University of Central Florida, University of West Florida, University of South |

| |Florida, University of North Florida, New College, Florida International University, Florida |

| |Gulf Coast University, Elsie Akanbi, Jimmy Cox, Jackie Ward, Tommy Wagner, Mike Waller, David|

| |DiSalvo, Tim Vause, Shelby Jefferson, James West, Suzetta Furlong , Keith Young and Verla |

| |Lawson |

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Verla Lawson opened the meeting and introduced the Department of Management Services (DMS) team and the Convergys team.

Open Enrollment Presentation

Open Enrollment Benefit Guides have been printed and will be mailed starting on September 1, 2009. The MyBenefits web site should be updated before open enrollment begins. DSGI’s target is to increase online enrollment for this open enrollment. All Universities were asked if they were sending bulk address updates to please submit them to Convergys by August 21, 2009. The Department of Management Services (DMS) asked all universities to make sure they communicate to staff and employees that they will only receive a confirmation letter if they make changes during open enrollment.

Open Enrollment Timeline

➢ August 29, 2009 – Address file will be pulled

➢ September 1 – September 12, 2009 Print and mail Open Enrollment Packets

➢ September 14 – October 9, 2009 – 2010 Plan Year Open Enrollment period

➢ October 12 – 16: Confirmation statements will be mailed

➢ October 12 – 30: Correction Period (confirmation statements will be mailed daily)

Benefit Fairs

➢ Schedule is completed and available on the MyBenefits site.

➢ The updated location in Tampa is 4500 W. Cypress St.

➢ There will not be a benefit fair in Ft. Myers this year.

➢ Should you have additional questions regarding the Benefit Fairs contact Suzetta Furlong (DSGI questions) at:

Suzetta.Furlong@dms. or Carol.Broome@ (People First questions)

Interaction with Vendors:

➢ DSGI has met with all contracted vendors and explained the rules they are to follow for the open enrollment process.

➢ Agents were told NOT to accept any State of Florida Enrollment Forms. Employees are to complete their enrollment on-line or send the form to People First themselves.


➢ The Health Savings Account contribution limits will increase to: $3,050 for individual and $6,150 for family.

➢ Some dental rates will change and are reflected in the SUS Workbook.

There are new HMO service areas. United has contracted to provide services in additional counties and this information is in the benefits guide and will be on the PF web site as well as MyBenefits website.

All Universities are asked to encourage employees to enroll on line. Forms – participants can fax or mail forms by the open enrollment deadline. The service center does look at the postmark for forms that arrive after the deadline.

➢ If you take forms from your employees, date stamp them and send to the service center the day you receive them. The service center cannot enter information from hundreds of forms during the last week of open enrollment.

➢ If you take forms from your employees and enter the information yourself, date stamp them, but do not send the forms to the service center.

➢ Forms without date stamps will not be considered for appeals or agency error requests.

➢ Use only 2010 election forms. These forms have been revised with additional information and a new format to help the Service Center with processing. They will be on both the People First site and the MyBenefits site.

Universities are asked to encourage their employees NOT to wait until the last day of Open Enrollment before they make changes. Participants who wait until the last couple of days to make their elections may encounter issues reaching a service center representative.

➢ Remember, Open Enrollment will end October 9, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. E.T.

Plan Updates: As mandated by the legislature the Mental Health Parity, Michelle’s Law & Autism will be implemented by the State Group Insurance Program. Provisions of implementation will be distributed to all participants.

If a university employee has an active temporary address on record the open enrollment materials will be mailed to that address. The order is temporary, home & work address. Encourage address updates prior to August 28, 2009.

COBRA Subsidy Reports

Subsidy reports for July went out on Tuesday, August 4, 2009. Going forward the reports will be FTP’d to each university on the first working day of each month.

DMS is working on new instructions for remitting employer contributions for COBRA Subsidy participants. Upon completion these will be distributed to all universities. Jimmy mentioned that the universities no longer have to provide a spreadsheet of COBRA Subsidy eligible individuals. We are only including employees on the remittance report if they have paid the full amount of their portion of the premium.

DMS asked universities to not collect COBRA premiums for former employees. The individuals’ premium must be submitted by the individual and must NOT be combined with the universities required contribution. DMS asked all universities to let us know if they previously combined any COBRA Subsidy payments so those individuals’ premiums could be corrected.

University KPI Error Reports

DMS plans to distribute these reports around the 18th of each month. Universities inquired as to whom these reports would be distributed to. DMS responded that each participant in the CUHRE group, benefits & payroll staff, DMS & Convergys professionals will receive a copy of the reports.

DMS advised that the issues where new hires were not correctly established in People First have been corrected and that universities should no longer have to submit an HR action form for this situation.

Convergys’s Initiative to Re-Educate Service Center Representatives

Convergys reported that there have been a number of re-education trainings in the past few months for current employees. Most recently there has been a training review of processing the spouse program. DMS attended this training session and will attend training sessions in the future.

EER Box Discontinuance

The EER box has been shut down. Universities were instructed to forward all inquires to the PF Client Services. To date there have been no issues with the closing of the EER Box.


DMS closed the meeting by thanking everyone for participating on the call and asked them to please continue to let us know when they experience problems.


➢ DMS to provide updated instructions for the processing of employer contributions for the individuals on the COBRA Subsidy Reports.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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