

August 23 Open House and

New Student Orientation- 7-8:30 pm.

August 28 First Day of Class at CHS

and Career & Tech Center (CTC).

August 31 First Football Game at Chestnut Ridge.

September 3 Labor Day-No School.

September 4 1st round of 4 Site Testing.

September 5 Bus Evacuation Drill.

October 5 Teacher In-Service.

No school at CHS or CTC.

October 9 Picture day.

October 11-12 Homecoming.

October 16 CHS Learning Walk.

October 30 Senior Photos Due for

Yearbook. (tentative).

October 22-

November 2 12th Grade PSSA Re-Test. Dates and Times to be Announced.

October 31 End First 9 Weeks.


The price of a student lunch for the 2012/13 school year has been increased from $1.85 to $2.00.

Parent Involvement!

According to a study released recently by the University of New Hampshire, schools would need to INCREASE per pupil spending by over $1,000 for each student in order to achieve the same results in increased student achievement that are gained with parent involvement!

So…to help your student and the school:

• Discuss events/activities, course selection and class studies with your student.

• Attend school meetings and events.

• Volunteer at school.

• Keep student Facebook time to a minimum. A quantitative meta- analysis reported by Online provides evidence that more social media time translates into lower grades!


• Changes in Dress Code. All shorts must reach mid-thigh as a minimum. Any holes in pants must also be below mid-thigh. All shirts must fully cover both shoulders.

• Keystone Exams for Juniors and underclassmen in appropriate classes.

• The SCSD Board of Directors is considering initiating a fee for parking at CHS. More details later!


A tentative list of student needs for this school year includes:

First Day Items

Pens/pencils Notebooks/paper

Book covers

Check teacher websites and/or first day course syllabuses to ensure what is actually needed for each class. Possible needs are:

3 ring binder Protractor

Crayola markers Glue Stick

Construction paper Post-it notes

Eraser Dividers

USB Drive Index Cards

Yellow, green, blue highlighters

Calculator (basic or scientific depending on class)


This year’s senior class scored a 59.7% proficiency rate on the PSSA Mathematics test and a 66.2% passing rate on the Reading Test. While both reflect the general overall upward trend of the last 10 years, neither mark was high enough to qualify the school for Annual Yearly Progress (AYP).

As always, we will continue to work hard to get EVERY student to proficiency.

Seniors who fell short in junior testing will remediate and have one more opportunity to meet the graduation requirement this fall on the Senior PSSA re-test.

As of the time of this writing, Juniors (and underclassmen in Biology, Algebra I and Literature) will be taking the new Pennsylvania AYP measure, the Keystone Exam, this fall or spring. More details will be provided as they become available.


--Yearbooks for 2011/12 are expected to arrive shortly! Watch the school website and the Morrisons Cove Herald for announcements.

--Juniors and seniors planning on taking either the ACT or SAT should check for dates and registration deadlines in the Guidance Office.

--School nurses will be measuring and weighing students during the first four weeks of school.

--Our website can be found at springcove.

Click on the “Calendar” to stay current on CHS happenings! Click on “Grades” for Powerschool. Last year over 98% of all student accounts were checked at least once during the year.

--Interested parents are invited to be part of the CHS Learning Team. Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 2:35 in the Library.


Senior Announcements will be ordered in November. Measurement for caps and gowns is scheduled for the following month.


Mark your calendars for the 5th Annual Spring Cove Education Association and CHS Alumni Association Homecoming!

Oct. 11th - Powder Puff Game &


Oct. 12th - Parade & Football


Oct. 13th - High School Semi-



The CHS Newsletter is distributed at the beginning of each new marking period.

The preferred method of distribution is by e-mail, so as you check your first day contact information, -please make sure your e-mail address is current!

The newsletter will also be available on the CHS website, and hard copies are available upon request.




Volume X-I August, 2012


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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