Student introduction letter - University Of Illinois


My name is Mr. Pikler and I am excited to be teaching 8th grade math here at Central Junior High School. Since I will be here everyday, I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. Recently, I was a long term math substitute at Oak Prairie Junior High School in Lockport, IL. I taught 6th grade honors math, 7th grade honors pre-algebra, and 8th grade honors algebra 1, which consisted of six classes of 27-32 students (a total of 174 students in all). Before Oak Prairie, I was a substitute teacher in several different school districts.

In 2009, I graduated from the University of Illinois with a degree in Mathematics with teaching certification. I completed my student teaching in the Champaign-Urbana area where I taught Transitional Math, Algebra 1, Geometry, and Pre-calculus to high school students. I also attended New Trier High School, which is widely known for its high academic rating.

When I was in high school, mathematics was always my favorite subject. I used to love to create programs on my calculator, learn how to solve problems, and represent data in various forms. I spent three years on my high school's math team and won a few medals/awards at the competitions. My hope is to give you the same experience, and make some of you as interested in mathematics as I was. This might not be an easy task, but I am up to the challenge.

When I am not solving math related problems or tutoring, one would often see me completing projects on my computer, hanging out with a few friends, and/or substitute teaching in local schools. In my family, I have two younger siblings, a brother and a sister. My brother actually attends the University of Illinois in the field of computer science. On the other hand, my sister is still in high school and wants to become a professional recorder player. My parents are both classical musicians; in fact, my father is the first chair violist in the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

Since I will be responsible for creating assignments, assessments, and grading this class, I feel compelled to give out my contact information. The best method to reach me is via e-mail at piklerd@. If I receive the email before 10 PM, I will make a special effort to respond before the start of class the next day, especially if a quiz/test is planned. I am also available after school and possibly before school (by appointment only) in case you wish to discuss a grade, have a homework question, or need help reviewing. Lastly, I will create a class website where all the assignments/handouts are posted in case you are absent and/or need to print an extra copy. My grading guidelines are published on a separate sheet of paper which we will go over later today.

I hope to get to know you this year. I would appreciate if you would fill out the survey attached to this form so I might better understand your background experiences and extracurricular activities. This will help me plan activities for your class in the most meaningful fashion.


David Pikler

1. Name: ____________________ 2. Where were you born?

Period: ___________________

3. What is your favorite academic subject in school? _____________ Least favorite? ____________

4. What are some of your hobbies/extracurricular activities?

5. What three words would you use to describe math?

6. What helps you to learn best in math class (technology, textbook, homework, class handouts, overhead projector, chalkboard, teacher, notes, etc)?

7. What do you want to be when you grow up (be creative)?

8. Is there anything else that you want to mention? What makes you unique?

Thanks for your participation!!!


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