Leake Central Junior High School School Parental ...

[Pages:4]Leake Central Junior High School School Parental Involvement Policy


1) General Expectations

This policy has been developed to describe the implementation of the requirements in Title I of No Child Left Behind (NCLB). In order to meet the dynamic needs of parents and the school, as well as comply with all Title I requirements, Leake Central Junior High School will periodically update and/or amend this policy.

Leake Central Junior High School agrees to implement the following requirements:

A. Leake Central Junior High school has developed with parents and distributed to parents of participating children, a School Parental Involvement Policy that the school and parents of participating children agreed upon.

B. Leake Central Junior High School will notify parents about the School Parental Involvement Policy in an understandable and uniform format and will distribute this policy to parents in a language the parents can understand.

C. Leake Central Junior High School will make the School Parental Involvement Policy available to the local community.

D. The Parent Advisory Committee will annually update the School Parental Involvement Policy to meet the changing needs of parents and the school.

E. Leake Central Junior High School has approved the district's school-parent compact as a component of its School Parental Involvement to mean the participation of parents in regular, meaningful communication involving the student academic learning process and other school activities. The school will ensure:

That parents play an integral role in assisting their child's learning and are actively involved in their child's education at school. That parents are full partners in their child's education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.

2) How Leake Central Junior High School will implement the required SCHOOL PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT POLICY

A. Leake Central Junior High School will take the following actions to involve parents in the joint development and joint agreement of its School Parental Involvement Policy in an organized ongoing, and timely way in the planning, review and improvement of Title I programs including planning, review and improvement of the school Parental Involvement Policy. Conduct parent meetings. Review the plans with other advisory groups connected with the school. Will have documents translated into any language needed by parents. Set up follow up meetings accordingly.

B. Leake Central Junior High School will take the following actions to distribute to parents of participating children and the local community, the School Parental Involvement Policy: Invite parents to school ? distribute policy. Meet with parents at various times to discuss policy. Share policy with community.

C. Leake Central Junior High School will update periodically its School Parental Involvement Policy to meet the changing needs of students, parents, and the school: Discuss issues at Parent Advisory Committee meetings. Discuss changes in policy at Parent Advisory Committee meetings.

D. Leake Central Junior High School will hold an annual meeting to inform parents of the following: That their child's school participates in Title I Of their rights to be involved About their school's participation in Title I Share copy of Title I action plan to parents Provide an evaluation and overview of the progress made with the use of Title I funds

E. Leake Central Junior High School will hold a flexible number of meetings at varying times to accommodate parents' schedules.

F. Leake Central Junior High School will provide timely information about Title I programs to parents of participating children in a timely manner by: Handouts in report cards Handouts at PTO meetings Handouts at parent meetings and registration

G. Leake Central Junior High School will build teacher and parent capacity for strong parental involvement. LCJH will implement the following key strategies to increase meaningful parental involvement that is designed to enhance home-school partnerships and improve student learning:

a. Start the year with "Open House". Parents often come to the classroom with preconceived ideas and fears. This is an opportunity to interact with parents without child interruptions and develop the parent-teacher relationship. Parents are able to focus on the words of the teacher and principal and interact with teachers and the other parents in the class. This meeting also allows teachers to set the expectations and tone for the year, relieve parent concerns, and establish a positive parent climate in their room.

b. Clearly communicate assessment goals and dates.

c. Share the results of assessment with parents. d. Use a variety of assessment data to establish future goals for both home and school. e. Provide regular events that showcase your students' learning and invite parents to participate. Use

each event as an opportunity for parent education and encouragement.

H. Leake Central Junior High School will submit comments/concerns to the LEA if the Schoolwide Plan is not satisfactory to parents.

3) Shared Responsibilities for High Student Academic Achievement

A. Leake Central Junior High School will build the school's and parents' capacity for strong parental involvement.

B. In order to ensure effective involvement of parents, to support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community involved to improve student academic achievement, the following activities will occur: Send letters home. Hold meetings to discuss students' progress.

C. Leake Central Junior High School will provide parents of participating children timely information about programs under Title I, a description and explanation of the curriculum in use, forms of academic assessment used, and if requested by parents, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and participate as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children. With the assistance of its district, provide assistance to parents of children served by the school in understanding topics such as the following: the District's academic standards, including alternate assessments the State's student academic achievement standards the requirements of Title I how to monitor their child's progress how to work with teachers to insure students' success

D. Additional services will be offered for at-risk students.

E. Leake Central Junior High School shall develop a school-parent-student compact. The compact shall outline how administrators, school faculty, parents, and students will share responsibility for improved student achievement. It will also provide means by which the school and parents will build a partnership to help students achieve the state's high academic standards. Pacts will be provided with teachers prior to the first day of school. Teachers will then discuss the compacts with their homeroom students and obtain student signatures. Students will then take these compacts home to their parents. After parents have signed the compact, it should be returned to that student's homeroom teacher. Teachers and the administrator will then sign the compact which will be kept in the classroom to be used during parentteacher or student-teacher conferences.

4) Accessibility

Leake County School District, to the extent practical, will provide a teacher of English as a Second Language for students needing services. The teacher will provide parents with appropriate communication methods with the school faculty and staff to ensure academic progress and interpretation of assessment results. These methods will be written when necessary. Parents with disabilities and parents of migratory students will be provided with information in an easy to read format and assistance will be provided for understanding their child's needs and academic progress. Leake Central Junior High School is also a handicapped accessible campus.

5) Parents' Right-to-Know

A Parent's Right-to-Know letter is included in the registration packet. This information is also covered at an annual meeting.

Leake Central Junior High school will provide parents information about their right to know the qualifications of their child's teacher. Notice of this right and of any person that does not meet the highly qualified criteria required by No Child Left Behind will be sent to parents each year.

When a student is being taught by a teacher who is not highly qualified, a notification letter is sent home to the parents of those children. When a substitute has been in a classroom for more than four consecutive weeks and is not highly qualified, a notification letter will be sent home to the parents of those children.

This school Parental Involvement Policy has been developed jointly with, and agreed on with, parents of children participating in Title I programs, as evidenced by meeting minutes.

"The Leake County Public School District dores not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability in the provision of educational programs, activities, and services, or employment opportunities."

_____________________________________________ Principal's Signature

________________ Date

"Working Together for Excellence"


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