09/06/02 9:51 AM

PCRC Outpatient Orders for Protocol Number:       Page 1 of __


1. Date/Time of Visit:      

2. Subject Name:       UCSF MRN:      

3. Date of Visit:       Allergies: NKA or List:      

4. Visit #      

5. Subject ID:      

6. Diagnosis      

7. Verify presence of signed consent and HIPAA

8. Contact Information

•   PI/Responsible MD: Office:

•   Study Coordinator: Office:

•   Nurse Practitioner: Office:

Category: Study linked to Study; Acct. No

9. Obtain VS: BP, P, RR, Temp, Weight and Height

10. Perform/ [] Phlebotomy [] Insert Peripheral IV [] Access central Line/ Port

11. Labs/PK’s Tubes provided by Study Coordinator Orders in APeX for Clin lab specimens to Core Lab

12 Perform procedures: i.e. PK, oral glucose tolerance test (OGT), post med administration observation

13. Medications:

For example: 3 mL NS flush per PIV prn to keep line patent for blood draw.

14. ANAPHYLAXIS PRECAUTIONS: In event of suspected anaphylactic reaction during infusion

15. Diet: [] NA [] Specify

16. [] Discontinue IV [] Hep Lok port/Central Line after completion of MD orders

17. Patient may be discharged upon completion of these orders.

MEDICATION RECONCILIATION ATTESTATION - I have compared and reconciled all of the medications ordered for this protocol with any current medications and any medications taken by this participant before beginning this study including OTCs (over the counter) and herbals as listed in the protocol and concomitant medications today.

INCLUSION CRITERIA By my signature below I certify that all inclusion/exclusion criteria have been applied to this participant and that the participant either meets all criteria to be included in this study, or that an exception has been approved for a condition that does not affect the study.

Provider Signature: ___________________ Date: ____________ Time: ____________

Print Provider Name and UCSF Provider Number:       #      

PCRC Outpatient Orders for Protocol Number:       Page 2 of __


MEDICATION RECONCILIATION ATTESTATION - I have compared and reconciled all of the medications ordered for this protocol with any current medications and any medications taken by this participant before beginning this study including OTCs (over the counter) and herbals as listed in the protocol and concomitant medications today.

INCLUSION CRITERIA By my signature below I certify that all inclusion/exclusion criteria have been applied to this participant and that the participant either meets all criteria to be included in this study, or that an exception has been approved for a condition that does not affect the study.

Provider Signature: ___________________ Date: ____________ Time: ____________

Print Provider Name and UCSF Provider Number:       #      


Orders must be written and signed in black or blue ink. Nursing will note the time when checking orders.


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