International Foods Assignment Parameters

International Foods Assignment Parameters | |

| Mrs. Levesque, 7th Grade Foods |

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|Third quarter – All students are scheduled to present on |

|Tuesday 3/27/12! |

The long term project for the 7th grade foods course will be an "international foods" assignment. Student will work together with a partner to complete the project. Students will be required to use library resources to completely fill in the provided outline about a particular country. All countries will be assigned by Mrs. Levesque. Students will be allotted two class periods in the library to gather their information and complete their works cited. We will go as a class. Upon completion of the outline, all students will have one class period to form their outline into a presentation. The presentation must be a persuasive argument based on factual information from your outline as to why you would or would not like to live in the country that you researched. I want you to present all of your information, but highlight some areas that would really persuade you one way or the other. You may use materials/visual aids such as pictures, posters, power point slides, however they are not required. I suggest you be creative, but keep it simple. Unfortunately, we are not able to create food items at home and bring them in to share with the class. All presentation materials need to be approved and reviewed by Mrs. Levesque PRIOR to presenting. I will inform you as to what day/days I have scheduled for the presentations. The purpose of this project is to familiarize you with international cultures and foods as well as library materials and resources. This project also gives you a wonderful opportunity to practice your oral presenting skills and persuasive argument / critical thinking skills that you will need for High School level curriculum. I hope this project is fun and educational. I look forward to learning from all of you.

I have included a grading rubric for the final project. Please review how you will be assessed on this project. This project is worth ten percent of your final “Foods Management” grade. You MUST hold on to this packet and turn it in to Mrs. Levesque on the day of your presentation.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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