Science Olympiad Student Center

Time to Fly – Science Olympiad 2016-2017 – Boyceville Invitation Written by 1st Lt. Jack Owen and Capt. Mike Scott (CFII) – Eau Claire Civil Air Patrol Composite Squadron. Matching, T/F, and multiple choice – each correct answer is worth 1 point for this section.The four forces acting on an airplane in flight areLift, Weight, Gravity and ThrustLift, Gravity, Power and FrictionLift, Weight, Thrust and DragWind, Gravity, Power and Angle of Attack. The term “angle of attack” is defined as the angle between the Airplane’s center line and the relative windChord line of the wing and the relative windCompass heading of the wind and the compass heading of the runwayAirplane’s longitudinal axis and that of the air striking the airfoilBernoulli’s principle states, “As a fluid’s speed ___________, the pressure within the fluid decreases.”DecreasesStays constantIncreasesNone of the aboveGenerally, the less dense the air, the less lift is available. (True or False)The left turning tendency of an airplane caused by P-factor is the result of thePropeller blade descending on the right, producing more thrust than the ascending blade of the left.Gyroscopic forces applied to the rotating propeller blades acting 90 degrees in advance of the point the force was applied.Clockwise rotation of the engine and the propeller turning the airplane counterclockwise.The left wing pitched at a slightly steeper angle than the right.One weather phenomenon which will always occur when flying across a front is a change in the Type of precipitationStability of the air massWind directionNone of the aboveWhat conditions are necessary for the formation of thunderstorms?Lifting force, moist air, and extensive cloud coverHigh humidity, lifting force, unstable conditionsWarm air, low humidity, high windsHigh humidity, high temperature, and cumulus clouds.During the lifecycle of a thunderstorm, which stage is characterized predominately by downdrafts?MatureCumulusDissipatingNone of the aboveWhich weather phenomenon is always associated with a thunderstorm?HailHeavy RainLightningFogOne in-flight condition necessary for structural icing to form isStratiform cloudsSmall temperature/dew point spreadVisible moistureLow dew pointWhat is the process by which moisture is added to unsaturated air?Heating and condensationEvaporation and sublimationSupersaturation and evaporationNone of the above The amount of water vapor which air can hold depends on theAir temperatureDew pointStability of the airAll of the aboveWhich conditions result in the formation of frost?The temperature of the collecting surface is at or below freezing when small droplets of moisture fall on the surface.The temperature of the collecting surface is at or below the dew point of the adjacent air and the dew point is below freezing.The temperature of the surrounding air is at or below freezing when small droplets of moisture fall on the collecting surface.None of the aboveThe suffix “nimbus” used in naming clouds meansA middle cloudA rain cloudA cloud with extensive vertical developmentA high, thin cloudClouds are divided into four families according to SizeCompositionHeightShapeWhat is a characteristic of stable air?Stratiform cloudsUnlimited visibilityCumulus CloudsNone of the aboveHow many Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites are required to yield a three-dimensional position (latitude, longitude, and altitude) and time solution?ThreeFourFiveSixHow many satellites make up the Global Positioning System (GPS)?18252422The angular difference between true north and magnetic north isMagnetic VariationCompass acceleration errorMagnetic DeviationNone of the aboveWhen converting from true course to magnetic heading, a pilot shouldSubtract westerly variation and add right wind correction angle.Subtract easterly variation and tight wind correction angle.Add westerly variation and subtract left wind correction angleNo conversion is needed.An aircraft departs an airport in the central standard time zone at 0845CST for a 2-hour flight to and airport located in the mountain standard time zone. The landing should be at what coordinated universal time?1745 Z1645 Z1545 Z1445 ZWhat is true AltitudeThe height above the standard datum planeThe vertical distance of the aircraft above the surface The vertical distance above sea levelNone of the aboveEvery physical process of weather is accompanied by or the result of, aMovement of airHeat exchangeDue to the moons gravityPressure differentialWing tip vortices are created only when an aircraft isDeveloping liftHeavily loadedOperated at high air speedsNone of the aboveHow does the wake turbulence vortex circulate around each wingtip?Inward, upward and around each wingtipInward, upward and counterclockwiseInward, upward and clockwiseOutward, upward and around each wingtipWingtip vortices created by large aircraft tend toHave no effect on small aircraftSink below the aircraft generating turbulenceRise into the traffic patternRise into the takeoff or landing path of a crossing runwayIf a flight is made from an area of low pressure into an area of high pressure without an altimeter setting being adjusted, the altimeter will indicateLower than the actual altitude above sea levelThe actual altitude above sea levelHigher than the actual altitude above sea levelDuring flight, when are the indications of a magnetic compass accurate?During turns if the bank does not exceed 18 degreesAs long as the airspeed is constantOnly when there is a low tideOnly in straight and level unaccelrated flightWhich basic flight maneuver increases the load factor on an airplane as compared to straight and level flight.StallsClimbsTurnsTakeoffsAn airplane has been loaded in such a manner that the Center of Gravity is located aft of the Center of Gravity limit. One undesirable flight characteristic a pilot might experience with this airplane would be Difficulty in recovering from a stalled condition Stalling at a higher than normal air speedLonger take off runDifficulty breaking on landingsWhat is the purpose of the ruder on an airplane?To control yawTo control overbanking tendencyTo control rollTo control the pitch of the propellerWhat force makes an airplane turn?The horizontal component of liftThe vertical component of liftCentrifugal forceCoriolis ForceDeviation error of the magnetic compass is caused by Certain metals and electrical systems within the aircraftNortherly turning errorThe difference in location in the true north and magnetic northThe gravity of the moon“Force is equal to the change in momentum per change in time. For a constant mass, force equals mass times acceleration.”Newtons first lawNewtons second lawBernoulli’s principleNewtons third law“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”Newtons first lawNewtons second lawBernoulli’s principalNewtons third law“Every object persists in its state of rest for uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed on it.”Newtons first lawNewtons second lawBernoulli’s principalNewtons third law Our atmosphere is made up of many layers. The layer from sea level to 20,000 ft.?MesosphereThermosphereTroposphereStratosphereTrue or False, the Coriolis force is created by the rotation of the earth?Isobars that are close together indicate?Large temperature changesA steep moisture gradientA steep wind gradient and strong winds prevailA steep terrainTrue or False, Hypoxia means “reduced oxygen”A Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) is a weather report established for the ______ statute mile radius around an airport. 10050255Matching Questions – today we will be looking at clouds – Match the closest description – each answer is only used once.Cumulus______________A. Rain BearingCirrus ______________B. Lens shaped, formed over mountainsin strong windsCastellanus ___________C. Ragged or brokenStratus_______________D. Heaped or piled cloudsAlto__________________E. Formed in layersNimbus________________F. High also middle clouds existing at 5,000-20,000 ftFracto_________________G. Common base with separate vertical development, castle-likeLenticularus_____________H. Ringlets, fibrous clouds, also high level clouds above 20,000 ft The Wright brothers made history by being the first to demonstrate sustained flight of a heavier-than-air machine under the complete control of a pilot on this date?December 3rd 1917December 7th 1903December 17th 1909December 17th 1903*************************************************************************************Map questions based on using the Green Bay Sectional Aeronautical Chart provided. You will use the Plotter and E6B Manual Mechanical Flight Computer that you brought with you to solve the following problems worth 4 pts for each correct answer. The test proctor will assign each team equal map time. Using the Green Bay Sectional Aeronautical chart – What does the large blue 23 figure northeast of Boyceville Wisconsin and near the Chetek Wisconsin airport indicate?You are planning to fly from the Boyceville airport to the Rusk County airport at a True Airspeed of 110 knots. Winds long your route are showing as 100 degrees at 13 knots on the weather reports.What is your distance from Boyceville to the Rusk County Airport?What Compass Heading (ignoring deviation) do you need to fly in order to go directly from Boyceville to Rusk County Airport?How long will it take you to fly from Boyceville to Rusk County Airport?If your aircraft burns fuel at 8 gallons per hour, how many gallons will it take to fly from Boyceville to the Rusk County Airport?How long is the longest runway at Rusk County Airport in feet?What is the Field Elevation of the Rusk County Airport?What is the height in MSL of the tallest tower within 8 nautical miles of the Rusk County airport?Thank you for your effort in “Time to Fly.” We hope that this helps students see some of the scientific concepts used in the field of aviation. We wish you “Good Luck” in all your events at this competition. 1st Lt Jack Owen and Captain Mike Scott (CFII) –Civil Air Patrol - Eau Claire Composite WI-161 ................

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