Urban Management Assistants of Central Texas


2007-2008 Scholarship Eligibility


Central Texas Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration (CenTex ASPA) is dedicated to the continued improvement and development of public administration professionals and the Central Texas communities they serve.

Introduction and Purpose

CenTex ASPA created the scholarship fund to provide an opportunity for active, dedicated members to continue pursuing their education at an accredited college or university.


CenTex ASPA has allocated up to $250.00 for the 2007-2008 school year. The CenTex ASPA Scholarship is open to current CenTex ASPA members pursuing a Bachelor or Masters degree in the field or related field of Public/Urban Administration. The following is the criteria to be eligible for the scholarship:

1. Active CenTex ASPA member, which may include:

• Current paid member

• Attend CenTex ASPA activities ( i.e. CenTex conference(s), luncheons, & socials)

• Serving on the CenTex ASPA Council/Committee(s)

2. Currently accepted to a college or university and enrolled for a minimum of six hours in an undergraduate program or three hours in a graduate program per semester.

3. Cumulative G.P.A. of 2.5 Undergraduate or 3.25 Graduate.


Selection(s) shall be made by CenTex ASPA Scholarship Steering Committee, comprised of the current and former CenTex ASPA Presidents. In reviewing candidates’ application, academic achievements and CenTex ASPA involvement will be favorably considered.

Application & Timeline

Interested individuals will be required to submit a complete application by mail along with the additional requested documentation. Applications are due (postmarked) by Tuesday,

October 31, 2006. Scholarship(s) are expected to be awarded in January 2007.


2007-2008 Scholarship Application



Home Address: City: State: Zip Code:

Work Phone: Home Phone: E-Mail:

Education (Please attach official transcript)

College/University City/State Degree Year Graduated/GPA

(Projected Graduation Date)

____Not currently enrolled, however, letter of acceptance attached.

____Currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program.

I. Work Experience (Please attach resume)

Month /Year (Start-End) Company/Organization Job Title Business Phone

II. Community Service and Recognition

A. What has been your involvement in CenTex ASPA? (List activities)

B. What honors, awards or recognition have you received? School (include honor societies); Church and Civic Activities; Professional; Other.

III. How did you learn of the CenTex ASPA Scholarship Program?

( Please circle one )

CenTex Publication CenTex Event CenTex Web Page Colleague

Additional Information Required

1. Official transcript or college/university letter verifying enrollment and G.P.A.

2. Personal statement detailing why you have selected the particular college/university and your commitment to the profession. Please incorporate your involvement with CenTex ASPA, what you’ve experienced and why you should be selected for the scholarship into the text.

3. Submit (2) two letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation maybe from a professor(s) that knows your academic achievements, a supervisor/director that supports your role in public administration, or community leader who knows about your community contributions; or any combination thereof.


CenTex ASPA has allocated up to $ 250.00 for the 2007-2008 school year. The period of the CenTex ASPA Scholarship Award is for one year commencing with the 2007 Spring Semester. The CenTex ASPA scholarship is open to active members pursuing a degree in the field of public/urban administration or other related field.

Mailing address: Attention: Scholarship Committee


PO BOX 27595

Austin, Texas 78755-27595


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