ROTATION: Float (Periods 12 & 13) - McGill University

DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY (PGY 1) - FLOATGoals and Objectives for periods 12 & 13ROTATION: Float (Periods 12 & 13)Medical Expert?At the end of the rotation, the resident is able to:Identify principal anatomical structures on:Plain chest x-rays and CTPlain bone films and CTPlain abdominal x-rays and CTBrain CTAbdominal and pelvic USRecognize the features of the most common pathologies encountered in the Emergency Room: chest x-ray, bone films, US and CT-ScanEvaluate the technical quality of imaging examinations Discuss indications and contra-indications of contrast administration, discuss the different modalities of administration and prevent and treat their complicationsRecognize indications and basic principles of UltrasonagraphyAquire basic scanning techniques for abdominal, pelvic, and testicular ultrasoundCommunicatorLearn to formulate and begin to dictate a proper radiologic report.Demonstrate communication skills by interacting effectively with technologists, nurses and colleagues.Collaborator1)Develop appropriate consultant approach towards technologists, colleagues and clinical departments 2) Develop interdisciplinary approach.ManagerIdentify urgent indications in radiology. Learn to prioritize examinations.Be familiar with different imaging modalities, their advantages and drawbacks.Be familiar with the different imaging resources in order to offer effective and efficient services.Health AdvocateBe sensitized to radiation protection and patient advocacy.Professional?:Demonstrate integrity, honesty and compassion.Be aware of her/his limitations.Know how to ask for help and have knowledge of available resources.Scholar?:To begin using log book and the portfolio.Establish an academic learning strategy: readings, case reviewsSpecific Objectives:Medical Expert?:Chest and cardiac imagingAnatomy?: mediastinum, fissures, airway, vascularPathology?:PneumoniaAtelectasisPleural effusionsPulmonary edemaPneumothoraxChest trauma Acute aortic syndromeMusculoskeletal imaging?:Plain films/CT?:TraumaDescribe common fractures and dislocationsAbdomen?:Anatomy?:CT-US?: know anatomy?: liver, spleen, kidney, adrenals, pancreas, bowels, gallbladder and biliary tree, aorta, IVC Pelvis?:urinary bladder, uterus, ovaries, prostate, seminal vesicles Intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal spacesRenal spaceMain vascular structures: Aorta and main branchesIntestinal and systemic venous returnPathology?:Bowel obstructionPneumoperitoneumAcute appendicitis, diverticulitis, etcIntraperitoneal fluidOrgans trauma?: liver, spleen, kidneys, pancreasIdentify an abscessIdentify an aortic aneurysmNeurologic Imaging?:Anatomy?:CT-scanVentricles, cerebral parenchymaPosterior fossa?: cerebellum, vermis, brainstemBasal cisterns?: prepontine, pontocerebellar, ambient, interpeduncular, Quadrigeminal and suprasellarSylvian fissureBasal ganglia?: caudate nucleus, globus pallidus, thalamusFalx cerebri, tentorium cerebelliCorpus callosumPrincipal arteries?: ACA, MCA., PCA, Circle of WillisBasilar arteryVenous drainage and sinusesWhite matter, grey matterCorona radiata, centrum semiovaleSella turcica , pituitary glandSinusesMasto?dPathology?: InfarctionsHemorrhageBrain herniation, cerebral edemaHydrocephalusMass effect Ultrasound?:Anatomy?:liver, gallbladder and biliary tree, spleen, kidney, adrenals, pancreas, urinary bladder, uterus, ovaries, prostate, aorta, IVC, celiac trunk, SMA, portal vein, hepatic veinsPathology?:Biliary stoneFree fluid; spaces: Morrison’s pouch, pelvic, right and left superior quadrantGross massDifferentiate cystic with solid structuresTraumaOn Call Responsibility?:PGY 1 Resident during “float“ rotations (periods 12 &13) will do shadow call with a more senior resident in order to familiarize him/herself with the on call issues. The first month will consist of “passive shadowing”, observing a more senior resident on call. This will progress to “active shadowing”, where the resident will be reporting cases which will all be reviewed and signed off on by senior residents.Lectures?:PGY1 residents will attend all 8AM and 12 PM teaching rounds at their base hospital as well as all IHVP and VP series. Special lectures on emergency radiology for the PGY1s have been created as an introductory series, given by the senior residents during core curriculum teaching. ................

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