21st Century Community Learning Centers

21st Century Community Learning Centers

Performance Report

School-Day Teacher Survey

Instruction Guide


For 2004-2005, the federal evaluation of 21CCLC requires a survey of school-day teachers of regular attendees of the program. The survey asks the teacher about changes in a particular student's behavior in 10 areas, e.g. turning in homework on time. Arkansas 21CCLC programs are required to participate in this survey.

The Arkansas school-day teacher survey is Web-based. Instructions for completing the survey are provided below. Survey responses are due on or before May 27.

Note: Teachers' survey responses will be reported in aggregate for each program. No individual responses will be shared with anyone at the school, state or federal levels.


1. Log onto the Web-based survey.

Access the survey at  and follow the instructions provided.

2. Select the appropriate school/program from the drop-down list of programs.

Our program name is:

[ List your program name here as it appears in the MGT data base ]

3. Select the student for whom you are responding from the drop-down list of students. You are asked to respond for

[ List student name here as it appears in the MGT data base__________]

4. In the spaces provided, indicate the grade level you teach and the subject taught.

5. Complete the 10 items describing changes in behavior for the assigned student. See detailed instructions on the Web site.

6. Save your response as instructed. Surveys are due by May 27.

Thank you for your contribution to the 21CCLC evaluation!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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