
Elbow and Forearm1. In regard to the vascular supply of the forearma. The posterior interosseous artery ends in the dorsal carpal anastomosis – anastomosis w/ anterior (basically runs out)b. The radial artery crosses the radial nerve distallyc. The ulnar artery supplies the nutrient arteries to both radius and ulnad. The common interosseous artery is a branch of the radial artery - ulnae. Both anterior and posterior carpal arches lie at the level of the wrist joint – dorsal is over second row of carpal bones2. Regarding the cubital fossaa. The contents are biceps tendon, brachial artery, median nerve and ulnar nerveb. The brachial artery divides at the level of the radial neck <=c. The roof is formed by the superficial fascia of the forearmd. The bicipital aponeurosis lies on the lateral sidee. The floor is formed by the biceps muscle3. Muscles supplied by the median nerve include all excepta. Palmaris longusb. Flexor digitorum superficialisc. Adductor pollicis <=d. Pronator terese. Flexor carpi radialis4. the contents of the cubital fossa from medial to lateral side includesa. median nerve, biceps tendon, brachial arteryb. biceps tendon, brachial artery, median nervec. median nerve, brachial artery, biceps tendon <=d. ulnar nerve, radial artery, biceps tendone. ulnar nerve, brachial artery, biceps tendon5. Regarding the elbow jointa. The medial band of the ulnar collateral is the strongest portion of the ulnar collateral ligament – anterior cord-like band, the oblique deepens socket of trochlea, the posterior is fan-like and weakest. There is no medial band, the complex is the medial collateral = ulnab. An increase in the carrying angle can cause ulnar nerve palsyc. The capsule of the elbow joint is attached below the coronoid and radial fossae – anteriorly and posterior is is proximal to the coronoid and olecranon fossad. The distal portion of the capitulum can be seen from the posterior aspect of the humeruse. The radial collateral ligament attaches to proximal radius6. The elbow jointa. Is a fibrocartilaginous jointb. Capsule is attached to the radiusc. Fossae immediately above capitellum and trochlea receive head of radius and coronoid process of humerus respectivelyd. Has a carrying angle of 170 degrees in full extensione. Is innervated by the radial nerve <= radial, musculocutaneous and ulna7. With regard to the median nervea. It crosses posterior to the brachial artery to lie medial in the cubital fossa – starts lat, crosses ant, ends medb. Its palmar cutaneous branch arises proximal to the carpal tunnel <=c. It divides into lateral and medial branches distal to the carpal tunnel – it does, but also the recurrentd. It is the sole nerve supply to the flexors of the forearme. ?8. Elbow capsule attachments include:a. Medial and lateral epicondylarb. Radial headc. Common flexor origind. Annular ligament of radioulnar joint <=e. All of the above9. The elbow jointa. Is supplied exclusively by the radial nerve - rad, ulnar and MC… not the medianb. Permits flexion-extension and pronation-supinationc. Has a capsule which attaches in part to the radiusd. Communicates with the superior radio-ulnar joint <=e. None of the above10. The cephalic veina. Arises in the region of the anatomical snuffbox <=b. At the elbow is deep to the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearmc. Terminates by joining the brachial veind. Is medial to biceps in the arme. Has no valves11. In the antecubital fossaa. The ulnar nerve is on the medial sideb. The median nerve is lateral to the brachial artery c. The radial nerve is on the lateral side <=d. All the superficial veins are deep to the cutaneous nervese. The brachial artery is lateral to the tendon of biceps12. Which of the following muscles does NOT arise from the common extensor origin?a. Extersor carpi radialis brevisb. Extensor digitorum comminisc. Extensor carpi radialis longus <= lateral supraepicondylar ridge (with brachioradialis)d. Extensor digiti minimie. Extersor carpi ulnaris13. Regarding the cubital fossaa. The radial nerve lies medial to the biceps tendonb. The median nerve lies medial to the brachial artery <=c. Biceps form the lateral borderd. The median cephalic vein lies on the bicipital aponeurosise. Brachioradialis forms the medial border14. Regarding the muscles arising from the common flexor origina. Flexor carpi radialis, flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor carpi ulnaris have additional origins <=b. Flexor carpi radialis is supplied by the radial nervec. All are supplied by C6, 7 nerve rootsd. Flexor carpi ulnaris is supplied by the lateral corde. The tendon of flexor carpi radialis lies medial to that of palmaris longus15. Regarding forearm structuresa. The common interosseous artery is a branch of the ulnar arteryb. The posterior interosseous nerve enters the forearm by passing between the 2 heads of supinatorc. The median nerve passes between the two heads of pronator teresd. The anterior interosseous artery perforates the interosseous membranee. All of the above <=16. Regarding the elbow jointa. The capsule is not attached to the radius <=b. The head of the radius articulates with the trochleac. The joint is supplied by the musculocutaneous and ulnar nerves onlyd. The carrying angle is due to the lower trochlear margin mediallye. The radial collateral ligament has three bands17. In the cubital fossa, which is correcta. Posterior interosseous nerve lies lateral to radial nerveb. Medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm lies medial to basilic vein <=c. ?d. ?e. ?18. Regarding the attachment of flexor digitorum profundusa. Olecranon and anterior surface of radiusb. It is the strongest forearm muscle <=c. ?d. ?e. ?19. Regarding lymphatic drainage of the arma. Superficial lymphatics follow volar aspectb. Superficial lymphatics travel with arteriesc. Deep lymphatics travel with veins <=d. The hand drains into apical lymph nodes in the axillae. ?20. The following muscles are supplied by the median nerve except:a. Flexor digitorum superficialisb. Flexor carpi radialisc. Flexor carpi ulnaris <=d. Flexor pollicis longuse. Palmaris longus21. Regarding the elbow jointa. The posterior band of the ulnar collateral ligament is the strongestb. The radial collateral ligament consists of three bandsc. Capsule is attached to the radius and ulnad. The annular ligament has no attachment to the radius <=e. It is supplied by the radial and ulnar nerves only22. Elbow capsule attachments include:a. Medial and lateral epicondylarb. Radial headc. Common flexor origind. Annular ligament of radioulnar joint <=e. All of the above23. Flexor digitorum profundus:a. Tendons separate proximal to the flexor retinaculumb. Originates from the common origin from the medial epicondyle of the humerusc. May be tested by making a fist against resistanced. Is supplied equally by the median and ulnar nerves in the majority of people <=e. Is a powerful wrist flexor24. Regarding the extensor muscles of the forearm;a. All arise from the lateral epicondyle of the humerusb. Supplied by the ulnar nervec. Extensor carpi radialis longus abducts the wrist <=d. Tendons do not fuse with deep fasciae. Supplied entirely by posterior interosseous artery25. In the cubital fossa;a. The median nerve lies lateral to the brachial arteryb. The ulnar artery lies superficial to pronator teresc. The radial artery originates from the brachial arteryd. The radial nerve lies medial to the biceps tendone. The nerve to pronator teres is derived from the radial nerve26. The deepest structure in the mid-forearm isa. Median nerve – between FDS and FDPb. Basilic veinc. Radial arteryd. Flexor pollicis longus <= on radiuse. Ulnar nerve – FCU and FDP27. palmaris longusa. is absent in 40% of people – 14%b. originally was an extensor of the MCP jointsc. arises from the medial epicondyle <=d. inserts into the pisiforme. is supplied by the radial nerve28. flexor digitorum profundus;a. has its action enhanced by wrist extension <=b. is supplied 10% of the time entirely by the ulnar nervec. partly inserts into the flexor retinaculumd. assists pronator quadratus in powerful pronatione. all of the above29. the radial arterya. lies on the brachioradialis in the upper forearmb. in its medial third has the radial nerve medial to itc. forms both the anterior and posterior carpal arches <=d. passes between the tendons of abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevise. all of the above ................

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