Brain Structure

 Brain Structure | Function |Associated Signs and Symptoms | |

|Cerebral Cortex |The outermost layer of the cerebral |  |

|[pic] |hemisphere which is composed of gray | |

|Ventral View ( From bottom) |matter. Cortices are asymmetrical. Both | |

| |hemispheres are able to analyze sensory | |

| |data, perform memory functions, learn new | |

| |information, form thoughts and make | |

| |decisions. | |

|Left Hemisphere |Sequential Analysis: systematic, logical |  |

| |interpretation of information. | |

| |Interpretation and production of symbolic | |

| |information:language, mathematics, | |

| |abstraction and reasoning. Memory stored | |

| |in a language format. | |

|Right Hemisphere |Holistic Functioning: processing |  |

| |multi-sensory input simultaneously to | |

| |provide "holistic" picture of one's | |

| |environment. Visual spatial skills. | |

| |Holistic functions such as dancing and | |

| |gymnastics are coordinated by the right | |

| |hemisphere. Memory is stored in auditory, | |

| |visual and spatial modalities. | |

|Corpus Callosum |Connects right and left hemisphere to |Damage to the Corpus Callosum may result in|

|[pic] |allow for communication between the |"Split Brain" syndrome. |

| |hemispheres. Forms roof of the lateral and| |

| |third ventricles. | |

|Frontal Lobe |Cognition and memory. |Impairment of recent memory, |

|[pic] |Prefrontal area: The ability to |inattentiveness, inability to concentrate, |

|Ventral View (From Bottom) |concentrate and attend, elaboration of |behavior disorders, difficulty in learning |

|  |thought. The "Gatekeeper"; (judgment, |new information. Lack of inhibition |

|[pic] |inhibition). Personality and emotional |(inappropriate social and/or sexual |

|Side View |traits. |behavior). Emotional lability. "Flat" |

| |Movement: |affect. |

| |Motor Cortex (Brodman's): voluntary motor |Contralateral plegia, paresis. |

| |activity. |Expressive/motor aphasia. |

| |Premotor Cortex: storage of motor patterns| |

| |and voluntary activities. | |

| |Language: motor speech | |

| |[pic]Diagram | |

|Parietal Lobe |Processing of sensory input, sensory |Inability to discriminate between sensory |

|  |discrimination. |stimuli. |

|[pic] |  |Inability to locate and recognize parts of |

| |Body orientation. |the body (Neglect). |

| |  |Severe Injury: Inability to recognize self.|

| |Primary/ secondary somatic area. | |

| | |Disorientation of environment space. |

| | |Inability to write. |

|Occipital Lobe  |Primary visual reception area. |Primary Visual Cortex: loss of vision |

|[pic] |  |opposite field. |

| |Primary visual association area: Allows |Visual Association Cortex: loss of ability |

| |for visual interpretation.  |to recognize object seen in opposite field |

| | |of vision, "flash of light", "stars".  |

|Temporal Lobe  |Auditory receptive area and association |Hearing deficits. |

|[pic] |areas. |Agitation, irritability, childish behavior.|

| |Expressed behavior. | |

| |Language: Receptive speech. |Receptive/ sensory aphasia. |

| |Memory: Information retrieval. | |

|Limbic System  |Olfactory pathways: |Loss of sense of smell. |

|  |Amygdala and their different pathways. |Agitation, loss of control of emotion. Loss|

|[pic] |Hippocampi and their different pathways. |of recent memory.  |

| |Limbic lobes: Sex, rage, fear; emotions. | |

| |Integration of recent memory, biological | |

| |rhythms. | |

| |Hypothalamus. | |

|Basal Ganglia  |Subcortical gray matter nuclei. Processing|Movement disorders: chorea, tremors at rest|

|[pic] |link between thalamus and motor cortex. |and with initiation of movement, abnormal |

| |Initiation and direction of voluntary |increase in muscle tone, difficulty |

| |movement. Balance (inhibitory), Postural |initiating movement. |

| |reflexes. |Parkinson's.  |

| |Part of extrapyramidal system: regulation | |

| |of automatic movement.  | |


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