Application Type - CU


Dear Applicant: By completing the Certification Update Application you can request name changes, degree additions, higher certificates, reinstatements, renewals, and evaluations for additional endorsements. Upon receipt of the completed forms and appropriate processing fee as noted below, a certification case will be opened in the Louisiana Teacher Certification Management System (TCMS) which is trackable online. If additional information is needed or feedback is provided, that information can be viewed online by checking the Status of a Certification Application here. Evaluations will be provided in response to the application submitted via the TeachLA Live! online portal.

Changing Name

(Use Pages 4 & 5)

To request a change of name on a certificate, submit a completed application (pages 4 and 5), a copy of the updated Social Security card AND copy of updated driver's license/state ID, and the required $25 certification processing fee.

Adding a Degree(s)

(Use Pages 4 & 5)

To request the addition of a degree(s) to a certificate, submit a completed application (pages 4 and 5) and an official transcript. When adding a +30 endorsement, excess graduate credits earned in the master's degree program should be verified by the dean of the graduate school of the appropriate university. A $25 certification processing fee is required.

Requesting a Higher Certificate*

(Use Pages 4, 5, & 6)

*Requests for higher level certificates are required to be submitted directly from Louisiana employing school system.

To request a higher level certificate, the Louisiana employing school system will submit an official transcript (when applicable) and completed application (pages 4, 5 and 6). A $25 certification processing fee is required for Level 2 or 3, and a $50 fee is required for the Level 1.

? Teachers with a Type C or Level 1 certificate are required to complete three years of successful teaching experience in their certified area and have three years of successful final evaluation ratings as verified through the Compass Information System (CIS) to be issued a Level 2 certificate.

? Teachers with a Type C, Level 1 or Level 2 certificate are eligible for a Level 3 certificate if they hold a master's degree, teach for five years in the certified area, and have three successful years of final evaluation ratings out of five verified through CIS. To request a higher level certificate, the employing authority will submit an official transcript (when applicable) and completed application (pages 4, 5 and 6). A $25 certification processing fee is required.

? Teachers with an OS certificate are eligible for a Level 1 certificate if they have met the Praxis requirements or Praxis exclusion requirements. Praxis exclusion requires that you have at least three years of successful teaching experience in another state, as verified by your previous Out-of-State employing system using the OS Experience Verification Attestation form; and one year of s u c c e s s f u l teaching on the OS in a Louisiana approved public or an approved private school system. To request a Level 1, submit a completed application (pages 4, 5 and 6). A $50 certification processing fee is required.

Rev. January 15, 2021 - Pg1

Reinstatement of Certificate**

(Use Pages 4, 5, & 6)

**Requests for certification reinstatement can only be submitted directly from

Louisiana employing school system.

Type A, B, A*, and B* certificates are considered lapsed when an educator permits a period of five or more consecutive calendar years of disuse to accrue. To request reinstatement, the Louisiana employing school system would request the full reinstatement once the educator has earned six semester hours of credit f rom a college or university accredited in accordance with 34 CFR 602. The credit must be earned within the five-year period immediately preceding reinstatement of the certificate. The employing school system may request a one-year reactivation of the certificate while the educator completes the coursework related to the certification area(s). A $25 certification processing fee is required.

Reinstatement coursework is not required for lapsed Type C, Level 1, 2, or 3 certificates since these educators are required to be evaluated for effectiveness via Compass for renewal of the certificates, and would only need the Louisiana employing school system to request an extension of the certificate to permit time for the educator to be evaluated. A $25 certification processing fee is required.

Renewing Certificates***

(Use Pages 4, 5, & 6)

***Requests for certification renewal must be submitted directly from Louisiana

employing school system.

To request the renewal of a certificate, the Louisiana employing school system will submit an official transcript (when applicable) and completed application (pages 4, 5 and 6). A $25 certification processing fee is required.

? Type C and Level 1 are valid for three years initially and may be extended thereafter for a period of one year at the request of a Louisiana employing school system. Type C and Level 1 certificates are limited to two such extensions.

? Level 2 or Level 3 may be renewed by successfully meeting the standards of effectiveness verified in the Compass Information System (CIS) for at least three of the five years covered by the certificate, pursuant to Bulletin 130 and R.S. 17:3902.

Evaluation and/or Addition of Teaching Endorsements

(Use Pages 4, 5, & 6)

To request an evaluation and/or to add teaching endorsements to a teaching certificate, teachers must

submit official transcripts if not already submitted to the certification office, PRAXIS scores (if applicable),

and a completed application (pages 4, 5, & 6). A $25.00 certification processing fee is required. You are

authorized two evaluations/add-ons per $25.00 fee submitted. If you are uncertain as to the name of a

specific certification area offered in Louisiana, please refer to Bulletin 746.

Status Change - Non-Practicing & Operational Role (Freezing Validity)

(Use Pages 4 & 5)

Certification renewal is contingent upon effective teacher/leader evaluations. A teacher/leader must be

employed within a Louisiana school system in order to renew certification. If a teacher/leader is no longer

serving in a Louisiana school system the certificate will need to be placed into non-practicing status,

preserving or freezing the validity on the certificate, so that when/if the educator returns to serving, validity will

remain on the certificate. Effective date for non-practicing status should be indicated on the application and

the date should be within the validity of the current certificate. No processing fee is required.

When a teacher is serving in a Louisiana school system, but the role cannot be evaluated via Compass (e.g.

Ed Diagnostician, Ed Tech Facilitator, etc.), then the certificate's validity can be preserved/frozen by placing

the teaching certificate into operational role status effective the date service in that non-Compass evaluated

role begins within the validity of the current certificate. Operational role is only available for teaching

certificates. If a leader is serving in a non-Compass evaluated role, the leader's certificate can be renewed

with local evaluations (see the Educational Leader application packet).

-?Continued on next page.---


Teachers/leaders returning to service in Louisiana or returning to a role evaluated via Compass may apply through their employing Louisiana school system for an extension of their certificate for the number of days remaining in the renewal period of the certificate (unfreeze). A $25 certification processing fee is required.

If applying to retroactively place a certificate into non-practicing status, but the educator is no longer officially employed in a Louisiana school system, the last employing school system may assist the educator in making the request. If applying to retroactively place a certificate into non-practicing/operational role AND back into practicing status due to re-employment, please make two separate requests waiting for the nonpracticing/operation request to process before submitting the request to place the certificate back into practicing status.

Certification/Examination Verification

(Use Pages 4 & 5)

To request certification or examination verification, by way of completing a form or providing a letter, the

educator must submit a completed application (pages 4 & 5) and include any documents that need to be

completed by the Louisiana Department of Education. A $10.00 processing fee is required.

Submitting Application

Refer to transaction type(s) above to determine which pages of the application to submit.

Please submit a complete application packet (including required documentation) through the online educator certification portal. The following items are required as part of a complete application packet:

Certification Update Application form with all information provided Official transcripts (if applicable and/or if not already submitted to the certification office)

Copy of Social Security Card & Driver's License/State ID (if requesting a name change)

PRAXIS Exam(s) (if applicable) - Options for submitting exam score(s) to the Louisiana Department of Education are as follows:

1. Scores can be electronically sent to the LDOE from Educational Testing Services, or 2. Score reports from Educational Testing Services can be submitted with your application packet.

Experience Verification form or letter signed by the appropriate employing authority verifying teaching experience (if applicable). Experience outside of Louisiana would be verified on the Out-of-State Experience Verification Attestation form located at this link.

Professional Conduct form with all questions answered, signed, and dated by the applicant

Supplemental Documentation (if applicable) ? forms or documents which need to be completed for verification by the Louisiana Department of Education (e.g. other state's documents used to verify certification or Praxis exams)

Copy of Online Payment Confirmation for Certification Processing Fee Non-refundable certification processing fee appropriate to the requests you are submitting; please refer

to instructions above or to the payment schedule here. Certification fee is payable to the LDOE online at

Contact Information: All questions regarding certification requirements or the process, can be answered by contacting the certification staff through the online educator certification portal.

All applications will be evaluated in the order in which they are received. You can check the status of your certification application online HERE.




Social Security Number ______ - ______ - ______

Date of Birth _________________________

Name of Applicant:_____________________________________________________________________





Address: _____________________________________________________________________________




(Zip Code)

Phone: Home: (____) __________ Work: (____)___________ Email Address:_______________________

LA Certificate Type/Number: ____________ Online Payment Confirmation # ________________________ Indicate requested transactions:

Name Change ? Include copy of updated Social Security Card ?AND- updated driver's license/state ID.

Addition of Degree (s) ? Include transcripts with application showing degree awarded/conferred.

Indicate degree type:

Master's Degree

Master's Plus 30 Graduate Hours

Specialist Degree

Doctorate Degree

Evaluate or Add Endorsement(s) - Endorsements should be listed as they officially appear in Bulletin 746. Applicants are encouraged to conduct a self-evaluation using the checklists here prior to applying, including it with the application packet.

Higher Level Certificate ? MUST BE signed and submitted by the Louisiana employing school

system. Nonpublic/private educators use Nonpublic Higher/Renewal App. If request is for Educational

Leader issuance/higher, use the Educational Leader App.

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Type A

Extend/Renew Certificate ? MUST BE signed and submitted by the LA employing school system. If request

for higher cannot be granted, an extension may be requested here in addition to the higher request above.

Extend Type C or Level 1

Renew Level 2 or Level 3

Reactivate Lapsed Type A, B, A*, or B* - Provides 1-year validity on the certificate allowing educator to complete coursework for full reinstatement where there has been a 5-year break in teaching/service. Reinstatement of Lapsed Type A, B, A*, or B* Certificate ? Reinstates certificate validity to "lifetime with continuous service". Applicant must include transcripts with six semester hours completed within the past five year period.

Status Request Change ? Application for status changes MUST BE signed and submitted by the

LA employing school system. Indicate certificate type/number, status & effective date within validity.

Certificate Type & Number:

Select Status Change:

Effective Date:

Copy or Verification of Exams ? Include other forms for verification if necessary.

Verification of Certification - Include additional instructions, explaining your request if a verification letter is needed with specific details.

I agree that my electronic signature as entered below is the legal equivalent of my manual signature on

this application.

Signature of Applicant:


Name of Louisiana Employing School System: Signature of LA Employing School System:


pg. 4



(All questions must be answered)

NAME OF APPLICANT: (Include First, Middle, Maiden, and Married) ADDRESS:

Social Security Number:

______ - ______ -______


Each Question must be answered:

Please Check YES NO

1. Have you ever had any professional license/certificate denied, suspended, revoked, or voluntarily surrendered? If YES, in which state?____________________________

2. Are you currently being reviewed or investigated for purposes of such action as stated in #1 or is such action pending? If YES, in which state?_____________________________

3. Have you ever been convicted of any felony offense, been found guilty or entered a plea of nolo contendere (no contest), even if adjudication was withheld?

If yes, please provide the following information:

Date of Conviction: ____________________

State of Conviction: _____ Court Jurisdiction of Conviction: __________________

4. Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor offense that involves any of the following: a. Sexual or physical abuse of a minor child or other illegal conduct with a minor child. b. The possession, use, or distribution of any illegal drug as defined by Louisiana or federal law.

5. Have you ever been granted a pardon or expungement* for any offense as stated in #3 or #4?

NOTICE---EXPUNGEMENTS, FIRST OFFENDER PARDONS, PRE-TRIAL DIVERSIONS: Criminal Background Checks (CBCs) conducted for purposes of employment will be conducted in accordance with La. R.S. 17:15 and La. R.S. 15:587.1. Pursuant to Louisiana law R.S. 15:587.1., background checks shall disclose ALL ARRESTS, COURT ACTION and CONVICTIONS, (Including but not limited to expungements, first offender pardons and pre-trial diversion), and a copy of the report shall be provided to the Louisiana Department of Education (LDE), in addition to the potential employer or LA Education Agency (LEAs)s.

*Per BESE policy set forth in Bulletin 746, Louisiana Standards for State Certification of School Personnel, Section 903.C, "failure to disclose actions such as first offender pardons, pre-trial diversion, expungements, etc. is grounds for certification denial and/or revocation."

If you answered "YES" to any questions, #1 through #5, you must provide court certified copies of all documents and proceedings, civil records of Federal, State and/or District School Board actions, or other relevant documents that provide full disclosure of the nature and circumstances of EACH separate incident in your application packet.

I affirm and declare that all information given by me in the responses to items #1 through #5 above is true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misrepresentation of facts, by omission or addition, may result in criminal prosecution and/or the denial or revocation of my teacher certificate. I agree that my electronic signature as entered below is the legal equivalent of my manual signature on this document.



Pg. 5


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