Instructions for Completion of European Health Certificate ...

Instructions for Completion of European Health Certificate RequestTo facilitate the timely and accurate processing of certification requests, we strongly encourage you to review all the information in this instruction. Please allow 5 business days for processing.Start the ProcessApplicants requesting European Union (EU) Health Certificates must complete the European Health Certificate Request found at or complete a request in the Electronic Document Creation System (EDOCS)Completed requests may be submitted usingEDOCS: Complete online forms at : : Fax number 202-720-2643Courier: Courier Address is:Export processingUSDA, Agricultural Marketing ServiceDairy Programs, Dairy Grading BranchRoom 2746-S1400 Independence Avenue, SWWashington, D.C. 20250-0230Phone Number: 202-720-3171What to expectCertificate requests are processed in the order they are received. Certificate requested through EDOCS receive priority.Certificates are issued in English for countries where English is the official language. For all other EU countries the certificates are issued in dual language, i.e., English and the official language of the destination country. Note: If you wish for the information you provided on the worksheet to be in the official language of the country of destination you must provide the information in the appropriate language and English.All completed documents will be returned to you by U.S. Mail unless an express mail return label is received with the request.EU certificates are billed at the rate of one hour at the published hourly rate. Certified copies are billed at the rate of ? hour of the published hourly rate. Additional services, such as faxes or special handling will result in additional charges. Current hourly rates are published in the Federal Register.No alterations may be made to the certificate after endorsement by AMSApplicants are subject to annual documentation reviews by the Dairy Grading Branch to verify that information provided on the requests and statements checked in EDOCS regarding certificates of conformance are valid. Applicant ResponsibilitiesSign your request. Authentication in EDOCS is provided by your log-in.Submit only information that is accurate and supported by documentation.Maintain supporting documentation for one year following your certification request.Provide access to documentation during related Documentation Reviews.Maintain your account in good standing by remaining current on payment of bills associated with time and travel for certification and Documentation Reviews.Help Us Keep the Process Moving EfficientlyWhen possible use EDOCS to request certificates.Provide only one airway bill when multiple requests are submitted in one timeframe. When providing return labels, do not indicate USDA as sender. The courier service will need to contact you if they encounter a problem.Allow 5 business days for processing.What Do We Mean By…?Applicant:An applicant is the entity, individual or company requesting the export certificate. A broker, shipper, manufacturer or end product user may act as the applicant.Approved facility:An approved facility for the purposes of requesting an EU Health or EU Health Certificate for composite products is a facility that appears on the EU Dairy Plant Reference List. If the plant that packaged the final product does not appear on the EU Dairy Plant Reference List we will not be able to issue an export certificate for the EU.Certificate of Conformance:A Certificate of Conformance is a signed statement attesting to compliance with current European Union criteria. Certificates of Conformance shall be on company letterhead, contain a legible address and telephone number and be signed by a company representative who can provide documentation to support claims of compliance. The attached Exhibit 1 provides an example of text to be included in completed Certificates of Conformance. Plants that use dairy ingredients will need to receive a Certificate of Conformance from the dairy ingredient supplier. The Certificate of Conformance must have lot numbers, dates, and any other information needed to trace the finished product back to the raw posite product:A foodstuff intended for human consumption that contains both processed products of animal origin and products of plant origin and includes those where the processing of the primary products is an integral part of the production of the final product.Documentation ReviewA Documentation Review is a review of the documents that demonstrate the compliance of the exported product with EU regulations. The documents will also be reviewed to assure that the product that was actually exported matches the information on the export certificate.Electronic Document Creation System (EDOCS) The Electronic Document Creation System (EDOCS) is the on-line system that allows exporters to request EU certificates by providing the information required for the certificate. After review and certification by the certifying authority the electronic document is sent to the Electronic Trade Document Exchange system (eTDE) where it can be accessed by the exporter and port authorities that the exporter designates in the EU.Electronic Trade Document Exchange System (eTDE)The electronic Trade Document Exchange system (eTDE) is a web based system that allows exporters to assign ownership and designate ports authorities access to electronic export certification. The system receives certified information from EDOCS and allows access to the information by designated parties.Features of the Electronic Document Creation SystemPriority is given to requests in the EDOCS system.Email notification when certificate is approvedElectronic invoice.Instructions and Explanations for Completing EU Health Certificate Request All requests with incomplete, inaccurate, or illegible information will not be processed. (The number in parenthesis ( ) behind each label is the number of characters allowed by the system.)FAXED COPIES/ADDITIONAL CERTIFIED COPIESCheck the faxed copies box if you wish to have a copy of the completed certificate faxed to the fax number provided in box G. If you need additional certified copies please indicate the number of copies needed in the box next to “ADDITIONAL CERTIFIED COPIES”. We will access an additional charge for each of these services.CONTACT (50)Who should we contact with questions regarding this certificate request?AMS BILLING ACCT. (50)This is the AMS applicant number from the Dairy Grading Branch billing system. Applicant numbers can be obtained or verified from Bari Kinne at: 630-437-5073 or Bari.Kinne@ams. . This is a seven digit number.BILLING REFERENCE (25)This is an optional field for your internal reference information. This information will appear on the monthly statement next to the charges for the export certificate. Provide information that will help to identify this particular request.E-MAIL ADDRESS (255)Provide an e-mail address for us to send that correspondence regarding the certificate request.TELEPHONE (40)Provide a telephone number for the contact person including area code and country code if applicable.FAX (40)Provide a fax number where we can send information regarding the certificate PANY (75)Provide the name of company where we should mail the certificate. If the request for the certificate is by a private individual, put N/A (for not applicable) in this box. CONTACT (75)Who should we mail the certificate to when completed?STREET (75)Provide the street address for the mailing address.CITY (35)Provide the city for the mailing address.STATE (10)Provide the state for the mailing address.ZIP (35)Provide the zip code for the mailing address.The information requested below will appear on the export certificate. The number in parenthesis corresponds to the number of the box on the actual certificate where the information will be entered.(I.1) CONSIGNOR Enter the full NAME (75), ADDRESS (150), CITY (35), STATE (10), POSTAL CODE (35) and TEL. No (40) of the consignor (entity in the U.S. exporting the product). (I.5) CONSIGNEE Enter the full NAME (75), ADDRESS (including city and state) (225), and TEL. No (40) of the consignee (entity receiving the product in the EU). The POSTAL CODE (35) is only required if it is part of the address of the consignee (some EU member states do not yet have postal codes as part of addresses). Include country codes with the phone number.(I.7) COUNTRY OF ORIGIN/ ISO CODEEnter US for the country of origin and US-O for the ISO code. (I.9) COUNTRY OF DESTINATION/ISO CODEEnter the EU country of destination and the appropriate ISO Code for that country.(Austria AT; Belgium BE; Bulgaria BG; Croatia HR; Cyprus CY; Czech Republic CZ; Denmark DK; Estonia EE; Finland FI; France FR; Germany DE; Greece GR; Hungary HU; Ireland IE; Italy IT; Latvia LV; Lithuania LT; Luxembourg LU; Malta MT; Netherlands NL; Poland PL; Portugal PT; Romania RO; Slovakia SK, Slovenia SL, Spain ES; Sweden SE; and the United Kingdom/Northern Ireland GB).(I.11) PLACE OF ORIGINEnter the following information for the approved facility from which the finished product being dispatched (Shipped) (This would be the place of production if the product is direct shipped to the EU. Or the warehouse where the product was stored in the US from which the products was dispatched): Establishment NAME (35), ADDRESS (city and state) (225), and EU APPROVAL NUMBER (35). (I.13) PLACE OF LOADING (75)Enter the port (city and state) of exit from the U.S. (place of loading on to the ship or plane). In cases where the port of exit is not known, the location (city and state) of the warehouse from which the consignment is shipped to the port of exit may be used.(I.14) DATE OF DEPARTUREEnter the date of expected consignment departure from the U.S. This should be the date the consignment will depart from the port of exit, but may be the date the consignment departs the warehouse for the port of exit. This date must be after the date the certificate was approved by USDA.DATE OF ARRIVALEnter the date the consignment is expected to arrive at the port of entry.(I.15) MEANS OF TRANSPORTSelect the method used to transport the consignment from the U.S. to the EU. Only one method may be selected. IDENTIFICATION (50)List the name of the shipping line or airline that is expected to be used to transport the consignment from the port of exit to the EU. The EU is believed to require the identification of a specific ship or Flight number in this box. AMS will indorse the certificate if this is left blank. However, the risk of refusal at port of the certificate due to this missing information is the shipper’s. DOCUMENTATION REFERENCE (50)This may be left blank if the consignee is located in the EU. Note: If the “Identification” or “Documentary reference” information changes after the certificate is endorsed, the exporter must notify EU officials at the border inspection Point (BIP) of the change prior to arrival of the consignment. However, the certificate does not need to be amended and AMS does not have to document the change. The exporter cannot make changes to the certificate. No alterations may be made to the certificate after the endorsement by AMS.(I.16) ENTRY BIP IN EUEnter the EU Border Inspection Post (BIP). This is the port of first arrival into the EU. The official BIP code should be provided. The exporter should work with the importer to confirm that the official BIP code is used. A list of official EU BIP code can be found in Exhibit 2 at the end of this document. (I.18) DESCRIPTION OF COMMODITY (100)Include a general description of the exported products, e.g. milk products. This information should correspond to the HS code that will be entered in block I.19.(I.19) COMMODITY CODE (HS CODE)(100)Enter the appropriate Harmonized System (HS) code(s) of the World Customs Organization for the products in the shipment. The exporter should work with the importer to confirm that the appropriate code is used. A list of HS codes for dairy products can be found in Exhibit 3 attached to this document.(I.20) QUANTITY Enter both the GROSS and NET WEIGHT of the consignment. The EU has indicated that both are required. Gross weight is the weight including the packaging. The EU has indicated that the Shipping container weight does not have to be included. Net weight is the weight of the materials shipped not including packaging. Only METRIC units (i.e., MT, KG or grams) may be used.(I.21) TEMPERATURE OF PRODUCTSelect the appropriate box for the commodity shipped. (255)(I.22) NUMBER OF PACKAGES (30)Enter the total number of packages in the consignment.(I.23) IDENTIFICATION OF CONTAINER/SEAL NUMBEREnter the CONTAINER (255) and SEAL NUMBER (255). Container and seal numbers (if applicable) must be included. Enter in N/A if shipping via air.(I.24) TYPE OF PACKAGINGEnter a brief description of the type of packaging, for example: 25 kg corrugated boxes; 25kg kraft bags with poly liners.(I.25) COMMODITIES CERTIFIED FOR:Check the box for “Human Consumption.” This box must be checked by the applicant. AMS does not have authority to issue export certificates on products for animal feed. All certificates for animal feed products are issued by USDA Animal Health Protection Inspection Service (APHIS). By checking this box the applicant is certifying that the product is being exported as and will be used for human consumption. (I.27) FOR IMPORT OR ADMISSION INTO THE EUCheck this box for those shipments that are destined for an EU country as their final destination. If the consignment is transiting through the European Community you must request an EU Transit Certificate.(I.28) IDENTIFICATION OF COMMODITIESSPECIESProvide the species (Scientific name) from which the milk was obtained to make the product. The scientific name for cows is Bovine; for sheep is Ovine: and for goats is Caprine. APPROVAL NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENT MANUFACTURING PLANTProvide the approval number of the treatment and/or processing establishment approved to export to the EU. A maximum of three plants may be included on one certificate.NUMBER OF PACKAGES (30)Enter the total number of packages in the consignment from each approved WEIGHTEnter the total net weight of the product form each approved plant. Only METRIC units (i.e., MT, KG or grams) may be used.BATCH NUMBER (255)Provide all the batch numbers from each plant that are in this consignment.SIGNATUREA responsible company official must sign all certificate requests that are faxed or mailed in. DateProvide the date of this certificate request. Exhibit 1(This Certificate of Conformance must be provided with each request for health certificates issued by the Dairy Grading Branch, Dairy Programs, Agricultural Marketing Service, United States Department of Agriculture, for shipment to the EU. The Certificate of Conformance shall be provided on company letterhead that includes company name, address, and phone number. This Certificate of Conformance shall be signed and dated for each shipment of product; “blanket certificates” are not acceptable.) Certificate of ConformanceApplicant European Union Certification:I hereby certify that all of the dairy products and/or dairy ingredients used for the production of the products included in the attached request for certification were produced from raw milk meeting the somatic cell (400,000 per ml.) and bacterial standard plate count (100,000 per ml.) requirements of Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 Annex III, Section IX, Chapter I, III Criteria for Raw Milk.The signer of this Certificate of Conformance acknowledges sole responsibility for maintaining adequate records to trace the production and Certificates of Conformance for all dairy products or ingredient use in the products presented for certification. Failure to maintain such records will cause ineligibility to receive certifications to the European Union.Signature and title of individual providing certificationDate PRODUCT NAME, LOT NUMBERS AND MANUFACTURING DATES COVERED BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE ARE LISTED BELOW:Exhibit 2Border Inspection Posts (BIP) in the European Union CountryPort NamePort CodeTypeCommentsAUSTRIALinzAT LNZ 4AirportAUSTRIAWienSchwechatAT VIE 4AirportViennaBELGIUMAntwerpenBE ANR 1PortAntwerpBELGIUMBrusselZaventemBE BRU 4AirportBrusselsBELGIUMLiegeBE LGG 4AirportBELGIUMZeebrugge BE ZEE 1PortBULGARIABurgasBG BOJ 1PortBULGARIASofiaBG SOF 4AirportBULGARIAVarnaBG VAR 1PortCYPRUSLarnakaCY LCA 4AirportCYPRUSLimassolCY LMS 1PortCZECH REPUBLICPrague RuzyneCZ PRG 4AirportPragueDENMARKAalborg 1 (Greenland Port)DK AAL 1aPortAalborgDENMARKAalborg 2 (Greenland Port)DK AAL 1bPortAalborgDENMARKAarhusDK AAR 1PortAarhusDENMARKEsbjergDK EBJ 1PortDENMARKFredericiaDK FRC 1PortDENMARKHirtshalsDK HIR 1PortDENMARKBillundDK BLL 4AirportDENMARKKobenhavnDK CPH 4AirportCopenhagenDENMARKSkagenDK SKA 1PortESTONIAMuugaEE MUG 1PortESTONIAPaldiskiEE PLS 1PortFINLANDHaminaFI HMN 1PortFINLANDHelsinkiFI HEL 4AirportFINLANDHelsinkiFI HEL 1PortFRANCEBordeauxFR BOD 4AirportFRANCEBordeauxFR BOD 1PortFRANCEBrestFR BES 1PortFRANCECh?teauroux-DéolsFR CHR 4AirportCh?teaurouxFRANCEDunkerqueFR DKK 1PortDunkirkFRANCELe HavreFR LEH 1PortFRANCELyon-Saint ExupéryFR LIO 4AirportLyonFRANCEMarseille Port (15)FR MRS 1PortMarseilleFRANCEMarseille Fos-sur-MerFR FOS 1PortMarseilleFRANCEMarseille AirportFR MRS 4AirportMarseilleFRANCENantes Saint-NazaireFR NTE 1PortNantesFRANCENiceFR NCE 4AirportFRANCEOrlyFR ORY 4AirportParisFRANCERoissy Charles-de-GaulleFR CDG 4AirportParisFRANCERouenFR URO 1PortFRANCESeteFR SET 1PortFRANCEToulouse-BlagnacFR TLS 4AirportToulouseFRANCEVatryFR VRY 4AirportGERMANYBerlinTegelDE TXL 4AirportBerlinGERMANYBremenDE BRE 1PortGERMANYBremerhavenDE BRV 1PortGERMANYDusseldorfDE DUS 4AirportGERMANYFrankfurt/MainDE FRA 4AirportFrankfurtGERMANYHahn AirportDE HNH 4AirportFrankfurtGERMANYHamburg AirportDE HAM 4AirportHamburg GERMANYHamburg HafenDE HAM 1PortHamburg GERMANYHannover-LangenhagenDE HAJ 4AirportLangenhagenGERMANYJade-Weser-Port WilhelmshavenDE WVN 1PortGERMANYK?lnDE CGN 4AirportCologneGERMANYLeipzig-HalleDE LEJ 4AirportSchkeuditzGERMANYMünchenDE MUC 4AirportMunichGERMANYSch?nefeldDE SXF 4AirportBerlinGERMANYStuttgartDE STR 4AirportGREECEAstakosGR AST 1PortGREECEAthens International AirportGR ATH 4AirportAthensGREECEPireas PortGR PIR 1PortPireausGREECEThessalonikiGR SKG 4AirportGREECEThessalonikiGR SKG 1PortHUNGARYBudapest-Liszt Ferenc Nemzetk?zi Repül?térHU BUD 4AirportBudapestIRELANDPort Dublin IE DUB 1PortDublinIRELANDShannon IE SNN 4AirportShannon (County Clare)ITALYAnconaIT AOI 1PortITALYBariIT BRI 1PortITALYBergamoIT BGO 4AirportITALYBologna-Borgo PanigaleIT BLQ 4AirportBolognaITALYCivitavecchia IT CVV 1PortRomeITALYGenovaIT GOA 1PortITALYGioia TauroIT GIT 1PortITALYLa SpeziaIT SPE 1PortITALYLivorno-PisaIT LIV 1PortLivornoITALYLivorno-PisaIT PSA 4AirportLivornoITALYMilano-MalpensaIT MXP 4AirportMilanITALYNapoliIT NAP 1PortITALYPalermoIT PMO 1PortITALYRavennaIT RAN 1PortITALYRoma-FiumicinoIT FCO 4AirportRomeITALYSalernoIT SAL 1PortITALYTarantoIT TAR 1PortITALYTorino-CaselleIT CTI 4AirportTorinoITALYTrapaniIT TPS 1PortITALYTriesteIT TRS 1PortITALYVeneziaIT VCE 4AirportITALYVeneziaIT VCE 1PortITALYVado Ligure SavonaIT VDL 1PortVado LigureLATVIARiga (Riga Port)LV RIX 1aPortRigaLATVIARiga (BFT)LV RIX 1bPortRigaLATVIAVentspilsLV VNT 1PortLITHUANIAMoloLT MOM 1PortLITHUANIAMalku ilankosLT MLM 1PortLITHUANIAPiliesLT PLM 1PortLITHUANIAVilniusLT VNO 4AirportLUXEMBOURGLuxembourgLU LUX 4AirportMALTALuqaMT LUQ 4AirportMALTAMarsaxxlokMT MAR 1PortNETHERLANDSAmsterdamNL AMS 4AirportNETHERLANDSAmsterdamNL AMS 1PortNETHERLANDSEemshaven PortNL EEM 1PortGroningenNETHERLANDSHarlingenNL HAR 1PortNETHERLANDSMaastrichtNL MST 4AirportNETHERLANDSRotterdamNL RTM 1PortNETHERLANDSVlissingenNL VLI 1PortFlushingNORWAYBorgNO BRG 1PortNORWAYLarvikNO LAR 1NORWAYOsloNO OSL 4AirportNORWAYOsloNO OSL1PortPOLANDGdanskPL GDN 1PortPOLANDGdyniaPL GDY 1PortPOLANDSwinoujsciePL SWI 1PortPOLANDSzczecinPL SZZ 1PortPOLANDWarszawa OkeciePL WAW 4AirportWarsawPORTUGALFaroPT FAO 4AirportPORTUGALFunchal (Madeira)PT FNC 4AirportFunchal/MadeiraPORTUGALCani?al (Madeira)PT CNL 1PortMadeiraPORTUGALLisboaPT LIS 4AirportLisbonPORTUGALLisboaPT LIS 1PortLisbonPORTUGALPortoPT OPO 4AirportPORTUGALPortoPT OPO 1PortPORTUGALSinesPT SIE 1PortROMANIABucharest Henri CoandaRO OTP 4AirportBucharestROMANIAConstanta NorthRO CSN 1PortConstantaROMANIAConstanta South AgigeaRO CSA 1PortConstantaSLOVAKIA (Slovak Republic)BratislavaSK BTS 4AirportSLOVENIAKoperSI KOP 1PortSLOVENIALjubljana BrnikSI LJU 4AirportLjubljanaSPAINA Coru?aLaxe ES LCG 1PortSPAINAlgecirasES ALG 1PortSPAINAlicanteES ALC 4AirportSPAINAlicanteES ALC 1PortSPAINAlmeriaES LEI 4AirportSPAINAlmeriaES LEI 1PortSPAINBarcelonaES BCN 4AirportSPAINBarcelonaES BCN 1PortSPAINBilbaoES BIO 4AirportSPAINBilbaoES BIO 1PortSPAINCadizES CAD 1PortSPAINCartagenaES CAR 1PortSPAINCastellón ES CAS 1PortCastellón de la PlanaSPAINCiudad RealES CQM 4AirportSPAINGeronaES GRO 4AirportGironaSPAINGijonES GIJ 1PortSPAINGran CanariaES LPA 4AirportCanary IslandsSPAINHuelvaES HUV 1PortSPAINLas Palmas de Gran CanariaES LPA 1PortLas Palmas (Canary Islands)SPAINMadridES MAD 4AirportSPAINMálagaES AGP 4AirportSPAINMálagaES AGP 1PortSPAINMarínES MAR 1PortSPAINPalma de Mallorca (Majorca) ES PMI 4AirportPalmaSPAINSanta Cruz de Tenerife ES SCT 1PortSanta Cruz de Tenerife SPAINSantanderES SDR 4AirportCantabriaSPAINSantanderES SDR 1PortSPAINSantiago de CompostelaES SCQ 4AirportGaliciaSPAINSevilla ES SVQ 4AirportSPAINSevilla ES SVQ 1PortSPAINTarragonaES TAR 1PortSPAINTenerife SurES TFS 4AirportTenerife Island (Canary Islands)SPAINValenciaES VLC 4AirportSPAINValenciaES VLC 1PortSPAINVigoES VGO 4AirportSPAINVigoES VGO 1PortSPAINVillagarcía-Ribeira-Carami?alES RIB 1PortVillagarciaSPAINVitoria-Gasteiz ES VIT 4AirportSPAINZaragozaES ZAZ 4AirportSWEDENGoteborgSE GOT 1PortSWEDENGoteborg-Landvetter AirportSE GOT 4AirportLandvetter SWEDENHelsingborgSE HEL 1PortSWEDENStockholmSE STO 1PortSWEDENStockholm-ArlandaSE ARN 4AirportStockholmSWITZERLANDGenevaCH GVA 4AirportSWITZERLANDZurichCH ZRH 4AirportUNITED KINGDOMBelfastGB BEL 4AirportUNITED KINGDOMEast MidlandsGB EMA 4AirportUNITED KINGDOMGatwickGB LGW 4AirportLondonUNITED KINGDOMHeathrowGB LHR 4AirportLondonUNITED KINGDOMLiverpoolGB LIV 1PortUNITED KINGDOMManchesterGB MNC 4AirportUNITED KINGDOMPeterheadGB PHD 1PortUNITED KINGDOMStanstedGB STN 4AirportLondonUNITED KINGDOMThamesportGB THP 1PortExhibit 3Harmonized System (HS) code for Dairy ProductsCodeDescription0401Milk and cream, not concentrated or sweetened0402Milk and cream, concentrated or sweetened0403Buttermilk, yogurt, kephir etc., flavored etc. or not0404Whey & milk products nesoi, flavored etc. or not0405Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk0406cheese and curd1702Other sugars, including chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not containing added flavoring or coloring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel1806Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa1901Malt extract; food preparations of flour, groats, meal, starch or malt extract, not containing cocoa or containing less than 40|% by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, not elsewhere specified or included; food preparations of goods of headings|0401|to 0404, not containing cocoa or containing less than 5|% by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, not elsewhere specified or included1905Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products2101Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, tea or maté and preparations with a basis of these products or with a basis of coffee, tea or maté; roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof2103Sauces and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings; mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard2104Soups and broths and preparations therefor; homogenized composite food preparations2105Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not containing cocoa2106Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included2202Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavored, and other non-alcoholic beverages, not including fruit or vegetable juices of heading|20093501Casein, caseinates and other casein derivatives; casein glues3502Albumins (including concentrates of two or more whey proteins, containing by weight more than 80|% whey proteins, calculated on the dry matter), albuminates and other albumin derivatives3504Peptones and their derivatives; other protein substances and their derivatives, not elsewhere specified or included; hide powder, whether or not chromed*Note: To obtain an AMS Dairy Health Export Certificate the foodstuff must contain more than 10 percent dairy ingredients. ................

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