2018 DMC Application

KentuckyTitle II – 2015 OJJDP Formal Grant: Disproportionate Minority Contact 2018-2019 Request for ProposalsAll Applicants must successfully submit an application by PDF with the subject line: Application: DMC 2018 to Tara Burch (tara.burch@) by July 6, 2018, by 4:00 pm EST to be considered. All information is required. Ensure you read, address, and submit all required information. Missing information may cause the application to not be considered.Please note that due to state email firewalls, and restrictions on email attachment size, it will be confirmed when the application is received. If no confirmation is received within 24 hours of submission, please send an email to tara.burch@ to ensure that the application was received. Approximately $80,000 will be available through the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) of the U.S. Department of Justice. The funds have been earmarked for public and private non-profit organizations, city or county governments for addressing disproportionate minority contact in Jefferson, Fayette, Christian, and Hardin counties. Funds will be dispersed as a sub grant to local non-profit agencies and/or local units of government for assessments, research, and programming that addresses disproportionate minority contact. The population to be served will include males and/or females ages 10-18. State agencies are not eligible to apply. The application can be accessed from June 15- July 6, 2018 via the Department of Juvenile Justice website at djj. and the Juvenile Justice Advisory Board website at jjab.. The funding cycle for the grant will be October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019.ContentsGeneral Information3Contact Information4Agency Information5Purpose and Statement of the Problem5Project/Program Description6Goals, Objectives, and Performance Measures7Timeline of Activities10Sustainability/Program Continuation11Budget11Attachments13APPLICATION REQUIREMENTSAll Applicants must successfully submit an application by PDF to Tara Burch (Tara.burch@) by July 6, 2018 by 4:00pm EST to be considered. All information is required. Ensure you read, address, and submit all required information. Missing information may cause the application to not be considered for funding.General InformationAgency Name: Project Name: Agency Address: City/State/Zip+4Federal Tax ID Number: DUNS Number: (N/A if do not have one)KY Vendor Number: (N/A if do not have one)This proposed project is:?New?ContinuationHas your agency received DJJ funding in the past? ?Yes?NoIf yesDates: Has your agency received federal funding in the past? ?Yes. If yes, Name of agency or office:Dates: Funding amount:Have you ever received a Corrective Action Plan??NoContact InformationNo dual roles should be assigned: Agency Representative/CEO – This individual is the official within an applicant organization with the legal authority to give assurances, make commitments, enter into contracts, and execute such documents on behalf of the applicant as may be required by the awarding agency. The signature of the Authorized Representative certifies that commitments made on grant proposals will be honored and ensures that the applicant agrees to the awarding agency’s regulations, guidelines, and policies.Prefix:Name: Title: Address: City/State/Zip+4:Phone:Email:Project Director: The agency contact responsible for the operation of the project and program activity reporting. Prefix:Name: Title: Address: City/State/Zip+4:Phone:Email:Financial Officer: The chief financial officer of the applicant agency (e.g., county auditor, city treasurer, controller, etc.) who will be responsible for all financial aspects of the grant’s management, including financial report submission. Prefix:Name: Title: Address: City/State/Zip+4:Phone:Email:Agency Information Provide a brief description of the agency implementing this grant project. Information should include the mission statement and the location of the program. This section should not exceed one (1) page. The recommended font is Times New Roman, 12-point and should be double-spaced. Purpose and Statement of the ProblemPurpose:“Pursuant to section 223 (a)(22) of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act, which indicates that states must address specific delinquency prevention and system improvements designed to reduce, without establishing or requiring numerical standards or quotas, the disproportionate representation of youth of minority groups who come into contact with the juvenile justice system.”The presence of disproportionality exists if the rate of contact with the juvenile justice system for a specific minority group is statistically significant in contrast to the rate of the majority youth population; the non-Hispanic white population.??In Kentucky, the contact points with the most substantial rates for Black Youth in 2015 are Referral (3.0) Cases Detained (2.0), and Cases Found Guilty (4.4 for all minority youth, 1.2 for Black Youth).?The intent of the DMC core requirement, as it relates to juvenile justice, is to ensure that equal and fair treatment is provided to all youth throughout the juvenile justice continuum, regardless of their racial and/or ethnic status.Kentucky, as a participant in the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) and a recipient of??the Office of Justice Program’s (OJP) Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) formula grant funds, is addressing the DMC core requirement through the guidelines set forth in the Formula Grants??Consolidation Regulations (28 CFR Part§ 31.303 (j)-(k); utilizing??the recommended DMC Reduction Model (Diagram: A-left); addressing??DMC through a continual process that includes the identification of existing DMC; the assessment of identified DMC; interventions for addressing the existing DMC identified; the evaluation of the interventions designed to address existing DMC that is addressed??through intervention; and the on-going monitoring of changes that occur for DMC, as it relates to the preceding steps of the DMC reduction model.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Selection of targeted DMC communities in Kentucky, historically, has been derived mostly through the utilization of population data and measurement of the volumes of minority youth within a given community.??The cumulative total of minority youth of the desired age (10 – 17) in Kentucky is 42,375.??Sixty-percent (60%) of this minority youth population reside in four-of-the-one-hundred and twenty (4-out-of-120) counties in the Commonwealth:??Christian County; Fayette-Lexington; Hardin County and Louisville Metro. In order to mitigate and genuinely impact the presence of DMC within the State of Kentucky, magnitude and volume of population and events must be taken into consideration when focusing DMC efforts and resources.??The greater the volume of events or incidences indicated; the more confidence there is in the statistical analysis for the presence or absence of DMC and rates. Thus, application for capacity building; assessment and/or intervention is currently being focused on these four counties.Statement of the Problem/Needs:Provide a statement of the problem/need, which MUST indicate and identify CONTACT POINT (s) where high(er) rates of disproportionate contact are indicated within the community and the CONTRIBUTING MECHANISMS that have been identified through IDENTIFICATION and ASSESSMENT processes.Project/Program DescriptionProvide a clear and concise description of how the proposed program will be addressing needs of minority youth and how this intervention’s target population will be directed towards impacting the mitigation of DMC. This program must be based on the results of the identification data AND assessment study and must include at least one of the five activities outlined by OJJDP: Diversion: Increasing the availability and improving the quality of diversion programs for minorities who come in contact with the juvenile justice system, such as police diversion programs.Prevention: Providing developmental, operational, and assessment assistance for prevention programs in communities with a high percentage of minority residents, with emphasis on support for community-based organizations that serve minority youth.Reintegration: Providing developmental, operational, and assessment assistance for programs designed to reduce recidivism by facilitating the reintegration of minority youth in the community following release from dispositional commitments.Policies and Procedures: Providing technical assistance that addresses necessary changes in statewide and local, executive, judicial, and legal representation policies and procedures.Staffing and Training: Providing technical assistance that addresses staffing and training needs that will positively impact the disproportionate contact of minority youth in the juvenile justice system.This should include target populations and referral source as well as facility and staffing information including projected days(s) and time(s) of operation. If this will be a new program for your agency, include information on start up, staffing and facility. This section should not exceed five (5) pages. The recommended font is Times New Roman, 12-point font and should be double-spaced. Geographic Boundaries: Identify what areas this project will serve including schools and/or zip codes or designated neighborhood in the county to be served.?Jefferson County: _________________________________________?Fayette County: ___________________________________________?Christian County: __________________________________________?Hardin County: ____________________________________________Serving Youth and Families:?Yes (Please identify how youth, parental, familial or youth guardian’s services and involvement are integrated and addressed in this project).?NoProgram Component Totals:Total Number of Program Components:Total Number of Youths to be Served:Total Number of Families to be Served:Total Number of Programming Hours:Resources and Collaborations:Clearly and concisely, indicate what resources and collaborations will be established and/or utilized to assist with successful implementation/continuation of this project as well as achieve established goals for the program/project. These may include but are not limited to, indications of in-kind contributions, collaborations, information sharing efforts, or use of volunteers or referral contacts. (Please include any letters of agreement for in-kind match or collaborations).Also, identify additional sources of funding that will complement this project in the format below. For each source of funding, you must complete amount, grant period for which it is funded, and how funds are generated. Source of Funding & How Funds will be UtilizedEstimated Value of Donated Service or GoodPeriod in which donated goods or services will be receivedFederal State or Privately Generated (choose one)Goals, Objectives, and Performance Measures Goals and Objectives: Provide the goals and objectives for the proposed intervention based off of the problem/needs and activities defined above.Goals state the overall intent of the program to change, reduce, or eliminate the problem described. The goal is a broad statement about what the program intends to accomplish and, therefore, should be written in general terms. It is also the intended long-term result of the program.?Example:??To reduce minority over-representation at referral (point of contact).The objectives should be derived from the program goals and explains how the grantee will accomplish the program goal. The objectives should be based on outcomes off the RRI and local assessment. Output objectives can be categorized into the following 3 output objectives: Increased organizational/system capacity, Improved planning and development, and/or Improved program activities. Outcome Objectives can be categorized into the following six types of outcome objectives: Reduce delinquency, Increase Accountability, Improve System Effectiveness, Increase Pro Social Behaviors, Increase Program Support, and Reduce DMC.?Objectives are well-defined, specific, quantifiable statements of the desired results of the program, and they should include the target level of accomplishment, thereby further defining goals and providing the means to measure program performance. Objectives should be SMART: that is, Specific, Measurable Attainable, Related to the goal, and Time Specific.GoalsObjectivesShort or Long Term GoalAnticipated Date of CompletionPerformance Measures: Evaluation of a project will consist of the accumulation of output and outcome measures. Awardees will be required to report progress on all Performance Measures applicable. If not applicable or unable to collect, you must provide justification as to why you are not able to report on the measure.Award recipients will be required to assist in data collections as required for this grant by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Agency is willing to measure, track, and report on the identified output and outcome indicators in the prescribed format? ____ YES____ NO**Agency Representative/CEO must InitialAgency has the technology needed to collect data in the prescribed format? ____ YES____ NO**Agency Representative/CEO must InitialOUTPUTSRelevant to Project?Number of Full-Time Employees Funded by Title II Federal Funds?Yes ?NoNumber of Programs Implemented?Yes ?NoNumber and Percentage of Program Staff Trained?Yes ?NoNumber of Hours Program Staff Training Provided?Yes ?NoNumber of Non-Program Personnel Trained?Yes ?NoNumber of Hours of Non-Program Personnel Training Provided.?Yes ?NoNumber of Program Materials Developed?Yes ?NoNumber of Program Youth Served?Yes ?NoNumber of Service Hours Completed?Yes ?NoAverage Length of Stay in Program?Yes ?NoNumber of Planning Activities Conducted?Yes ?NoNumber of Assessment Studies Conducted?Yes ?NoNumber of Data Improvement Projects Implemented?Yes ?NoNumber of Objective Decision-Making Tools Developed?Yes ?NoNumber of Program/Agency Policies or Procedures Created, Amended, or Rescinded?Yes ?No*For any OUTPUT measures marked no, please explain.OUTCOMESRelevant to Project?Number of State Agencies Reporting Improved Data Collection Systems?Yes ?NoNumber of Local Agencies Reporting Improved Data Collection Systems?Yes ?NoNumber of Minority Staff Hired?Yes ?NoNumber of Percent of Program Youth Who Offend ?Yes ?NoNumber of Percent of Program Youth Who Re-Offend?Yes ?NoNumber and Percent of Program Youth Exhibiting Desired Change in BehaviorSubstance UseSchool AttendanceFamily RelationshipsAnti-Social Behaviors?Yes ?No?Yes ?No?Yes ?No?Yes ?NoNumber and Percent of Program Youth Completing Requirements?Yes ?NoNumber and Percent of Program Families Satisfied with Program?Yes ?NoNumber and Percent of Program Youth Satisfied with Program?Yes ?NoNumber and Percent of Program Staff with Increased Knowledge of Program Area?Yes ?NoNumber and Percent of Non-Program Personnel with Increased Knowledge of Program Area?Yes ?NoNumber of Contributing Factors Determined from Assessment Studies?Yes ?NoNumber of Contact Points Reporting Reduction in Disproportionality at the Local Level?Yes ?NoNumber and Percent of Recommendations from Assessment Studies Implemented?Yes ?No*For any OUTCOMES measures marked no, please explain.You will be required to report quarterly progress on all Performance Measures that are selected above. The Department of Juvenile Justice may require additional reporting items from this list as its discretion. Clearly and concisely, describe a comprehensive plan for obtaining required information and data for evaluation of the program (outputs and outcomes). Data Sources: (Check all that are applicable)?Program Attendance Records? School Referral Records? School Attendance Records? Court Records? Incident Reports? Case Records? Other: ______________Data Collection Method:Who will collect the data?When will the data be collected?How will the data be used?Timeline of ActivitiesPresent an outline of projected activities directed toward the implementation/continuation of this program/project by quarter. The recommended font is Times New Roman, 12-point and should be double-spaced. This section should not exceed three pages.First QuarterOctober:November:December:Second QuarterJanuary:February:March:Third QuarterApril:May:June:Fourth QuarterJuly:August:September:Sustainability/Program ContinuationGrants will be dispersed via reimbursement on a monthly basis. Program costs may be dispersed as a per diem rate inclusive of personnel costs. Grantees should plan to continue projects beyond grant cycle. Clearly and concisely, describe continued plans for obtaining sustainability and fill in chart information as needed.What needs continued funding?What sources will be sought out?Who will pursue the sources?What is the projected date sources will be obtained?(1)(2)(3)(4)*Applicants must attach a full agency budget.BudgetPersonnel:Please attach a current job description and resume for each position. If the position is not funded 100% by this grant, please specify which duties/activities would be funded and which would not.Name:Position:Annual Salary:Percent on Project:Total Annual Salary:Number of Months on Project:Project Salary:Fringe BenefitsRate Per MonthTotalFlexible Spending or HealthEmployee RetirementAgency RetirementWorkers CompensationFICAUnemployment InsuranceOther (Total Annual Cost)Total FringeAnnual Grant SalaryFederal ShareTotal CostContractual Services:Compensation for individual consultant services is to be reasonable and consistent with that paid for similar services in the marketplace. The current rate for each grant-making component is not to exceed $650 per day or $81.25 per hour.NameAffiliationSpecialtyFederal ShareTotal CostContractual Services Total:Travel and Training:Requested travel expenses shall not exceed the established mileage and substance policy as set forth by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Finance and Administration Cabinet. If agency travel and reimbursement policies are more restrictive than state and/or federal regulations, the most restrictive rate or policy must be used to determine the cost assigned to the budget.?Each awardee will be required to attend a SEJAY approved in-state training that incorporates the necessary balance of cultural competency, healing dialogue, and implicit bias in which funds should not be included in the budget below. Additionally each applicant has the option to include travel costs to one (1) national conference approved by the SEJAY at no more than 15% of the total requested funds. ExpenseFederal ShareTotal CostAirfareLodgingMealsMileageRegistration/Tuition FeeMiscellaneousTravel TotalOperating Expenses:Examples of Operating Expenses include supplies, rent, utilities, postage, etc. ItemFederal ShareTotal CostOperating Expenses TotalMiscellaneous:ItemFederal ShareTotal CostMiscellaneous TotalBudget Narrative:Provide detailed information pertaining to each of the expenditures listed in the above budget. Please provide any necessary justification for listed items. This should include a narrative detailing calculation method and necessity of all project costs listed on above budget (Personnel, Contractual Services, Training and Travel, Operating Expenses and Miscellaneous).Budget Summary:Federal ShareTotal FundingPersonnelContractual ServicesTravel/TrainingOperating ExpensesMiscellaneousTotalsAttachmentsRequired:A letter of support from the CDW Program.A letter of support from a local juvenile justice collaborative identified in Section E: Resources and Collaborations.Job Descriptions (relevant to the Personnel section).Resumes of pertinent staff involved with the program. Full agency budgetAgency Organizational ChartAudit Findings (see page 14)Limited English Proficiency Plan (see page 16)Equal Employment Opportunity (see page 17)Optional: Additional letters of support from community partners.Attachment AAudit RequirementsSTATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUDIT REQUIREMENTSOMB Circular A-133 “Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Institutions,” (06/24/1997) (includes revisions published in Federal Register 6/27/2003.)??For more information please Click Here. Audit Threshold:Non-federal entities that expend $750,000 or more in federal funds (from all sources including pass through sub-awards) in the organization fiscal year (12-month turnaround reporting period) shall have a single organization wide audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133.Non-federal entities that expend less than $750,000 a year in federal awards are exempt from federal audit requirements for that year.??However, a financial audit may be required for any project expending greater than $100,000.??Records must be available for review by appropriate officials including the federal agency, Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, Department of Juvenile Justice and General Accounting Office (GAO).Due Dates for Audit Reports:A copy of the most current audit report and any management letter(s) available are required with the submission of the grant application.??Future audits are due no later than nine (9) months after the close of each fiscal year during the term of the award.Audit Costs:The Department of Juvenile Justice will not reimburse any audit costs. (It is recommended that this information be provided by the Chief Financial Officer)1) Did the applicant agency expend $750,000.00 or more in federal funds in the organization’s last fiscal year?___ Yes___ No2) Were there any reportable conditions noted? ___ Yes___ No3) Were there any material weaknesses noted?___ Yes___ No?Please choose one of the following options: ___I have attached the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards Audit.___I will our mail Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Award's Audit.___Agency is not required to submit the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards Audit.? ___Our Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Award's Audit is available electronically at:??NOTE:??Please list sub-award(s) on the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA), as "Pass-Through Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice".Certifications:Has the applicant undergone any of the following types of audits (check all that apply):___ Single Audit under OMB A-133 or Support F of 2 C.F.R. Part 200___ Finance Statement Audit___ Defense Contract Agency Audit___Other Audit What year was the most recent audit completed? _______________Name of audit agency/firm: _________________________________________On the most recent audit, what was the auditor’s opinion? ___ Unqualified Opinion ___ Qualified Opinion ___ Disclaimer Concern or Adverse Opinion___ N/A: no audits as describe aboveNumber of findings: _______________Dollar amount of questioned costs (if none, enter $0) __________________Were material weaknesses noted? ___Yes ____NoATTACHMENT BLimited English ProficiencyThe federal government, and those receiving assistance from the federal government, must take reasonable steps to ensure that Limited English Proficient (LEP) persons have meaningful access to the programs, services and information those entities provide.??This will require agencies to develop creative solutions to address the needs of this ever-growing population of individuals whose primary language is not English.??Agencies must establish and implement policies and procedures for language assistance services that provide LEP persons with meaningful access, without additional charge.Persons who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, speak, write or understand English can be LEP.??These individuals are entitled to language assistance with respect to a particular type of service, benefit or encounter.??All programs and operations of entities that receive assistance from the federal government must comply with providing services to LEP individuals.??These services include providing oral language services and providing translation of written materials.??Applicants are required to have a LEP plan.??Please attach a copy of your agency's LEP plan.ATTACHMENT cEqual EmploymentEach implementing agency receiving Office of Justice Programs assistance within the criminal justice system which has 50 or more employees and which has received grants or sub-grants of $25,000.00 or more pursuant to and since the enactment of the Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended, and which has a service population with a minority representation of three (3) percent or more, is required to formulate, implement and maintain an equal employment opportunity program.A certificate of compliance stating an EEOP is in existence in accordance with the regulations is required prior to the authorization of Office of Justice Programs funding.??The filing of such a certificate when no EEOP exists may legally constitute a false, fictitious or fraudulent statement with the intent to defraud the United States.??In filing an EEOP certificate under those circumstances, the signatory may be subject to a fine of not more than $10,000.00 or a prison term of not more than five (5) years.??16 United States Code 1001.??Those who joined in this endeavor may legally be part of a conspiracy to defraud the United States and could be subject to the same penalty.??18 United States Code 371.Please note, agencies are exempt from completing an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan if they:??have less than 50 employees, are a non-profit organization; are a medical institution; or are receiving an award less than $25,000.?? See 28 C.F.R §§ 42.301-.308 for further information.In addition, you must choose one of the following options:*___?Implementing Agency IS required to submit an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan to Office for Civil Rights, US Department of Justice and has done so as required.____ Implementing Agency is NOT required to submit an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan to Office for Civil Rights, US Department of Justice. You must submit certification stating you are NOT required to submit an EEO Plan.Applicants may obtain a copy of the certification form below: click here to go to the website. You must review the link below to view the PowerPoint presentation provided by Office of Civil Rights, US Department of Justice.Equal Employment Opportunity PowerPoint Presentation___I have viewed and understand the attached Equal Employment Opportunity presentation. ................

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