Istanbul, Turkey

+90 532 680 1470 / tugbatugman@


Free Lance “HR Professional & Professional Coach” 2011 January-

• Soft Skill Development Trainings (Highlights: Managerial Skill Development / Coaching Skills (ADLER Certified Trainer ) & New System Introduction Trainings)

• Individual & Corporate Professional Coaching Services (member of International Coach Federation (ICF))

• Setting up and/or improvement of HR Systems (Highlights: Resourcing, Assessment & Development Center, Performance Management and Talent Management)

LG Electronics 2008 November- 2010 December

Human Resources Manager

• Heads the HR Department which supports an organization of 105 white collar employees in Turkey

• Direct Report to Managing Director

• Manages a team of 2 HR and 5 Administrative personnel

• Has structured LGE Turkey HR department by developing, documenting and implementing the following:

o Definition of roles & responsibilities and KPIs for all departments with specific attention to Sales & Mkt. Department

o Headcount and manpower cost planning

o Employee Handbook (including basic employment processes, office hours, benefits, expense policy etc.)

o A detailed personnel folder structure including personal and professional details of each employee (Both legal and globally required employee data on ERP)

o Organization wide Corporate training to all levels covering Company values, ethics, business principles and Company History

o “Global Leader Programme” LG Certified Trainer for Turkey and MEA Region

o Setting up of a HR Committee including Board Members to tap into HR issues

o Off- site and on- site team building activities

o Supervision of outsource Payroll Services

Peppers & Rogers Management Consultancy 2005 October- 2008 October

An American Management Consulting Company with business focus on adding value to customers for development of Customer Centric Marketing Strategies; Turkey office acting as the hub for Middle East and Eastern Europe Region operating mainly in Dubai, Kuwait, Saudi, South Africa and lately in Belgium.

Human Resources Director

• Heads the HR Department which supports an organization of 150 white collar employees in Turkey and Dubai offices.

• Direct Report to Managing Director

• Manages a team of 2 HR and 5 Administrative personnel

• Coordinates and supervises HR functions of the offices in Dubai, Kuwait and Turkey

• Has structured PRG HR department by developing, documenting and implementing the following:

o Position based competency framework and definitions

o A “Coaching for Performance” training programme with follow- up sessions

o Personnel Handbooks on “Performance and Career Development”, “Company Policy & Procedures” and “Expense Policy”

o Compensation and Benefits Structure and Policy

o HR Budgeting and Planning

o A yearly based, position and level defined training programme implemented through both in- house and external resources including trainers from England and USA

o Employee retention programme including an “employee health check” process, workshops with senior managers, social events and recognition programmes

BARAKA Consulting Group 2003 August-2005 October

A Turkish boutique human resources consulting firm specialized in building human resources systems for both local and multinational clients. Some multinational clients include Adidas, Gillette, GE, Bosch and Coca Cola.

Trainer and HR Consultant

• Structuring of a performance management system for a multinational client. Defined job descriptions and job profiles for each position through one to one interviews and group discussion sessions

• Giving performance management training to both supervisors and subordinates

• Participation to performance feedback sessions of manager and above levels as a facilitator

• Preparation of training materials including relevant content sections, choosing and performing business games, presentation of the selected topics and holding all facilitation roles such as warm- up, debriefing sessions and group discussions. Trainings with active participation are:

o Strategic Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

o Time Management

o Meeting Management

o Communication Skills

o Stress Management

o Coaching Skills

o Interview Skills

• Development of pre and post measurements for trainings and other activities to report improvements

• Implementation of an “Organizational Climate” survey for a multinational client and reporting to senior management the improvement areas

• Guiding a team of 10 recruiters for a “mass recruitment project” that aimed to employ approximately 400 employees across Turkey for a newly formed consortium. Defined the selection criteria, held the customer interactions, liased with an online recruitment portal and coordinated the whole recruitment process. Screened and made in-depth interviews and wrote interview reports for specific territories.

UMCOR NGO 2001 July-2002 August

An American non-governmental organization that set up an temporary office in Turkey after 1999 Earthquake for Earthquake Relief Initiatives in Duzce and Yalova Region with liaison offices in Istanbul and Duzce.

Office Manager

• Management of Istanbul and Düzce Office on all administrative and staff related tasks through supervision of two Office assistants and a driver

• Ensured that support systems and policies are in effect in both offices

• Prepared and organized all UMCOR personnel files, time sheet logs and contracts

• Liased with numerous suppliers and UMCOR partners including other NGOs, contractors, attorneys and Municipalities

• Supported the international staff on all personnel-related issues such as work permits, housing etc.

Barem Research International 2001 January- 2001 April

A Turkish market research company which is a member of Research International, the world's largest market research agency, with solid experience in FMCG, durable goods, pharmaceuticals, automotive, telecommunications, textiles and financial services

Assistant Project Manager (Marketing Research)

• Monitoring, facilitating and reporting of focus group discussions

• Analyzing qualitative data and reporting

• Managing customer relations


Graduate Programme 2002- 2005

Marmara University, Turkey

Organizational Behavior, Masters Degree

Thesis on `Management Practices as Determinant of Organizational Climate and the Effect of Climate on Job Satisfaction`

Undergradute Programmes 1994-2000

Boğazici University, Turkey

Guidance and Psychological Counseling & Psychology (Double Major)

GPA: 3.34 (over 4.00)

Graduation with two diplomas on two majors with GPA of 3.34 (over 4.00). Spent half semester for English preparation in the university and half semester in England for conversational English in 1994

University of Georgia, USA 1998-1999


Spent one year in the university on Georgia Rotary Scholarship during which elective courses are completed and cross- cultural activities are held

Community Work

Dolmabahçe Rotaract Club 1996 February- 2005

Rotaract is the “Youth Group” of Rotary International Clubs

President (2000-2001)

General Secretary (1999-2000)

Treasurer (1997-1998)

Trainings and Certificates

Adler Learning 2010 September-

Completed the learning programme for being a Certified Coach through this ICF accredited Coaching School. Currently under certification process.

Adler Certified Trainer for “Positive Change; Leader as a Coach” Programme

Presentation Skills, PDR and Thymos 2007/2008, September

Structured Thinking and Writing Skills, Barbara Minto 2007, November

Negotiation Skills, Tribün 2007, June

“Master Coach Programme”, London 2006, November

(Behavioral Coaching Institute)

One of six people in Turkey, certified as a “master coach” on the global directory in 2006

Certification by “Behavioral Coaching Institute” which is the world's first international professional coach training institution. Since 1998, the Institute has conducted advanced trainings at over 200 universities, corporate institutions and government agencies and their best-selling text books are published around the world in multiple languages.

Consulting Skills, Elevation Learning, London 2006, June

Lominger Leadership Architect, Brussels 2005, March

Leadership Architect Suite Certification for the certified use of Competency Development Methodology of Lominger International which is a US company with focus on Competency-based leadership development resources

Transactional Analysis Association 2005/ 2007, January

Transactional Analysis Course (TA 101 & TA 202), Certificate

İstanbul Group Psychotherapy Association 2000/ 2002 November

Psychodrama First Level Course

Psychomed 1999 September- 2006

Training & Supervision on Family Therapy

Publication: “ Family Therapy Dictionary” published by “Türkiye Psikologlar Derneği”, 2006


Tennis, Fitness and Water & Snow Ski, Go-Karts

Computer Applications

MS Office Applications

Intermediate SPSS (Statistics Programme for Social Sciences)

Foreign Languages

Advanced English, Beginner German

Other Certificates and Awards

Boğaziçi University Honor List (2000)

Georgia Rotary Student Program Success Certificate (1999)

Staines Rotaract Club, England Honorary Member (1994)

References (contact details available upon request)

Peter Stickler / LG Global Former CHO

Adrian Cojocaru / Oerlikon CHO


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