Kim O’Connell-Brock, MS, ATC/L

Kim O’Connell-Brock, MS, ATC/L

(575)646-5744 (w)


Masters of Science in Athletic Training,

California University of Pennsylvania

Graduated Suma Cum Laude 1995

Thesis: Psychological and emotional response to catastrophic injury and

sudden death in high school athletics.

Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training Education,

New Mexico State University, 1994



2015 – present College Assistant Professor, Assistant Director and Rehabilitation Coordinator, Athletic

Training Program, Department of Kinesiology & Dance, Las Cruces, NM

2009 – 2015 College Faculty, Instructor, Rehabilitation Coordinator, Assistant Director, Department of Kinesiology & Dance, Las Cruces, NM

2008 – 2009 Interim Director, Athletic Training Education Program, New Mexico State University,

Department of Human Performance, Dance & Recreation, Las Cruces, NM

2002 – 2007 Assistant Director, Athletic Training Education Program, New Mexico State University,

Department of Human Performance, Dance & Recreation, Las Cruces, NM

Courses of record:

|SPM 191 Medical Terminology |SPM 272 Clinical Practicum I |

|SPM 273 Clinical Practicum II |SPM 375 Therapeutic Exercise |

|SPM 373 Clinical Practicum III |SPM 383 Clinical Practicum III Seminar |

|SPM 411 Pharmacology |SPM 415 Therapeutic Modalities |

|SPM 420 Orthopedic Examination, Evaluation and Diagnosis of Core, |SPM 422 Clinical Practicum V |

|Spine and Head Injuries | |

|SPM 423 Clinical Practicum VI – General Medical Conditions |SPM 425 Management Strategies in Athletic Training |

|SPM 424 Clinical Practicum VII with Seminar |SPM 426 Clinical Practicum VI Seminar |

|SPM 433 Clinical Practicum V Seminar |SPM 499 Manual Therapy in Athletic Training (Special Topics in |

| |Athletic Training) |

|PEP 515 Advanced Athletic Training Education | |

2004. Instructor, Dona Ana Branch Community College. Department of Health Occupations, Las Cruces, NM

|OEHO 120 Medical Terminology |OEHO 140 Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology |

|OEHO 153 Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology |OEHO 202 Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care |



2009 – present Head Athletic Trainer, New Mexico State University Dance Companies: Contemporary

Dance Theater, Dance Sport/Crimson Rhythm, and Sol y Arena

2002 – present Head Athletic Trainer, New Mexico State University Rodeo Teams

2006 – present Athletic Trainer – Justin Sports Medicine local volunteer and Justin Assistant , Las Cruces, NM

1996 – 2002 Certified Athletic Trainer – NovaCare, Las Cruces, NM

1996 – 2000 Assistant Athletic Trainer – Mayfield High School, Las Cruces, NM

1995 – 1996 Certified Athletic Trainer – Hand Therapy Associates, NovaCare, Tucson, AZ


2013 O’Connell-Brock, K, Cripps, A., Boham, M., “Baseline Symptom Score Varies by Method of Delivery in Athletics”, proposed abstract for NATA symposium.

2012 Boham, M., O’Connell, K. , "Unusual Thoracic Chance Fracture in a Rodeo Athlete", accepted for publication, Journal of Athletic Training, August 2012.

2011 Boham, Mikaela, O'Connell-Brock, Kim, "Examining a collegiate rodeo population for ImPACT concussion analysis", data collection

2010. IRB approval for study: “Correlation Between Grip Strength and Riding

Percentage for College Rodeo Rough Stock Riders” study in progress

2010. IRB approval for study: “Exploring the Prevalence and Availability of Athletic Trainers

Working with College Rodeo Programs” study in progress


2014 Boham, M., O’Connell, K. “Unusual Mechanism of Injury Resulting in a Thoracic

Chance Fracture in a Rodeo Athlete: A Case Report” Journal of Athletic Training 2014;

49(2): 274-279


2009 Brock, K., Gallegos, D., Schneider, E., “Promoting Effective Emergency Action Plans” Coaches’ Quarterly, Summer 2009


2015 Presenter/Speaker for the Justin Rodeo Sports Medicine Conference: Caring for the Injured Rodeo Athlete; Case Studies: “Pubic Rami Fracture in a Tie Down Roper” and “Myositis Ossificans of the Quadriceps in a Rough Stock Rider” in Las Vegas, Nevada, December 7, 2015

2014 Presenter/Speaker for New Mexico Athletic Trainers Association Clinical Symposium “Mass Casualty Incidents and the Athletic Trainer” in Aztec, New Mexico, May 30, 2014

2010 Case Study: Behind the Chutes: Bareback, Burst Fracture, and Back presented at the Justin Sports Medicine Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, December 7, 2010

2010 Poster presentation of Case Study: Behind the Chutes: Bareback, Burst Fracture and Back, presented at the 10th Annual URC Research and Creative Activities Fair, October 1, 2010.

2010 Workshop “Interviewing Skills for Athletic Trainers in 2010” presented at the Rocky Mountain Athletic Trainers Conference, April 9, 2010.

2008. Initial ACI training for New Mexico Military Institute Athletic Training Education Program

2004 Seminar for Master Percussion Students at NMSU: “Myofascial pain syndromes, nerve

entrapments, compartment syndromes and repetitive strain issues of the upper extremity in


2003 Presentation in Health Career Exploration at Camino Real Middle Schools Health and

Medical Science Magnet class.

2002 & 2003 High School Athletic Training Student Clinic at NMSU - 3 day clinic for high school students


2014 Outstanding Service Award from the New Mexico Athletic Trainers’ Association, presented at the annual business meeting and symposium for outstanding service and continued support

2013-2014 Healing Hands Award, New Mexico State University Dance Program

2009. College of Education Deans Award for Excellence in Leadership


August 2015 Writing-To-Learn Mini-Grant recipient – ongoing participation over 3 years in a mentorship program during which participants learn to use informal writing as a tool to enhance undergraduate student knowledge about and understanding of course content. This program is part of the university wide Quality Initiative on writing.

April 2015 Rocky Mountain Athletic Trainers Association District Meeting, Mesa, AZ

June 2014 Tenure and Promotion portfolio Workshop – NMSU Teaching Academy

2013-2014 Justin Rodeo Sports Medicine Conference, Las Vegas, NM

October 2013 International Association for Dance Medicine & Science 23rd Annual Meeting and Symposium,

October 17-20th in Seattle, WA

2013 Athletic Training Educators’ Conference in Dallas, TX

October 2012 NMSU Procurement Card Policies and Procedures Training

July 2012 NMSU Going Mobile course – College of Education

February 2012 Promotion for College-Track Faculty Workshop – NMSU Teaching Academy

2009 – 2011 Justin Rodeo Sports Medicine Conference, Las Vegas, NV

2002 - 2013 Rocky Mountain Athletic Trainers Association District Meetings

1999 & 2000 National Athletic Trainers Association Annual Meetings

1996 – 2014 New Mexico Athletic Trainers Association State Meetings

2009 Athletic Training Educators’ Conference in Washington D.C

2007 Athletic Training Educators’ Conference in Dallas, TX

2005 Athletic Training Educators’ Conference in Houston, TX

2007 ITAL (Institute of Technology Assisted Learning) Graduate, Teaching Academy, New

Mexico State University

2006 Writing Across the Curriculum, Teaching Academy, New Mexico State University

2004. Fostering Critical Thinking in Scientific Disciplines and Across the Curriculum, Teaching

Academy, New Mexico State University


2015 NMSU – KIND search committee for Athletic Training Clinical Education Coordinator

2015 NASA’s White Sands Test Facility Environmental, Innovation, Safety, and Health (EISH) Day,

Promoting current topics on the environment, innovation, safety, and health, the AT program presented on work station practices to promote stretching, good ergonomics and overall health.

2014 NMSU – KIND search committee for Athletic Training Program Director

2013-2014 Taber’s Encyclopedic Medical Dictionary Advisory Board member

2012-present Special Recognition Committee for the Rocky Mountain Athletic Trainers


2011 Moderator for Rocky Mountain Athletic Trainers Association’s Clinical Symposium

in Albuquerque, NM

2010 Moderator for Rocky Mountain Athletic Trainers Association’s Clinical Symposium

in Denver, CO

2009 Moderator for Rocky Mountain Athletic Trainers Association’s Clinical Symposium

in Salt Lake City, UT

2008 Deming High School Career Fair participant

2008 - 2009 NMSU – HPDR search committee for Athletic Training Education Program Director

2008 - 2009 NMSU – HPDR search committee for Athletic Training Education Clinical Coordinator

2008 – 2009 NMSU Student Affairs committee including scholarship review for entire College of Education

2006 – 2011 Convention Planning Committee for Rocky Mountain Athletic Trainers Association

2005 - 2010 Advisor, Association of Athletic Training Students, New Mexico State University

2004. - 2009 Student Advisor/Educator Advisor, Rocky Mountain Athletic Trainers Association

2003. Vice Chair, New Mexico Athletic Trainers Advisory Board

2002 – 2009 Spring Visitors Day, Aggie Experience and Open house presentations for ATEP recruiting


1996 – present New Mexico Athletic Trainer License #152

1995 – present Board Certified Athletic Trainer – Certification #089402570

2007 – present National Athletic Trainers’ Association Education Council – Preceptor

1989 – present Current certification in CPR and AED for the professional rescuer – American Red Cross


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