Software Testing Career Package!

Software Testing Career Package A Software Tester's Journey from Getting a Job to Becoming a Test Leader!A Complete Manual Testing Course with Practical Tips on Job Hunting, Career Planning and Skill Improvement!Copyright ? 2013 Software Testing Help by VIJAY SHINDE & CONTRIBUTING AUTHORSTable of Content TOC \o "1-3" \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc351728840 \h 9Chapter 1 PAGEREF _Toc351728841 \h 10Software Testing as a Career PAGEREF _Toc351728842 \h 10What are the Various Career Options for Software Test Professionals? PAGEREF _Toc351728843 \h 10Career options for software test professionals: PAGEREF _Toc351728844 \h 11The Definitive Guide to Choosing Software Testing as Your Career PAGEREF _Toc351728845 \h 12Should you select software testing as your career? PAGEREF _Toc351728846 \h 12What if you don’t have passion in this field? PAGEREF _Toc351728847 \h 13Are you passionate about software testing but still not getting any job? PAGEREF _Toc351728848 \h 13Software Developer vs. Software Tester – Salary and Career for the Future PAGEREF _Toc351728849 \h 14Salary Comparison: PAGEREF _Toc351728850 \h 14Career for the Future: PAGEREF _Toc351728851 \h 14Getting a Job in Software Testing PAGEREF _Toc351728852 \h 15Getting a Software Testing Job as a Fresher PAGEREF _Toc351728853 \h 16How to Get a Software Testing Job When You Have No Experience? PAGEREF _Toc351728854 \h 16How to Switch to Software Testing from Other Fields? PAGEREF _Toc351728855 \h 19Writing a Good Resume for Software Testing Job Application PAGEREF _Toc351728856 \h 21How Much Time Do You Get to Impress an Employer? PAGEREF _Toc351728857 \h 21How to Make a Great First Impression from Your Resume? PAGEREF _Toc351728858 \h 21FAQ’s About Software Testing Resume: PAGEREF _Toc351728859 \h 21Mention relevant modules/subjects you studied PAGEREF _Toc351728860 \h 23Software testing certifications and training: PAGEREF _Toc351728861 \h 23Conclusion: PAGEREF _Toc351728862 \h 24Software Testing Interview Preparation PAGEREF _Toc351728863 \h 25Preparation before the job interview: PAGEREF _Toc351728864 \h 25Appear confidently at the time of interview: PAGEREF _Toc351728865 \h 25Why You May Not Be Getting a Job in Software Testing? PAGEREF _Toc351728866 \h 27Reasons why you are not getting hired for a testing job - PAGEREF _Toc351728867 \h 27Selecting a Good Institute for Learning Software Testing Skills PAGEREF _Toc351728868 \h 28Switching from Manual to Automation Testing PAGEREF _Toc351728869 \h 29How to start with Automation Testing career? PAGEREF _Toc351728870 \h 29Is manual testing underrated? PAGEREF _Toc351728871 \h 30Which is better to get a Job? PAGEREF _Toc351728872 \h 30Chapter 2 PAGEREF _Toc351728873 \h 31Getting Started in Software Testing - Testing Skills Improvement! PAGEREF _Toc351728874 \h 31How is Actual Testing Process Carried Out in a Company Environment? PAGEREF _Toc351728875 \h 31Testing as it is carried out in each SQA life cycle as per IEEE and ISO Standards: PAGEREF _Toc351728876 \h 32What Testing/QA Process Should Be Introduced On a New Project? PAGEREF _Toc351728877 \h 33Who is responsible for setting up a testing process? PAGEREF _Toc351728878 \h 33How to Start Working On a Test Project When You Are New in QA? PAGEREF _Toc351728879 \h 35Importance of Domain Knowledge PAGEREF _Toc351728880 \h 36What if you are not a domain expert? PAGEREF _Toc351728881 \h 37Writing Effective Test Cases PAGEREF _Toc351728882 \h 38What is a test case? PAGEREF _Toc351728883 \h 38Test cases writing process: How you will start? PAGEREF _Toc351728884 \h 38How to minimize test case writing and execution time? PAGEREF _Toc351728885 \h 39Why you should use test management tool? PAGEREF _Toc351728886 \h 39How to write test cases? PAGEREF _Toc351728887 \h 40Tips to Design Test Data PAGEREF _Toc351728888 \h 42What is test data? PAGEREF _Toc351728889 \h 42How to keep your test data intact for any test environment? PAGEREF _Toc351728890 \h 43How to prepare test data for performance test cases? PAGEREF _Toc351728891 \h 43How to prepare test data that will ensure maximum test coverage? PAGEREF _Toc351728892 \h 44Sample Test Plan Template PAGEREF _Toc351728893 \h 45Test Plan Template: PAGEREF _Toc351728894 \h 45Testing Software Requirements Specifications (SRS) PAGEREF _Toc351728895 \h 52How to measure and freeze requirements in design phase? PAGEREF _Toc351728896 \h 52What is Build Verification Test? PAGEREF _Toc351728897 \h 54Which test cases should be included in BVT? PAGEREF _Toc351728898 \h 55Smoke and Sanity Testing Difference PAGEREF _Toc351728899 \h 57Testing Banking Applications PAGEREF _Toc351728900 \h 58The characteristics of a Banking application: PAGEREF _Toc351728901 \h 58Getting Started with Agile Testing PAGEREF _Toc351728902 \h 62What is agile scrum (sprint) process? PAGEREF _Toc351728903 \h 62Soft Skills for a Scrum Team: PAGEREF _Toc351728904 \h 62Agile Testing Challenges PAGEREF _Toc351728905 \h 63Automated Regression Testing Challenges in Agile Environment PAGEREF _Toc351728906 \h 63Chapter 3 PAGEREF _Toc351728907 \h 65How to Take Your Software Testing Career to New Heights! PAGEREF _Toc351728908 \h 65By now you should have learned how to get a testing job and improve your testing skills. Now what? Let’s discuss more on how to excel in your career and take your software testing career to new heights! PAGEREF _Toc351728909 \h 65Becoming a Good Tester PAGEREF _Toc351728910 \h 65What Makes a Good Software Test Leader? PAGEREF _Toc351728911 \h 67Is Software Testing a Boring Job? PAGEREF _Toc351728912 \h 68Creative Thinking as a Software Tester! PAGEREF _Toc351728913 \h 68Want to Start Automation Testing on Your Project? Here is How to Start! PAGEREF _Toc351728914 \h 71Why Automation Testing? PAGEREF _Toc351728915 \h 71Automation Testing Risks and Challenges PAGEREF _Toc351728916 \h 71Software Testing Best Practices and Tips to Progress in Your Career PAGEREF _Toc351728917 \h 72Software Testing Best Practices: PAGEREF _Toc351728918 \h 72Tips to Progress in Your Software Testing Career: PAGEREF _Toc351728919 \h 74Best Certifications in Software Testing PAGEREF _Toc351728920 \h 751) ISTQB PAGEREF _Toc351728921 \h 762) CSTE - Certified Software Tester PAGEREF _Toc351728922 \h 773) HP QTP Certification PAGEREF _Toc351728923 \h 78How to Ask for Promotion and Salary Increase in Your Next QA Performance Review (Appraisal) PAGEREF _Toc351728924 \h 79How to face QA performance appraisal confidently? PAGEREF _Toc351728925 \h 79What are the criteria used to rate the employee performance? PAGEREF _Toc351728926 \h 80Key points you need to study before asking for promotion and pay raise: PAGEREF _Toc351728927 \h 81A Guide to Surviving the Economic Downturn PAGEREF _Toc351728928 \h 83Here are my top three tips to survive in a recession PAGEREF _Toc351728929 \h 83Chapter 4 PAGEREF _Toc351728930 \h 85Defect Management Skills - How to Manage Defects Like a Pro! PAGEREF _Toc351728931 \h 85What is a Bug/Defect/Issue? PAGEREF _Toc351728932 \h 85Defect Life Cycle PAGEREF _Toc351728933 \h 86Sample Defect Report PAGEREF _Toc351728934 \h 88How will you report this defect effectively? PAGEREF _Toc351728935 \h 89Writing a Good Defect Report PAGEREF _Toc351728936 \h 90Defect report template PAGEREF _Toc351728937 \h 90How to write a good defect report? PAGEREF _Toc351728938 \h 92Tips and Tricks to Quickly Find Critical Bugs PAGEREF _Toc351728939 \h 93What are those tips and tricks? PAGEREF _Toc351728940 \h 94Proper Defect Troubleshooting to Avoid Invalid Bugs PAGEREF _Toc351728941 \h 95Common reasons for failure: PAGEREF _Toc351728942 \h 96Chapter 5 PAGEREF _Toc351728943 \h 97Web Testing Guide! PAGEREF _Toc351728944 \h 97Testing Client Server and Web Based Applications PAGEREF _Toc351728945 \h 97Client-Server testing PAGEREF _Toc351728946 \h 97Web application testing PAGEREF _Toc351728947 \h 98Sample Test Cases for Testing Web Application Cookies PAGEREF _Toc351728948 \h 100What is a Cookie? PAGEREF _Toc351728949 \h 100Why websites use cookies? PAGEREF _Toc351728950 \h 100How does cookie work? PAGEREF _Toc351728951 \h 100Where are cookies stored on my computer? PAGEREF _Toc351728952 \h 101Sample test cases for testing web application cookies: PAGEREF _Toc351728953 \h 103How to Test Web Applications? PAGEREF _Toc351728954 \h 105Tips to setup test environment for web application testing: PAGEREF _Toc351728955 \h 109Web and Desktop Application Security Testing Techniques PAGEREF _Toc351728956 \h 110Need of Security Testing PAGEREF _Toc351728957 \h 110Security Testing Definition: PAGEREF _Toc351728958 \h 110Security Testing Techniques: PAGEREF _Toc351728959 \h 112Chapter 6 PAGEREF _Toc351728960 \h 117Test Team and Project Management! PAGEREF _Toc351728961 \h 117Importance of Documentation in Software Testing PAGEREF _Toc351728962 \h 117Software Testing Documentation: What’s that? PAGEREF _Toc351728963 \h 118Software Testing Weekly Status Report Template PAGEREF _Toc351728964 \h 120Testing Under Tight Deadlines PAGEREF _Toc351728965 \h 121How to test when there is not enough time for thorough testing? PAGEREF _Toc351728966 \h 121Building a Great QA Team PAGEREF _Toc351728967 \h 122What do we mean by a great testing/QA team? PAGEREF _Toc351728968 \h 122Characteristics of Great Software Testing Team PAGEREF _Toc351728969 \h 122Bonus Chapter 7 PAGEREF _Toc351728970 \h 126Freelance Testing Opportunities to Earn Extra Money! PAGEREF _Toc351728971 \h 126Freelance Software Testing Opportunities – Work from Home Jobs for the Testers PAGEREF _Toc351728972 \h 126How to maximize chances of getting a work from home job? PAGEREF _Toc351728973 \h 126Work from Home opportunities for Software testing professionals PAGEREF _Toc351728974 \h 127About the Author PAGEREF _Toc351728975 \h 132********Does this sound promising to you?BUY NOW to read all information-packed 132 pages of this incredible software testing resource! ................

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