Bilingual Teacher’s Aides

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| |Bilingual Teacher’s Aides - Requirements |

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|[pic] |Info Update 1_06 |

| |Developed by: Tolu Sanabria |

| |Education Specialist |

| |Bilingual/ESL Education Program |

| |Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction |

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| |Summer 2006 |

The following pertains to state categorically-aided programs under “bilingual-bicultural” education. Currently, this law and accompanying rule apply to about 50 Wisconsin school districts.

State Statute, Subch. VII, Bilingual-Bicultural Education

s. 115.955 (6) “Bilingual teacher’s aide” means a person who is employed to assist a teacher and who is approved by the state superintendent under s. 115.28 (15) (a).

s. 115.28 (15) Bilingual-Bicultural Education (a) Establish, by rule, standards for the approval of the abilities of certified teachers and counselors and their aides participating in bilingual-bicultural education programs under subch. VII to read, write and speak a non-English language and to possess knowledge of the culture of limited-English proficient pupils.

PI 13, Administrative Rule

PI 13.03 (6) “Bilingual teacher’s aide” means a person who is employed to assist a teacher and who meets all of the following:

(a) Understands, speaks, reads, and writes English and the language of the group with whom the bilingual teacher’s aide will be working.

(b) Has a high school diploma or its equivalent

(c) Knows the culture of the group with whom the bilingual teacher’s aide will be working


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