A survey of cervical spondylosis in 490 athletes and ...

A survey of cervical spondylosis in 490 athletes and analysis of etiological factors

Zhan-Lei; Wu-Yiwen

Chinese-journal-of-sports-medicine-(Beijing) 10(2), 1991, 85-87

490 professional athletes of 22 sports events from Anhui province were surveyed for cervical spondylosis. The sports events with high morbidity of cervical spondylosis were: fencing, shooting, wrestling, judo, volleyball, basketball, acrobatics, and gymnastics. The analysis showed that the pathogenic factors of cervical spondylosis were related to the specific sports events. The direct trauma and the chronic overuse of the neck, over loads of upper limb were important etiological factors. The morbidity was higher in athletes with a history of neck trauma than in those without such history. In addition, a 12-year-old gymnast was found to have symptoms, signs, and X-ray expressions of cervical spondylosis, which suggested that teenagers may also suffer from the disease.

Zhan-Lei; Wu-Yiwen (1991). A survey of cervical spondylosis in 490 athletes and analysis of etiological factors. Chinese journal of sports medicine 10(2), 1991, 85-87.


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