Dear CATers,

California Faculty Association, Northridge Chapter

October, 2007

Faculty Senate Report

Dear Senators, Students, Guests and Administrators:

CFA was asked to submit a written report for the October 4, 2007 Faculty Senate meeting and to be ready to answer questions. In our opinion three items need to be discussed at this time: 1) Elections to Article 10 Faculty Grievance Panels, 2) CFA efforts to reform the CSU, 3) Upcoming events

1. Under the new collective bargaining agreement (CBA) signed by the California State University and the California Faculty Association a two-track grievance process was established. Under this new provision, a faculty member who wished to file a grievance can choose either the Statutory or the Contractual track (See flow chart). The new Statutory Track grievance process is based on legislation passed a few years ago, which requires that faculty hearing panels and committees be established by election to hear faculty grievances.

The elections results at this campus will be completed by October 12 and the results of the elections will be submitted to both Penny Jennings and Theresa Montaño. The elections are held at the department the process for conducting the elections was constructed by the office of faculty affairs the CFA Chapter. The CFA and CSUN faculty affairs office will continue to meet after the elections close.

All Faculty Hearing Panels must have a membership equivalent to 25% of the full-time equivalent faculty (FTEF). At CSUN, that numbers is whopping 322, rounded up a little.

The elections will be held at the department level. All faculty can participate in the department elections, though panel members must be full time faculty (both permanent i.e. tenured and tenure track and lecturers with a 1.0 time base). Faculty with a time base of 0.5 or lower will have 0.5 vote, and those faculty with a time base higher than 0.5 will have one vote.

The faculty hearing panels is a pool. The faculty hearing committee is established after a faculty member decides to file a statutory grievance. The Faculty Hearing Committee will be selected by lot from the Faculty Hearing Panel, and will consist of three (3) members and one (1) alternate. Service on the panel and the committees "is a normal obligation of each full time member of unit three.... Service on the Faculty Hearing Committees by Lecturers shall be voluntary." (CBA Article 10.9) Additional information on the process will be provided to all those elected to the campus wide panel. For more information please read the FAQs developed jointly by the CFA and CSUN administration. For more information on the process please see or the campus CFA website at .

2. CFA is involved in a campaign against the continued waste, fraud and abuse of the valuable state funding on the part of the CSU administration. Last fall, the CSU Trustees award campus presidents and the top administrators in the Chancellor’s Office 19% increases in compensation -- including salary increases averaging 13.7% per person. At their January 2007 meeting, CSU Trustees voted to increase the salary of the CSU president by 4%. With these raises, the average 2-year salary increases of $42,000. The salary paid to the top execs in 06/07 will be 19% more than in 04/05. By contrast, since 2002, CSU faculty received only a 3.5% raise, in July 2005.The CFA is launching a campaign to secure the governor’s signature on SB1413. We are asking our members to send a fax to the governor. If interested, go to the website or go to . You can also see the first phase of the campaign on


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