Spring 2004

Textbook: Fluid Mechanics, F.M. White, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Special Edition. (Part of 5th )

Instructors: G. Ahmadi (CAMP 267, 268-2322) Office Hours: MTW 2:20 - 4:00 p.m.

Course Site:

Prerequisites: ES330, ES 340, MA232

Learning Objectives:

1. Students to learn the fundamentals of viscous incompressible flows.

2. Students to learn the basics of non-viscous potential flows.

3. Students to learn the fundamentals of computational fluid mechanics.

4. Students to learn the fundamentals of compressible flows.

Learning Outcomes:

Objective 1. a) Students will be able to formulate and solve incompressible laminar flows for simple parallel flows in Cartesian and polar coordinates. [1,2]1 (2) 2

b) Students will be able to analysis boundary layer flows over a flat plate. [1,2] (2)

c) Students will be able to estimate drag forces in laminar and turbulent flows for different immersed bodies. [1,2] (2)

Objective 2. a) Students will become familiar with the stream function and potential functions and elementary potential flows. [1,3] (2)

b) Students will be able to handle simple potential flow by the method of superposition. [1,3] (2)

Objective 3. a) Students will become familiar with the computational fluid mechanics. [1,4] (2)

b) Students will demonstrate using the FLUENT Code for solving two-dimensional laminar and turbulent flows.[4] (2,5)

Objective 4. a) Students will be able to analysis 1-D isentropic compressible flows. [1,3,4] (2)

b) Students will be able to handle 1-D flows with shock waves. [1,3,4] (2)

c) Students will be able to handle 1-D compressible flows friction. [1,3,4] (2)

Evaluation Methods: 1. Homework 10%

2. Exam1 25% Friday, February 20, CAMP 177

3. Exam 2 20% Wednesday, March 24, CAMP 177

4. Final Exam 30% Final Week

5. Projects 15%

Exam Policy: Formula sheet will be provided for the hourly closed book exams. The final exam will be open book. The students are permitted to bring their textbook to the final exam. Notes and homework solutions are not allowed.

Homework Policy: Homework will be collected every Wednesday (Section 1) and Thursday (Section 2). Homeworks will be graded and returned to the students.


1 Numbers in brackets refer to the evaluation methods used to assess the student performance.

2 Numbers in parentheses refer to the program objectives listed in MAE Student Handbook pages 5-7.


Week Dates Text Sections Topic Homework

l Jan. 8-16 4.1-4 Review, Introduction, Viscous flow 4.2,7,35,36

2 Jan. 19-23 4.4,4.6,4.11 Viscous flow 4.37,83,84,88

3 Jan. 26-30 7.1-3 Immersed Bodies 7.1,9,10,12

4 Feb. 2-6 7.4,7.6 Boundary layer, Drag 7.14,16,30, 33,

39, 46

5 Feb. 9-13 7.6 Drag forces, 7.56,62,66, 84,

Introduction to CFD 88, 92


6 Feb. 18-20 4.7-10,8.1 Stream function, 4.47,48,54,56,

Introduction to CFD 63, 68

Friday, February 20 - Exam 1

7 Feb. 23-27 8.1-4 Inviscid irrotational flows 8.5,6,9,14,23,

Introduction to FLUENT Code 26, 28

8 Mar. 1-5 -- Computational fluid mechanics Projects will

FLUENT Code be assigned

9 Mar.8-12 9.1-3 Acoustic waves, Isentropic flow 9.11,12,19,20

10 SPRING RECESS (Mar. 15-19)

11 Mar. 22-26 9.4 Isentropic flow, CFD 9.26,31,40,45, 52,53

Wednesday, March 24 - Exam 2

12 Mar. 29-Apr.2 5-6 Normal shock, Nozzles, CFD 9.55,57,62,63, 68,78,82,84

13 Apr. 5-9 9.7 Flows with friction 9.86,90,91,

and heat transfer 102,106,109, 112, 113,115

14 Apr. 12-16 - Flows with heat transfer

15 Apr. 19-23 - Review

Final Exam Week (Apr. 28-May 2) – Final Exam

Class Time

MW 11:00-12:15 CAMP 177.

Computer laboratory classes will meet on Thursdays, 4:00-5:30 pm, in CAMP room 163


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