The University of Nottingham

Module Handbook


Foundations in Evidence-based Practice

Cohort 10/01

Diploma/BSc in Nursing


Last updated: Dec 2009


1. Module convenors and leaders 03

2. Content description 04

3. Module aims and learning outcomes 04

4. Methods of delivery 05

5. Key skills 05

6. Assessment and Tasks 06

7. General group ground rules and Frequently Asked Questions 10

8. Reading list and useful websites 12

1. Module convenors and leaders


Module leaders






2. Content description

The module includes:

a. An introduction to evidence-based practice

b. The nature of evidence

c. An introduction to the research process

d. Reflective thinking and writing

e. Portfolio development skills

f. Searching/accessing information/literature

g. Summarising literature

h. Referencing literature sources

i. Reviewing literature

j. An introduction to law and ethics, and their links with evidence-based practice

k. An introduction to accountability and evidence-based practice

3. Module aims and learning outcomes


To develop students’ understanding of the principles of evidence-based practice

To develop students’ ability to produce portfolio evidence to underpin clinical practice

Learning outcomes

A) Knowledge and understanding

1. Discuss the nature of evidence-based nursing

2. Identify legal and ethical aspects of nursing

3. Interpret the code of professional conduct

4. Describe the research process

5. Explain frameworks/models for reflection

B) Intellectual skills

1. Identify the relative strengths and limitations of types of evidence

Access information from data bases, internet and library sources.

Reference, summarise, appraise and review literature and research

2. Integrate literature/research/theory into reflective writing

3. Identify how evidence can be used in the decision making process

C) Professional/practical skills

Maintain a portfolio of evidence to:

1. Demonstrate development and achievement of clinical competence

2. Identify and plan for personal learning needs

4. Methods of delivery

The module consists of a series of lead lectures, group activities and tutorials. Students produce set pieces of individual written work (referred to as tasks or patches) for specified dates spread throughout the module. The students present this work in small teacher-facilitated groups. They have the opportunity to give and receive peer feedback and support during these sessions, prior to summative assessment.

Total - 200 hours

Tutor led – 60 hours

Lectures - 30 hours

Seminars/group-work - 28 hours

Tutorials – 2 hours

Facilitated group tutorials - 20 hours

Self-directed study – 60 hours

5. Key skills

Improving own learning and performance

Take responsibility for own learning.

Provide evidence to support own learning

Develop a portfolio


Take part in discussions, make presentations, give and receive constructive feedback.

Information technology

Search for and present information.

Problem solving

Identify and explore problems. Evaluate solutions.

Working with others

Establishes and maintains co-operative working arrangements. Review, share and evaluate each other’s work in small groups.

6. Assessment and Tasks

Assignment Guidelines for module: B71P02

Module Title: Foundations in Evidence-based Practice

Assessment method


The assessment is a ‘patchwork text’ (Winter 2003). You will be developing a number of pieces of written work throughout the module. One Task is formative and handed in towards the end of your first theory block. The other four Tasks are summative and handed in towards the end of the Module. You will have the opportunity to discuss and receive feedback on your ideas for each piece of work at set meetings with student colleagues and a facilitator.

The reasons for using the patchwork text are:

1. It ensures you are actively involved in the module and your assignment from the beginning

2. It gives you the opportunity to share your work with student colleagues and a facilitator and to use the feedback to edit and develop your writing

3. It involves a variety of written tasks and you have the opportunity to demonstrate your learning across the modular content / outcomes


The assessment process is in two sections.

Part One is a formative piece of work (Task One) that you submit to the Assessment Office at the end of your first theory block. Though you do not receive a mark for this work you will receive feedback on your writing and referencing in a standard format from your facilitator.

NB There will only be one submission date set for this formative piece of work. Markers are under no obligation to provide feedback if Task One is not submitted by the published date, unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Part Two (Tasks Two – Five) is a summative piece of work that you submit at the end of the module. You MUST submit and pass Part Two Tasks. As with all summative assessments there will be a first and second submission date set.

There are written guidelines for each task

All summative tasks must be attempted and handed in to achieve a pass.

The marks for the summative tasks will be aggregated to produce a single module mark.

You need to achieve a 40% aggregated mark in Part Two, to pass the module

All written work should conform to university guidelines on presentation, referencing etc.

The tasks are:

Part One - Formative

1) Searching for information - 600 words (no mark awarded though feedback provided)

Part Two - Summative

2) A reflection on practice - 600 words (20%)

3) A discussion on the achievement of a practice outcome - 700 words (20%)

4) An appraisal of literature - 700 words (20%)

5) A final summary and appraisal of your learning during the module - 1000 words (40%)

Winter R (2003) The patchwork text; a radical re-assessment of coursework assignments Innovations in Education and Teaching International, special issue. 40,(2)

Task 1: Data Search and Referencing – Part One Formative

Undertake a data search on a nursing topic using a variety of resources / databases.

Submit a paper of up to 600 words discussing your chosen topic, the processes involved in undertaking your data search and your reference list, which follows accepted Division of Nursing practice.


1. To enable students to receive formative feedback on their writing skills

2. To enable students to undertake a data search using a variety of resources.

3. To develop referencing skills.


Choose a topic

Use libraries, databases and the internet to find a number sources of information on this topic

Ensure that your list of sources includes at least one example of each of the following:

A text book

A journal

A website

An on-line journal

A secondary reference  

Produce a full reference list for these sources, conforming to the university guidelines on referencing

Write a discussion on your chosen topic, the processes involved in searching for information and constructing the reference list.

Task 2: Reflection on Practice – Part Two Summative

Write a structured reflection on an activity from practice (up to 600 words)


1) To develop reflective writing skills

2) To demonstrate an ability to learn from practice


Choose an activity you were involved in or observed on practice.

Write a structured reflection on this experience using a reflective model / framework.

In your introduction state which reflective model / framework you have used.

You can use the framework below or a published one of your choice.

1. Briefly describe the setting and the activity

2. Discuss the thoughts and feelings you had before, during and after

3. Identify any positive or negative aspects of the activity

4. Explore any issues related to this experience

5. Discuss what you learned from this experience

6. Identify what you need to learn for future practice

7. Construct an action plan to meet your learning needs

Task 3: Portfolio Evidence– Part Two Summative

Discuss the evidence provided in support of your achievement of a practice outcome related to professional, legal or ethical aspects of care (up to 700 words)


1) To develop an understanding of the types and quality of evidence which can be

provided to support the achievement of a practice outcome

2) To discuss professional, legal or ethical aspects of care


Choose one outcome from Domain 1 (Professional and Ethical Practice) in the Assessment of Practice Record. There are 10 outcomes in this domain and each one has a three number code, for example 1.1.2

The outcome must be one you have already achieved and had signed off by your mentor

Discuss how the evidence in your portfolio, which you have listed in the box alongside the outcome, clearly demonstrates your achievement of this outcome

The discussion must be supported by literature and reference material related to the professional, legal or ethical focus of your chosen outcome.

Include anonymised copies of the following in your appendix:

i) Your pieces of portfolio evidence for the chosen outcome

ii) The page from the Assessment of Practice Record showing how you annotated the evidence for the chosen outcome

iii) The assessment results page from the Continuity of Practice Assessment Record signed by your mentor to show you have achieved the chosen outcome

Task 4: Appraisal of Literature – Part Two Sumamtive

Make a structured appraisal of a piece of literature related to an aspect of patient care you have observed or been involved with in practice (up to 700 words)


1) To enhance the students’ understanding of the nature of evidence-based nursing.

2) To further develop the students’ ability to identify and collect evidence which is

suitable for use in practice.

3) To introduce the students to the process of appraising literature


Choose an aspect of patient care you have observed or been involved with in practice

Find a piece of literature on this aspect of care

Use the framework below to guide the appraisal of your chosen piece of literature.

1) What type of source is it?

2) What do you know about the author?

3) What is its intended purpose and who is the target audience?

4) How is it relevant for this aspect of care?

5) What is the quality of the writing?

6) Does it seem credible?

Choose a small selection of other pieces of literature on the same subject

7) How does the content of your original piece of literature compare and contrast with the content of these other sources on the same subject?

As a guide use about half of the wordage on question 7

Task 5: Summary and Appraisal of Your Learning – Part Two Summative

Write an account of your learning during this module, with reference to specific learning outcomes. Also review your strengths and limitations, and formulate an action plan to develop your delivery of evidence-based practice (up to 1000 words).


1) To discuss the nature of evidence and evidence-based practice

2) To identify personal strengths and limitations in delivering evidence-based practice

3) To formulate a structured action plan to develop their abilities to deliver evidence-based practice.

It should include reflection and discussion on;

1. the process of presenting and completing the tasks

2. your achievement of module learning outcomes A, B and C

3. what you have learned about EBP

4. what you need to learn about EBP

5. an action plan to show how you will develop your skills, knowledge and attitudes in delivering EBP

Support your discussion with appropriate literature and reference material

7. General Group Ground rules and FAQs

Student guidelines for the presentation of work in groups

You will be allocated to a student group for the whole module. Your group will meet on dates throughout the module and you will present and discuss your written work on the designated dates. Your group will be facilitated by a member of teaching staff. In the groups each student has two main responsibilities; to present their own written work and to read and give feedback on the work of their colleagues.

Preparing for meetings

Work individually and follow the guidelines for each task. Produce a written copy of your work ready for presentation to your group on the designated date.

If your group decides, written work can be distributed before the date of the meeting to give group members time to read the material and prepare feedback.

Organising your group

At the first meeting it is important to identify ground rules for your group.

For example, you may need to agree how to:

a) distribute your written work within the group

b) ensure a fair use of time within the group

c) present the work and give feedback

d) support students who may be absent

e) deal with group members who do not become fully involved in presenting or giving feedback

Guidelines for giving feedback

Spend time reading your colleagues work and make notes to help you give some constructive feedback.

Aspects to consider:

a) What are the strengths and areas for improvement in their work?

b) Has the work followed the guidelines?

c) Have all aspects been covered or are there any gaps?

d) What is the balance of the work like?

e) How does it compare with your own work?

f) How might it help you develop your own work?

Teacher guidelines

The teacher’s role is to help ensure the smooth running of each group. This may involve assistance with establishing group ground rules.

The primary feedback on group members’ work should come from the students.

Encourage open, honest and balanced feedback

Make sure that students are fulfilling their responsibilities to the group by producing their own written work and by taking time to read and give feedback on their colleagues’ work.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are the individual tasks marked?

Task 1 600 words Formative

Task 2 600 words 20% Pass 8/20

Task 3 700 words 20% Pass 8/20

Task 4 700 words 20% Pass 8/20

Task 5 1000 words 40% Pass 16/40

What do you need to do to pass?

Achieve 40% overall from the four summative Tasks (Tasks Two – Five).

Do I need to pass all four summative tasks?

No, as long as you achieve 40% in total for Tasks Two - Five, you have passed the module.

What if I don’t get 40%?

You only resubmit the Tasks you failed. Please include your first submission mark sheet with the resubmitted tasks.

Can I resubmit all the summative Tasks to improve my overall mark?

The marker will only mark Tasks failed at first submission so there is no point. Remember marks can go down as well as up!

Do I have to submit all the summative Tasks?

Yes. If you do not submit all summative Tasks as required, your submission will be awarded 0% and none of the Tasks will be marked.

What is the point of the formative Task One if I don’t receive any marks?

You will receive feedback from your marker on a standard mark sheet early on in the course. This will enable you to confirm you are writing and referencing appropriately and identify areas of concern, on which you can then seek advice.

Is there any penalty for not handing in Task One?

Not as such. However if you do find difficulty with writing and referencing and you do not submit Task One, it is difficult for the University to provide assistance and the Exam Board may take non-submission into account, should you fail the module.

What if I exceed the word limit?

Part One – Task One

As there is no mark awarded for Task One this will only be commented upon. You should use this feedback to improve your writing on this and other modules.

Part Two – Task Two to Five

The Module Leaders have agreed that if you do not exceed the overall word limit (3000 words) for Task Two to Five, you will not be penalised. However, we would strongly recommend that you do not exceed individual Task word limit. Writing more words than allotted to one Task will result in less scope for discussion in other Tasks. If you do exceed the aggregate 3000 word limit for Part Two (Tasks Two to Five) you will be penalised according to Division of Nursing Guidelines – see Student Handbook.

8. Reading list and useful websites

Division Website:

Online reading list can be found at:


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Replaces: 04/09/09-dipbsc-b71po2-0909

Assignment guidelines for module: B71PO2

Taken from doc ref: 08/12/09-dipbsc-b71po2-1001


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