
432435046990CFPC Position00CFPC PositionFamily Medicine Professional ProfilePRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIESFamily physicians are a resource to their communities, collectively leading the delivery of accessible, comprehensive, continuity-based, patient-centred care; reaching out to those experiencing barriers and hardship. This care extends over time and across all ages, life stages, domains and settings including ambulatory/community, home, long term care and hospital as required to meet patient needs. Collectively, the care provided by family physicians improves the overall health of the population.While family physicians are well prepared to fulfil many roles within the health care system, the principal aim of the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) is to set standards, develop, support and sustain family physicians for provision of:Comprehensive, continuing, and patient-centred health care including:Community-based Primary CareEmergency CareHome and Long Term CareHospital CareMaternal and Newborn CareLeadership at the practice, community and systems level for the delivery of care that it accessible, comprehensive, continuity-based, patient-centred and that responds to local conditions with engagement of community partnersAdvocacy for access to comprehensive care reaching out to engage with those experiencing barriers and hardshipScholarship (Teaching; QI; Research): Family physicians are committed to excellence as reflected in practice-based quality improvement activities, an evidence-informed approach to care, and as teachers of family medicine. Family physicians advance the knowledge of the discipline through a continuum of research activities WORK SETTINGS AND ARRANGEMENTSAcross Canada there is a diversity of people, geography and resources and as such, family physicians employ their generalist ability, working flexibly in many different practice arrangements, depending on local needs and realities. Family physicians commonly work in teams to achieve accessibility, comprehensiveness and continuity as envisioned by the CFPC Patient’s Medical Home in a personally and professionally sustainable way. Family practices are a cornerstone of the health care system serving as critical access points for first contact care and hubs of delivery for a full range of primary care services from prevention to palliation, with referrals to other consultants when required. Within these teams, family physicians work with other health care professionals, contributing medical expertise and leadership, providing clinical care, and playing an integral role in the overall function and organization of the practice to optimize quality. Family physicians with enhanced skills and added competence work in collaborative arrangements to extend the comprehensiveness of care provided while supporting continuity and sustainability. UNIQUE FEATURES/CONTRIBUTIONSFamily physicians bring a unique orientation and skill set, strengthening the compassion, comprehensiveness, cohesion, capacity and overall quality of the health care system through:Relationship-based and patient-centred careGeneralist orientation to careCommunity-adaptive expertiseContinuity and cohesion including coordination for transitions of careThe creation of knowledge that improves health, wellness and the quality of lifeThe patient-doctor relationship is central to the care provided by family physicians. More than a series of tasks, it is through relational continuity and a commitment to a broad scope of practice that the complexity of care is meaningfully addressed. Family physicians are committed to the person; forming therapeutic bonds based on compassion and personal knowledge accrued over time and offering trusted counsel, advocacy and accompaniment with patients, families and loved ones. It is within these relationships and their unfolding narratives that illness and suffering is recognized, understood, and mitigated.Family physicians are highly skilled generalists, managing a broad range of medical presentations and conditions in multiple settings, flexibly adapting to local community resources and needs. Family physicians use holistic, integrative reasoning to reach a patient-centred diagnosis and treatment plan across a range of acuity, chronicity and complexity with expertise in multi-morbidity and chronic illness care. Family physicians see first contact ‘un-selected’ patients, with undifferentiated concerns, early in the course of their illness. Working frequently in conditions of uncertainty, and with variable resources, family physicians think creatively to resolve challenging and atypical situations, working to the limit of their ability when required, to meet patient needs. Their generalist ability enables family physicians to play an important role in responding to ever-changing, novel and emerging community health challenges and as such, family physicians offer community-adaptive expertise and capacity.Family physicians are the drivers of continuity in the health care system, providing cohesion and holding the elements of patient care together across the practice, community and system. This continuity occurs within episodes of care and across time, encompassing dimensions of interpersonal relationships, flow of patient information, and the coordination of services.SKILLS AND TRAINING REQUIREDThe CFPC sets national standards for postgraduate (residency) training and for the certification and ongoing professional development of family physicians in Canada. The Family Medicine Professional Profile provides the overall direction for these standards. The “Specific Standards for Family Medicine Residency Training Programs Accredited by the College of Family Physicians of Canada" (commonly known as the Red Book) outlines the standards used by the CFPC to accredit family medicine and enhanced skills residency programs based in departments of family medicine at Canadian university faculties of medicine. Family medicine residency programs prepare residents for the responsibilities outlined in the Family Medicine Professional Profile. The many competencies required to support this work are outlined in CanMEDS-FM and programs are designed to develop these competencies according to the Triple C Competency-based Curriculum with the determination of an individual’s competence to enter independent practice guided by the Evaluation Objectives using a programmatic approach to assessment. The CFPC recognizes that the development of full and tailored community-adaptive competence requires learning and experience that extends beyond core residency training into practice, informing continuing professional development efforts, and sometimes requiring enhanced skill training. Certification in family medicine is a special College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) membership designation. Eligibility for Certification in family medicine is granted by the CFPC to those members who have either completed approved residency training in family medicine or become eligible for certification through a combination of approved training, practice experience and a commitment to continuing professional development. Once eligible, individuals may be granted certification by successfully completing the Certification Examination in Family Medicine. Ongoing certification is maintained through participation in the Mainpro+ program, which defines the continuing professional development participation required of members and the quality criteria and ethical practices expected of learning programs. ................

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