DL CRI Extension - Call for Proposals Form

DL CRI Extension - Call for Proposals FormQ1 Thank you for your interest in submitting a group redesign project for the DL CRI Extension. This form includes questions on the following sections: Faculty and Course Information Faculty Development Needs Purpose of the Course Redesign Project Description Alignment with Initiative Goals Plans for Evaluation Plans for Use of Funds Optional: Letter of Support Please refer to the Preliminary Budget Plan document which will be required to be uploaded within the proposal form to help provide a preliminary plan on how you will be spending the incentive funds.Although not required, there is an option to upload a letter of support from your dean, associate dean, or chair. If interested, we recommend planning to have this letter of support prepared before submitting the proposal form. If you haven't already, please consider scheduling a consultation with Dr. Wendy Howard (Wendy.Howard@ucf.edu) to discuss your proposal and refine any details before submitting. If you have any additional questions before submitting, please reach out to the Pegasus Innovation Lab at iLab@ucf.edu.? You can leave the proposal form at any time.Q2 Project Title________________________________________________________________Q3 Project TrackPersonalized Adaptive Learning (PAL)Program Level RedesignPost COVID RedesignQ4 Please enter in the information for the Faculty Lead below.Q5 First and Last Name________________________________________________________________Q6 College________________________________________________________________Q7 Department________________________________________________________________Q8 Department Chair________________________________________________________________Q9 Course Number________________________________________________________________Q10 Course Title________________________________________________________________Q11 Previous Course ModalityFace-to-Face (P)Mixed Mode/Blended (M) Fully Online (W)Reduced Seat Active (RA) Video (V)VPrime (V1)Never Been Taught BeforeQ12 Course Modality After Redesign Note: the modality can be the same as the previous course modality.Face-to-Face (P)Mixed Mode/Blended (M)Fully Online (W)Reduced Seat Active (RA) Video (V) Q80 Will you be teaching this course? If not, who will be teaching the course?________________________________________________________________Q13 Additional Course Attributes for Redesign(Select all that apply)Personalized Adaptive Learning (PAL); please specify if Realizeit, Acrobatiq, Knewton, or ALEKS ________________________________________________ObojoboNext Active Learning Open Educational Resources (OER) e-Textbook Q14 Existing Credentials(Please check all the trainings you have completed.)IDL6543IDL7000OFRA PAL6000DLI7836EOT Q15 Faculty Preparation (if needed)Please indicate any of the training courses below that you will need or are interested in to help expedite your registration. For example, if you are designing an online or blended course, you will need IDL6543 or an equivalent. If you are designing a PAL redesign, you will need PAL5000 or PAL6000.Active Learning (FCTL)IDL6543IDL7000PAL5000 or PAL6000 Other: ________________________________________________Q16 Please enter in the information for the 2nd faculty member in this group project.Q17 First and Last Name________________________________________________________________Q18 College________________________________________________________________Q19 Department________________________________________________________________Q20 Department Chair________________________________________________________________Q21 Course Number________________________________________________________________Q22 Course Title________________________________________________________________Q23 Previous Course ModalityFace-to-Face (P) Mixed Mode/Blended (M)Fully Online (W)Reduced Seat Active (RA)Video (V)VPrime (V1)Never Been Taught Before Q24 Course Modality After Redesign Note: the modality can be the same as the previous course modality.Face-to-Face (P)Mixed Mode/Blended (M)Fully Online (W)Reduced Seat Active (RA) Video (V) Q81 Will this faculty member be teaching this course? If not, who will be teaching the course?________________________________________________________________Q25 Additional Course Attributes for Redesign(Select all that apply)Personalized Adaptive Learning (PAL); please specify if Realizeit, Acrobatiq, Knewton, or ALEKS ________________________________________________ObojoboNext Active LearningOpen Educational Resources (OER)e-TextbookQ26 Existing Credentials(Please select all the trainings the faculty member has completed.)IDL6543IDL7000OFRA PAL6000DLI7836EOT Q27 Faculty Preparation (if needed)Please indicate any of the below training courses that you will need or are interested in to help expedite your registration. For example, if you are designing an online or blended course, you will need IDL6543 or an equivalent. If you are designing a PAL redesign, you will need PAL5000 or PAL6000.Active Learning (FCTL) IDL6543IDL7000PAL5000 or PAL6000 Other: (5) ________________________________________________Q28 Is there another faculty member in this group?YesNoQ29 Please enter in the information for the 3rd faculty member in this group project.Q30 First and Last Name________________________________________________________________Q31 College________________________________________________________________Q32 Department________________________________________________________________Q33 Department Chair________________________________________________________________Q34 Course Number________________________________________________________________Q35 Course Title________________________________________________________________Q36 Previous Course ModalityFace-to-Face (P) Mixed Mode/Blended (M)Fully Online (W)Reduced Seat Active (RA)Video (V)VPrime (V1) Never Been Taught Before Q37 Course Modality After Redesign Note: the modality can be the same as the previous course modality.Face-to-Face (P) Mixed Mode/Blended (M) Fully Online (W) Reduced Seat Active (RA) Video (V) Q82 Will this faculty member be teaching this course? If not, who will be teaching the course?________________________________________________________________Q38 Additional Course Attributes for Redesign(Select all that apply)Personalized Adaptive Learning (PAL); please specify if Realizeit, Acrobatiq, Knewton, or ALEKS ________________________________________________ObojoboNext Active Learning Open Educational Resources (OER) e-Textbook Q39 Existing Credentials(Please select all the trainings the faculty member has completed.)IDL6543IDL7000OFRA PAL6000 DLI7836EOT Q40 Faculty Preparation (if needed)Please indicate any of the below training courses that you will need or are interested in to help expedite your registration. For example, if you are designing an online or blended course, you will need IDL6543 or an equivalent. If you are designing a PAL redesign, you will need PAL5000 or PAL6000.Active Learning (FCTL)IDL6543IDL7000 PAL5000 or PAL6000Other: ________________________________________________Q41 Is there another faculty member in this group?Yes No Q42 Please enter in the information for the 4th faculty member in this group project.Q43 First and Last Name________________________________________________________________Q44 College________________________________________________________________Q45 Department________________________________________________________________Q46 Department Chair________________________________________________________________Q47 Course Number________________________________________________________________Q48 Course Title________________________________________________________________Q49 Previous Course ModalityFace-to-Face (P) Mixed Mode/Blended (M) Fully Online (W) Reduced Seat Active (RA) Video (V) VPrime (V1) Never Been Taught Before Q50 Course Modality After Redesign Note: the modality can be the same as the previous course modality.Face-to-Face (P) Mixed Mode/Blended (M) Fully Online (W) Reduced Seat Active (RA) Video (V) Q83 Will this faculty member be teaching this course? If not, who will be teaching the course?________________________________________________________________Q51 Additional Course Attributes for Redesign(Select all that apply)Personalized Adaptive Learning (PAL); please specify if Realizeit, Acrobatiq, Knewton, or ALEKS ________________________________________________ObojoboNext Active Learning Open Educational Resources (OER)e-Textbook Q52 Existing Credentials(Please select all the trainings the faculty member has completed.)IDL6543 IDL7000 OFRA PAL6000 DLI7836EOT Q53 Faculty Preparation (if needed)Please indicate any of the below training courses that you will need or are interested in to help expedite your registration. For example, if you are designing an online or blended course, you will need IDL6543 or an equivalent. If you are designing a PAL redesign, you will need PAL5000 or PAL6000.Active Learning (FCTL) IDL6543 IDL7000 PAL5000 or PAL6000 Other: ________________________________________________Q54 Is there another faculty member in this group?Yes No Q55 Please enter in the information for the 5th faculty member in this group project.Q56 First and Last Name________________________________________________________________Q57 College________________________________________________________________Q58 Department________________________________________________________________Q59 Department Chair________________________________________________________________Q60 Course Number________________________________________________________________Q61 Course Title________________________________________________________________Q62 Previous Course ModalityFace-to-Face (P) Mixed Mode/Blended (M)Fully Online (W) Reduced Seat Active (RA) Video (V) VPrime (V1) Never Been Taught Before Q63 Course Modality After Redesign Note: the modality can be the same as the previous course modality.Face-to-Face (P) Mixed Mode/Blended (M) Fully Online (W) Reduced Seat Active (RA) Video (V) Q84 Will this faculty member be teaching this course? If not, who will be teaching the course?________________________________________________________________Q64 Additional Course Attributes for Redesign(Select all that apply)Personalized Adaptive Learning (PAL); please specify if Realizeit, Acrobatiq, Knewton, or ALEKS ________________________________________________ObojoboNext Active LearningOpen Educational Resources (OER) e-Textbook Q65 Existing Credentials(Please select all trainings the faculty member has completed)IDL6543 IDL7000 OFRA PAL6000 DLI7836 EOT Q66 Faculty Preparation (if needed)Please indicate any of the below training courses that you will need or are interested in to help expedite your registration. For example, if you are designing an online or blended course, you will need IDL6543 or an equivalent. If you are designing a PAL redesign, you will need PAL5000 or PAL6000.Active Learning (FCTL)IDL6543 IDL7000 PAL5000 or PAL6000 Other: ________________________________________________Q67 If there are any additional faculty who will be using these courses (but are not a part of developing the content during this redesign), please list their name and the courses they will be teaching.________________________________________________________________Q68 Have you and/or members of the group met with an instructional designer to discuss this proposal?Yes No Q69 If yes, who is the instructional designer(s) that you met with?________________________________________________________________Q70 Purpose of Course RedesignPlease describe what you are trying to achieve through this course redesign group project. Are there specific problems or student challenges you are trying to address? (250 words max)Examples: High DFW rates, identifying a common stumbling block where many students get stuck or drop off, gaps in pre-requisite knowledge, improving pass rate, increasing student engagement________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q71 Project DescriptionPlease describe the group project and how the individual courses will be redesigned as part of this project. What will you build/implement? What are the deliverables? (300 words max)Examples: Expand existing Realizeit development from a pilot module to complete remaining course modules; redesign course(s) taught by multiple faculty members in new blended or online modalities that may be shared as "master" course content; build upon innovations discovered and implemented during the COVID-19 remote teaching experience________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q72 Alignment with Initiative GoalsThe goal of this initiative is to impact student learning by increasing successful course completion (reduced DFW rates - D/F/Withdraw), particularly in GEP & STEM courses, and to improve FTC & Transfer student persistence through a strategic course redesign process that leverages the benefits of online, blended, adaptive, and active learning.How does this group project redesign align with the initiative goals? (150 words max)Examples: Aligning digital course content in pre-requisite courses within a program to increase student success. Utilizing and expanding upon innovations previously discovered to increase student outcomes during the pandemic across multiple courses.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q73 Plans for EvaluationHow will you determine that you have met your goals through the course redesign group project? (150 words max)The Research Initiative for Teaching Effectiveness (RITE) team will complete an overall evaluation of the initiative with aggregate data from all course redesigns. In addition, their support services are available to assist you in conducting evaluation research at the course or program level.Examples: Student Feedback Survey; Compare final grades or grades on a specific assignment from two sections________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q78 Timeline & FundsQ75 Spring 2021 March 31: Proposal Deadline April 23: Faculty notifications Summer 2021 Early start (optional) Initial disbursement of funds Fall 2021 Redesign work Required Cohort Workshops (4) Spring 2022 Finish redesign project Required Cohort Workshops (4) April 1: Complete Quality Review April 15: Summative Course Review Summer 2022 Final disbursement of funds In order to manage faculty development enrollment and allocate personnel to support your group project redesign plan, all groups will be required to adhere to the above timeline. To support your group through this process, there will be four scheduled cohort meetings in Fall 2021 and an additional four in Spring 2022. All team members are expected to attend at least three out of the four meetings each semester for critical work time. ?Yes, we agree to attend at least three out of the four meetings for each semester. No, we do not agree to attend at least three out of the four meetings for each semester. ________________________________________________Q79 All faculty members will be awarded a flat amount that may be used for "any allowable expense other than direct compensation." For example, course release, travel, adjunct replacement, software licenses, lab equipment, research, conferences registration/travel, supplies or equipment (e.g., webcam, tablet, microphone). The Faculty Lead will earn $5,000 and each faculty member will earn $3,000. For each faculty participant, $1,500 will be awarded in addition to the incentive funds for a dedicated Course Assistant. Please download the Preliminary Budget Plan file and reupload with your information to provide a preliminary plan on how you will be spending the incentive funds. (This can be updated as needed during the redesign process.)Q80 We are requesting funding for _____ course assistant(s).Note: no more than one course assistant per team member.1 2 3 4 5 Q81 Optional: If interested, please upload a letter of support from your dean, associate dean, or chair about this group project.Q82 If you have any additional comments or concerns to share, feel free to use the field below.________________________________________________________________ ................

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