Honorable Brendan Linehan Shannon Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Current as of 7/20/2021 at 11:10 AM

U.S. Bankruptcy Court 6th Floor Courtroom 1

824 Market Street

6th Floor Wilmington, DE 19801

10:00 AM 13-13306-BLS

Edward Beckett and

Ch 13

Donna Beckett

Trustee: Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Moving: Stephan J. Holfeld

Opposing: Debtor or Plaintiff Attorney: Stephan J. Holfeld


Motion to Reopen Chapter 13 Case to Add Creditor (Delmarva Surgery Center, LLC) and Vacate Judgment Lien (02-03-0007874-2009). Fee Amount . Filed by Donna Beckett, Edward Beckett. Hearing scheduled for 7/27/2021 at 10:00 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom Wilmington, Delaware. Objections due by 7/19/2021. (Holfeld, Stephan)

10:00 AM 15-10742-BLS

Sherita Joyner

Ch 13

Trustee: Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Moving: Michael B. Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Opposing: Debtor or Plaintiff Attorney: Cynthia L. Carroll


Trustee's Motion to Dismiss Case Filed by Michael B. Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee. Hearing scheduled for 7/27/2021 at 10:00 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom Wilmington, Delaware. Objections due by 7/19/2021. (Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee, Michael)

10:00 AM 15-11021-BLS

Christopher S. Ryan and

Ch 13

Elizabeth L. Ryan

Trustee: Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Moving: Michael B. Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Opposing: Debtor or Plaintiff Attorney: Doreen H. Becker

Doreen Helen Becker

Matter: Trustee's Motion to Dismiss Case Filed by Michael B. Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee. Hearing scheduled for 7/27/2021 at 10:00 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom Wilmington, Delaware. Objections due by 7/19/2021. (Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee, Michael)

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10:00 AM 15-11443-BLS

Terrence M Burke

Ch 13

Trustee: Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Moving: Michael B. Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Opposing: Debtor or Plaintiff Attorney: Cynthia L. Carroll


Trustee's Motion to Dismiss Case Filed by Michael B. Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee. Hearing scheduled for 7/27/2021 at 10:00 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom Wilmington, Delaware. Objections due by 7/19/2021. (Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee, Michael)

10:00 AM 15-11893-BLS

Sharon R Lewis

Ch 13

Trustee: Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee


Opposing: Debtor or Plaintiff Attorney: William F. Jaworski

Matter: Hearing Continued on LaSalle Bank NAs Response to Trustees Interim Account. Hearing SPECIAL scheduled for 7/27/2021 at 10:00 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom #1, Wilmington, Delaware. (SJS)

10:00 AM 15-12327-BLS

Cedric Saylor

Ch 13

Trustee: Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Moving: Chase Nathaniel Miller

Opposing: Debtor or Plaintiff Attorney: Cynthia L. Carroll


Motion to Approve LOAN MODIFICATION ENCUMBERING REAL PROPERTY Filed by JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association. Hearing scheduled for 7/27/2021 at 10:00 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom Wilmington, Delaware. Objections due by 7/19/2021. (Attachments: # 1 Loan Modification) (Miller, Chase)

10:00 AM 16-10115-BLS

Stephen Lucas and

Ch 13

Geneva Lucas

Trustee: Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee


Opposing: Debtor or Plaintiff Attorney: Erin K. Brignola

Matter: Hearing Continued on DLJ Mortgage Capital, Inc.s Response to Notice of Final Cure Payment (Claim No. 7). Hearing SPECIAL scheduled for 6/22/2021 at 10:00 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom #1, Wilmington, Delaware. (SJS)

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10:00 AM 16-10115-BLS

Stephen Lucas and

Ch 13

Geneva Lucas

Trustee: Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Moving: Erin K. Brignola

Opposing: Debtor or Plaintiff Attorney: Erin K. Brignola


Motion for Damages for Creditor Misconduct Motion For Accounting To Be Deemed Current/Request For Attorney Fees For Time Spent Twice Reviewing Accounting For Cure Request for Relief And For Other Relief As Court Deems Appropriate (Ref. Docket No: 67, 68, 74) Filed by Geneva Lucas, Stephen Lucas. Hearing scheduled for 6/22/2021 at 10:00 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom Wilmington, Delaware. Objections due by 6/9/2021. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B # 3 Exhibit C # 4 Exhibit D # 5 Exhibit E # 6 Memorandum and Opinion # 7 Proposed Form of Order # 8 Notice # 9 Certificate of Service) (Brignola, Erin)

10:00 AM 16-10455-BLS

Joseph R Clark and

Ch 13

Shirley M. Clark

Trustee: Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Moving: Michael K. Pak

Opposing: Debtor or Plaintiff Attorney: Stephan J. Holfeld


Motion to Approve Loan Modification Nunc Pro Tunc Effective January 1, 2021 Filed by HSBC Bank USA, N.A., as Indenture Trustee for the registered Noteholders of Renaissance Home Equity Loan Trust 2006-2. Hearing scheduled for 7/27/2021 at 10:00 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom Wilmington, Delaware. Objections due by 7/19/2021. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Loan Modification # 2 Notice of Motion # 3 Proposed Form of Order # 4 Certificate of Service) (Pak, Michael)

10:00 AM 16-10907-BLS

Karen Chamblin

Ch 13

Trustee: Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Moving: Michael B. Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Opposing: Debtor or Plaintiff Attorney: Christina Pappoulis


Amended Trustee's Motion to Dismiss Case (related document(s)55) Filed by Michael B. Joseph Chapter 13 Trustee. Hearing scheduled for 7/27/2021 at 10:00 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom Wilmington, Delaware. Objections due by 7/19/2021. (Joseph Chapter 13 Trustee, Michael)

10:00 AM 16-11123-BLS

Jerome Donald Jenifer, Jr.

Ch 13

Trustee: Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Moving: Christopher Isaac

Opposing: Debtor or Plaintiff Attorney: Mark M. Billion


Motion to Authorize Payment of Insurance Proceeds Filed by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., d/b/a Wells Fargo Auto. Hearing scheduled for 7/27/2021 at 10:00 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom Wilmington, Delaware. Objections due by 7/19/2021. (Attachments: # 1 Notice # 2 Proposed Form of Order) (Isaac, Christopher)

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10:00 AM 16-11794-BLS

Arthur M Johnson, Jr.

Ch 13

Trustee: Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Moving: Vivian A. Houghton

Opposing: Debtor or Plaintiff Attorney: Vivian A. Houghton


Motion to Approve Subordinate Mortgage Filed by Arthur M Johnson Jr.. Hearing scheduled for 7/27/2021 at 10:00 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom Wilmington, Delaware. Objections due by 7/19/2021. (Attachments: # 1 Notice # 2 Proposed Form of Order # 3 Certificate of Service) (Houghton, Vivian)

10:00 AM 17-10134-BLS

Kyrieann Robovitsky

Ch 13

Trustee: Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Moving: Catherine Di Lorenzo

Opposing: Debtor or Plaintiff Attorney: Mark M. Billion


Motion for Relief from Stay (FEE) re: 144 Shannon Boulevard, Middletown, DE 19709. Fee Amount . Filed by Specialized Loan Servicing LLC. Hearing scheduled for 7/27/2021 at 10:00 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom Wilmington, Delaware. Objections due by 7/19/2021. (Attachments: # 1 Notice of Motion # 2 Proposed Form of Order # 3 Declaration # 4 Exhibits) (Di Lorenzo, Catherine)

10:00 AM 17-10328-BLS

Robert M. Brown and

Ch 13

Shanta L. Brown

Trustee: Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Moving: Chase Nathaniel Miller

Opposing: Debtor or Plaintiff Attorney: Vivian A. Houghton


Motion for Relief from Stay (FEE) AND THE CO-DEBTOR AUTOMATIC STAY. Fee Amount . Filed by Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Fremont Home Loan Trust 2006-3, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2006-3. Hearing scheduled for 7/27/2021 at 10:00 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom Wilmington, Delaware. Objections due by 7/19/2021. (Attachments: # 1 Notice # 2 Proposed Form of Order # 3 Note # 4 Mortgage # 5 Assignment # 6 Loan Modification # 7 Affidavit # 8 Certificate of Service) (Miller, Chase)

10:00 AM 17-10783-BLS

Joanne Parks and

Ch 13

Patrick Parks, Sr.

Trustee: Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Moving: Christina J. Pross

Opposing: Debtor or Plaintiff Attorney: Cynthia L. Carroll


Motion for Relief from Stay (FEE) Re: 17 Read Avenue, Wilmington, DE 19804. Fee Amount . Filed by U.S. Bank Trust National Association, as Trustee of the Igloo Series IV Trust. Hearing scheduled for 7/27/2021 at 10:00 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom Wilmington, Delaware. Objections due by 7/19/2021. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit in Support # 2 Notice of Motion for Relief from Automatic Stay # 3 Certificate of Service # 4 Proposed Form of Order # 5 Exhibit A # 6 Exhibit B # 7 Exhibit C # 8 Exhibit D) (Pross, Christina)

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10:00 AM 17-11596-BLS

Boyd H White and

Ch 13

Deborah Molette White

Trustee: Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Moving: Chase Nathaniel Miller

Opposing: Debtor or Plaintiff Attorney: Christina Pappoulis


Motion for Relief from Stay (FEE) . Fee Amount . Filed by Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, as Trustee of Juniper Mortgage Loan Trust A. Hearing scheduled for 7/27/2021 at 10:00 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom Wilmington, Delaware. Objections due by 7/19/2021. (Attachments: # 1 Notice # 2 Proposed Form of Order # 3 MFR Exhibits # 4 Certificate of Service) (Miller, Chase)

10:00 AM 18-10470-BLS

Alonzo Briddell

Ch 13

Trustee: Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Moving: Kristi JoLynn Doughty

Opposing: Debtor or Plaintiff Attorney: Vivian A. Houghton


Motion for Relief from Stay (FEE) . Fee Amount . Filed by Santander Consumer USA Inc.. Hearing scheduled for 7/27/2021 at 10:00 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom Wilmington, Delaware. Objections due by 7/19/2021. (Attachments: # 1 Notice of Motion # 2 Exhibit s A-C # 3 Affidavit # 4 Proposed Form of Order # 5 Certificate of Service) (Doughty, Kristi)

10:00 AM 18-10566-BLS

Knisha L. Clark

Ch 13

Trustee: Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Moving: Vivian A. Houghton

Opposing: Debtor or Plaintiff Attorney: Vivian A. Houghton


Motion to Approve Subordinate Mortgage Filed by Knisha L. Clark. Hearing scheduled for 7/27/2021 at 10:00 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom Wilmington, Delaware. Objections due by 7/19/2021. (Attachments: # 1 Notice # 2 Proposed Form of Order # 3 Certificate of Service) (Houghton, Vivian)

10:00 AM 18-10958-BLS

Peter Alfred Eckenrod

Ch 13

Trustee: Joseph - Chapter 13 Trustee

Moving: Stephan J. Holfeld

Opposing: Debtor or Plaintiff Attorney: Stephan J. Holfeld


Motion to Approve Sale of Real Estate located at 57 Church Creek Drive, Magnolia, DE 19962 Filed by Peter Alfred Eckenrod. Hearing scheduled for 7/27/2021 at 10:00 AM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom Wilmington, Delaware. Objections due by 7/19/2021. (Holfeld, Stephan)

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