Jesus Christ: His Mission and Ministry - Chapter 2 - Small

Jesus Christ: His Mission and Ministry - Chapter 2 - Small






1 Evangelist who stated clearly that Jesus is the "Son of God" (4)

3 Prostitute who helped Joshua's spies in Jericho (5)

6 The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke (8)

8 John the Baptist called Jesus "the ____ of God who takes away the sin of the world" (Jn 1:29) (4)

11 Council that taught the famous formula: "Jesus is one Divine Person with two natures - a divine nature and a human nature" (9)

13 The Jewish day of rest (7)

15 Christ is like humanity in all ways but ___ (3)


12 16 20







19 21



22 23

9 10

15 18

17 "God is with us" (8)


20 Jesus walking on water is an example of a ______ miracle (6)

21 The Father raised Jesus from the dead by the power of the ____ ______ (10)

23 John's Gospel states, "In the beginning was the ___, and the ____ was with God, and the ____ was God" (4)

24 In becoming fully human, Christ raised in all people a _______ that is beyond compare (7)

25 Feast that commemorates the rededication of the Temple (8)


2 Jesus is the ____ of Kings (4)

4 The most sacred space inside the Temple, where only the high priest could enter once a year (12)

5 The Church's first ecumenical council, the Council of ______ (6)

6 The Jewish confession of faith (5)

7 Bishop of Lyons who answered the false teachings of Gnosticism in his major work, "Against

Heresies" (8)

9 Harvest celebration that recalls the time that Jews were in the wilderness. Also known as Tabernacles (6)

10 The two natures of Jesus are human and ______ (6)

12 The union of the divine and human natures in one Divine Person, Jesus Christ, is called the __________ union (10)

14 The charge that Jesus would eventually be convicted of by the Sanhedrin, the Jewish

high court (9)

16 Gospel that stresses very strongly Jesus' heavenly origins, his fundamental identitiy as the Son of God, and his preexistence as the Word of God (4)

18 Alexandrian priest who taught that Jesus was not God (5)

19 Jesus was recognized by others, and understood himself, as the _______ (7)

22 Traditional Jewish name for God (4)


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