Dr. jennifer jared

Chaffey College—Chino CampusEnglish 1A: Freshman CompositionInstructor: Dr. Jennifer JaredSemester: FallEmail: jjared@chaffey.eduSection: 90602 Day: Saturday Time: Building: Chino Campus Room: CHMB 260Course Description: English 1A/Empathy and the EnvironmentClass Description: This seminar in rhetoric and writing will guide students in developing and refining skills in incisive analysis and substantive research-based argument, using the principles of rhetorical and contextual analysis rooted firmly in the foundations of a liberal arts education. By examining and evaluating the values, ideals, and realities of our technological society and how human beings are changing the way that they connect to one another, students will learn the arts of summary, rhetorical analysis, argumentation, and the evaluative argument through the study of different texts—movies, fiction, and non-fictional pieces. Students will learn to meet the challenges of college-level argumentation and critical analysis of non-fiction texts through the study of texts dealing with the themes of nature, stewardship, and sustainability. Careful study and practice of expository and argumentative writing techniques and the frequent writing of compositions with the ultimate goal of research project. A minimum of 6,000 written words is expected over the course of the term. Three arranged hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Designed to prepare the student for satisfactory college writing. May be offered as an Honors course. (Taken from the Chaffey College English 1A course description). [Pre-requisites: English 475 or placement by assessment, Transfer: CSU, UC.]Chaffey College Mission: Chaffey College inspires hope and success by improving lives and our community in a dynamic, supportive, and engaging environment of educational excellence, where our diverse students learn and benefit from foundation, career, and transfer programs. [Governing Board to approve new Mission Statement in 2016.]Chaffey College Vision: “Improving lives through education.” Student Learning Outcomes & Course ObjectivesBy the end of this course, you will be able to:Demonstrate proficiency in evaluating, integrating, and documenting sources. [SLO] Support a complex thesis statement with sophisticated evidence. [SLO] Write essays that deliberately connect audience and purpose in a variety of genres. [SLO] In order for you to achieve these goals, we will work on the following: Developing critical thinking strategies through the primary use of a variety of 750 word or longer persuasive/ argumentative essay readings.Arranging argumentative points in clear, effective prose.Critiquing and applying the principles of unity and coherence in essays.Developing and using the forms of exposition and argumentation.Producing logical, coherent, unified essays with minimal errors in grammar, punctuation, and spellingAppraising the relationships between audience, tone, purpose, and levels of posing clear and specific thesis statements and developing theses into unified and complete essays.Analyzing the structure of various kinds of essay development, including exposition (analysis, classification, definition, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, and argumentation), and argumentation and construct essays in such patterns.Examining the relationship of logical ideas within an essay, distinguishing fact from judgment, and eliminating prejudice and fallacious reasoning in your own writing.Inspecting your own writing for grammatical, punctuation, spelling and paragraphing errors to facilitate more effective author/reader communication.Studying and practicing stylistic devices. (Including devices like metaphor and allusion.)Generating a suitable and manageable research topic. (Because the research project is a tool in serving the goal of critical thinking, the subject matter should be argumentative.)Choosing relevant source material using the library and information technology resources.Evaluating potential sources.Integrating source material into your writing to support assertions.Producing proper style format for citation and documentation through research papers.Required Course MaterialsEveryone’s An Author, with Readings, Andrea Lunsford and Lisa Ede, eds.ISBN-13: 978-0393265293ISBN-10: 0393265293 Eleanor and Park, Rainbow RowellISBN-10: 1250012570ISBN-13: 978-1250064875Green book for the in-class essay (final)Folder or binder for keeping notes, handouts, drafts, essays, etc.An active Chaffey email accountUSB flash drive or cloud account for saving your draftsA compatible software program that can save your files in Word formatCourse PoliciesOur class policies and procedures are subject to change based upon the needs of the class.AttendanceBecause this class meets only once a week, regular attendance is very, very important. Please call or send an email if you are going to be absent or late. More than five absences could result in failure of the course. Keep in mind that three tardies (five minutes late is tardy) OR leaving class early three times (ten minutes is early) are equivalent to one absence. Any information you miss is your own responsibility to attain. Also, again, please let me know by phone or e-mail (with e-mail, the day before please!) if you are going to miss class. Classroom Code of Conduct All assigned papers are due at the beginning of class on the day due. Essays must be at least 750 words typed. All final drafts must be typed, double-spaced in a standard twelve-point font. Rough drafts may be typed and double-spaced, and all rough drafts must be at least three pages in length. You must also bring at least three copies of your rough draft for your peer review groups. If rough drafts are not completed (three pages in length), the grade on your final paper will be lowered by one letter grade. You will turn in a copy of your rough draft to me. Please make a copy for yourself!! Quizzes: I reserve the right to quiz you on any and all material presented or assigned in class. Expect a quiz every class period.Pagers/Beepers/Cell phones: Please turn off all of these before entering the classroom or ensure that they are set in some form of inaudible mode. You are not allowed to leave the classroom to answer the phone. This time is for class. You can call back afterwards. I reserve the right to answer ANY phone calls made to your cell phone during class time.Workshops: In the workshop sections, small groups of students will exchange drafts, read them aloud, and then comment on each paper as a group. We will talk more about this form of peer review further into the semester.Plagiarism: Plagiarism, the unacknowledged use of another’s work, is unacceptable and will result in failure of the assignment and possible failure of the class. Plagiarism is also grounds for dismissal from the University. Students who need extra help with their writing assignments should visit the Writing Center.I reserve the right to modify the syllabus in any way that I see fit throughout the semester. Be prepared for changes in the syllabus, depending on how the class develops.Class AccommodationsIf you need accommodations due to a documented disability, please let me know. I’m happy to help make this course as accessible as possible. ?Late-Work PolicyLate work: Papers are due on the dates designated in the syllabus. Only very special circumstances can excuse late work. The excuse of “My computer died” is NOT one of these acceptable excuses. With very few exceptions, I will not accept papers after the deadline. Any assignments due during an absence, with the exception of papers, will be due on the day you return to class. Plagiarism PolicyPlagiarism ranges from copying a sentence from an article you read, to turning in an essay that you did not write. In this class, you will receive zero points for any plagiarized work which may result in failure of the course. If you are unsure if you are plagiarizing or have questions about using sources, please ask. Chaffey’s policy on plagiarism is as follows: “Violations of the Student Academic Integrity Code, including plagiarism, will not be tolerated in Chaffey College English courses. Plagiarism is defined as the misrepresentation of the published ideas or words of another as one’s own. At the discretion of the professor, plagiarism or other violations may result in zero points for the assignment and/or failing the course. Additionally, the professor may file a Student Academic Integrity Form documenting the violation and may seek other sanctions. The complete Student Academic Integrity Code appears in the Chaffey College Student Handbook” (from the English Department Guidelines). Assignments & RequirementsWriting Center stamps are part of your participation grade. You may contribute up to three visits, and present them during your rough draft peer review sessions. These will be recorded for a total of up to 5% of your final participation grade.Homework: 50 pointsResearch Assignments (2): 50 points each. Participation: 100 pointsESSAYS*Full essay description will be both handed out in class and available on your weekly assignments schedule.Essay 1: 100 points/Descriptive Interview Essay Essay 2: 150 points/Process Analysis Essay Essay 3: 150 points/Problem and Solution Essay Essay 4: 100 points/Presentation Essay Essay 5: 200 points/Rhetorical AnalysisLanguage Success Center Requirement (50 pts.)675 = 10 hrs. / 575 = 7 hrs. / 475 = 5 hrs. / 1A = 3 hrs. Your Success Center requirement is 5% of the total course gradeThe first required visit must be one of these:1. getting started or mindset DLA (for 1A)2. learning strategies or active reading workshop3. hope or growth learning group (with success guide)Grade Scale:A (4.0)900-1000B (3.0)800-899C (2.0)700-799D (1.0)600-699F (0)Any grade below 600There are 1000 points possible in this course. In order to pass English 1A, you will need a “C” or better.Disclaimer: The best way to grow as a writer is to read other writers’ work, so I may use your writing as a model/sample in our class or for future sections of English 1A. This is a great way for you to contribute to the growth and learning of your peers here at Chaffey College.Resources to Support your SuccessCareer Center helps Chaffey College students find meaningful careers. The program offers career counseling, career assessments, résumé assistance, interviewing skills preparation, job referrals, student employment, and career related workshops. The Career Center is located on the Rancho Cucamonga Campus in MACC-203. Please call (909) 652-6511 for more information.Disability Programs and Services, or DPS, serves an estimated 1500 students across all Chaffey campuses. DPS serves students with physical, learning, and psychological/psychiatric disabilities by providing accommodations based on the type of disability and verifying documentation. Services include academic counseling, disability related counseling and referral for community resources, test accommodations, tram services, adapted computer lab, assistive technology training, assessment, and equipment loan. For more information please contact the DPS general phone line at (909) 652-6379. EOPS & CARE: Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) is designed to ensure student retention and success through academic support and financial assistance for eligible students. Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) is a program that serves a limited number of EOPS students who are single heads of household parents. It provides additional support services beyond those available through EOPS. The ultimate goal is completion of a certificate program, an associate degree, and/or transfer to a four-year college. For more information, call (909) 652-6345.GPS Centers: The Guiding Panthers to Success centers provide new and returning Chaffey College students with assistance in registration, unit load planning, using MyChaffeyView, using campus resources, making an Abbreviated Education Plan (first year course recommendations). Visit the GPS center to check progress on academic goals. Many services are provided on a walk-in basis. Please call a GPS center for more information. Rancho GPS: VSS # 111.Chino GPS:??CHMB 240Fontana GPS:?FNFC 121Phone 909-652-6466Phone: 909-652-8030Phone: 909-652-7460Health Services (SHS) is dedicated to assisting students to achieve and maintain optimum physical, mental and emotional health. We are committed to providing quality healthcare at a reasonable cost. All currently enrolled full and part time Chaffey College students on the Rancho Cucamonga Campus or any off campus site may utilize the services of the Student Health Office. Please have your Chaffey ID ready.Rancho CampusMACC-202(909) 652-6331Chino CampusCHMB-105(909) 652-8190Honors Program provides an intellectual and cultural community for students at Chaffey College. Program benefits include smaller classes, creative and challenging coursework, academic enrichment activities, and scholarships. Students also have opportunities to present research at scholarly conferences, build social responsibility through community service, and receive ongoing personalized academic advisement as well as support during the transfer process. Students who complete the Honors Program may take advantage of our transfer agreements with prestigious institutions like UCLA. Visit HYPERLINK " or SSA-122 for more information and admission requirements.Hope Engage Succeed Campaign here at Chaffey is our commitment to helping students develop a growth mindset, set goals, realize their agency, and discover pathways to success. Here at Chaffey College we embrace each student’s journey to develop a growth mindset, set goals, realize their agency, and discover pathways to success. Keep an eye out for Hope Engage Succeed posters and workshops around campus. One Book, One College Committee strives to create a community of readers across the curriculum at Chaffey College and within the communities it serves. Each year, the committee selects a college book and creates a diverse series of related events. Students are encouraged to participate in these activities to enrich their educational experience at Chaffey. HYPERLINK " Centers offer free tutorials, workshops, learning groups, directed learning activities, and computer/ resources access to assist students in their academic development and success. These are free services for students. For this class, you will complete three lab hours as a requirement (3 stamps). One-on-one tutoring is also available if you would like to get feedback on your writing. Tutors are happy to help you with writing assignments for any of your classes (not just English!). Call the centers or consult the college website at HYPERLINK " for more information.Chino Campus Multidisciplinary Success Center: 909-652-8150, (CHMB-145)Fontana Campus Multidisciplinary Success Center: 909-652-7408, (FNFC-122)Rancho Campus Language Success Center: 909-652-6907/652-6820, (BEB-101)Math Success Center: 909-652-6452, (Math-121)Multidisciplinary Success Center: 909-652-6932, (Library)A current Chaffey College photo ID card is required for all Success Center services. Walk-ins are welcome, and advanced appointments are available for most services. Call the centers or consult the center website for more information. Make your online appointments at HYPERLINK " Health Services is dedicated to assisting students to achieve and maintain optimum physical, mental and emotional health. We are committed to providing quality healthcare at a reasonable cost. All currently enrolled full and part time Chaffey College students on the Rancho Cucamonga Campus or any off campus site may utilize the services of the Student Health Office. Please have your Chaffey ID ready.Rancho CampusMACC-202(909) 652-6331Chino CampusCHMB-105(909) 652-8190Transfer Center assists you in successfully transferring from Chaffey College to a university. The Transfer Center and the Transfer Center website provide information useful in researching transfer options and reaching your transfer goals. You can also access scholarship information through the Transfer Center. Check out their website HYPERLINK " or visit the center in SSA-120. You can also call (909) 652-6233 for more information.Veterans Resource Center (VRC) is dedicated to assisting veterans and eligible family members in achieving their educational goals efficiently and without impediments. If you are a veteran or eligible family member, please contact the Veterans Resource Center at (909) 652-6235 or vrc.staff@chaffey.edu for information regarding educational benefits and opportunities. The Veterans Resource Center (VRC) is located in AD-125 on Chaffey College’s Rancho Cucamonga campus.Wignall Museum of Contemporary Art serves as a learning lab featuring temporary exhibitions of innovative contemporary art throughout the year. Exhibitions and programming are organized with our students in mind in order to augment their academic experience by complementing the college’s curricula and broadening the understanding of contemporary art. Our exhibitions allow visitors to see and experience a variety of contemporary artistic practices that examine timely and relevant topics. HYPERLINK " Professors are also always glad to help! Although I don’t have office hours, I am happy to answer questions or discuss your papers through email or after class. Also, please feel free to ask or email me ( HYPERLINK "mailto:jjared@chaffey.edu"jjared@chaffey.edu) to me about any questions or concerns you have about writing, our class or Chaffey College. Your Classmates are an important resource for success in any college course! Use the space below to get the phone number or email of two or three other students in this class.Name:____________________________________ Contact Info:_____________________________________Name:____________________________________ Contact Info:_____________________________________Name:____________________________________ Contact Info:_____________________________________Course ScheduleThe following is the schedule of assignments for this class. The schedule of readings & assignments are subject to change based upon the needs of the class.All readings and assignments are listed on the day they are due. Please come to class with all readings and assignments completed the day it is listed on the syllabus. WeekDateHomework Assignments1August 20thIntroductionsIn-Class EssayDiscussion of ethos, pathos, and logos/writing summaries/MLA and APA documentationDeadline to add full-term class is August 22nd.Readings for next week: Everyone's An Author, Part I: Chapters 1, 2, 3Eleanor and Park/Chapters 1-3Paper 1 Assignment: Reflective/Descriptive paper (See handout)2August 27thRough Draft for Paper 1*Remember to bring at least 3 copies for your peers. Creation of Thesis StatementsReview of readingsNext week’s readings: Everyone’s An Author, Chapters 4 and 5Eleanor and Park: Chapters 3 and 4Refund deadline for full-term classes is August 28th3September 3rdPaper One DueBegin discussion of Paper 2Discuss readingsReadings for next week: Everyone’s An Author, Chapter 6Eleanor and Park: Chapters 5, 6, 7Deadline to drop full-term classes without a “W” grade is September 6th.4September 10thThesis PracticeRough Draft for Paper 2Discuss readingsDiscuss sentence structures and conclusions. Readings for next week: Everyone's An Author, Chapter 14Eleanor and Park: Chapters 8, 9, and 105September 17thFinal Draft for Paper 2 DueBegin discussion of Paper 3Research Day: You will complete one in-class research assignment todayLogical fallacies discussionDiscuss readingsReadings for next week: Everyone's An Author, Chapter 8Eleanor and Park: Chapters 11-206September 24thRough Draft for Paper 3Meetings for Paper 3Discuss readingsReadings for next week: Everyone's An Author, Chapter 9, 10Eleanor and Park: Chapters 21-307October 1stInductive and Deductive reasoningDiscussion of readingsReadings for next week: Everyone’s An Author, Chapter 11, 12Final Paper 3 Due Next WeekEleanor and Park: Chapters 31-408October 8thFinal Paper 3 DueDiscussion of Paper 4Discussion of readingsIn-Class EssayReadings for next week: Everyone's An Author, Chapter 13, 7Rough Draft for Paper 4 Due Next WeekEleanor and Park: Chapters 41-509October 15thDiscussion of readingsRough draft for Paper 4Readings for next week: Everyone’s An Author, Chapter 50-58Discussion of Eleanor and Park10October 22ndFinal discussion of Eleanor and ParkComma work! Discussion of conclusionsAnalysis AssignmentDeadline to drop full-term classes with a “W” grade is October 28th.Readings for next week: Everyone's An Author, Chapter 1711October 29thDiscussion of the Toulon Method and other strategiesFinal Paper 4 DueDiscuss Paper 5Readings for Next week: Everyone’s An Author: Chapter 18, 19Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele, “Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear”Dennis Baron, “Should Everyone Write?”Lynda Barry, “The Sanctuary of School”Alison Bechdel, “Compulsory Reading”*Mark Bittman et al., “How a National Food Policy Could Save Millions of Lives” 12November 5thDiscussion of readings MOVIEReadings for next week: Everyone's An Author, Chapter 24, 25Michelle Cacho-Negrette, “Tell Me Something”*Dana Canedy, “The Talk”*Nicholas Carr, “World and Screen”David Crystal, “2b or Not 2b?”*Mark Dawidziak, “Walking Dead Opens Its Fifth Season in Lively Fashion”13November 12thRough Draft of Paper 5Discussion of readingsAnalysis Exercise In-class essay 2Readings for next week: Everyone's An Author, Chapter 26, 29, and 30*Junot Díaz, “The Money”Barbara Ehrenreich, “Serving in Florida”*David Freedman, “How Junk Food Can End Obesity”*Larry Gordon, "Wikipedia Pops Up in Bibliographies and Even College Curricula”Gerald Graff, “Hidden Intellectualism”14November 19thDiscussion of readingsSecond peer review for paper 5Thanksgiving holiday is November 24th-27th.15Dec. 3rdMEETINGS FOR PAPER FIVE AND FINAL16Dec. 10thFINAL EXAMINATIONS


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