Lt. General Benjamin C. - Weebly

AUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL JROTCINSPECTION QUESTIONS (IN-RANKS INSPECTION COMPANY AND BATTALION DAI)LET 11. What is the mission of JROTC?To motivate young people to become better citizens2. What is the Chain of Command?Succession of officers and non-commissioned officers through which commands are given and orders are executed3. What do the colors of the American Flag represent?Red: Hardiness and Valor -White: Purity -Blue: Vigilence,perserverance,and justice4. What are three types of flags and their sizes?Storm: 5x9 ?(Stormy weather) Post: 10x19(Everyday use) Garrison: 20x38(Holidays and special occasions)5. How is the American flag positioned at half staff?Flag is raised all the way to the top, then lowered at half mass6. Define the term leadership.The process of influencing individuals in such a matter to accomplish the mission.(Through motivation, direction, and purpose.)7. List three leadership traits.Bearing, Courage, and endurance8. Define the drill term interval.Space between elements standing side by side9. What are the two parts of an oral drill command?Preparatory Command and Command of Execution10. What is the length of a normal marching step?30 Inches(heel to heel) 11. What was the purpose of the National Defense Act of 1916?Established JROTC12. Name Members of the Chain of mander In Chief: Honorable Barack H.Obama/ Secretary of Defense: Honorable Leon E. Panetta/ Secretary of the Army: Honorable John McHugh/ Army Chief of Staff: General Raymond T. Odierno /Commander TRADOC: General Robert W. Cone / Commander Accessions Command: Lt. General Benjamin C. Freakley/ Commander Cadet Command: Major General James M. McDonald/ Commander Western Region: Colonel Frank P. Ippolito/ Commander Twelfth Brigade: Colonel Bridget Rourke LET 21. What are the five basic colors on a map?Red, Green, Blue, Brown, and Black 2. What are the five basic terrain features on a map?Hilltop, Saddle, Valley, Ridge, and Depression3. List three things found in marginal information on a map.Legend, Bar Scale, and Declination Diagram4. What is the meaning of the ‘‘Good Samaritan Law?’’Meaning of helping people in need of help without getting sued5. What are three types of bleeding?Arterial, Venous, and Capillary6. What are four factors of leadership?Candor, Commitment, Competence, and Courage7. List three leadership principles.Set the example, keep your subordinates informed, and make sound and timely decisions 8. What is the post of the platoon sergeant when he/she forms the platoon?3 Steps9. What is the post of the platoon leader when he/she forms the platoon?6 Steps10. What is the cadence of quick time?Quick Time: 120 steps per minuteDouble Time: 180 steps per minuteLET 31. What three types of contour lines are found on a map?Index, intermediate, and supplementary2. An eight-digit grid coordinate will place you within how many meters of your location?Eight-digit coordinates are accurate to within 10 meters3. Explain the difference between an index contour line and supplementary contour line shown on a map.Index contour line start at zero elevation or sea level and supplementary contour line resemble dashes4. List four methods of controlling bleeding.Direct pressure, pressure bandage, pressure point, and tourniquet 5. What are the three degrees of burns?First, second, and third degree burns6. When is a tourniquet used to control bleeding?When everything else fails7. On the command ‘‘Open Ranks, March’’ What are the actions of the third squad?They stand still8. When drilling as a separate unit in a column formation, what is the platoon leader’s position?6 steps away from his/her platoon9. What are the seven Army values?Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfness service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal courage10. Can the ‘‘Seven Step Decision Making Process’’ be used to solve problems?Yes, it can identify problemsLET 41. Who coordinates all staff actions at the battalion level?The battalion XO2. What is the basic responsibility of the (S1, S2, S3, S4, and S5)?S1: Adjutant S2:Info and Security S3:Training Operations S4: Supply S5: Public Affairs3. Where does the Executive Officer fit in the Chain of Command?Right Below Battalion Commander4. What are the symptoms of heat exhaustion?Headache, rapid breathing, confusion, cramping, dizziness, and weakness5. What are the characteristics of a third degree burn?Blisters,redness, visible affect on deeper tissues6. Who is responsible for the training of the battalion Color Guard?Sergeant Major7. With the battalion in column with companies in column, what is the position of the company commander?6 steps in front of the company8. Define the participating style of leadership.Directing,Participating,and Delegating9. What are the three styles of leadership?Directing, participating, and delegating10. Define coercive power.Authority or power that is dependent on fear, suppression of free will, and/or use of punishment or threat, for its existence. ................

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