Mr. Trotter'S AICE American History | Work hard and be ...

AICE History: Gilded Age & Progressive Era Name: ___________________________________Unit Question: What is the price of progress?GQ3 - What were the main aims of the Progressive Movement in the 1890s and 1900s?GQ4 - How successful was the Progressive Movement?Populists & Progressives attempted to address a wide range of problems that emerged as the United States rapidly industrialized and urbanized in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. Some attempts at reform were successful while others were not. Your task is to research a specific area of focus on which the Populists and/or Progressives focused. What did they seek to change & why? How did they seek reform? In what areas were they successful, and in what areas were they not? Begin by researching and addressing the following questions. Political Reform – Voting & Democracy6. Reforming City GovernmentBusiness Regulation & Consumer Protection7. Issues of Race & Civil RightsSocial & Economic Concerns of Urbanization & City Life8. Farming Crises and Rural Economic ConcernsTemperance & Suffrage9. Environment & ConservationConcerns & Challenges of ImmigrationWhat were the problems or concerns? Identify several. How or why were these problematic?In what ways did Populists and/or Progressives attempt to address these problems or concerns?What significant people and/or organizations led reform efforts? What roles did they play?Do any of the problems and problems (#1-3) sound familiar to you today? What modern problems or concerns do some Americans believe we should address or need to be fixed?What specific laws, policies, or changes were affected by Progressives or Populists? Give an explanation of each.What laws, policies, or changes were proposed but not implemented? Why not implemented?How would you judge the overall level of success of these reforms? To what extent were Progressives/Populists successful in this area?Sketch out a plan for how you could present this information in video, Prezi, PowerPoint or some other visual format to represent how Populists and/or Progressives sought to bring reform to the social, political, and economic changes of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries and how successful they were. Presentations should be approx.. 5-7 minutes in length.What type of presentation?Who will do what? Identify specific roles and tasks that need to be done and share contact information.Calendar: Tuesday 2/20 – Research & Planning Thursday 2/22 - Research & Production Monday 2/26 – PresentationRubric0-12345PtsQ1 ProblemsUses little to no historical evidenceUses historical evidenceUses a variety of accurate historical evidenceUses a variety of accurate and relevant historical evidenceUses a wide variety of accurate and clearly relevant historical evidence5Q2 GoalsUses little to no historical evidenceUses historical evidenceUses a variety of accurate historical evidenceUses a variety of accurate and relevant historical evidenceUses a wide variety of accurate and clearly relevant historical evidence5Q3 People/OrganizationsUses little to no historical evidenceUses historical evidenceUses a variety of accurate historical evidenceUses a variety of accurate and relevant historical evidenceUses a wide variety of accurate and clearly relevant historical evidence5Q4 SuccessesUses little to no historical evidenceUses historical evidenceUses a variety of accurate historical evidenceUses a variety of accurate and relevant historical evidenceUses a wide variety of accurate and clearly relevant historical evidence5Q5 FailuresUses little to no historical evidenceUses historical evidenceUses a variety of accurate historical evidenceUses a variety of accurate and relevant historical evidenceUses a wide variety of accurate and clearly relevant historical evidence5Q6 Evaluation See Paper 2 Part B Rubric15ProfessionalismFollows few to no guidelines and/or fails to prepare or deliver presentationFollows some guidelines and delivers presentationFollows most guidelines and prepares and delivers presentationFollows guidelines and appropriately prepares and delivers presentationFollows all guidelines and appropriately prepares and delivers an impressive presentation10 ................

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