
Pull reasons or reasons why people Immigrate to the U.S.More jobsReligious freedomPolitical freedomA better lifeAdventureHomestead Act of 1862Push reasons or reasons why people Emigrate from their countryReligious persecutionNo jobsNo available landCannot afford landPoverty (little or no money)Famine (scarcity of food)Oppressive governmentsProblems faced by immigrants (challenges)1. adjusting to new culture 2. Language barrier3. In need of jobs 4. discrimination5. poor living conditions 6. Adjusting to city livingName two cultural groups that were badly discriminated against in the mid-1800s to early 1900sIrish 2. ChineseThis Act prohibited skilled and unskilled workers from China from entering the United States Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882Challenges faced by growing citiesfilth, disease/illnesses, fire, bad water, poverty, and homelessness were all problems faced in overcrowded neighborhoods Tenements crowded, small apartment, poorly builtGhettos run down neighborhoods where the poorest of the poor livedName two ways organizations tried to solve challenges that immigrants’ faced(example Hull House) Settlement Houses(example Boss Tweed) Political Machines Jane Addams founded Hull House. She received a Nobel Peace Prize in 1931.Political Machines helped immigrants by getting themfoodjobshousing Helped Immigrants become citizens.In exchange, Political Machines wanted immigrants’ votes.Why did cities grow so rapidlySpecialized Industries (steel mills, textiles)Immigration to America increasedMigration from rural to urbanSudden, rapid industrialization and urbanization led to overcrowded immigrant neighborhoods and tenements IncreasedChinese Asian Exclusion Act 1882RuralReligious persecutionImmigrateDisease UrbanFilthMigrationMore JobsEmigrationVotesReligious freedomPolitical freedomAdjusting to new cultureA better life In need of jobsDiscriminationChinese Exclusion Act of 1882 IrishEnglishDutchTenementsGhettosJane AddamsNo jobsHomestead Act of 1862 (available land)No available land FoodSettlement HousesHousingCannot afford land JobsPolitical MachinesAdventureLanguage barrier ImmigrationCitizensOppressive governmentsPovertySpecialized IndustriesPoverty (little of no money) HomelessnessPoor living conditionsFamine (scarcity of food)bad waterSudden, rapid industrializationDecreasedAdjusting to city life ................

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