YouTube: Educational Potentials and Pitfalls

YouTube: Educational Potentials and Pitfalls

Jones, T., Cuthrell, K. (2011). Youtube: Educational potentials and pitfalls, Computers in the Schools, 28:1, 75-85.



Video technology

Instructional planning


Technology literacy

Media literacy


“Web 2.0 technologies are making their way into the learning environments from preschools to university lecture halls” (Jones, 2011, Pg. 75).

“Children currently in K–12 schools were born into a digital age and are

growing up with technology like computers and the Internet (Duffy, 2008)” (Jones, 2011, Pg. 76).

“Teachers, who make use of the site, primarily do so to capture the attention of students by showing video associated with a given lesson” (Jones, 2011, Pg. 78).

“As educators become more aware of the uses of Web 2.0 technologies

like YouTube in the classroom, they are encountering challenges such as

technology availability (Mullen & Wedwick, 2008) and intellectual property

laws (Mellow, 2007)” (Jones, 2011, Pg. 82).


This article discusses how teachers can use YouTube as a valuable resource within the classroom. There are many ways that YouTube can be used to supplement the instruction that is being given in the class. It is also a means of capturing the attention of the students. Using a technology that they are familiar with for educational purposes catches their interest, which is especially useful at the beginning of the lesson. Teachers must be mindful of the credibility of the videos that they are presenting. Using technology for the sake of using technology is wrong. Teachers have the responsibility of augmenting their lesson with YouTube.


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