Explorable - Think Outside The Box - Research, Experiments ...

64321956422300ABCD-WORKSHEETPurpose: To become more aware of negative self-talk and negative, then to start challenging them. Steps: 1) Begin in column A and write down what the triggering situation was. Was there something in particular that you did, somebody said, or something you thought that started this episode? 2) Then move to column C and consider what your reaction to the situation was. What did you feel? What did you do? What were the physical sensations you experienced? 3) Next, go to column B and write down what your thoughts were and what made you feel the way you did. How did you interpret the situation? Did you expect anything? What did you say to yourself? 4) Finally, go to column D and see if you can challenge the thoughts in column B. Are there any other ways to look at the situation? Is there any evidence to support/contradict the negative thoughts you had? Are you being a bit hard on yourself? What would a friend have said?A: Trigger event or thought C: Emotions, physical experiences, reactions, actions Feelings:D: Challenge your negative thoughts, see what the contradictory evidence is and consider some alternative interpretations. B: Thoughts, interpretations, expectations, concerns Physical experiences/reactions:Actions:A: Trigger event or thought. What triggered this situation? (Write a short summary of the situation, in 1-2 sentences)For example:What was I doing?Where was I? What was going on with my body?Was there something particular someone said?What was a particular thought going through my mind?C: Emotions, physical experiences, reactions, actionsFeelings:What were some feelings I experienced?What did I feel afterwards?(Emotions can be described with 1-2 words, such as sad, frustrated, afraid, happy, angry, annoyed, resigned, etc.)Physical experiences/reactions: What happened to my body?(E.g. a lump in my throat, knot in the stomach, heart palpitations, headache, rumbling in the stomach, etc.)D: Challenge your negative thoughts, see what the contradictory evidence is and consider some alternative interpretations. Are there any other ways to look at what happened?What other explanations are there?What would a friend have told me?What would I say to a friend in a similar situation?Am I being a bit hard on myself?Do my thoughts and reactions match the situation?Am I certain of this?What could I do to help myself in a similar situation?What would I think of this after some time has passed?B: Thoughts, interpretations, expectations, concernsWhat did I think about the event?What did I fear would happen?What were my concerns about the future?Did I think something negative about myself?Actions:How did I respond to what was happening?What specific actions did I take?What did I do after the event was over?(E.g. left the situation, criticized, cried, etc.)340241929707700 ................

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